Book 10 >> HYMN 113 - Indra

तमस्य दयावाप्र्थिवी सचेतसा विश्वेभिर्देवैरनुशुष्ममावताम |
यदैत कर्ण्वानो महिमानमिन्द्रियम्पीत्वी सोमस्य करतुमानवर्धत
English:- . THE Heavens and the Earth accordant with all Gods encouraged graciously that vigorous might of his.
When he came showing forth his majesty and power, he drank of Soma juice and waxed exceeding strong.

तमस्य विष्णुर्महिमानमोजसांशुं दधन्वान मधुनोवि रप्शते |
देवेभिरिन्द्रो मघवा सयावभिर्व्र्त्रंजघन्वानभवद वरेण्यः
English:- This majesty of his Viṣṇu extols and lauds, making the stalCthat gives the meath flow forth with inight.
When Indra Maghavan with those who followed him had smitten Vṛtra he deserved the choice of Gods.

वर्त्रेण यदहिना बिभ्रदायुधा समस्थिथा युधयेशंसमाविदे |
विश्वे ते अत्र मरुतः सह तमनावर्धन्नुग्र महिमानमिन्द्रियम
English:- When, bearing warlike weapons, fain to win thee praise, thou mettest Vṛtra, yea, the Dragon, for the fight,
Then all the Maruts who were gathered with dice there extolled, O Mighty One, thy powerful majesty.

जज्ञान एव वयबाधत सप्र्धः परापश्यद वीरो अभिपौंस्यं रणम |
अव्र्श्चदद्रिमव सस्यदः सर्जदस्तभ्नान नाकं सवपस्यया पर्थुम
English:- Soon as he sprang to life he forced asun. der hosts: forward the Hero looked to manly deed and war.
He cleft the rock, he let concurrent streams flow forth, and with his skilful art stablished the heavens' wide vault.

आदिन्द्रः सत्रा तविषीरपत्यत वरीयो दयावाप्र्थिवीबाधत |
अवाभरद धर्षितो वज्रमायसं शेवं मित्रायवरुणाय दाशुषे
English:- Indra hath evermore possessed surpassing power: he forced, far from each other, heaven and earth apart.
He hurled impetuous down his iron thunderbolt, a joy to Varuṇa's and Mitra's worshipper.

इन्द्रस्यात्र तविषीभ्यो विरप्शिन रघायतो अरंहयन्तमन्यवे |
वर्त्रं यदुग्रो वयव्र्श्चदोजसापो बिभ्रतन्तमसा परीव्र्तम
English:- Then to the mighty powers of Indra, to his wrath, his the fierce Stormer, loud of voice, they came with speed;
What time the Potent One rent Vṛtra with his strength, who held the waters back, whom darkness compassed round.

या वीर्याणि परथमानि कर्त्वा महित्वेभिर्यतमानौसमीयतुः |
धवान्तं तमो.अव दध्वसे हत इन्द्रो मह्नापूर्वहूतावपत्यत
English:- Even in the first of those heroic acts which they who strove together came with might to execute,
Deep darkness fell upon the slain, and Indra won by victory the right of being first invoked.

विश्वे देवासो अध वर्ष्ण्यानि ते.अवर्धयन सोमवत्यावचस्यया |
रद्धं वर्त्रमहिमिन्द्रस्य हन्मनाग्निर्नजम्भैस्त्र्ष्वन्नमावयत
English:- Then all the Gods extolled, with eloquence inspired by draughts of Soma juice, thy deeds of manly might.
As Agni eats the dry food with his tcetlv, he ate Vṛtra, the Dragon, maimed by Indra's deadly dart.

भूरि दक्षेभिर्वचनेभिरकवभिः सख्येभिः सख्यानिप्र वोचत |
इन्द्रो धुनिं च चुमुरिं च दम्भयञ्छ्रद्धामनस्या शर्णुते दभीतये
English:- Proclaim his many friendships, met with friendship, made with singers, with the skilful and the eloquent.
Indra, when he subdues Dhuni and Cumuri, lists to Dabhīti for his faithful spirit's sake.

तवं पुरूण्या भरा सवश्व्या येभिर्मंसै निवचनानिशंसन |
सुगेभिर्विश्वा दुरिता तरेम विदो षु ण उर्वियागाधमद्य
English:- Give riches manifold with noble horses, to be remembered while my songs address thee.
May we by easy paths pass all our troubles: find us this day a ford wide and extensive.