Book 1 >> HYMN 146 - Agni
तरिमूर्धानं सप्तरश्मिं गर्णीषे.अनूनमग्निं पित्रोरुपस्थे |
निषत्तमस्य चरतो धरुवस्य विश्वा दिवो रोचनापप्रिवांसम
निषत्तमस्य चरतो धरुवस्य विश्वा दिवो रोचनापप्रिवांसम
English:- . I LAUD the seven-rayed, the triple-headed, Agni all-perfect in his Parents' bosom,
Sunk in the lap of all that moves and moves not, him who hath filled all luminous realms of heaven.
Sunk in the lap of all that moves and moves not, him who hath filled all luminous realms of heaven.
उक्षा महानभि ववक्ष एने अजरस्तस्थावितूतिर्र्ष्वः |
उर्व्याः पदो नि दधाति सानौ रिहन्त्यूधो अरुषासो अस्य
English:- As a great Steer he grew to these his Parents; sublime he stands, untouched by eld, far-reaching.
He plants his footsteps on the lofty ridges of the broad earth: his red flames lick the udder.
He plants his footsteps on the lofty ridges of the broad earth: his red flames lick the udder.
समानं वत्समभि संचरन्ती विष्वग धेनू वि चरतः सुमेके |
अनपव्र्ज्यानध्वनो मिमाने विश्वान केतानधि महोदधाने
English:- Coming together to their common youngling both Cows, fairshaped, spread forth in all directions,
Measuring out the paths that must be travelled, entrusting all desires to him the Mighty.
Measuring out the paths that must be travelled, entrusting all desires to him the Mighty.
धीरासः पदं कवयो नयन्ति नाना हर्दा रक्षमाणा अजुर्यम |
सिषासन्तः पर्यपश्यन्त सिन्धुमाविरेभ्यो अभवत्सूर्यो नॄन
English:- The prudent sages lead him to his dwelling, guarding with varied skill the Ever-Youthful.
Longing, they turned their eyes unto the River: to these the Sun of men was manifested.
Longing, they turned their eyes unto the River: to these the Sun of men was manifested.
दिद्र्क्षेण्यः परि काष्ठासु जेन्य ईळेन्यो महो अर्भाय जीवसे |
पुरुत्रा यदभवत सूरहैभ्यो गर्भेभ्यो मघवा विश्वदर्शतः
English:- Born noble in the regions, aim of all mens' eyes to be implored for life by great and small alike,
Far as the Wealthy One hath spread himself abroad, he is the Sire all-visible of this progeny.
Far as the Wealthy One hath spread himself abroad, he is the Sire all-visible of this progeny.