Book 8 >> HYMN 18 - Adityas

इदं ह नूनमेषां सुम्नं भिक्षेत मर्त्यः |
आदित्यानामपूर्व्यं सवीमनि
English:- . Now let the mortal offer prayer to win the unexampled grace
Of these Ādityas and their aid to cherish life.

अनर्वाणो हयेषां पन्था आदित्यानाम |
अदब्धाः सन्ति पायवः सुगेव्र्धः
English:- For not an enemy molests the paths which these Ādityas tread:
Infallible guards, they strengthen us in happiness.

तत सु नः सविता भगो वरुणो मित्रो अर्यमा |
शर्म यछन्तु सप्रथो यदीमहे
English:- Now soon may Bhaga, Savitar, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman
Give us the shelter widely spread which we implore.

देवेभिर्देव्यदिते.अरिष्टभर्मन्ना गहि |
समत सूरिभिः पुरुप्रिये सुशर्मभिः
English:- With Gods come thou whose fostering care none checks, O Goddesss Aditi:
Come, dear to many, with the Lords who guard us well.

ते हि पुत्रासो अदितेर्विदुर्द्वेषांसि योतवे |
English:- For well these Sons of Aditi know to keep enmities aloof,
Unrivalled, giving ample room, they save from woe.

अदितिर्नो दिवा पशुमदितिर्नक्तमद्वयाः |
अदितिः पात्वंहसः सदाव्र्धा
English:- Aditi guard our herd by day, Aditi, free from guile, by night,
Aditi, ever strengthening, save us from grief!

उत सया नो दिवा मतिरदितिरूत्या गमत |
सा शन्ताति मयस करदप सरिधः
English:- And in the day our hymn is this: May Aditi come nigh to help,
With loving-kindness bring us weal and chase our foes.

उत तया दैव्या भिषजा शं नः करतो अश्विना |
युयुयातामितो रपो अप सरिधः
English:- And may the Aśvins, the divine Pair of Physicians, send us health:
May they remove iniquity and chase our foes.

शमग्निरग्निभिः करच्छं नस्तपतु सूर्यः |
शं वातो वात्वरपा अप सरिधः
English:- May Agni bless us with his fires, and Sūrya warm us pleasantly:
May the pure Wind breathe sweet on us, and chase our foes.

अपामीवामप सरिधमप सेधत दुर्मतिम |
आदित्यासो युयोतना नो अंहसः
English:- Drive ye disease and strife away, drive ye away malignity:
Ādityas, keep us ever far from sore distress.

युयोता शरुमस्मदानादित्यास उतामतिम |
रधग दवेषःक्र्णुत विश्ववेदसः
English:- Remove from us the arrow, keep famine, Ādityas! far away:
Keep enmities afar from us, Lords of all wealth!

तत सु नः शर्म यछतादित्या यन मुमोचति |
एनस्वन्तं चिदेनसः सुदानवः
English:- Now, O Ādityas, grant to us the shelter that lets man go free,
Yea, even the sinner from his sin, ye Bounteous Gods 1

यो नः कश्चिद रिरिक्षति रक्षस्त्वेन मर्त्यः |
सवैः षेवै रिरिषीष्ट युर्जनः
English:- Whatever mortal with the powe r of demons fain would injure us,
May he, impetuous, suffer harm by his own deeds.

समित तमघमश्नवद दुःशंसं मर्त्यं रिपुम |
यो अस्मत्रा दुर्हणावानुप दवयुः
English:- May sin o'ertake our human foe, the man who speaketh evil thing,
Him who would cause our misery, whose heart is false.

पाकत्रा सथन देवा हर्त्सु जानीथ मर्त्यम |
उप दवयुं चाद्वयुं च वसवः
English:- Gods, ye are with the simple ones, ye know each mortal in your hearts;
Ye, Vasus, well discriminate the false and true.

आ शर्म पर्वतानामोतापां वर्णीमहे |
दयावाक्षामारे अस्मद रपस कर्तम
English:- Fain would we have the sheltering aid of mountains and of water-floods:
Keep far from us iniquity, O Heaven and Earth.

ते नो भद्रेण शर्मणा युष्माकं नावा वसवः |
अति विश्वानि दुरिता पिपर्तन
English:- So with auspicious sheltering aid do ye, O Vasus, carry us
Beyond all trouble and distress, borne in your ship.

तुचे तनाय तत सु नो दराघीय आयुर्जीवसे |
आदित्यासःसुमहसः कर्णोतन
English:- Ādityas, ye Most Mighty Ones, grant to our children and their seed
Extended term of life that they may live long days.

यज्ञो हीळो वो अन्तर आदित्या अस्ति मर्ळत |
युष्मे इद वो अपि षमसि सजात्ये
English:- Sacrifice, O Ādityas, is your inward monitor: be kind,
For in the bond of kindred we are bound to you.

बर्हद वरूथं मरुतां देवं तरातारमश्विना |
मित्रमीमहे वरुणं सवस्तये
English:- The Maruts' high protecting aid, the Aśvins, and the God who saves,
Mitra and Varuṇa for weal we supplicate.

अनेहो मित्रार्यमन नर्वद वरुण शंस्यम |
तरिवरूथं मरुतो यन्त नश्छर्दिः
English:- Grant us a home with triple guard, Aryaman, Mitra, Varuṇa!
Unthreatened, Maruts! meet for praise, and filled with men.

ये चिद धि मर्त्युबन्धव आदित्या मनवः समसि |
पर सू नायुर्जीवसे तिरेतन
English:- And as we human beings, O Ādityas, are akin to death,
Graciously lengthen ye our lives that we may live.