Book 7 >> HYMN 94 - Indra-Agni
इयं वामस्य मन्मन इन्द्राग्नी पूर्व्यस्तुतिः |
अभ्राद वर्ष्टिरिवाजनि
अभ्राद वर्ष्टिरिवाजनि
English:- . As rain from out the cloud, for you, Indra and Agni, from my soul
This noblest praise hath been produced.
This noblest praise hath been produced.
शर्णुतं जरितुर्हवमिन्द्राग्नी वनतं गिरः |
ईशानापिप्यतं धियः
English:- Do ye, O Indra-Agni, hear the singer's call: accept his songs.
Ye Rulers, grant his heart's desire.
Ye Rulers, grant his heart's desire.
मा पापत्वाय नो नरेन्द्राग्नी माभिशस्तये |
मा नो रीरधतं निदे
English:- Give us not up to poverty, ye Heroes, Indra-Agni, nor
To slander and reproach of men.
To slander and reproach of men.
इन्द्रे अग्ना नमो बर्हत सुव्र्क्तिमेरयामहे |
धिया धेना अवस्यवः
English:- To Indra and to Agni we bring reverence, high and holy hymn,
And, craving help, softwords with prayer.
And, craving help, softwords with prayer.
ता हि शश्वन्त ईळत इत्था विप्रास ऊतये |
सबाधो वाजसातये
English:- For all these holy singers here implore these Twain to succour them,
And priests that they may win them strength.
And priests that they may win them strength.
ता वां गीर्भिर्विपन्यवः परयस्वन्तो हवामहे |
मेधसाता सनिष्यवः
English:- Eager to laudyou, we with songs invoke you, bearing sacred food,
Fain for success in sacrifice.
Fain for success in sacrifice.
इन्द्राग्नी अवसा गतमस्मभ्यं चर्षणीसहा |
मा नो दुःशंस ईशत
English:- Indra and Agni, come to us with favour, ye who conquer men:
Let not the wicked master us.
Let not the wicked master us.
मा कस्य नो अररुषो धूर्तिः परणं मर्त्यस्य |
इन्द्राग्नीशर्म यछतम
English:- At no time let the injurious blow of hostile mortal fall on us:
O Indra-Agni, shelter us.
O Indra-Agni, shelter us.
गोमद धिरण्यवद वसु यद वामश्वावदीमहे |
इन्द्राग्नीतद वनेमहि
English:- Whatever wealth we crave of you, in gold, in cattle, or in steeds,
That, Indra-Agni, let us gain;
That, Indra-Agni, let us gain;
यत सोम आ सुते नर इन्द्राग्नी अजोहवुः |
सप्तीवन्ता सपर्यवः
English:- When heroes prompt in worship call Indra and Agni, Lords of steeds,
Beside the Soma juice effused.
Beside the Soma juice effused.
उक्थेभिर्व्र्त्रहन्तमा या मन्दाना चिदा गिरा |
English:- Call hither with the song and lauds those who best slay the foemen, those
Who take delight in hymns of praise.
Who take delight in hymns of praise.
ताविद दुःशंसं मर्त्यं दुर्विद्वांसं रक्षस्विनम |
आभोगं हन्मना हतमुदधिं हन्मना हतम
English:- Slay ye the wicked man whose thought is evil of the demon kind.
Slay him who stays the waters, slay the Serpent with your deadly dart.
Slay him who stays the waters, slay the Serpent with your deadly dart.