युद्ध-काण्ड > मंदोदरी का विलाप व रावण की अंत्येष्टि
Mandodari stares at the dead body of Ravana and laments, recollecting the strength
and power of Ravana. But, she realizes that Rama, who killed Ravana, is none other than Vishnu the
lord of maintenance of the world. She further laments that Ravana has done a sinful deed in
abducting Seetha and that he has faced the consequence in the form of his death; in the hands of
Rama. She describes the charming personality and the unconquerable prowess of Ravana, but expresses
her surprise how he has been killed by a mortal like Rama. Mandodari's co-wives console her.
Meanwhile, Rama asks Vibhishana to perform obsequies to Ravana. Initially, Vibhishana refuses to
perform the last rites, but when Rama convinces him, he begins to perform the funeral of Ravana.
After the funeral is over, Vibhishana comes and joins Rama, who along with Lakshmana, Sugreeva and
others experience happiness for having destroyed their enemy.
तासां विलपमानानां तथा राक्षसयोषिताम् |
ज्येष्ठा पत्नी प्रिया दीना भर्तारं समुदैक्षत || ६-१११-१
ज्येष्ठा पत्नी प्रिया दीना भर्तारं समुदैक्षत || ६-१११-१
While those consorts were weeping on that occasion, Mandodari, the senior most and
beloved wife of Ravana, who was feeling miserable, stared at her husband."
दशग्रीवन् हतं दृष्ट्वा रामेणाचिन्त्यकर्मणा |
पतिं मन्दोदरी तत्र कृपणा पर्यदेवयत् || ६-१११-२
पतिं मन्दोदरी तत्र कृपणा पर्यदेवयत् || ६-१११-२
Gazing at Ravana, her husband who was killed by Rama of unimaginable exploits,
Mandodari there, miserably lamented (as follows):
ननु नाम महाबाहो तव वैश्रवणानुज |
क्रुद्धस्य प्रमुखे स्थातुन् त्रस्यत्यपि पुरन्दरः || ६-१११-३
क्रुद्धस्य प्रमुखे स्थातुन् त्रस्यत्यपि पुरन्दरः || ६-१११-३
"O the great armed, the brother of Kubera! Even Indra the destroyer of strongholds,
indeed dares not to stand before you, when you were enraged."
ऋषयश्च महीदेवा गन्धर्वाश्च यशस्विनः |
ननु नाम तवोद्वेगाच्चारणाश्च दिशो गताः || ६-१११-४
ननु नाम तवोद्वेगाच्चारणाश्च दिशो गताः || ६-१११-४
"Because of fear from you, eminent sages, illustrious Gandharvas the celestial
musicians and the wandering bards indeed fled in all directions."
स त्वं मानुषमात्रेण रामेण युधि निर्जितः |
न व्यपत्रपसे राजन् किमिदं राक्षसर्षभ || ६-१११-५
न व्यपत्रपसे राजन् किमिदं राक्षसर्षभ || ६-१११-५
"O the lord of demons! O king! How is it that you are not ashamed, though you were
conquered in battle, by Rama, a mere mortal?"
कथन् त्रैलोक्यमाक्रम्य श्रिया वीर्येण चान्वितम् |
अविषह्यन् जघान त्वं मानुषो वनगोचरः || ६-१११-६
अविषह्यन् जघान त्वं मानुषो वनगोचरः || ६-१११-६
"How did a mortal, wandering in a forest, killed you, who having overcome the three
worlds by dint of your prowess, had grown irresistible and were endowed with glory?"
मानुषाणामविषये चरतः कामरूपिणः |
विनाशस्तव रामेण सन्युगे नोपपद्यते || ६-१११-७
विनाशस्तव रामेण सन्युगे नोपपद्यते || ६-१११-७
"It is not possible of annihilation of yourself, who lived in a place not accessible
to men and was able to assume any form at your will, by Rama in battle."
न चैतत्कर्म रामस्य श्रद्दधामि चमूमुखे |
सर्वतः समुपेतस्य तव तेनाभिमर्शनम् || ६-१११-८
सर्वतः समुपेतस्य तव तेनाभिमर्शनम् || ६-१११-८
"I do not believe this act of Rama in the battle-front, nor do I believe of the
attack by him, on your army, fully equipped with all the implements of war."
यदैव च जनस्थाने राक्षनैर्बहुभिर्वृतः |
खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवानौ न मानुषः || ६-१११-९
खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवानौ न मानुषः || ६-१११-९
"The moment your brother Khara was killed by Rama in Janasthana, though surrounded
by a multitude of demons, it became evident that Rama was really no mortal."
यदिअव नगरीं लङ्कां दुष्प्रवेशां सुरैरपि |
प्रविष्टो हनुमान्वीर्यात्तदैव व्यथिता वयम् || ६-१११-१०
प्रविष्टो हनुमान्वीर्यात्तदैव व्यथिता वयम् || ६-१११-१०
"We felt painful, the moment Hanuma penetrated, by dint of his prowess, deep into
the City of Lanka, which was difficult to be entered even for gods."
यदिअव वानरैर्घोरैर्बद्दः सेतुर्महार्णवे |
तदैव हृदयेनाहं शङ्के रामममानुषम् || ६-१११-११
तदैव हृदयेनाहं शङ्के रामममानुषम् || ६-१११-११
"The day when the terrific monkeys built a bridge on the great ocean, that day
itself I believed that Rama was not an ordinary mortal."
अथवा रामरूपेण कृतान्तः स्वयमागतः |
मायां तव विनाशाय विधायाप्रतितर्किताम् || ६-१११-१२
मायां तव विनाशाय विधायाप्रतितर्किताम् || ६-१११-१२
"Otherwise, for your destruction, Yama, the lord of Death came himself assuming the
form of Rama having arranged an unimaginable form of illusion."
अथवा वासवेन त्वं धर्षितोऽसि महाबल |
वासवस्य तु का शक्तिस्त्वां द्रष्टुमपि संयुगे || ६-१११-१३
वासवस्य तु का शक्तिस्त्वां द्रष्टुमपि संयुगे || ६-१११-१३
"O the mighty lord! Otherwise, you might have been overpowered by Indra the lord of
celestials. But for Indra, where is the capacity even to behold you in battle?
व्यक्तमेष महायोगी परमात्मा सनातनः |
अनादिमध्यनिधनो महतः परमो महान् || ६-१११-१४
तमसः परमो धाता शङ्खचक्रगदाधरः |
श्रीवत्सवक्षा नित्यश्रीरजय्यः शाश्वतो ध्रुवः || ६-१११-१५
मानुषं रूपमास्थाय विष्णुः सत्यपराक्रमः |
सर्वैः परिवृतो देवैर्वानरत्वमुपागतैः || ६-१११-१६
सर्वलोकेश्वरः श्रीमान् लोकानां हितकाम्यया |
सराक्षस परीवारम् हतवांस्त्वां महाद्युतिः || ६-१११-१७
अनादिमध्यनिधनो महतः परमो महान् || ६-१११-१४
तमसः परमो धाता शङ्खचक्रगदाधरः |
श्रीवत्सवक्षा नित्यश्रीरजय्यः शाश्वतो ध्रुवः || ६-१११-१५
मानुषं रूपमास्थाय विष्णुः सत्यपराक्रमः |
सर्वैः परिवृतो देवैर्वानरत्वमुपागतैः || ६-१११-१६
सर्वलोकेश्वरः श्रीमान् लोकानां हितकाम्यया |
सराक्षस परीवारम् हतवांस्त्वां महाद्युतिः || ६-१११-१७
"This Rama is certainly a great ascetic, an eternal person, having no beginning
middle or end, greater than distinguished universal spirit like Brahma, the one beyond ignorance,
the nourisher, wielding a conch, a disc and a mace, wearing the 'Srivatsa' mark on his chest, of
lasting beauty, incapable of being conquered, a perpetual one, being the constant soul of the
universe, truly mighty, the lord of all the worlds, the prosperous one having a great splendour and
Vishnu, the lord of maintenance of the world with a wish to benefit the worlds, assuming a human
form surrounded by all the gods in the form of monkeys, Rama killed you, surrounded by demons."
इन्द्रियाणि पुरा जित्वा जितन् त्रिभुवणं त्वया |
स्मरद्भिरिव तद्वैरमिन्द्रियैरेव निर्जितः || ६-१११-१८
स्मरद्भिरिव तद्वैरमिन्द्रियैरेव निर्जितः || ६-१११-१८
"In the past, by performing a great penance, you conquered the senses and conquered
the three worlds. Now, as if revenging that enmity, those very senses conquered you."
यदैव हि जनस्थाने राक्षसैर्बहुभिर्वृतः |
खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवासौ न मानुषः || ६-१११-१९
यदैव नगरीन् लङ्कान् दुष्प्रवेषां सुरैरपि |
प्रविष्टो हनुमान्वीर्यात्तदैव व्यथिता वयम् || ६-१११-२०
खरस्तव हतो भ्राता तदैवासौ न मानुषः || ६-१११-१९
यदैव नगरीन् लङ्कान् दुष्प्रवेषां सुरैरपि |
प्रविष्टो हनुमान्वीर्यात्तदैव व्यथिता वयम् || ६-१११-२०
"The moment your brother Khara was killed by Rama in Janasthana, though surrounded
by a multitude of demons, it became evident that Rama was really no mortal. We felt perturbed, the
moment Hanuma penetrated, by dint of his prowess, deeply into the City of Lanka, which was
difficult to be entered even for gods."
क्रियतामविरोधश्च राघवेणेति यन्मया |
उच्यमानो न गृह्णासि तस्येयन् व्युष्टिरागता || ६-१११-२१
उच्यमानो न गृह्णासि तस्येयन् व्युष्टिरागता || ६-१११-२१
"This evil result has come upon you, since you did not heed to my advice, saying
that no hostility should be entered into with Rama."
अकस्माच्चाभिकामोअसि सीतान् राक्षसपुङ्गव |
ऐश्वर्यस्य विनाशाय देहस्य स्वजनस्य च || ६-१११-२२
ऐश्वर्यस्य विनाशाय देहस्य स्वजनस्य च || ६-१११-२२
"O the foremost of demons! For the annihilation of your power, your body and your
own people, you conceived a desire for Seetha suddenly."
अरुन्धत्या विशिष्टान् तान् रोहिण्याश्चापि दुर्मते |
सीतान् धर्षयता मान्यां त्वया ह्यसदृशं कृतम् || ६-१११-२३
सीतान् धर्षयता मान्यां त्वया ह्यसदृशं कृतम् || ६-१११-२३
"O the foolish one! An unworthy act was indeed done by you, in offending Seetha, who
was more distinguished and more respectable than Arundhati (wife of sage Vasishta) and Rohini (the
principal spouse of moon-god)."
वसुधाया हि वसुधां श्रियः श्रीं भर्तृवत्सलाम् |
सीतां सर्वानवद्याङ्गीमरण्ये विजने शुभाम् || ६-१११-२४
आनयित्वा तु तां दीनां चद्मनात्मस्वदूषण |
अप्राप्य तं चैव कामं मैथिलीसंगमे कृतम् || ६-१११-२५
पतिव्रतायास्तपसा नूनं दग्धोऽसि मे प्रभो |
सीतां सर्वानवद्याङ्गीमरण्ये विजने शुभाम् || ६-१११-२४
आनयित्वा तु तां दीनां चद्मनात्मस्वदूषण |
अप्राप्य तं चैव कामं मैथिलीसंगमे कृतम् || ६-१११-२५
पतिव्रतायास्तपसा नूनं दग्धोऽसि मे प्रभो |
"O my lord, who annihilated yourself and your people! Seetha is the model of
forbearance even to the Goddess Earth and a model of grace to Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune and
charm. She is extremely fond of her husband. By a recourse to a fraud in bringing that Seetha in a
lonely forest, faultless in every limb as she was, and charming though miserable, and having failed
to fulfill your desire for union with Seetha and due to your own fault you have been surely
consumed by the asceticism of that woman, devoted as she was to her husband."
तदैव यन्न दग्धस्त्वं धर्षयंस्तनुमध्यमाम् || ६-१११-२६
देवा बिभ्यत ते सर्वे सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः |
देवा बिभ्यत ते सर्वे सेन्द्राः साग्निपुरोगमाः |
"It is because, the gods together with Indra the ruler of gods including those
headed by the fire-god fear you, that you were not consumed even while you were laying hands on
Seetha, the slender-waisted woman."
अवश्यमेव लभते फलं पापस्य कर्मणः |
घोरं पर्यागते काले कर्ता नास्त्यत्र संशयः || ६-१११-२७
घोरं पर्यागते काले कर्ता नास्त्यत्र संशयः || ६-१११-२७
"There is no doubt that when the time comes, the doer surely reaps a harsh fruit of
his sinful deed."
शुभकृच्छुभमाप्नोति पापकृत्पापमश्नुते |
विभीषणः सुखं प्राप्तस्त्वं प्राप्तः पापमीदृशम् || ६-१११-२८
विभीषणः सुखं प्राप्तस्त्वं प्राप्तः पापमीदृशम् || ६-१११-२८
"The doer of an auspicious act obtains happiness, while the doer of a sinful act
reaps misery. While Vibhishana has obtained happiness, you met with such an evil destiny."
सन्त्यन्याः प्रमदास्तुभ्यं रूपेणाभ्यधिकास्ततः |
अनङ्गवशमापन्नस्त्वं तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे || ६-१११-२९
अनङ्गवशमापन्नस्त्वं तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे || ६-१११-२९
"There are other women, more excellent in form than Seetha for you in your
gynaecium. Having fallen a prey to the power of passion, you did not know it through
न कुलेन न रूपेण न दाक्षिण्येन मैथिली |
मयाधिका वा तुल्या वा त्वन् तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे || ६-१११-३०
मयाधिका वा तुल्या वा त्वन् तु मोहान्न बुध्यसे || ६-१११-३०
"Seetha is no match for me either in birth or in beauty or in amiability. You did
not perceive this through infatuation."
सर्वथा सर्वभूतानां नास्ति मृत्युरलक्षणः |
तव तावदयं मृत्युर्मैथिलीकृतलक्षणः || ६-१११-३१
तव तावदयं मृत्युर्मैथिलीकृतलक्षणः || ६-१११-३१
"At any time, there is no causeless death for any living being. As for you, this
Seetha has become a cause."
सीतानिमित्तजो मृत्युस्त्वया दूरादुपाहृतः |
मैथिली सह रामेण विशोका विहरिष्यति || ६-१११-३२
मैथिली सह रामेण विशोका विहरिष्यति || ६-१११-३२
"Death which was brought about on account of Seetha was invited by you from a
far-off distance. Free from sorrow, Seetha will now be enjoying herself with Rama."
अल्पपुण्या त्वहन् घोरे पतिता शोकसागरे |
कैलासे मन्दरे मेरौ तथा चैत्ररथे वने || ६-१११-३३
देवोद्यानेषु सर्वेषु विहृत्य सहिता त्वया |
विमानेनानुरूपेण या याम्यतुलया श्रिया || ६-१११-३४
पश्यन्ती विविधान्देशान्स्तान्स्तांश्चित्रस्रगम्बरा |
भ्रंशिता कामभोगेभ्यः सास्मि वीरवधात्तव || ६-१११-३५
कैलासे मन्दरे मेरौ तथा चैत्ररथे वने || ६-१११-३३
देवोद्यानेषु सर्वेषु विहृत्य सहिता त्वया |
विमानेनानुरूपेण या याम्यतुलया श्रिया || ६-१११-३४
पश्यन्ती विविधान्देशान्स्तान्स्तांश्चित्रस्रगम्बरा |
भ्रंशिता कामभोगेभ्यः सास्मि वीरवधात्तव || ६-१११-३५
"I, however, whose stock of merit was deficient, have fallen into a terrific ocean
of grief. I, who having enjoyed myself with you in suitable aerial cars in Mount Kailasa, mount
Mandara, Mount Meru and in a grove named Chaitraratha and in all celestial gardens, decked as was
with lovely garlands and clad in colorful robes and invested in matchless splendour, visiting and
seeing various lands of every description have now been deprived of all sense- enjoyments because
of your death. Though the same, I stand transformed into another as it were. Woe be to the
flickering fortunes of kings!"
हा राजन् सुकुमारं ते सुभ्रु सुत्वक्समुन्नसम् || ६-१११-३६
कान्तिश्रीद्युतिभिस्तुल्यमिन्दुपद्मदिवाकरैः |
किरीटकूटोज्ज्वलितं ताम्रास्यं दीप्तकुण्डलम् || ६-१११-३७
मदव्याकुललोलाक्षं भूत्वा यत्पानभूमिषु |
विविधस्रग्धरं चारु वल्गुस्मितकथं शुभम् || ६-१११-३८
तदेवाद्य तवैवं हि वक्त्रं न भ्राजते प्रभो |
रामसायकनिर्भिन्नं रक्तं रुधिरविस्रवैः || ६-१११-३९
वीशीर्णमेदोमस्तिष्कं रूक्षम् स्यन्दनरेणुभिः |
कान्तिश्रीद्युतिभिस्तुल्यमिन्दुपद्मदिवाकरैः |
किरीटकूटोज्ज्वलितं ताम्रास्यं दीप्तकुण्डलम् || ६-१११-३७
मदव्याकुललोलाक्षं भूत्वा यत्पानभूमिषु |
विविधस्रग्धरं चारु वल्गुस्मितकथं शुभम् || ६-१११-३८
तदेवाद्य तवैवं हि वक्त्रं न भ्राजते प्रभो |
रामसायकनिर्भिन्नं रक्तं रुधिरविस्रवैः || ६-१११-३९
वीशीर्णमेदोमस्तिष्कं रूक्षम् स्यन्दनरेणुभिः |
"Alas, O king! That face of yours which was so tender, O lord, and distinguished by
charming eye-brows, a gloss surface, having an exceptionally prominent nose, coppery lips and
brilliant ear-rings, which vied with the moon the lotus and the sun in loveliness, light and
luster, was illumined by a number of diadems, which shone with its eyes wild and rolling through
inebriety in banqueting places, bore garlands of various kinds, was lovely and charming in every
way, was lit with a captivating smile and indulged in a delightful talk - that face of yours does
not actually shine as before today pierced with Rama's arrows, it lies dyed with streams of blood.
It has its marrow shattered and has got soiled through the dust raised by the chariots."
हा पश्चिमा मे संप्राप्त दशा वैधव्यदायिनी || ६-१११-४०
या मयासीन्न संबुद्धा कदाचिदपि मन्दया |
या मयासीन्न संबुद्धा कदाचिदपि मन्दया |
"Alas! The last stage of my life, which conferred widow ship on me, has come and
which was never contemplated me at any time; a stupid woman as I am."
पिता दानवराजो मे भर्ता मे राक्षसेश्वरः || ६-१११-४१
पुत्रो मे शक्रनि र्जेता इत्यहं गर्विता भृशम् |
पुत्रो मे शक्रनि र्जेता इत्यहं गर्विता भृशम् |
"I was very much proud that my father was king of demons, my husband a lord of
demons and my son, a conqueror of Indra the lord of celestials."
दृप्तारिमर्दनाः शूराः प्रख्यातबलपौरुषाः || ६-१११-४२
अकुतश्चिद्भया नाथा ममेत्यासीन्मतिर्दृढा |
अकुतश्चिद्भया नाथा ममेत्यासीन्मतिर्दृढा |
"I had a firm conviction that my guardians were capable of crushing their arrogant
adversaries, heroes as they were, renowned for their might and valour, and as such had no fear from
any quarter."
तेषामेवंप्रभावाणां युष्माकं राक्षसर्षभाः || ६-१११-४३
कथं भयमसंबुद्धं मानुषादिदमागतम् |
कथं भयमसंबुद्धं मानुषादिदमागतम् |
"How did this unknown danger come from a mortal to you, who were so powerful?"
स्निग्देन्द्रनीलनीलं तु प्रांशुशैलोपमं महत् || ६-१११-४४
केयूराङ्गदवैदूर्यमुक्ताहारस्रगुज्ज्वलम् |
कान्तं विहारेष्वधिकं दीप्तं संग्रामभूमिषु || ६-१११-४५
भात्यभरणभाभिर्यद्विद्युद्भिरिव तोयदः |
तदेवाद्य शरीरं ते तीक्ष्णैर्नैकशरैश्चितम् || ६-१११-४६
पुनर्दुर्लभसंस्पर्शं परिष्वक्तुं न शक्यते |
श्वाविधः शलकैर्यद्वद्बाणैर्लग्नैर्निरन्तरम् || ६-१११-४७
स्वर्पितैर्मर्मसु भृशं संचिन्नस्नायुबन्धनम् |
क्षितौ निपतितं राजन् श्यामं वै रुधिरच्छवि || ६-१११-४८
व्ज्रप्रहाराभिहतो विकीर्ण इव पर्वतः |
केयूराङ्गदवैदूर्यमुक्ताहारस्रगुज्ज्वलम् |
कान्तं विहारेष्वधिकं दीप्तं संग्रामभूमिषु || ६-१११-४५
भात्यभरणभाभिर्यद्विद्युद्भिरिव तोयदः |
तदेवाद्य शरीरं ते तीक्ष्णैर्नैकशरैश्चितम् || ६-१११-४६
पुनर्दुर्लभसंस्पर्शं परिष्वक्तुं न शक्यते |
श्वाविधः शलकैर्यद्वद्बाणैर्लग्नैर्निरन्तरम् || ६-१११-४७
स्वर्पितैर्मर्मसु भृशं संचिन्नस्नायुबन्धनम् |
क्षितौ निपतितं राजन् श्यामं वै रुधिरच्छवि || ६-१११-४८
व्ज्रप्रहाराभिहतो विकीर्ण इव पर्वतः |
"O king! The body of yours which was really dark as glossy sapphire, gigantic like a
lofty mountain and resplendent with Keyuras and Angadas (two varieties of armlets) and necklace of
cat's eye-gems and pearls and wreaths of flowers, which body looked more charming during your
pleasure-walks and dazzling in battle-fields, which shone with luster of jewels as a rainy cloud
with flashes of lightning lies transfixed in numerous sharp arrows today. Though it will be
difficult for me to touch it again, it is no longer possible to embrace it. It has tendons cut to
pieces, by arrows of Rama, dug deep into your vital parts and closely transfixed like the spines of
a porcupine. Though dark of complexion, it is now transformed into the colour of blood and lies
fallen on the ground like a mountain broken into pieces when hit by a stroke of thunder-bolt."
हा स्वप्नः सत्यमेवेदं त्वं रामेण कथं हतः || ६-१११-४९
त्वं मृत्योरपि मृत्युः स्याः कथं मृत्युवशं गतः |
त्वं मृत्योरपि मृत्युः स्याः कथं मृत्युवशं गतः |
"Alas! Is it a dream? Is it the reality? But, how could you be killed by Rama? You
were the death, even to Death himself. How did you depart from this world, falling under the sway
of Death?
त्रैलोक्यवसुभोक्तारं त्रैलोक्योद्वेगदं महत् || ६-१११-५०
जेतारं लोकपालानां क्षेप्तारं शंकरस्य च |
जेतारं लोकपालानां क्षेप्तारं शंकरस्य च |
"My husband enjoyed the wealth of all the three worlds. He gave tremendous fear to
the three worlds. He conquered the guardians of the worlds and lifted up Lord Shiva (along with his
seat, Mount Kailasa)."
दृप्तानां निग्रहीतारमाविष्कृतपराक्रमम् || ६-१११-५१
लोकक्षोभयितारं च नादैर्भूतविराविणम् |
लोकक्षोभयितारं च नादैर्भूतविराविणम् |
"My husband held down those who were arrogant. He manifested his prowess and shook
up the worlds. He caused the living beings to weep, with his roars."
ओजसा दृप्तवाक्यानां वक्तारं रिपुसंनिधौ || ६-१११-५२
स्वयूथभृत्यगोप्तारं हन्तारंभीमकर्मणाम् |
स्वयूथभृत्यगोप्तारं हन्तारंभीमकर्मणाम् |
"He used to utter arrogant words with vigour in the presence of his enemies. He was
the protector for his troop and his servants. He was the killer of those who indulged in terrible
हन्तारं दानवेन्द्राणाम् यक्षाणां च सहस्रशः || ६-१११-५३
निवातकवचानां च संग्रहीतारमाहवे |
निवातकवचानां च संग्रहीतारमाहवे |
"He was the killer of the lords of demons and Yakshas the super natural beings in
thousands. He was drawing to himself, the demons called Nivatakavachas, in battles."
नैकयज्ञविलोप्तारं त्रातारं स्वजनस्य च || ६-१११-५४
धर्मव्यवस्थाभेत्तारं मायास्रष्टारमाहवे |
धर्मव्यवस्थाभेत्तारं मायास्रष्टारमाहवे |
"My husband ruined several sacrificial performances. He was the protector of his own
people. He violated the moral order. He violated the moral order. He created conjuring tricks on
the battle-field."
देवासुरनृकन्यानामाहर्तारं ततस्ततः || ६-१११-५५
शत्रुस्त्रीशोकदातारं नेतारं स्वजनस्य च |
शत्रुस्त्रीशोकदातारं नेतारं स्वजनस्य च |
"He used to bring the virgin-daughters of gods, demons and human beings from here
and there. He brought mourning to his enemy's wives. He was the leader of his own people."
लङ्काद्वीपस्य गोप्तारं कर्तारं भीमकर्मणाम् || ६-१११-५६
अस्माकं कामभोगानां दातारं रथिनां वरम् |
अस्माकं कामभोगानां दातारं रथिनां वरम् |
"He was the protector of the island of Lanka. He was the doer of terrible deeds. He
was the bestower of desires and sensual gratifications to us. He was excellent among the
एवंप्रभावं भर्तारं दृष्ट्वा रामेण पातितम् || ६-१११-५७
स्थिरास्मि या देहमिमं धारयामि हतप्रिया |
स्थिरास्मि या देहमिमं धारयामि हतप्रिया |
"Seeing my husband with such power struck down by Rama, I, having my husband killed,
am hard-hearted indeed, still bearing this body."
शयनेषु महार्हेषु शयित्वा राक्षसेश्वर || ६-१११-५८
इह कस्मात्प्रासुप्तोऽसि धरण्यां रेणुगुण्ठितः |
इह कस्मात्प्रासुप्तोऽसि धरण्यां रेणुगुण्ठितः |
"Having reposed on very valuable coaches, O the king of demons, why are you lying
buried in sleep slumber on the bare ground and shrouded in dust?"
यदा ते तनयः शस्तो लक्ष्मणेनेन्द्रजिद्युधि || ६-१११-५९
तदा त्वभिहता तीच्रमद्य त्वस्मि निपातिता |
तदा त्वभिहता तीच्रमद्य त्वस्मि निपातिता |
"When Indrajit, your son was killed in battle by Lakshmana, I was hard-hit then and
today, of course, I am completely beaten down."
साहं बन्धुजनैर्हीना हीना नाथेन च त्वया || ६-१११-६०
विहीना कामभोगैश्च शोचिष्ये शाश्वतीः समाः |
विहीना कामभोगैश्च शोचिष्ये शाश्वतीः समाः |
"Bereft of kinsfolk and forsaken by you, my lord, and deprived of desires and
sensual enjoyments, I shall lament for ever more years."
प्रपन्नो दीर्घमध्वानं राजन्नद्य सुदुर्गमम् || ६-१११-६१
नय मामपि दुःखार्तां न वर्तिष्ये त्वया विना |
नय मामपि दुःखार्तां न वर्तिष्ये त्वया विना |
"O king! Having embarked today on a long journey, which is very difficult to be
traversed, take me too with you, tormented as I am with grief. I shall not survive without
कस्मात्त्वं मां विहायेह कृपणाम् गन्तुमिच्छसि || ६-१११-६२
दीनां विलपतीं मन्दां किं वा मां नाभिभाषसे |
दीनां विलपतीं मन्दां किं वा मां नाभिभाषसे |
"Why do you intend to go, leaving me here, miserable as I am? Why do you not speak
to me, a sad and lamenting creature, and unfortunate as I am?"
दृष्ट्वा न खल्वभिक्रुद्धो मामिहानवगुण्ठिताम् || ६-१११-६३
निर्गतां नगरद्वारात्पद्भ्यामेवागतां प्रभो |
निर्गतां नगरद्वारात्पद्भ्यामेवागतां प्रभो |
"O Lord! Are you not indeed enraged, in seeing me on foot in this way out through
the city-gate, unveiled and come on foot in the way?
पश्येष्टदार दारांस्ते भ्रष्टलज्जावगुण्ठनान् || ६-१११-६४
बहिर्निष्पतितान् सर्वान् कथं दृष्ट्वा न कुप्यसि |
बहिर्निष्पतितान् सर्वान् कथं दृष्ट्वा न कुप्यसि |
"O lover of your consorts! Look at all your spouses, who came out, with their veils
dropped off. Why are you not getting enraged in seeing this?"
अयम् क्रीडासहायस्तेऽनाथो लालप्यते जनः || ६-१११-६५
न चैनमाश्वासयसि किं वा न बहुमन्यसे |
न चैनमाश्वासयसि किं वा न बहुमन्यसे |
"This Mandodari, who was helping in your sport with you, is weeping with
helplessness. You are not consoling her. Do you not have a high esteem of her?"
यास्त्वया विधवा राजन् क्ऱिता नैकाः कुलस्त्रियः || ६-१११-६६
पतिव्रता धर्मरता गुरुशुश्रूषणे रताः |
ताभिः शोकाभितप्ताभिः शप्तः परवशं गतः || ६-१११-६७
त्वया विप्रकृताभिर्यत्तदा शप्तं तदागतम् |
पतिव्रता धर्मरता गुरुशुश्रूषणे रताः |
ताभिः शोकाभितप्ताभिः शप्तः परवशं गतः || ६-१११-६७
त्वया विप्रकृताभिर्यत्तदा शप्तं तदागतम् |
"You have fallen under the sway of your enemies in that you were cursed by the
numerous women of noble lineage, who, though devoted to their husband, fond of piety and intent on
the service of their elders, had been widowed by you, O king, and were accordingly tormented with
grief. That curse which was pronounced at that time by those aggrieved women on their having been
wronged by you, has fallen on you."
प्रवादः सत्य एवायं त्वां प्रति प्रायशो नृप || ६-१११-६८
पतिव्रतानां नाकस्मात्पतन्त्यश्रूनि भूतले |
पतिव्रतानां नाकस्मात्पतन्त्यश्रूनि भूतले |
"The popular saying that the tears of virtuous wives d not generally fall on the
ground in vain' has come out probably true in your case O king!"
कथं च नाम ते राजन् लोकानाक्रम्य तेजसा || ६-१११-६९
नारीचौर्यमिदं क्षुद्रं कृतं शौण्डीर्यमानिना |
नारीचौर्यमिदं क्षुद्रं कृतं शौण्डीर्यमानिना |
"How was this mean act of abducting a lady, done by you, who having invaded the
three worlds, were proud f your prowess?"
अपनीयाश्रमाद्रामं यन्मृगच्चद्मना त्वया || ६-१११-७०
आनीता रामपत्नी स तत्ते कातर्यलक्षणम् |
आनीता रामपत्नी स तत्ते कातर्यलक्षणम् |
"It was indeed a mark of your cowardice that Rama's consort was borne away by you,
after luring away Rama from his hermitage in the pretext of deer"
कातर्यं न च ते युद्धे कदाचित्संस्मराम्यहम् || ६-१११-७१
तत्तु भाग्यविपर्यासान्नूनं ते पक्वलक्षणम् |
तत्तु भाग्यविपर्यासान्नूनं ते पक्वलक्षणम् |
"I do not recall your faint-heartedness at any time on the battle-field. That case
of abduction of Seetha, however, was due to your ill-luck and certainly as the result of your
अतीतानागतार्थज्ञो वर्तमानविचक्षणः || ६-१११-७२
मैथिलीमाहृताम् दृष्ट्वा ध्यात्वा निःश्वस्य चायतम् |
सत्यवाक्स महाबाहो देवरो मे यदब्रवीत् || ६-१११-७३
अयन् राक्षसमुख्यानां विनाशः पर्युपस्थितः |
कामक्रोधसमुत्थेन व्यसनेन प्रसङ्गिना || ६-१११-७४
मैथिलीमाहृताम् दृष्ट्वा ध्यात्वा निःश्वस्य चायतम् |
सत्यवाक्स महाबाहो देवरो मे यदब्रवीत् || ६-१११-७३
अयन् राक्षसमुख्यानां विनाशः पर्युपस्थितः |
कामक्रोधसमुत्थेन व्यसनेन प्रसङ्गिना || ६-१११-७४
"O the mighty armed one! Whatever my younger brother-in-law, Vibhishana who knows
matters relating to the pat and of the future and also conversant with the present said after
reflecting and sighing for long, on seeing Seetha abducted by you: 'The destruction of the chiefs
among the demons now is imminent, have become true words. This misfortune had come from the lust,
wrath and addiction to the vice of deep attachment."
निर्वृत्तस्त्वत्कृतेऽनर्थः सोऽयं मूलहरो महान् |
त्वया कृतमिदन् सर्वमनाथं रक्षसान् कुलम् || ६-१११-७५
त्वया कृतमिदन् सर्वमनाथं रक्षसान् कुलम् || ६-१११-७५
"This major disaster occurred, destroying our very root, because of you. This entire
race of demons has been deprived of its protector, by you."
न हि त्वन् शोचितव्यो मे प्रख्यातबलपौरुषः |
स्त्रीस्वभावात्तु मे बुद्धिः कारुण्ये परिवर्तते || ६-१११-७६
स्त्रीस्वभावात्तु मे बुद्धिः कारुण्ये परिवर्तते || ६-१११-७६
"You, who were far illustrious for your strength and prowess, do not deserve to be
lamented for by me. But, because of feminine nature, my mind is leaning towards melancholy."
सुकृतन् दुष्कृतं च त्वं गृहीत्वा स्वां गतिं गतः |
आत्मानमनुशोचामि त्वद्वियोगेन दुःखिताम् || ६-१११-७७
आत्मानमनुशोचामि त्वद्वियोगेन दुःखिताम् || ६-१११-७७
"By taking away your merit and sin, you obtained your course of fate. I, however,
mourn for my own self, so afflicted as I am, by your death."
सुहृदां हितकामानां न श्रुतं वचनं त्वया |
भ्रातृइणां चैव कार्त्स्न्येन हितमुक्तं दशानन || ६-१११-७८
भ्रातृइणां चैव कार्त्स्न्येन हितमुक्तं दशानन || ६-१११-७८
"O Ravana! You did not hear the advice of your friends, who wish for your welfare.
Nor did you hear the words of your brothers completely."
हेत्वर्थयुक्तं विधिवच्छ्रेयस्करमदारुणम् |
विभीषणेनाभिहितं न कृतं हेतुमत्त्वया || ६-१११-७९
विभीषणेनाभिहितं न कृतं हेतुमत्त्वया || ६-१११-७९
"The counsel offered by Vibhishana, which was endowed with reason, meaning, rule of
conduct, wholesome, gentle and well-founded, was not implemented by you."
मारीचकुम्भकर्णाभ्यां वाक्यं मम पितुस्तथा |
न श्रुतं वीर्यमत्तेन तस्येदं फलमीदृशम् || ६-१११-८०
न श्रुतं वीर्यमत्तेन तस्येदं फलमीदृशम् || ६-१११-८०
"The advices offered by Mareecha, Kumbhakarna, myself and my father have not been
heeded by you, who were arrogant of your prowess. What is followed is a bitter consequence of your
नीलजीमूतसंकाश पीताम्भर शुभाङ्गद |
स्वगात्राणि विनिक्षिप्य किं शेषे रुधिराप्लुतः || ६-१११-८१
स्वगात्राणि विनिक्षिप्य किं शेषे रुधिराप्लुतः || ६-१११-८१
"My lord, resembling a dark cloud in hue, clad in yellow and decked with brilliant
armlets, why are you lying with your limbs, cast away on the ground and bathed in blood?"
प्रसुप्त इव शोकार्तां किं मां न प्रतिभाषसे |
महावीर्यस्य दक्षस्य संयुगेष्वपलायिनः || ६-१११-८२
यातुधानस्य दौहित्र किं मां न प्रतिभाषसे |
महावीर्यस्य दक्षस्य संयुगेष्वपलायिनः || ६-१११-८२
यातुधानस्य दौहित्र किं मां न प्रतिभाषसे |
"As though fast asleep, why are you not replying to me, the granddaughter of Somali
the demon who was clever, endowed with extraordinary prowess and never retreated in battles,
tormented with grief as I am?"
उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ट किं शेषे नवे परिभवे कृते || ६-१११-८३
अद्य वै निर्भया लङ्कां प्रविष्टाः सूर्यरश्मयः |
अद्य वै निर्भया लङ्कां प्रविष्टाः सूर्यरश्मयः |
"Arise, arise! Why are you lying down, though subjected to a fresh insult? The sun's
rays have penetrated deep into Lanka today, without any fear."
येन सूदयसे शत्रून् समरे सूर्यवर्चसा || ६-१११-८४
वज्रं वज्रधरस्येव सोऽयं ते सततार्चितः |
रणे बहुप्रहरणो हेमजालपरिष्कृतः || ६-१११-८५
परिघो व्यवकीर्णस्ते बाणैश्छिन्नः सहस्रधा |
वज्रं वज्रधरस्येव सोऽयं ते सततार्चितः |
रणे बहुप्रहरणो हेमजालपरिष्कृतः || ६-१११-८५
परिघो व्यवकीर्णस्ते बाणैश्छिन्नः सहस्रधा |
"Torn into thousand pieces, that iron bludgeon of yours, which was brilliant as the
sun, like a thunderbolt of Indra, with which you killed your enemies in the battle-field, which was
constantly honoured by you, which had struck many in battle and which was decked with gold, lies
प्रियामिवोपसंगृह्य किम् शेषे रणमेदिनीम् || ६-१११-८६
अप्रियामिव कस्माच्च मां नेच्छस्यभिभाषितुम् |
अप्रियामिव कस्माच्च मां नेच्छस्यभिभाषितुम् |
Why are you lying down, embracing the battle-ground, as one would embrace a loved
one? Why do you not feel inclined to reply to me, as though I were abhorrent to you?"
धिगस्तु हृदयन् यस्या ममेदं न सहस्रधा || ६-१११-८७
त्वयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने फलते शोकपीडितम् |
त्वयि पञ्चत्वमापन्ने फलते शोकपीडितम् |
"Woe be to me, that my heart is not bursting into pieces, tormented as I am with
grief, now that you have returned to the five elements."
इत्येवं विलपन्ती सा बाष्पपर्याकुलेक्षणा || ६-१११-८८
स्नेहोपस्कन्नहृदया तदा मोहमुपागमत् |
स्नेहोपस्कन्नहृदया तदा मोहमुपागमत् |
Lamenting thus, with her eyes filled with tears and her heart moistened with love,
Mandodari, at that time, fell into a swoon."
कश्मलाभिहता सन्ना बभौ सा रावणोरसि || ६-१११-८९
संध्यानुरक्ते जलदे दीप्ता विद्युदिवोज्ज्वला |
संध्यानुरक्ते जलदे दीप्ता विद्युदिवोज्ज्वला |
Fallen on the breast of Ravana, that dispirited Mandodari, stricken as she was with
grief, shone like a vivid flash of lightning across a rainy cloud, reddened by the flow of
तथागतां समुत्थाप्य सपत्न्यस्तां भृशातुराः || ६-१११-९०
पर्यवस्थापयामासू रुदन्त्यो रुदतीं भृशम् |
पर्यवस्थापयामासू रुदन्त्यो रुदतीं भृशम् |
Raising up Mandodari, who was in that condition bitterly weeping, her co-wives who
were also weeping, very much distressed as they were, began to console her (as follows):
किं ते न विदिता देवि लोकानां स्थितिरध्रुवा || ६-१११-९१
दशाविभागपर्याये राज्ञां वै चञ्चलाः श्रियः |
दशाविभागपर्याये राज्ञां वै चञ्चलाः श्रियः |
"Don't you know the uncertain state of the worlds, O queen, that the wealth of kings
is unsteady, when there is a change in the tide of their fate?"
इत्येवमुच्यमाना सा सशब्दं प्ररुदोद ह || ६-१११-९२
स्नापयन्ती तदास्रेण स्तनौ वक्त्रं सुनिर्मलम् |
स्नापयन्ती तदास्रेण स्तनौ वक्त्रं सुनिर्मलम् |
While they were consoling thus, Mandodari, moistening her breasts and her spotless
face in tears, wept aloud at that moment."
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रामो विभीषणमुवाच ह || ६-१११-९३
सन्स्कारः क्रियतां भ्रातुः स्त्रियश्चैता निवर्तय |
सन्स्कारः क्रियतां भ्रातुः स्त्रियश्चैता निवर्तय |
In the meanwhile, Rama spoke to Vibhishana as follows: "Let the obsequies of your
brother be performed and let these crews of women be consoled."
तमुवाच ततो धीमान् विभीषण इदं वचः || ६-१११-९४
विमृश्य बुद्ध्या धर्मज्ञो धर्मार्थसहितं हितम् |
विमृश्य बुद्ध्या धर्मज्ञो धर्मार्थसहितं हितम् |
Reflecting with his intellect, the intelligent Vibhishana, the knower of virtue,
thereupon, spoke to Rama, the following words, which were in conformity with righteousness and
त्यक्तधर्मव्रतन् क्रूरं नृशन्समनृतं तथा || ६-१११-९५
नाहमर्होअस्मि सन्स्कर्तुं परदाराभिमर्शकम् |
नाहमर्होअस्मि सन्स्कर्तुं परदाराभिमर्शकम् |
"I am not obliged to perform the obsequies to him, who had abandoned the vow of
virtue, who was cruel, who killed human beings, who was a cheater and who had longed for others'
भ्रातृरूपो हि मे शत्रुरेष सर्वाहिते रतः || ६-१११-९६
रावणो नार्हते पूजां पूज्योअपि गुरुगौरवात् |
रावणो नार्हते पूजां पूज्योअपि गुरुगौरवात् |
"This Ravana, who was interested in wishing evil to all, though venerable as a
respectable elder, is not fit for honour. He is my enemy, in the guise of a brother."
नृशन्स इति मान् राम वक्ष्यन्ति मनुजा भुवि || ६-१११-९७
श्रुत्वा तस्य गुणान्सर्वे वक्ष्यन्ति सुकृतं पुनः |
श्रुत्वा तस्य गुणान्सर्वे वक्ष्यन्ति सुकृतं पुनः |
"If I do not perform obsequies, O Rama, the human beings on earth will speak about
me as ruthless. But, on hearing about his bad qualities all of them will speak of it as a good
तच्छ्रुत्वा परमप्रीतो रामो धर्मभृतान् वरः || ६-१११-९८
विभीषणमुवाचेदन् वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम् |
विभीषणमुवाचेदन् वाक्यज्ञो वाक्यकोविदम् |
Hearing those words, Rama the best among the supporters of virtue and skilled in
speech, was very much pleased and spoke the following words to Vibhishana, the intelligent one in
his speech."
तवापि मे प्रियन् कार्यं त्वत्प्रभवाच्च मे जितम् || ६-१११-९९
अवश्यन् तु क्षमन् वाच्यो मया त्वं राक्षसेश्वर |
अवश्यन् तु क्षमन् वाच्यो मया त्वं राक्षसेश्वर |
"O king of demons! I too have to do a favour to you. I won the battle because of
you. Certainly I have to give you an appropriate advice."
अधर्मानृतसन्युक्तः काममेष निशाचरः || ६-१११-१००
तेजस्वी बलवाञ्शूरः सङ्ग्रामेषु च नित्यशः |
तेजस्वी बलवाञ्शूरः सङ्ग्रामेषु च नित्यशः |
"This demon may be full of unrighteousness and falsehood. But, he was brilliant,
strong and ever a brave warrior in battles."
शतक्रतुमुखैर्देवैः श्रूयते न पराजितः || ६-१११-१०१
महात्मा बलसम्पन्नो रावणो लोकरावणः |
महात्मा बलसम्पन्नो रावणो लोकरावणः |
"It is heard that Ravana who was mighty, endowed with strength and who was causing
people to cry, was not conquered by the chiefs like Indra and others."
मरणान्तानि वैराणि निर्वृत्तं नः प्रयोजनम् || ६-१११-१०२
क्रियतामस्य सन्स्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव |
क्रियतामस्य सन्स्कारो ममाप्येष यथा तव |
"Hostilities end with death. Our purpose has been accomplished. Let his funeral
rites be performed. He is even as good mine also, as yours."
त्वत्सकाशान्महाबाहो सन्स्कारन् विधिपूर्वकम् || ६-१११-१०३
पाप्तु मर्हति धर्मेण त्वं यशोभाग्भविष्यसि |
पाप्तु मर्हति धर्मेण त्वं यशोभाग्भविष्यसि |
"According to rule, Ravana is eligible to get the last rites on his dead body from
you, by usage. You will also become fit for glory."
राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा त्वरमाणो विभीषणः || ६-१११-१०४
सन्स्कारेणानुरूपेण भ्रातरं रावणम् हतम् |
सन्स्कारेणानुरूपेण भ्रातरं रावणम् हतम् |
Having heard the words of Rama, Vibhishana in haste began to do obsequies to Ravana,
his dead brother."
स प्रविश्य पुरीं लङ्कां राक्षसेन्द्रो विभीषणः || ६-१११-१०५
रावनस्याग्निहोत्रं तु निर्यापयति सत्वरम् |
रावनस्याग्निहोत्रं तु निर्यापयति सत्वरम् |
Entering the City of Lanka, that Vibhishana, the lord of demons, quickly concluded
the Agnihotra (the act of pouring oblations into the sacred fire) carried on by Ravana."
शकटान् दारुरूपाणि अग्नीन् वै याजकांस्तथा || ६-१११-१०६
तथा चन्दनकाष्ठानि काष्ठानि विविधानि च |
अगरूणि सुगन्धीनि गन्धांश्च सुरभींस्तथा || ६-१११-१०७
मणिमुक्ताप्रवाळानि निर्यापयति राक्षसः |
तथा चन्दनकाष्ठानि काष्ठानि विविधानि च |
अगरूणि सुगन्धीनि गन्धांश्च सुरभींस्तथा || ६-१११-१०७
मणिमुक्ताप्रवाळानि निर्यापयति राक्षसः |
Vibhishana actually caused to be brought together, carts, excellent varieties of
firewood, the three sacred fires and the priests required to officiate at the obsequies, logs of
sandalwood, various types of firewood, pieces of fragrant aloe-wood, odorous perfumes, as well as
gems, pearls and corals."
आ जगाम मुहूर्तेन राक्षसैः परिवारितः || ६-१११-१०८
ततो माल्यवता सार्धं क्रियामेव चकार सः |
ततो माल्यवता सार्धं क्रियामेव चकार सः |
Surrounded with demons, he came back for a while and thereupon, Vibhishana along
with malyavan (the father of his own mother) initiated the obsequies."
सौवर्णीं शिबिकां दिव्यामारोप्य क्षौमवाससम् || ६-१११-१०९
रावणं राक्षसाधिशमश्रुपूर्णमुखा द्विजाः |
तूर्यघोषैश्च विविधैः स्तुवद्भिश्चाभिनन्दितम् || ६-१११-११०
पताकाभिश्च चित्राभिः सुमनोभिश्च चित्रिताम् |
उत्क्षिप्य शिबिकां तां तु विभीषणपुरोगमाः || ६-१११-१११
दक्षिणाभिमुखाः सर्वे गृह्य काष्ठानि भेजिरे |
रावणं राक्षसाधिशमश्रुपूर्णमुखा द्विजाः |
तूर्यघोषैश्च विविधैः स्तुवद्भिश्चाभिनन्दितम् || ६-१११-११०
पताकाभिश्च चित्राभिः सुमनोभिश्च चित्रिताम् |
उत्क्षिप्य शिबिकां तां तु विभीषणपुरोगमाः || ६-१११-१११
दक्षिणाभिमुखाः सर्वे गृह्य काष्ठानि भेजिरे |
Placing Ravana, the lord of demons, who was covered with linen, accompanied by
blasts of various musical instruments as well as panegyrists singing his the Brahmanas (forming
part of the demon's race, which was apparently divided into four classes, like human beings) stood
around him with their faces filled in tears. Lifting up that palanquin, which had been decorated
with colorful flags and flowers and taking up blocks of wood, all the demons for their part, with
Vibhishana in front, proceeded with their face turned towards the south."
अग्नयो दीप्यमानास्ते तदाध्वर्युसमीरिताः || ६-१११-११२
शरणाभिगताह् सर्वे पुरस्तत्तस्य ते ययुः |
शरणाभिगताह् सर्वे पुरस्तत्तस्य ते ययुः |
Those sacrificial fires were ignited and re-animated, as they were, by Adhvaryu
priests, the performers of the sacrificial act, at that time. Those sacrificial fires were
contained in earthen pots and went in front of Ravana's body."
अन्तःपुराणि सर्वाणि रुदमानानि सत्वरम् || ६-१११-११३
पृष्ठतोऽनुययुस्तानि प्लवमानानि सर्वतः |
पृष्ठतोऽनुययुस्तानि प्लवमानानि सर्वतः |
All those women of the gynaecium, while weeping, followed at his heels with quick
paces, stumbling, as they were, on all sides."
रावणम् प्रयते देशे स्थाप्य ते भृशदुःखिताः || ६-१११-११४
चितां चन्दनकाष्ठैश्च पद्मकोशीरसंवृताम् |
ब्राह्म्या संवर्तयामासू राङ्कवास्तरणावृताम् || ६-१११-११५
वर्तते वेदविहितो राज्ञो वै पश्चिमः क्रतुः |
चितां चन्दनकाष्ठैश्च पद्मकोशीरसंवृताम् |
ब्राह्म्या संवर्तयामासू राङ्कवास्तरणावृताम् || ६-१११-११५
वर्तते वेदविहितो राज्ञो वै पश्चिमः क्रतुः |
Keeping the body of Ravana on a consecrated spot, Vibhishana and others, who were
very much afflicted with grief, piled up a sacred pyre, with logs of sandalwood, moistened with
perfumes called Padmaka and Koshira and covered with the skin of black antelopes, turned about to
perform the obsequies in accordance with Vedic rites in honour of the king."
प्रचक्रू राक्षसेन्द्रस्य पित्ऱ्^मेधमनुत्तमम् || ६-१११-११६
वेदिं च दक्षिणप्राच्यां यथास्थानं च पावकम् |
वेदिं च दक्षिणप्राच्यां यथास्थानं च पावकम् |
They performed the ancestral oblations to Ravana in a superb way. They constructed
an altar in the south-east the funeral pile) and placed the sacred fire in its proper place."
पृषदाज्येन संपूर्णं स्रुवं स्कन्धे प्रचिक्षिपुः || ६-१११-११७
पादयोः शकटं प्रादुरूर्वोश्चोलूखलं तदा |
पादयोः शकटं प्रादुरूर्वोश्चोलूखलं तदा |
They poured a ladle-full of ghee mixed with curds on his shoulders, placed a cart at
his feet and then a wooden mortar at his thighs."
दारुपात्रानि सर्वाणि अरणिं चोत्तरारणिम् || ६-१११-११८
दत्त्वा तु मुसलं चान्यं यथास्थानं विचक्रमुः |
दत्त्वा तु मुसलं चान्यं यथास्थानं विचक्रमुः |
Having set at their proper place, all the wooden vessels (used in Agnihotra), the
lower piece of wood used for kindling fire at a sacrifice and the upper piece of wood (which is
rotated at great speed on to lower one, to produce fire by friction), the wooden pestle and other
things used in the sacrifice, they circled around the funeral pyre."
शास्त्रदृष्टेन विधिना महर्षिविहितेन च || ६-१११-११९
तत्र मेध्यं पशुं हत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य राक्षसाः |
परिस्तरणीकां राज्ञोघृताक्तां समवेशयन् || ६-१११-१२०
तत्र मेध्यं पशुं हत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य राक्षसाः |
परिस्तरणीकां राज्ञोघृताक्तां समवेशयन् || ६-१११-१२०
According to ordinance laid down by eminent sages and according to the rules viewed
in Vedas, having sacrificed a goat fit for sacrifice at that spot, the demons dampened with ghee on
Ravana the King of demons."
गन्धैर्माल्यैरलंकृत्य रावणं दीनामानसाः || ६-१११-१२१
विभीषणसहायास्ते वस्त्त्रैश्च विविधैरपि |
लाजैरवकिरन्ति स्म बाष्पपूर्णमुखास्तथा || ६-१११-१२२
विभीषणसहायास्ते वस्त्त्रैश्च विविधैरपि |
लाजैरवकिरन्ति स्म बाष्पपूर्णमुखास्तथा || ६-१११-१२२
Having decorated the body of Ravana with perfumes, garlands and various kinds of
clothes; those demons accompanied by Vibhishana, distressed as they were in their minds, poured
parched grains of rice, with their faces bathed in tears."
स ददौ पावकन् तस्य विधियुक्तन् विभीषणः |
स्नात्वा चैवार्द्रवस्त्रेण तिलान् दर्भविमिश्रितान् || ६-१११-१२३
उदकेन च संमिश्रान् प्रदाय विधिपूर्वकम् |
प्रदाय चोदकं तस्मै मूर्ध्ना चैनं नमस्य च || ६-१११-१२४
ताः स्त्रियोअनुनयामास सान्त्वमुक्त्वा पुनः पुनः |
गम्यतामिति ताः सर्वा विविशुर्नगरं ततः || ६-१११-१२५
स्नात्वा चैवार्द्रवस्त्रेण तिलान् दर्भविमिश्रितान् || ६-१११-१२३
उदकेन च संमिश्रान् प्रदाय विधिपूर्वकम् |
प्रदाय चोदकं तस्मै मूर्ध्ना चैनं नमस्य च || ६-१११-१२४
ताः स्त्रियोअनुनयामास सान्त्वमुक्त्वा पुनः पुनः |
गम्यतामिति ताः सर्वा विविशुर्नगरं ततः || ६-१११-१२५
That Vibhishana set fire to Ravana, according to the rules in the scriptures.
Washing himself and offering in his wet clothes, according to scriptural ordinance, sesame seeds
mixed with water, as well as blades of Kusha grass and offering obeisance to Ravana by bowing his
head, Vibhishana entreated those women to return, consoling them again and again. Then, all of the
returned to the City."
प्रविष्टासु च सर्वासु राक्षसीषु विभीषणः |
रामपार्श्वमुपागम्य तदातिष्ठद्विनीतवत् || ६-१११-१२६
रामपार्श्वमुपागम्य तदातिष्ठद्विनीतवत् || ६-१११-१२६
When those women were re-entering the City, Vibhishana the lord of demons on
approaching Rama's vicinity then remained standing there with humility."
रामोअपि सह सैन्येन ससुग्रीवः सलक्ष्मणः |
हर्षन् लेभे रिपुं हत्वा यथा वृत्रं वज्रधरो यथा || ६-१११-१२७
हर्षन् लेभे रिपुं हत्वा यथा वृत्रं वज्रधरो यथा || ६-१११-१२७
Having destroyed the enemy, Rama too experienced happiness, along with his army as
well as with Sugreeva and Lakshmana, even as Indra the wielder of thunderbolt did on destroying
Vritra the demon."
ततो विमुक्त्वा सशरं शरासनं |
महेन्द्रदत्तं कवचं च तन्महत् |
विमुच्य रोषं रिपुनिग्रहात्ततो |
रामः सुसौम्यत्वमुपागतोऽरिह || ६-१११-१२८
महेन्द्रदत्तं कवचं च तन्महत् |
विमुच्य रोषं रिपुनिग्रहात्ततो |
रामः सुसौम्यत्वमुपागतोऽरिह || ६-१११-१२८
Thereupon, taking off his bow and arrows as also that great armour endowed to him by
Indra, Rama the annihilator of his enemies, taking off his anger too, because of the enemy's
defeat, then obtained a charming benevolence."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे एकादशाधिकशततमः सर्गः