अयोध्या-काण्ड > वशिष्ठ का भरत को राज्याभिषेक का आदेश, भरत का इनकार

Vasishta requests Bharata to get himself anointed as a king. Bharata refuses to rob the throne from Rama. Who is really elighible for it as the eldest son of the family. He resolves to bring back Rama from the forest and orders Sumantra to arrange for vehicles and men for the journey. Thereupon, warriors merchants Shudras and Bhrahmanas harnessed their chariots and got ready for the journey to the forest along with Bharata.
ताम् आर्य गण सम्पूर्णाम् भरतः प्रग्रहाम् सभाम् |
ददर्श बुद्धि सम्पन्नः पूर्ण चन्द्राम् निशाम् इव || २-८२-१
Bharata endowed with understanding, saw that assembly, enriched with the whole body of respectable men, looking like a night in full moon duly enriched with well-known planets.
आसनानि यथा न्यायम् आर्याणाम् विशताम् तदा |
अदृश्यत घन अपाये पूर्ण चन्द्रा इव शर्वरी || २-८२-२
That excellent assembly was aglow with the brilliance of clothes and scented cosmetics of its respected members occupying their appropriate seats.
सा विद्वज्जनसम्पूर्णा सभा सुरुचिरा तदा |
अदृश्यत घनापाये पूर्णचन्द्रेव शर्वरी || २-८२-३
That beautiful assembly filled with learned men looked like a night with autumn full moon.
राज्ञः तु प्रकृतीः सर्वाः समग्राः प्रेक्ष्य धर्मवित् |
इदम् पुरोहितः वाक्यम् भरतम् मृदु च अब्रवीत् || २-८२-४
Beholding all the entire body of ministers of the king, Vaishta the knower of righteousness uttered to Bharata the following soft-spoken words:
तात राजा दशरथः स्वर् गतः धर्मम् आचरन् |
धन धान्यवतीम् स्फीताम् प्रदाय पृथिवीम् तव || २-८२-५
"O, beloved Bharata! The king Dasaratha, practicing righteousness, gave away to you this wide earth endowed with grains and riches and went to heaven."
रामः तथा सत्य धृतिः सताम् धर्मम् अनुस्मरन् |
न अजहात् पितुर् आदेशम् शशी ज्योत्स्नाम् इव उदितः || २-८२-६
"Rama, who was firmly established in truth, remembering the righteousness of good men, did not abandon the command of his father, as a raising moon does not abandon the moon-light."
पित्रा भ्रात्रा च ते दत्तम् राज्यम् निहत कण्टकम् |
तत् भुन्क्ष्व मुदित अमात्यः क्षिप्रम् एव अभिषेचय || २-८२-७
"The kingdom, having its enemies destroy was given to you by your father and brother. Enjoy it, with its delightful ministers. Get anointed for the kingdom just soon."
उदीच्याः च प्रतीच्याः च दाक्षिणात्याः च केवलाः |
कोट्या अपर अन्ताः सामुद्रा रत्नानि अभिहरन्तु ते || २-८२-८
"let those living in the north, the Westerners; the southerners the kings of western borders near the Sahya mountains who are without a throne and the seafaring traders bring crores of jewels as gifts to you."
तत् श्रुत्वा भरतः वाक्यम् शोकेन अभिपरिप्लुतः |
जगाम मनसा रामम् धर्मज्ञो धर्म कान्क्षया || २-८२-९
Hearing those words, the pious Bharata was filled with distress and thirsting for justice got his mind fixed on Rama.
स बाष्प कलया वाचा कल हंस स्वरः युवा |
विललाप सभा मध्ये जगर्हे च पुरोहितम् || २-८२-१०
The youthful Bharata, with a voice of a Hamsa bird, in the midst of the assembly, lamented in a tearful and appealing speech. He even reproached his royal priest as follows:
चरित ब्रह्मचर्यस्य विद्या स्नातस्य धीमतः |
धर्मे प्रयतमानस्य को राज्यम् मद्विधो हरेत् || २-८२-११
"How can a man such as I, rob the throne from one, who practices Brahmacharya (continence and chastity), versed in the science of the Vedas (sacred scriptures) and who is devoted to duty?"
कथम् दशरथाज् जातः भवेद् राज्य अपहारकः |
राज्यम् च अहम् च रामस्य धर्मम् वक्तुम् इह अर्हसि || २-८२-१२
"How should one born of Dasaratha become the usurper of a crown? Both the kingdom and I myself belong to Rama. You ought to tell the law and justice in this matter."
ज्येष्ठः श्रेष्ठः च धर्म आत्मा दिलीप नहुष उपमः |
लब्धुम् अर्हति काकुत्स्थो राज्यम् दशरथो यथा || २-८२-१३
"Rama, the eldest son, an excellent man, a pious souled and who can be compared with Dilipa* and Nahusha*, is eligible to get the kingdom, as with Dasaratha."
अनार्य जुष्टम् अस्वर्ग्यम् कुर्याम् पापम् अहम् यदि |
इक्ष्वाकूणाम् अहम् लोके भवेयम् कुल पांसनः || २-८२-१४
"If in this world, I dishonoured the name of Ikshavaku race, I should be guilty of a sinful act, practiced by disgraceful men, which does not lead to heaven."
यद्द् हि मात्रा कृतम् पापम् न अहम् तत् अभिरोचये |
इहस्थो वन दुर्गस्थम् नमस्यामि कृत अन्जलिः || २-८२-१५
"I do not indeed like that sinful act done even by my mother. From here itself, I offer my salutation with my joined palms to Rama who is residing in an impassable forest."
रामम् एव अनुगच्चामि स राजा द्विपदाम् वरः |
त्रयाणाम् अपि लोकानाम् राघवो राज्यम् अर्हति || २-८२-१६
"I will follow Rama's steps. He, who is supreme among men, is the king. Rama is eligible even for the kingdom of the three worlds."
तत् वाक्यम् धर्म सम्युक्तम् श्रुत्वा सर्वे सभासदः |
हर्षान् मुमुचुर् अश्रूणि रामे निहित चेतसः || २-८२-१७
Hearing those righteous words of Bharata, all the members of the assembly shed tears of joy, having their minds obsessed of Rama.
यदि तु आर्यम् न शक्ष्यामि विनिवर्तयितुम् वनात् |
वने तत्र एव वत्स्यामि यथा आर्यो लक्ष्मणः तथा || २-८२-१८
"If I am unable to bring back my elder brother from the forest, I shall stay back in that forest itself, as how the venerable Lakshmana is staying now."
सर्व उपायम् तु वर्तिष्ये विनिवर्तयितुम् बलात् |
समक्षम् आर्य मिश्राणाम् साधूनाम् गुण वर्तिनाम् || २-८२-१९
"I shall use every means to bring back compulsorily, that hero before you, practicing virtues, the honourable and the distinguished men."
विष्टिकर्मान्तिकाः सर्वे मार्गशोधनरक्षकाः |
प्रस्थापिता मया पूर्वम् यात्रापि मम रोचते || २-८२-२०
"All those who are skilled in clearing paths working on and without wages, have been sent by me in advance and the journey so planned, pleases me."
एवम् उक्त्वा तु धर्म आत्मा भरतः भ्रातृ वत्सलः |
समीपस्थम् उवाच इदम् सुमन्त्रम् मन्त्र कोविदम् || २-८२-२१
The pious minded Bharata, who had an affection for his brother spoke as aforesaid and uttered the following words to Sumantra who was clever in giving counsel and who was sitting nearby.
तूर्णम् उत्थाय गच्च त्वम् सुमन्त्र मम शासनात् |
यात्राम् आज्ञापय क्षिप्रम् बलम् चैव समानय || २-८२-२२
"O, Sumantra! Rise quickly and go. As per my orders, arrange for the jorney immediately. Bring the army also."
एवम् उक्तः सुमन्त्रः तु भरतेन महात्मना |
हृष्टः सो अदिशत् सर्वम् यथा संदिष्टम् इष्टवत् || २-८२-२३
Hearing the words of the magnanimous Bharata, Sumantra joyfully arranged all that in accord with Bharata's orders and wishes.
ताः प्रहृष्टाः प्रकृतयो बल अध्यक्षा बलस्य च |
श्रुत्वा यात्राम् समाज्ञप्ताम् राघवस्य निवर्तने || २-८२-२४
Hearing about the expedition of the army too; for arranging of return of Rama, the ministers and army-commander there were delighted.
ततः योध अन्गनाः सर्वा भर्तृऋन् सर्वान् गृहे गृहे |
यात्रा गमनम् आज्ञाय त्वरयन्ति स्म हर्षिताः || २-८२-२५
All the wives of warriors in every house, knowing about the ensuing expedition, were jubiliant and hurried up all their respective husband to setoff for the journey.
ते हयैः गो रथैः शीघ्रैः स्यन्दनैः च मनो जवैः |
सह योधैः बल अध्यक्षा बलम् सर्वम् अचोदयन् || २-८२-२६
Those army-generals urged the entire army to march forward quickly, with the fast moving horses, bullock carts with a good speed and the chariots along with the warriors.
सज्जम् तु तत् बलम् दृष्ट्वा भरतः गुरु सम्निधौ |
रथम् मे त्वरयस्व इति सुमन्त्रम् पार्श्वतः अब्रवीत् || २-८२-२७
Seeing that army ready, Bharata in the presence of Vasishta said as follows to Sumantra who was standing by his side: "Get ready my chariot quickly."
भरतस्य तु तस्य आज्ञाम् प्रतिगृह्य प्रहर्षितः |
रथम् गृहीत्वा प्रययौ युक्तम् परम वाजिभिः || २-८२-२८
Bowing to the command of Bharata and taking a chariot yoked with excellent horses, Sumantra on his part approached him with delight.
स राघवः सत्य धृतिः प्रतापवान् |
ब्रुवन् सुयुक्तम् दृढ सत्य विक्रमः |
गुरुम् महा अरण्य गतम् यशस्विनम् |
प्रसादयिष्यन् भरतः अब्रवीत् तदा || २-८२-२९
Bharata, born in Raghu dynasty who was sincere in his purpose a powerful man having strong and mighty prowess and whose talk was most appropriate, then spoke as follows: intending (to undertake a journey) to persuade his illustrious elder brother, staying in dreary woods, to return to Ayodhya.
तूण समुत्थाय सुमन्त्र गच्च |
बलस्य योगाय बल प्रधानान् |
आनेतुम् इच्चामि हि तम् वनस्थम् |
प्रसाद्य रामम् जगतः हिताय || २-८२-३०
"O, Sumantra! Rise up and proceed quickly to inform the army-chief to arrange for the troops. After propitiating that Rama staying in the forest, I want to bring him back to Ayodhya for the welfare of the people."
स सूत पुत्रः भरतेन सम्यग् |
आज्ञापितः सम्परिपूर्ण कामः |
शशास सर्वान् प्रकृति प्रधानान् |
बलस्य मुख्यामः च सुहृज् जनम् च || २-८२-३१
Sumantra, having received that explicit command from Bharata, which fulfilled his highest hopes, called all the ministers-in-chief, the chiefs of the army and the friendly multitude.
ततः समुत्थाय कुले कुले ते |
राजन्य वैश्या वृषलाः च विप्राः |
अयूयुजन्न् उष्ट्र रथान् खरामः च|
नागान् हयामः चैव कुल प्रसूतान् || २-८२-३२
Thereupon, from every house, warriors merchants, Shudras and Brahmanas rose up and harnessed their chariots to camels, mules, well-bred elephants and horses.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये अयोध्याकाण्डे द्व्यशीतितमः सर्गः