बाल-काण्ड > सरयू गंगा संगम के पास पुण्य आश्रम में रात्रि विश्राम

Rama and Lakshmana proceeding with Vishvamitra sojourn in a hermitage at a place where River Ganga and River Sarayu are confluent. Once god Shiva with his third eye burnt down the physical entity of Manmatha, the Love-god, at this place.

प्रभातायाम् तु शर्वर्याम् विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः |
अभ्यभाषत काकुत्स्थौ शयानौ पर्ण संस्तरे || १-२३-१
At dawn after that night the great saint Vishvamitra spoke to the legatees of Kakutstha, Rama and Lakshmana, those that are sleeping on a grass bed. [1-23-1]
कौसल्या सुप्रजा राम पूर्वा संध्या प्रवर्तते |
उत्तिष्ठ नर शार्दूल कर्तव्यम् दैवमाह्निकम् || १-२३-२
"Fortunate is Kausalya to beget you as her son Rama... get up oh, tigerly-man, eastern aurora is emerging, daytime tasks towards gods are to be performed." [1-23-2]
तस्य ऋषेः परम उदारम् वचः श्रुत्वा नृप नरोत्तमौ |
स्नात्वा कृत उदकौ वीरौ जेपतुः परमम् जपम् || १-२३-३
On hearing the benign words of the sage those valorous and best ones among men got up, bathed, and on offering water oblation they mediated upon the supreme hymn, namely Gayatri. [1-23-3]
कृत आह्निकौ महावीर्यौ विश्वामित्रम् तपोधनम् |
अभिवाद्य अति संहृष्टौ गमनाय अभितस्थतुः || १-२३-४
On performing their dawn time duties those two stalwarts, Rama and Lakshmana, enthusiastically presented themselves before the ascetically rich sage Vishvamitra for further journey, duly venerating him. [1-23-4]
तौ प्रयान्तौ महावीर्यौ दिव्यम् त्रिपथगाम् नदीम् |
ददृशा ते ततः तत्र सरय्वाः संगमे शुभे || १-२३-५
Then on travelling some more distance those two great valiant ones, there they have seen the divine river that courses in three ways, namely Ganga, at the auspicious confluence of River Sarayu. [1-23-5]
तत्र आश्रम पदम् पुण्यम् ऋषीणाम् भाविअत आत्मानाम् |
बहु वर्ष सहस्राणि तप्यताम् परमम् तपः || १-२३-६
There they have seen the merited hermitage of sages with contemplative souls, and who are practising supreme ascesis for many thousand years. [1-23-6]
तम् दृष्ट्वा परम प्रीतौ राघवौ पुण्यम् आश्रमम् |
ऊचतुः तम् महात्मानम् विश्वामित्रम् इदम् वचः || १-२३-७
On seeing that merited hermitage Rama and Lakshmana are highly pleased and said this word to that great-soul Sage Vishvamitra. [1-23-7]
कस्य अयम् आश्रमः पुण्यः को नु अस्मिन् वसते पुमान् |
भगवन् श्रोतुम् इच्छावः परम् कौतूहलम् हि नौ || १-२३-८
"Whose hermitage is this merited one? Indeed who is the celebrity that lives therein? Oh, godly sage, we are interested to listen, and we are truly inquisitive about it." Thus they asked. [1-23-8]
तयोः तद् वचनम् श्रुत्वा प्रहस्य मुनिपुंगवः |
अब्रवीत् श्रूयताम् राम यस्य अयम् पूर्व आश्रमः || १-२३-९
On hearing their words the eminent sage Viswamitra said smilingly, " whose hermitage is this in earlier times that may be listened." Thus Vishvamitra started to narrate. [1-23-9]
कन्दर्पो मूर्तिमान् आसीत् काम इति उच्यते बुधैः |
तपस्यंतम् इह स्थाणुम् नियमेन समाहितम् || १-२३-१०
कृत उद्वाहम् तु देवेशम् गच्छन्तम् स मरुद् गणम् |
धर्षयामास दुर्मेधा हुम् कृतः च महात्मना || १-२३-११
"When Love-god was with his body wise men used to call him Kama, the passion. At this place, that Love-god with his naughty intent braved god of gods Shiva who had been practising ascesis and who concentrated observantly, and who was returning after his marriage along with his followers, namely the Wind-gods, and that great soul Shiva disapprovingly roared at Love-god. [1-23-10, 11]
अवध्यतः च रुद्रेण चक्षुषा रघु नन्दन |
व्यशीर्यन्त शरीरात् स्वात् सर्व गात्राणि दुर्मतेः || १-२३-१२
"And Rama, the wrathful third-eye of Shiva destroyed the lewd-minded Love-god making all his limbs to fall down from his body. [1-23-12]
तत्र गात्रम् हतम् तस्य निर्दग्धस्य महात्मनः |
अशरीरः कृतः कामः क्रोधात् देव ईश्वरेण ह || १-२३-१३
"There the body of Love-god is evanesced when that great soul Shiva burnt it down, and by the anger of that god of gods Shiva, Love-god is rendered as a bodiless entity. [1-23-13]
अनङ्ग इति विख्यातः तदा प्रभृति राघव |
स च अङ्ग विषयः श्रीमान् यत्र अंगम् स मुमोच ह || १-२३-१४
Then onwards Love-god is renowned as Ananga, as he is without body, and where his body is given up that is renowned as Anga province. [1-23-14]
तस्य अयम् आश्रमः पुण्यः तस्य इमे मुनयः पुरा |
शिष्या धर्मपरा वीर तेषाम् पापम् न विद्यते || १-२३-१५
"This merited hermitage thus belongs to Shiva and, oh, brave Rama, these sages abiding in virtue are Shiva's disciples at one time, thus sin is unverifiable with them. [1-23-15]
इह अद्य रजनीम् राम वसेम शुभ दर्शन |
पुण्ययोः सरितोः मध्ये श्वः तरिष्यामहे वयम् || १-२३-१६
"Let us stay for this night in this hermitage situated in between two meritorious rivers Ganga and Sarayu, oh, Rama with auspicious mien, tomorrow we will cross over the River Ganga. [1-23-16]
अभिगच्छामहे सर्वे शुचयः पुण्यम् आश्रमम् |
इह वासः परोऽस्माकम् सुखम् वस्त्यामहे वयम् || १-२३-१७
स्नाताः च कृत जप्याः च हुत हव्या नरोत्तम |
"Let us all purify ourselves by taking our bath, performing our meditations, offering our daily oblations, and then let us enter this meritorious hermitage, thus our stay in here will be comforting to us." So said Vishvamitra to Rama and Lakshmana. [1-23-17, 18a]
तेषाम् संवदताम् तत्र तपो दीर्घेण चक्षुषा || १-२३-१८
विज्ञाय परम प्रीता मुनयो हर्षम् आगमन् |
अर्घ्यम् पाद्यम् तथा आतिथ्यम् निवेद्य कुशिकात्मजे || १-२३-१९
When they are discussing there the sages of that hermitage are highly gladdened to perceive them with their sixth-sense, and on approaching them enchantedly they offered water for hands and feet wash and then offered hospitality firstly to Sage Vishvamitra. [1-23-18, 19]
राम लक्ष्मणयोः पश्चात् अकुर्वन् अतिथि क्रियाम् |
सत्कारम् सम् अनुप्राप्य कथाभिः अभिरंजयन् ||१-२३-२०
Afterwards those sages of that hermitage have accorded reception to Rama and Lakshmana, and applauded by Vishvamitra for their hospitality those sages have entertained Rama and other guests with myths and legends. [1-23-20]
यथा अर्हम् अजपन् संध्याम् ऋषयः ते समाहिताः |
तत्र वासिभिः आनीता मुनिभिः सुव्रतैः सह || १-२३-२१
न्यवसन् सुसुखम् तत्र काम आश्रम पदे तथा |
Those sages with concentrated minds and according to one's own aptitude have meditated upon the deity of sunset when it is sundown, followed by Rama and others. Then led into hermitage by those sages who are with pious commitments and who are dwelling there, Rama and others have very comfortably stayed in the precincts of Shiva's hermitage. [1-23-21]
कथाभिरभिरामभिरभिरमौ नृपात्मजौ | - यद्वा -
कथाभिः अभि रामभिः अभि रमौ नृप आत्मजौ
रमयामास धर्मात्मा कौशिको मुनिपुङ्गवः || १-२३-२२
Staying very comfortably in the precincts of Kaama hermitage, then that virtuous sage Vishvamitra, saint the eminent, delighted the delightful princes with delighting stories.....[1-23-22]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदिकाव्ये बाल काण्डे त्रयोविंशः सर्गः ||