युद्ध-काण्ड > श्री राम के पास देवताओं का आगमन एवं स्तवन

Gods reach Lanka in aerial cars and approach Rama. They ask Rama why he ignores Seetha, when she is entering into the fire. Rama appeals them to describe in reality who he is. Brahma (the creator) proclaims his divinity and eulogizes him with hymns.
ततो हि दुर्मना रामः श्रुत्वैवम् वदतां गिरः |
दध्यौ मुहूर्तं धर्मात्मा बाष्पव्याकुललोचनः || ६-११७-१
Hearing the cries of these who were thus wailing, the virtuous minded Rama then became thoughtful for a while, afflicted as he was with melancholy, his eyes filled with tears."
ततो वैश्रवणो राजा यमश्च पृभिः सह |
सहस्राक्षश्च देवेशो वरुणश्च जलेश्वरः || ६-११७-२
षड्र्धनयनः श्रीमान् महादेवो वृषध्वजः |
कर्ता सर्वस्य लोकस्य ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मविदां वरः || ६-११७-३
एते सर्वे समागम्य विमानैः सूर्यसंनिभैः |
आगम्य नगरीं लङ्कामभिजग्मुश्च राघवम् || ६-११७-४
Thereupon, Kubera the King of Yakshas, Yama the lord of death together with the deceased ancestors, Indra the lord of celestials Varuna the lord of waters, the illustrious Shiva the great deity who bears the device of a bull as his banner and having three eyes, Brahma the creator of all the worlds and the best among the knowers of sacred knowledge all these together reaching the City of Lanka in aerial cars, shining like the sun approached Rama."
ततः सहस्ताभरणान् प्रगृह्य विपुलान् भुजान् |
अब्रुवंस्त्रिदशश्रेष्ठा राघवं प्राञ्जलिं स्थितम् || ६-११७-५
Lifting their long arms, their hands decked with ornaments, those excellent gods thereupon, spoke (as follows) to Rama who stood there, making a respectful salutation to them with his folded hands."
कर्ता सर्वस्य लोकस्य श्रेष्ठो ज्ञानवतां प्रभुः |
उपेक्षसे कथं सीतां पतन्तीं हव्यवाहने || ६-११७-६
कथं देवगणश्रेष्ठमात्मानं नावबुद्ध्यसे |
"How do you, the maker of the entire cosmos, the foremost among those endowed with knowledge and an all-capable person, ignore Seetha who is falling into the fire? How do you not recognize yourself to be the foremost of the troop of gods?"
ऋतधामा वसुः पूर्वं वसूनां च प्रजापतिः || ६-११७-७
त्रयाणामपि लोकानामादिकर्ता स्वयं प्रभुः |
"Among the Vasus (a class of gods, eight in number), you are the Vasu, named R^itadhama (one whose abode is Truth or the Divine Law) who was formerly the self-constituted ruler, the first creator of all the three worlds and the lord of creatures."
रुद्राणामष्टमो रुद्रः साध्यानामपि पञ्चमः || ६-११७-८
अश्विनौ चापि कर्णौ ते सूर्याचन्द्रामसौ दृशौ |
"You are the eighth Rudra among (eleven) Rudras and the fifth (Viryavan by name) among the Sadhyas (a particular class of celestials belonging to Gana Devata). The twin Aswinis are your ears. The sun and the moon constitute your eyes."
अन्ते चादौ च लोकानां दृश्यसे च परंतप || ६-११७-९
उपेक्षसे च वैदेहीं मानुषः प्राकृतो यथा |
"O the destroyer of the adversaries. You are seen (to exist) at the beginning and at the end of creation. Yet, you ignore Seetha, just like a common man."
इत्युक्तो लोकपालैस्तैः स्वामी लोकस्य राघवः || ६-११७-१०
अब्रवित्त्रिदशश्रेष्ठान् रामो धर्मभृतां वरः |
Hearing the words of those guardians of the world, Rama, the lord of creation, who was born in Raghu dynasty and the foremost one among protectors of righteousness, spoke to those god-chiefs as follows:
आत्मानं मानुषं मन्ये रामं दशरथात्मजम् || ६-११७-११
सोऽहं यस्य यतश्चाहं भगवंस्तद्ब्रवीतु मे |
"I think of myself to be a human being, by name Rama, the son of Dasaratha. You, as a gracious Divinity, tell me that which I as such really am like this."
इति ब्रुवाणं काकुत्थ्सं ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मविदां वरः || ६-११७-१२
अब्रवीच्छृणु मे वाक्यं सत्यं सत्यपराक्रम |
Hearing the words of Rama, Brahma (the creator), the foremost among the knowers of Brahma the Absolute, spoke as follows: "Listen to my true word, O the truly brave lord!"
भवान्नारायणो देवः श्रीमांश्चक्रायुधः प्रभुः || ६-११७-१३
एकशृङ्गो वराहस्त्वं भूतभव्यसपत्नजित् |
"You are the Lord Narayana himself the glorious god, who wields the discus. You are the Divine Boar with a single tusk, the conqueror of your past and future enemies."
अक्षरं ब्रह्म सत्यं च मध्ये चान्ते च राघव || ६-११७-१४
लोकानां त्वं परो धर्मो विष्वक्सेनश्चतुर्भजः |
"You are Brahma, the imperishable, the Truth abiding in the middle as well as at the end of the universe. You are the supreme righteousness of people, whose powers go everywhere. You are the four-armed."
शार्ङ्गधन्वा हृषीकेशः पुरुषः पुरुषोत्तमः || ६-११७-१५
अजितः खड्गधृग्विष्णुः कृष्णश्चैव महाबलः |
"You are the wielder of a bow called Sarnga, the lord of the senses, the supreme soul of the universe, the best of men, the invincible, the wielder of a sword named Nandaka, the all-pervader, the bestower of happiness to the earth and endowed with great might."
सेनानीर्ग्रामणीश्च त्वं त्वं बुद्धि स्त्वं क्षमा दमः || ६-११७-१६
प्रभवश्चाप्ययश्च त्वमुपेन्द्रो मधुसूदनः |
"You are the leader of the army and the village headman. You are the intellect. You are the endurance and the subduer of the senses. You are the origin and the dissolution of all, Upendra the Divine Dwarf and (the younger brother of Indra) as also the destroyer Madhu, the demon."
इन्द्रकर्मा महेन्द्रस्त्वं पद्मनाभो रणान्तकृत् || ६-११७-१७
शरण्यं शरणम् च त्वामहुर्दिव्या महर्षयः |
"You perform action for Indra the lord of celestials, the Supreme Ruler, the one having a lotus in one's navel and who puts an end to all in battle. The divine sages pronounce you to be fit to afford protection to all and the refuge for all."
सहस्रशृङ्गो वेदात्मा शतशीर्षो महर्षभः || ६-११७-१८
त्वं त्रयाणां हि लोकानामादिकर्ता स्वयंप्रभुः |
सिद्धानामपि साध्यानामाश्रयश्चासि पूर्वजः || ६-११७-१९
"In the form of the Vedas, you are the great Bull with hundred heads (rules) and thousand horns (precepts). You are the first creator of all, the three worlds, and the self constituted Lord of all. You are the refuge and the forbear of Siddhas (a class of demi-gods endowed with mystic powers by virtue of their very birth) and Sadhyas (a class of celestial beings.)"
त्वं यज्ञ्स्त्वं वषट्कारस्त्वमोंकारः परात्परः || ६-११७-२०
प्रभवं निधनं वा ते नो विदुः को भवानिति |
"You are the sacrificial performance. You are the sacred syllable 'Vashat' (on hearing which the Adhvaryu priest casts the oblation to a deity into the sacrificial fire). You are the mystic syllable 'OM'. You are higher than the highest. People neither know your end nor your origin nor who you are in reality."
दृश्यसे सर्वभूतेषु गोषु च ब्राह्मणेषु च || ६-११७-२१
दिक्षु सर्वासु गगने पर्वतेषु नदीषु च |
"You appear in all created beings in the cattle and in brahmanas. You exist in all quarters, in the sky, in mountains and in rivers."
सहस्रचरणः श्रीमान् शतशीर्षः सहस्रदृक् || ६-११७-२२
त्वं धारयसि भूतानि पृथिवीं च सपर्वताम् |
"With thousand feet, with hundred heads and with thousand eyes along with Lakshmi the goddess of wealth, you bear the earth with all its created beings along with its mountains."
अन्ते पृथिव्याः सलिले दृश्यसे त्वं महोरगः || ६-११७-२३
त्रीन् लोकान् धारयन् राम देवगन्धर्वदानवान् |
"O Rama! You appear as Sesha, a large serpent in water, at the earth's bottom, bearing the three worlds, gods, Gandharvas, the celestial musicians and the demons."
अहं ते हृदयं राम जिह्वा देवी सरस्वती || ६-११७-२४
देवा रोमाणि गात्रेषु ब्रह्मणा निर्मिताः प्रभो |
"O Rama! I (brahma) am your heart. Saraswathi, the goddess (of learning) is your tongue. O lord! The gods created by Brahma are the hair on all your limbs."
निमेषस्ते स्मृता रात्रिरुन्मेषो दिवसस्तथा || ६-११७-२५
संस्कारास्त्वभवन्वेदा नैतदस्ति त्वया विना |
"Night has been recognized as the closing of your eye-lids and the day, as the opening of eye-lids. The correct usages of your words are the Vedas. Bereft of you, this visible universe does not exist."
जगत्सर्वं शरीरं ते स्थैर्यं ते वसुधातलम् || ६-११७-२६
अग्निः कोपः प्रसादस्ते सोमः श्रीवत्सलक्षणः |
"The entire cosmos is your body. The earth constitutes your firmness. Fire is your anger. The moon constitutes your placidity. You are Lord Vishnu (who bears the mark Srivatsa - a curl of white hair on his breast)."
त्वया लोकास्त्रयः क्रान्ताः पुरा स्वैर्विक्रमैस्त्रिभिः || ६-११७-२७
महेन्द्रश्च कृतो राजा बलिं बद्ध्वा सुदारुणम् |
"In the past, the three worlds were occupied by you in your three strides, after binding the exceptionally formidable Bali (the ruler of the three worlds) and Indra was made the king (by you)."
सीता लक्ष्मीर्भवान् विष्णुर्देवः कृष्णः प्रजापतिः || ६-११७-२८
वधार्थं रावणस्येह प्रविष्टो मानुषीं तनुम् |
"Seetha is no other than Goddess Lakshmi (the divine consort of Lord Vishnu), while you are Lord Vishnu. You are having a shining dark-blue hue. You are the Lord of created beings. For the destruction of Ravana, you entered a human body here, on this earth."
तदिदं नस्त्वया कार्यं कृतं धर्मभृतां वर || ६-११७-२९
निहतो रावणो राम प्रहृष्टो दिवमाक्रम |
"O Rama, the foremost among the supporters of righteousness! The aforesaid purpose of ours has been fulfilled. Ravana has been killed. Return to your divine abode, with a rejoice."
अमोघं देव वीर्यं ते न ते मोघाः पराक्रमाः || ६-११७-३०
अमोघं दर्शनं राम अमोघस्तव संस्तवः |
"O Lord! Unerring is your valour. Your exploits are never in vain. O Rama! Your blessed sight is powerful. The songs in praise of you never go in vain."
अमोघास्ते भविष्यन्ति भक्तिमन्तो नरा भुवि || ६-११७-३१
ये त्वां देवम् ध्रुवं भक्ताः पुराणं पुरुषोत्तमम् |
प्राप्नुवन्ति सदा कामानिह लोके पात्र च || ६-११७-३२
"Those humans who are full of devotion to you will never be unsuccessful on this earth. Those who are devoted to you, the primeval and the eternal lord, belonging to ancient times and the Supreme Person, will forever attain their desired objects here as well as hereafter."
इममार्षम् स्तवं दिव्यमितिहासं पुरातनम् || ६-११७-३३
ये नराः कीर्तयिष्यन्ति नास्ति तेषां पराभवः |
"Humiliation will never be the plight of those humans who will recite this hymn in a divine ancient history, sung by Brahma, the foremost seer."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे सप्तदशाधिकश्ततमः सर्गः