युद्ध-काण्ड > इन्द्रजीत और लक्ष्मण का घोर युद्द, इन्द्रजीत का वध
Indrajit goes back to Lanka and brings another chariot with him. He attacks the
monkeys severely. The monkeys seek refuge in Lakshmana. Indrajit and Lakshmana continue a fierce
battle with their bow and arrows. Lakshmana destroys Indrajit's chariot. Indrajit strikes three
arrows in Lakshmana's forehead and Lakshmana strikes five arrows on Indrajit's face. When Indrajit
strikes Vibhishana with arrows, Vibhishana kills Indrajit's horses. Fitting a missile presided over
by Indra the lord of celestials, Lakshmana addressed a prayer on Rama and discharged it towards
Indrajit. Indrajit's head gets chopped off and falls to the ground. Witnessing Indrajit's death,
all the monkey-chiefs, Vibhishana, Hanuma and Jambavan applaud Lakshmana.
स हताश्वो महातेजा भूमौ तिष्ठन्निशाचरः |
इन्द्रजित्परमक्रुद्धः सम्प्रजज्वाल तेजसा || ९०-६-१
इन्द्रजित्परमक्रुद्धः सम्प्रजज्वाल तेजसा || ९०-६-१
Indrajit, the demon, who was endowed with extraordinary energy, standing on the
ground his horses having been killed; was very much enraged and blazed with spirit."
तौ धन्विनौ जिघांसन्तावन्योन्यमिषुभिर्भृशम् |
विजयेनाभिनिष्क्रान्तौ वने गजवृषाविव || ९०-६-२
विजयेनाभिनिष्क्रान्तौ वने गजवृषाविव || ९०-६-२
Those two warriors, holding their bows, having an extreme intent to kill each other
with their arrows, were like two excellent elephants going out in the forest for the purpose of
conquering one over the other."
निबर्हयन्तश्चान्योन्यं ते राक्षसवनौकसः |
भर्तारं न जहुर्युद्धे सम्पतन्तस्ततस्ततः || ९०-६-३
भर्तारं न जहुर्युद्धे सम्पतन्तस्ततस्ततः || ९०-६-३
Those demons and monkeys, rushing from all sides, destroying each other, did not
desert their masters in battle."
ततस्तान् राक्षसान् सर्वान् हर्षयन् रावणात्मजः |
स्तुवानो हर्षमाणश्च इदं वचनमब्रवीत् || ९०-६-४
स्तुवानो हर्षमाणश्च इदं वचनमब्रवीत् || ९०-६-४
Applauding and causing rejoice to all the demons and even feeling delighted himself,
Indrajit then spoke the following words:
तमसा बहुलेनेमाः संसक्ताः सर्वतो दिशः |
नेह विज्ञायते स्वो वा परो वा राक्षसोत्तमाः || ९०-६-५
नेह विज्ञायते स्वो वा परो वा राक्षसोत्तमाः || ९०-६-५
"These quarters are wrapped on all sides with abundant darkness. O foremost of
demons! It can not be identified at this time whether one belongs to one's own army or an
धृष्टं भवन्तो युध्यन्तु हरीणां मोहनाय वै |
अहं तु रथमास्थाय आगमिष्यामि संयुगे || ९०-६-६
अहं तु रथमास्थाय आगमिष्यामि संयुगे || ९०-६-६
"You courageously fight, so as to stupefy the monkeys. I, on my part, will return to
the battle-field, ascending another chariot."
तथा भवन्तः कुर्वन्तु यथेमे हि वनौकसः |
न युध्येयुर्दुरात्मानः प्रविष्टे नगरं मयि || ९०-६-७
न युध्येयुर्दुरात्मानः प्रविष्टे नगरं मयि || ९०-६-७
"You act in such a way so that these evil-minded monkeys do not carry on their fight
(with me) while enter the city."
इत्युक्त्वा रावणसुतो वञ्चयित्वा वनौकसः |
प्रविवेश पुरीं लङ्काम् रथहेतोरमित्रह || ९०-६-८
प्रविवेश पुरीं लङ्काम् रथहेतोरमित्रह || ९०-६-८
Thus speaking, Indrajit the annihilator of enemies, having deceived the monkeys,
entered the City of Lanka for the sake of getting anther chariot."
स रथं भूषयित्वाथ रुचिरं हे मभूषितम् |
प्रासासिशरसंयुक्तं युक्तं परमवाजिभिः || ९०-६-९
अधिष्ठितं हयज्ञेन सूतेनाप्तोपदेशिना |
आरुरोह महातेजा रावणिः समितिंजयः || ९०-६-१०
प्रासासिशरसंयुक्तं युक्तं परमवाजिभिः || ९०-६-९
अधिष्ठितं हयज्ञेन सूतेनाप्तोपदेशिना |
आरुरोह महातेजा रावणिः समितिंजयः || ९०-६-१०
Arranging for embellishment of a chariot, which was beautiful, decked with gold,
furnished with darts, swords and arrows, yoked with excellent horses, directed by a charioteer who
could understand those horses properly and could give credible instructions to them, that Indrajit,
a conqueror in battle, who was endowed with extraordinary energy, then ascended it."
स राक्षस्गणैर्मुख्यैर्वृतो मन्दोदरीसुतः |
निर्ययौ नगराद्वीरः कृतान्तबलचोदितः || ९०-६-११
निर्ययौ नगराद्वीरः कृतान्तबलचोदितः || ९०-६-११
That valiant Indrajit, surrounded by troops of principal demons and incited by the
force of destiny, sallied forth from the city."
सोऽभिनिष्क्रम्य नगरादिन्द्रजित्परवीरह |
अभ्ययाज्जवनैरश्वैर्लक्ष्मणं सविभीषणम् || ९०-६-१२
अभ्ययाज्जवनैरश्वैर्लक्ष्मणं सविभीषणम् || ९०-६-१२
Moving out form the City with his swift horses, that indrajit, the destroyer of
valiant enemies, attacked Lakshmana and Vibhishana."
ततो रथस्थमालोक्य सौमित्री रावणात्मजम् |
नानराश्च महावीर्या राक्षसश्च विभीषणः || ९०-६-१३
विस्मयं परमं जग्मुर्लाघवात्तस्य धीमतः |
नानराश्च महावीर्या राक्षसश्च विभीषणः || ९०-६-१३
विस्मयं परमं जग्मुर्लाघवात्तस्य धीमतः |
Seeing Idnrajit seated in the chariot, Lakshmana, the mighty monkeys and Vibhishana
the demon then were very much surprised on recalling the alacrity of the intelligent Indrajit."
रावणिश्चापि संक्रुद्धो रणे वानरयूथपान् || ९०-६-१४
पातयामास बाणौघैः शतशोऽथ् सहस्रशः |
पातयामास बाणौघैः शतशोऽथ् सहस्रशः |
The enraged Indrajit also struck down hundreds and thousands of monkey-chiefs by
using a multitude of arrows in the battle-field."
स मण्डलीकृतधनू रावणिः समितिंजयः || ९०-६-१५
हरीनभ्यहनत्क्रुद्धः परं लाघवमास्थितः |
हरीनभ्यहनत्क्रुद्धः परं लाघवमास्थितः |
Stretching his bow to a circle, that enraged Indrajit the conqueror in battle,
exhibiting supreme agility, began to kill the monkeys."
ते वध्यमाना हरयो नाराचैर्भीमविक्रमाः || ९०-६-१६
सौमित्रिं शरणम् प्राप्तः प्रजापतिमिव प्रजाः |
सौमित्रिं शरणम् प्राप्तः प्रजापतिमिव प्रजाः |
Thus being killed by steel arrows, those monkeys of terrible prowess sought refuge
in Lakshmana, as people would take refuge in Brahma the Lord of Creation."
ततः समरकोपेन ज्वलितो रघुनन्दनः || ९०-६-१७
चिच्छेद कार्मुकं तस्य दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम् |
चिच्छेद कार्मुकं तस्य दर्शयन् पाणिलाघवम् |
Then, blazing with hostile anger, Lakshmana, showing his agility of hand, tore
Indrajit's bow."
सोऽन्य्त्कार्मुकमादाय सज्जं चक्रे त्वरन्निव || ९०-६-१८
तदप्यस्य त्रिभिर्बाणैर्लक्ष्मणो निरकृन्तत |
तदप्यस्य त्रिभिर्बाणैर्लक्ष्मणो निरकृन्तत |
Hurriedly, he took another bow and made it ready. Lakshmana tore that bow too of
Indrajit with three arrows."
अथनं चिन्नधन्वानमाशीविषविषोपमैः || ९०-६-१९
विव्याधोरसि सौमित्री रावणिं पञ्चभिः शरैः |
विव्याधोरसि सौमित्री रावणिं पञ्चभिः शरैः |
Thereupon, Lakshmana struck that Indrajit, whose bow was torn, on his chest with
five arrows which were deadly like a serpentine poison."
ते तस्य कायं इर्भिद्य महाकार्मुकनिःसृताः || ९०-६-२०
निपेतुर्धरणीं बाणा रक्ता इव महोरगाः |
निपेतुर्धरणीं बाणा रक्ता इव महोरगाः |
Those arrows, released from that great bow, penetrating through Indrajit's body,
fell to the ground like huge red serpents."
स च्छिन्नधन्वा रुधिरं वमन् वक्त्रेण रावणिः || ९०-६-२१
जग्राह कार्मुकश्रेष्ठं दृढज्यं बलवत्तरम् |
जग्राह कार्मुकश्रेष्ठं दृढज्यं बलवत्तरम् |
Ejecting blood from his month, that Indrajit, who had his bow torn, took hold of his
excellent bow with the bow-string firmly fastened and which was stronger than the earlier bow."
स लक्ष्मणं समुद्दिश्य परं लाघवमास्थितः |
ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि वर्षाणीव पुरन्दरः || || ९०-६-२२
ववर्ष शरवर्षाणि वर्षाणीव पुरन्दरः || || ९०-६-२२
Employing utmost agility, Indrajit, aiming at Lakshmana, streamed forth a shower of
arrows, as Indra the lord of celestials streaming forth the rain."
मुक्तमिन्द्रजिता तत्तु शरवर्षमरिन्दमः |
अवारयदसम्भ्रान्तो लक्ष्मणः सुदुरासदम् || ९०-६-२३
अवारयदसम्भ्रान्तो लक्ष्मणः सुदुरासदम् || ९०-६-२३
Lakshmana the annihilator of enemies coolly warded off the shower of arrows released
by Indrajit, though it was most difficult to resist."
संदर्शयामास तदा रावणिं रघुनन्दनः || ९०-६-२४
असंभ्रान्तो महातेजास्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् |
असंभ्रान्तो महातेजास्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् |
Lakshmana with great splendor, remaining unperplexed, then showed his prowess to
Indrajit, which was marvelous indeed."
ततस्तान् राक्षसान् सर्वांस्त्रिभिरेकैक महावे || ९०-६-२५
अविध्यत्परमक्रुद्धः शीघ्रास्त्रं सम्प्रदर्शयन् |
राक्षसेन्द्रसुतं चापि बाणौघैः समताडयत् || ९०-६-२६
अविध्यत्परमक्रुद्धः शीघ्रास्त्रं सम्प्रदर्शयन् |
राक्षसेन्द्रसुतं चापि बाणौघैः समताडयत् || ९०-६-२६
Getting extremely enraged, Lakshmana then pierced all those demons who stood in the
battle-field with three arrows each, showing his speed in discharging missiles and also struck
Indrajit with an array of arrows."
सोऽतिविद्धो बलवता शत्रुणा शत्रुघातिना |
असक्तं प्रेषयामास लक्ष्मणाय बहून् शरान् || ९०-६-२७
असक्तं प्रेषयामास लक्ष्मणाय बहून् शरान् || ९०-६-२७
That Indrajit, who was struck by the enemy, who was mighty destroyer of enemies,
released several arrows unhindered towards Lakshmana."
तानप्राप्तान् शितैर्बाणैश्चिच्छेद परवीरह |
सारथेरस्य च रणे रथिनो रघुसत्तमः || ९०-६-२८
शोरो जहार धर्मात्मा भल्लेनानतपर्वणा |
सारथेरस्य च रणे रथिनो रघुसत्तमः || ९०-६-२८
शोरो जहार धर्मात्मा भल्लेनानतपर्वणा |
Lakshmana, the destroyer of valiant adversaries, tore those arrows yet unarrived,
with sharp arrows. The virtuous Lakshmana eliminated the head of the charioteer of Indrajit, the
chariot-warrior, in the battle with an arrow called Bhalla which was looking curved at its
असूतास्ते हयास्तत्र रथमूहुरविक्लबाः || ९०-६-२९
मण्डलान्यभिधावन्तस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् |
मण्डलान्यभिधावन्तस्तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् |
Those horses, bereft of a charioteer there, without getting perturbed, ran up in a
circular fashion and continued to draw the chariot. The scene looked wonderful indeed."
अमर्षवशमापन्नः सौमित्रिर्दृढविक्रमः || ९०-६-३०
प्रत्यविद्ध्यद्धयांस्तस्य शरैर्वित्रासयन् रणे |
प्रत्यविद्ध्यद्धयांस्तस्य शरैर्वित्रासयन् रणे |
Getting the power of anger, Lakshmana of unyielding prowess, pierced the horses of
Indrajit with arrows, so as to frighten them thereby."
अमर्षमाणस्तत्कर्म रावणस्य सुतो रणे || ९०-६-३१
विव्याध दशभिर्बाणैः सौमित्रिं तममर्षणम् |
विव्याध दशभिर्बाणैः सौमित्रिं तममर्षणम् |
Getting impatient with that act of Lakshmana in battle, Indrajit struck that enraged
Lakshmana with ten arrows."
ते तस्य वज्रप्रतिमाः शराः सर्पविषोपमाः || ९०-६-३२
विलयं जग्मुरागत्य कवचं काञ्चनप्रभम् |
विलयं जग्मुरागत्य कवचं काञ्चनप्रभम् |
Those arrows of Indrajit, equal to thunderbolts and deadly as serpentine poison,
having reached Lakshmana's armour with a golden hue, got destroyed."
अभेद्यकचनं मत्वा लक्ष्मणं रावणात्मजः || ९०-६-३३
ललाटे लक्ष्मणं बाणैः सुपुङ्खैस्त्रिभिरिन्द्रजित् |
अविध्यत्परमक्रुद्धः शीघ्रमस्त्रं प्रदर्शयन् || ९०-६-३४
ललाटे लक्ष्मणं बाणैः सुपुङ्खैस्त्रिभिरिन्द्रजित् |
अविध्यत्परमक्रुद्धः शीघ्रमस्त्रं प्रदर्शयन् || ९०-६-३४
Understanding Lakshmana to have been protected by an impenetrable armour and showing
his swiftness in discharging missiles, Indrajit the son of Ravana, who felt very much angered,
pierced Lakshmana in the forehead with three arrows provided with good plumes."
तैः पृषत्कैर्ललाटस्थैः शुशुभे रघुनन्दनः |
रणाग्रे समरश्लाघी त्रिशृङ्ग इव पर्वतः || ९०-६-३५
रणाग्रे समरश्लाघी त्रिशृङ्ग इव पर्वतः || ९०-६-३५
With those three arrows planted in his forehead, Lakshmana who was fond of fighting,
shone like a mountain with its three peaks, in the battle-field."
स तथाप्यर्दितो बाणै राक्षसेन महामृधे |
तमाशु प्रतिविव्याध लक्ष्मणः पनभिः शरैः || ९०-६-३६
विकृष्येन्द्रजितो युद्धे वदने शुभकुण्डले |
तमाशु प्रतिविव्याध लक्ष्मणः पनभिः शरैः || ९०-६-३६
विकृष्येन्द्रजितो युद्धे वदने शुभकुण्डले |
Thus tormented in battle by Indrajit the demon, that Lakshmana then quickly
stretching the bow, pierced him in return with five arrows, in battle, in Indrajit's face holding
beautiful ear-rings."
लक्ष्मणेन्द्रजितौ वीरौ महाबलशरासनौ || ९०-६-३७
अन्योन्यं जघ्नतुर्बाणैर्विशिखैर्भीमविक्रमौ |
अन्योन्यं जघ्नतुर्बाणैर्विशिखैर्भीमविक्रमौ |
Lakshmana Indrajit, the heroes endowed with extraordinary might and armed with very
strong bows and possessing terrible prowess, struck each other with distinctly pointed arrows."
ततह् शोणितदिग्धाङ्गौ लक्ष्मणेन्द्रजितावुभौ || ९०-६-३८
रणे तौ राजतुर्वीरौ पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ |
रणे तौ राजतुर्वीरौ पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ |
Those two warriors, Lakshmana and Indrajit, with both their bodies stained in blood,
shone in the battle-field at that time, like Kimshuka trees in blossom."
तौ परस्परमभ्येत्य सर्वगात्रेषु धन्विनौ || ९०-६-३९
घोरैर्विव्यधतुर्बाणैः कृतभावावुभौ जये |
घोरैर्विव्यधतुर्बाणैः कृतभावावुभौ जये |
Those two archers, with their minds directed towards victory, met each other and
pierced their opponent in all limbs with dreadful arrows."
ततः समरकोपेन संवृतो रावणात्मजः || ९०-६-४०
विभीषणं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्विव्याध वदने शुभे |
विभीषणं त्रिभिर्बाणैर्विव्याध वदने शुभे |
Then, Indrajit, filled with martial anger, struck Vibhishana in his auspicious face,
with three arrows."
अयोमुखस्त्रिभिर्विद्ध्वा राक्षसेन्द्रं विभीषणम् || ९०-६-४१
एकैकेनाभिविव्याध तान्सर्वान् हरियूथपान् |
एकैकेनाभिविव्याध तान्सर्वान् हरियूथपान् |
Having struck Vibhishana, the leader of demons, with three arrows, Indrajit struck
all those monkey chiefs with a single arrow each."
तस्मै दृढतरं क्रुद्धो हताश्वाय विभीषणः || ९०-६-४२
विभीषणो महातेजा रावणेः स दुरात्मनः |
विभीषणो महातेजा रावणेः स दुरात्मनः |
Very much enraged with him, that Vibhishana of great splendor killed the horses of
that evil-minded Indrajit with his mace."
स हताश्वात्समाप्लुत्य रथान्मथिरसारथिः || ९०-६-४३
अथ शक्तिं महातेजाः पितृव्याय मुमोच ह |
अथ शक्तिं महातेजाः पितृव्याय मुमोच ह |
Just leaping down from the chariot whose charioteer was destroyed earlier and whose
horses were killed, that Indrajit of great splendor employed his javelin towards his maternal
तामापतन्तीं संप्रेक्ष्य सुमित्रानन्दवर्धनः || ९०-६-४४
चिच्छेद निशितै र्बाणैर्दशधापातयद्भुवि |
चिच्छेद निशितै र्बाणैर्दशधापातयद्भुवि |
Seeing that Javelin rushing towards Vibhishana, Lakshmana tore it into ten pieces
with his sharp arrows and felled it on the floor."
तस्मै दृढतनुः क्रुद्धो हताश्वाय विभीषणः || ९०-६-४५
वज्रस्पर्शसमान्पञ्च ससर्जोरसि मार्गणान् |
वज्रस्पर्शसमान्पञ्च ससर्जोरसि मार्गणान् |
The strong bodied Vibhishana, in anger, dug five arrows, whose impact was a hard as
that of a thunder-bolt, into the bosom of Indrajit, whose horses were already killed."
ते तस्य कायं निर्भिद्य रुक्मपुङ्खा निमित्तगाः || ९०-६-४६
बभूवुर्लोहितादिग्धा रक्टा इव महोरगाः |
बभूवुर्लोहितादिग्धा रक्टा इव महोरगाः |
Having penetrated his body, those arrows which were provided with golden feathers,
went straight into their target, got stained with blood and appeared like red large serpents."
स पितृव्यस्य सङ्क्रुद्ध इन्द्रजिच्छरमाददे || ९०-६-४७
उत्तमं रक्षसां मध्ये यमदत्तं महाबलः |
उत्तमं रक्षसां मध्ये यमदत्तं महाबलः |
Enraged with his paternal uncle, that Indrajit, standing in the midst of demons,
took hold of an excellent arrow earlier presented by Yama the lord of Death."
तं समीक्ष्य महातेजा महेषुं तेन संहितम् || ९०-६-४८
लक्ष्मणोऽप्याददे बाणमन्यं भीमपराक्रमः |
लक्ष्मणोऽप्याददे बाणमन्यं भीमपराक्रमः |
Seeing that great arrow seized by him, Lakshmana also, of great splendor and
terrible prowess, took hold of another arrow."
कुबेरेण स्वयं स्वप्ने यद्दत्तममितात्मना || ९०-६-४९
दुर्जयं दुर्विषह्यं च सेन्द्रैरपि सुरासुरैः |
दुर्जयं दुर्विषह्यं च सेन्द्रैरपि सुरासुरैः |
That arrow had been presented to him, in the course of a dream, by Kubera the god of
riches, of immense glory himself, which was difficult to be conquered and much more difficult to be
tolerated even for gods and demons including Indra the lord of celestials."
तयोस्तु धनुषी श्रेष्ठे बाहुभिः परिघोपमैः || ९०-६-५०
विकृष्यमाणे बलवत् क्रौञ्चविव चुकूजतुः |
विकृष्यमाणे बलवत् क्रौञ्चविव चुकूजतुः |
Stretched with strength by their arms, which resembled a pair of steel rods, emitted
a piercing sound like that of a pair of curlew-cranes."
ताभ्यां तौ धनुषि श्रेष्ठे संहितौ सायकोत्तमौ || ९०-६-५१
विकृष्यमाणौ वीराभ्यां भृशं जज्वलतुः श्रिया |
विकृष्यमाणौ वीराभ्यां भृशं जज्वलतुः श्रिया |
The excellent arrows fitted and pulled out from their excellent bow by those heroes,
blazed very much with splendour."
तौ भासयन्तावाकाशं धनुर्भ्यां विशिखौ च्युतौ || ९०-६-५२
मुखेन मुखमाहत्य संनिपेततुरोजसा |
मुखेन मुखमाहत्य संनिपेततुरोजसा |
Those arrows, released from the bow, making the sky shine and hitting each other
face to face, collided each other powerfully."
संनिपातस्तयोश्चासीच्छरयोर्घोररूपयोः || ९०-६-५३
सधूमविस्फुलिङ्गश्च तज्जोऽग्निर्दारुणोऽभवत् |
सधूमविस्फुलिङ्गश्च तज्जोऽग्निर्दारुणोऽभवत् |
The collision of those arrows of terrible form broke out a fierce fire comprising of
smoke and sparkles."
तौ महाग्रहसङ्काशावन्योन्यं संनिपत्य च || ९०-६-५४
सङ्ग्रामे शतधा यातौ मेदिन्यां विनिपेततुः |
सङ्ग्रामे शतधा यातौ मेदिन्यां विनिपेततुः |
Hitting each other like two major planets, those two arrows in battle burst into a
hundred pieces and fell on the ground."
शरौ प्रतिहतौ दृष्ट्वा तावुभौ रणमूर्धनि || ९०-६-५५
व्रीडितो जातरोषौ च लक्ष्मणेन्द्रजितौ तदा |
व्रीडितो जातरोषौ च लक्ष्मणेन्द्रजितौ तदा |
On seeing their arrows warded off in the battle-front, those two warriors, Lakshmana
and Indrajit then felt abashed and got provoked."
स संरब्धस्तु सौमित्रिरस्त्रं वारुणमाददे || ९०-६-५६
रौद्रं महेद्रजिद्युद्धे व्यसृजद्युधि विष्ठितः |
रौद्रं महेद्रजिद्युद्धे व्यसृजद्युधि विष्ठितः |
Getting excited, Lakshmana took hold of a missile presided over by Varuna (the god
of water). Skilled in warfare, the great Indrajit too discharged a missile presided over by Rudra
(the god of destruction) in battle."
तेन तद्विहतं शस्त्रं वारुणम् परमाद्भुतम् || ९०-६-५७
ततः क्रुद्धो महातेजा इन्द्रजित्समितिंजयः |
अग्नेयं संदधे दीप्तं स लोकं संक्षिपन्निव || ९०-६-५८
ततः क्रुद्धो महातेजा इन्द्रजित्समितिंजयः |
अग्नेयं संदधे दीप्तं स लोकं संक्षिपन्निव || ९०-६-५८
By that Rudra missile, that very wonderful Varuna-missile was struck. Then, that
enraged Indrajit of great splendour and the conqueror of battle, looking like the destroyer of the
world, employed a missile presided over by Agni the god of fire which was blazing."
सौरेणास्त्रेण तद्वीरो लक्ष्मणः पर्यवारयत् |
अस्त्रं निवारितं दृष्ट्वा रावणिः क्रोधमूर्चितः || ९०-६-५९
आददे निशितं बाणमासुरं शत्रुदारणम् |
अस्त्रं निवारितं दृष्ट्वा रावणिः क्रोधमूर्चितः || ९०-६-५९
आददे निशितं बाणमासुरं शत्रुदारणम् |
The valiant Lakshmana obstructed Agni-missile, by a missile presided over by the
sun-god. Finding his missile repelled, Indrajit was filled with anger and took hold of a sharp
arrow used by demons and capable of tearing down an enemy."
तस्माच्चापाद्विनिष्पेतुर्भास्वराः कूटमुद्गराः || ९०-६-६०
शूलानि च भुशुण्ड्यश्च गदाः खड्गाः परश्वधाः |
शूलानि च भुशुण्ड्यश्च गदाः खड्गाः परश्वधाः |
From that bow, blazing weapon similar to a hammer duly hidden, darts, fire arms,
maces, swords and axes rushed forth."
तद्दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणः संख्ये घोरमस्त्रं सुदारुणम् || ९०-६-६१
अवार्यं सर्वभूतानां सर्वशस्त्रविदारणम् |
माहेश्वरेण द्युतिमांस्तदस्त्रं प्रत्यवारयत् || ९०-६-६२
अवार्यं सर्वभूतानां सर्वशस्त्रविदारणम् |
माहेश्वरेण द्युतिमांस्तदस्त्रं प्रत्यवारयत् || ९०-६-६२
Seeing that terrible missile, which was very harsh, unrestrainable for all beings
and which can tear all weapons in battle, the brilliant Lakshmana obstructed that missile by using
तयोः समभवद्युद्धमद्भुतं रोमहर्षणम् |
गगनस्थानि भूतानि लक्ष्मणं पर्यवारयन् || ९०-६-६३
गगनस्थानि भूतानि लक्ष्मणं पर्यवारयन् || ९०-६-६३
There was a wonderful battle between both of them, causing hair to stand erect. The
beings in the sky surrounded Lakshmana."
भैरवाभिरुते भीमे युद्धे वानरराक्षसाम् |
भूतैर्बहुभिराकाशं विस्मितैरावृतं बभौ || ९०-६-६४
भूतैर्बहुभिराकाशं विस्मितैरावृतं बभौ || ९०-६-६४
Surrounded by many surprised beings in that terrible battle taking place between
monkeys and demons, yielding terrific noise, the sky sparkled."
ऋषयः पितरो देवा गन्धर्वा गरुणोरगाः |
शतक्रतुं पुरस्कृत्य ररक्षुर्लक्ष्मणं रणे || ९०-६-६५
शतक्रतुं पुरस्कृत्य ररक्षुर्लक्ष्मणं रणे || ९०-६-६५
Placing Indra the lord of celestials as their head, the sages, manes, gods,
Gandharvas the celestial musicians, eagles and serpents protected Lakshmana in the
अथान्यं मार्गणश्रेष्ठं सन्दधे रावणानुजः |
हुताशनसमस्पर्शं रावणात्मजदारुणम् || ९०-६-६६
हुताशनसमस्पर्शं रावणात्मजदारुणम् || ९०-६-६६
Then, Lakshmana fitted another excellent arrow, which had a sensation of ignition
and which can tear down Indrajit."
सुपत्रमनुवृत्ताङ्गं सुपर्वाणं सुसंस्थितम् |
सुवर्णविकृतं वीरः शरीरान्तकरं शरम् || ९०-६-६७
दुरावारं दुर्विषहं राक्षसानां भयावहम् |
आशीविषविषप्रख्यं देवसङ्घैः समर्चितम् || ९०-६-६८
सुवर्णविकृतं वीरः शरीरान्तकरं शरम् || ९०-६-६७
दुरावारं दुर्विषहं राक्षसानां भयावहम् |
आशीविषविषप्रख्यं देवसङ्घैः समर्चितम् || ९०-६-६८
The heroic Lakshmana fitted the arrow, having beautiful plumes, which consisted of
rounded parts, well-jointed, skillfully fashioned, decked with gold, capable of destroying the body
of the enemies, not difficult to keep off but difficult even to tolerate, a source of terror to the
demons as deadly as the venom of poisonous snakes and duly honoured by the host of gods."
येन शक्रो महातेजा दानवानजयत्प्रभुः |
पुरा देवासुरे युद्धे वीर्यवान्हरिवाहनः || ९०-६-६९
पुरा देवासुरे युद्धे वीर्यवान्हरिवाहनः || ९०-६-६९
With the help of that arrow, the highly powerful and valiant Indra, the lord of
celestials, who had green horses to his chariot, was able to conquer the demons in a combat which
raged between celestials and demons."
तदैन्द्रमस्त्रं सौमित्रिः संयुगेष्वपराजितम् |
शरश्रेष्ठं धनुः श्रेष्ठे विकर्षन्निदमिब्रवीत् || ९०-६-७०
लक्ष्मीवान् लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमर्थसाधकमात्मनः |
शरश्रेष्ठं धनुः श्रेष्ठे विकर्षन्निदमिब्रवीत् || ९०-६-७०
लक्ष्मीवान् लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमर्थसाधकमात्मनः |
Fitting a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, which had never
been defeated in battle, to his excellent bow and drawing it, the glorious Lakshmana addressed the
following prayer, which was intended to achieve his purpose:
धर्मात्मा सत्यसन्धश्च रामो दाशरथिर्यदि || ९०-६-७१
पौरुषे चाप्रतिद्वन्द्वस्तदेनं जहि रावणिम् |
पौरुषे चाप्रतिद्वन्द्वस्तदेनं जहि रावणिम् |
"O my dear arrow! If Rama the son of Dasaratha has set his mind on virtue, keeps up
his promise and is second to none in his prowess, destroy this Indrajit."
इत्युक्त्वा बाणमाकर्णं विकृष्य तमजिह्मगम् || ९०-६-७२
लक्ष्मणः समरे वीरः ससर्जेन्द्रजितं प्रति |
लक्ष्मणः समरे वीरः ससर्जेन्द्रजितं प्रति |
Thus saying and drawing up to the ear the arrow, which went straight, the heroic
Lakshmana released it towards Indrajit."
ऐन्द्रास्त्रेण समायुज्य लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा || ९०-६-७३
तच्छिरः सशिरस्त्राणं श्रीमज्ज्वलितकुण्डलम् |
प्रमथ्येन्द्रजितः कायात्पपात धरणीतले || ९०-६-७४
तच्छिरः सशिरस्त्राणं श्रीमज्ज्वलितकुण्डलम् |
प्रमथ्येन्द्रजितः कायात्पपात धरणीतले || ९०-६-७४
75. tat mahat shiraH= that large head; raakShasatanuujasya= of Indrajit; bhinna
skandham= separated from his trunk; rudhirokShitam= and moistened with blood; dadR^ishe= appeared;
bhuumau= on the ground; tapaniiya nibham= shining like gold."
तद्राक्षसतनूजस्य छिन्नस्कन्धं शिरो महत् |
तपनीयनिभं भूमौ ददृशे रुधिरोक्षितम् || ९०-६-७५
तपनीयनिभं भूमौ ददृशे रुधिरोक्षितम् || ९०-६-७५
That large head of Indrajit, separated from his trunk and moistened with blood, was
seen on the ground, shining like gold."
हतस्तु निपपाताशु धरण्यां रावणात्मजः |
कवची सशिरस्त्राणो विध्वस्तः सशरासनः || ९०-६-७६
कवची सशिरस्त्राणो विध्वस्तः सशरासनः || ९०-६-७६
Having been killed, that Indrajit then forthwith fell to the ground, along with his
armour and head-protector, with his bow shattered."
चुक्रुशुस्ते ततः सर्वे वानराः सविभीषणाः |
हृष्यन्तो निहते तस्मिन्देवा वृत्रवधे यथा || ९०-६-७७
हृष्यन्तो निहते तस्मिन्देवा वृत्रवधे यथा || ९०-६-७७
As Indrajit was killed, all those monkeys together with Vibhishana roared in
rejoice, as the celestials did, when Vritra the demon was killed."
अथान्तरिक्षे देवानामृषीणां च महात्मनाम् |
जज्ञेऽथ जयसंनादो गन्धर्वाप्सरसाम् अपि || ९०-६-७८
जज्ञेऽथ जयसंनादो गन्धर्वाप्सरसाम् अपि || ९०-६-७८
Then, a shout of victory rose in the sky from the mouth of gods, great-souled sages,
Gandharvas the celestial musicians and the celestial nymphs."
पतितं समभिज्ञाय राक्षसी सा महाचमूः |
वध्यमाना दिशो भेजे हरिभिर्जितकाशिभिः || ९०-६-७९
वध्यमाना दिशो भेजे हरिभिर्जितकाशिभिः || ९०-६-७९
Seeing him fallen, that great army of demons, being struck by monkeys shining with
victory, sought the quarters."
वनरैर्वध्यमानास्ते शस्त्राण्युत्सृज्य राक्षसाः |
लङ्कामभिमुखाः सर्वे नष्टसंज्ञाः प्रधाविताः || ९०-६-८०
लङ्कामभिमुखाः सर्वे नष्टसंज्ञाः प्रधाविताः || ९०-६-८०
Abandoning their weapons, while being struck by the monkeys, those demons went
towards Lanka, running fast stupefied."
दुद्रुवुर्बहुधा भीता राक्षसाः शतशो दिशः |
त्यक्त्वा प्रहरणान्सर्वे पट्टसासिपरश्वधान् || ९०-६-८१
त्यक्त्वा प्रहरणान्सर्वे पट्टसासिपरश्वधान् || ९०-६-८१
All those frightened demons, abandoning their weapons sharp-edged spears, swords and
axes ran away in hundreds to various directions."
के चिल्लङ्कां परित्रस्ताः प्रविष्टा वानरार्दिताः |
समुद्रे पतिताः के चित्के चित्पर्वतमाश्रिताः || ९०-६-८२
समुद्रे पतिताः के चित्के चित्पर्वतमाश्रिताः || ९०-६-८२
Tormented by the monkeys, some were scared and entered Lanka. Some fell into the
ocean. Some took refuge in the mountain."
हतमिन्द्रजितं दृष्ट्वा शयानं समरक्षितौ |
राक्षसानां सहस्रेषु न कश्चित्प्रत्यदृश्यत || ९०-६-८३
राक्षसानां सहस्रेषु न कश्चित्प्रत्यदृश्यत || ९०-६-८३
Seeing Indrajit killed and lying on the battle-field, not even one among the
thousands of demons was to be seen."
यथास्तं गत आदित्ये नावतिष्ठन्ति रश्मयः |
तथा तस्मिन्निपतिते राक्षसास्ते गता दिशः || ९०-६-८४
तथा तस्मिन्निपतिते राक्षसास्ते गता दिशः || ९०-६-८४
As the sun-rays do not exist when the sun has sunk below the horizon, so those
demons left to different directions when Indrajit had fallen."
शान्तरक्ष्मिरिवादित्यो निर्वाण इव पावकः |
स बभूव महातेजा व्यपास्त गतजीवितः || ९०-६-८५
स बभूव महातेजा व्यपास्त गतजीवितः || ९०-६-८५
Thrown asunder and dead, that long-armed Indrajit looked like the sun whose rays
have cooled down and like the fire which is extinguished."
प्रशान्तपीडा बहुलो विनष्टारिः प्रहर्षवान् |
बभूव लोकः पतिते राक्षसेन्द्रसुते तदा || ९०-६-८६
बभूव लोकः पतिते राक्षसेन्द्रसुते तदा || ९०-६-८६
When Indrajit was fallen, the world then had its oppressions pacified, now that its
enemy had been destroyed and it experience a rejoice."
हर्षं च शक्रो भगवान्सह सर्वैः सुरर्षभैः |
जगाम निहते तस्मिन्राक्षसे पापकर्मणि || ९०-६-८७
जगाम निहते तस्मिन्राक्षसे पापकर्मणि || ९०-६-८७
While that demon of sinful deeds is having been killed, the illustrious Indra the
ruler of gods along with all the great sages were rejoiced."
आकाशे चापि देवानां शुश्रुवे दुन्दुभिस्वनः |
नृत्यद्भिरप्सरोभिश्च गन्धर्वैश्च महात्मभिः || ९०-६-८८
नृत्यद्भिरप्सरोभिश्च गन्धर्वैश्च महात्मभिः || ९०-६-८८
In the sky too was heard the sound of large drums played by celestials, the melody
produced by dancing Apsaras the celestial nymphs and the songs of Gandharvas the celestial
ववर्षुः पुष्पवर्षाणि तदद्भुतमिवाभवत् |
प्रशशंसुर्हते तस्मिन् राक्षसे क्रूरकर्मणि || ९०-६-८९
प्रशशंसुर्हते तस्मिन् राक्षसे क्रूरकर्मणि || ९०-६-८९
While that demon of cruel deeds was killed, a deluge of flowers rained along with
showers of praises. It was a wonderful scene."
शुद्धा आपो नभश्चैव जहृषुर्दैत्यदानवाः |
आजग्मुः पतिते तस्मिन्सर्वलोकभयावहे || ९०-६-९०
आजग्मुः पतिते तस्मिन्सर्वलोकभयावहे || ९०-६-९०
While that Indrajit, who was the terror of all the worlds, had fallen, the waters
and the sky became clear. The celestials and demons were rejoiced and arrived on the scene."
ऊचुश्च सहिताः सर्वे देवगन्धर्वदानवाः |
विज्वराः शान्तकलुषा ब्राह्मणा विचरन्त्विति || ९०-६-९१
विज्वराः शान्तकलुषा ब्राह्मणा विचरन्त्विति || ९०-६-९१
The gratified celestials, Gandharvas the celestial musicians and the demons said:
"Let the Brahmanas move about cheerfully, now that their trouble has ceased."
ततोऽभ्यनन्दन्संहृष्टाः समरे हरियुथपाः |
तमप्रतिबलं दृष्ट्वा हतं नैरृतपुङ्गवम् || ९०-६-९२
तमप्रतिबलं दृष्ट्वा हतं नैरृतपुङ्गवम् || ९०-६-९२
Seeing that foremost among demons, who was unrivalled in battle, having been killed,
the rejoiced monkey-chiefs applauded Lakshmana."
विभीषणो हनुमांश्च जाम्बवांश्चर्क्षयुथपः |
विजयेनाभिनन्दन्तस्तुष्टुवुश्चापि लक्ष्मणम् || ९०-६-९३
विजयेनाभिनन्दन्तस्तुष्टुवुश्चापि लक्ष्मणम् || ९०-६-९३
Vibhishana, Hanuma and Jambavan the chief of bears were pleased at Lakshmana for his
victor and applauded him too."
क्ष्वेडन्तश्च नदन्तश्च गर्जन्तश्च प्लवङ्गमाः |
लब्धलक्षा रघुसुतं परिवार्योपतस्थिरे || ९०-६-९४
लब्धलक्षा रघुसुतं परिवार्योपतस्थिरे || ९०-६-९४
The monkeys, who accomplished their aim, roaring, jumping with joy and emitting
thundering sounds, stood encircling Lakshmana."
लाङ्गुलानि प्रविध्यन्तः स्फोटयन्तश्च वानराः |
लक्ष्मणो जयतीत्येवं वाक्यं व्यश्रावयंस्तदा || ९०-६-९५
लक्ष्मणो जयतीत्येवं वाक्यं व्यश्रावयंस्तदा || ९०-६-९५
Wagging their tails and lashing them, the monkeys then gave forth the slogan,
"Victorious is Lakshmana!"
अन्योन्यं च समाश्लिष्य कपयो हृष्टमानसाः |
चक्रुरुच्चावचगुणा राघवाश्रयजाः कथाः || ९०-६-९६
चक्रुरुच्चावचगुणा राघवाश्रयजाः कथाः || ९०-६-९६
Embracing each other with rejoiced minds, the monkeys indulged in good conversations
about Lakshmana and his manifold qualities."
तदसुकरमथाभिवीक्ष्य हृष्टाः |
प्रियसुहृदो युधि लक्ष्मणस्य कर्म |
परममुपलभन्मनःप्रहर्षं |
विनिहतमिन्द्ररिपुं निशम्य देवाः || ९०-६-९७
प्रियसुहृदो युधि लक्ष्मणस्य कर्म |
परममुपलभन्मनःप्रहर्षं |
विनिहतमिन्द्ररिपुं निशम्य देवाः || ९०-६-९७
Hearing Indrajit having been killed and witnessing that arduous act of Lakshmana,
their beloved friend in battle, the celestials were gratified and experienced a great rejoice in
their minds."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे नवतितमः सर्गः