युद्ध-काण्ड > महादेव की आज्ञा से, विमान द्वारा दशरथ का आगमन एवं सीता राम को सन्देश देकर लौटना
Lord Shiva informs Rama that his father, Dasaratha, in an ethereal form and as a
replica of his extinct personality, has arrived in an aerial car along with Indra, the lord of
celestials. Shiva asks Rama and Lakshmana to pay their respects to the soul of Dasaratha and they
respond in approaching him and offer their salutations. Dasaratha says he is overjoyed in seeing
him, having defeated Ravana and having completed the exile for fourteen years. He asks Rama to
return to Ayodhya, meet Bharata and get consecrated to the throne of Ayodhya. Dasaratha further
advises Lakshmana and Seetha to continue to serve Rama, the supreme deity. Dasaratha returns to the
abode of Indra, by the aerial car.
एतच्छ्रुत्वा शुभं वाक्यं राघवेण सुभाषितम् |
इदं शुभतरं वाक्यं व्याजहार महेश्वरः || ६-११९-१
इदं शुभतरं वाक्यं व्याजहार महेश्वरः || ६-११९-१
Hearing the auspicious words thus spoken by Rama, Lord Shiva the Supreme Lord
thereupon delivered the following still more beautiful speech:
पुष्कराक्ष महाबाहो महावक्षः परन्तप |
दिष्ट्या कृतमिदं कर्म त्वया शस्त्रभृतां वर || ६-११९-२
दिष्ट्या कृतमिदं कर्म त्वया शस्त्रभृतां वर || ६-११९-२
"O lotus-eyed, long-armed, broad-chested, annihilator of enemies and excellent among
those upholding the cause of virtue! Thank heaven! You accomplished this task."
दिष्ट्या सर्वस्य लोकस्य प्रवृद्धं दारुणं तमः |
अपावृत्तं त्वया सङ्ख्ये राम रावणजं भयम् || ६-११९-३
अपावृत्तं त्वया सङ्ख्ये राम रावणजं भयम् || ६-११९-३
"Fortunately has the fear born of Ravana - which increased the severe darkness on
the entire world has been removed by you, on the battle-field, O Rama!"
आश्वास्य भरतं दीनं कौसल्यां च यशस्विनीम् |
कैकेयीं च सुमित्रां च दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणमातरम् || ६-११९-४
प्राप्य राज्यमयोध्यायां नन्दयित्वा सुहृज्जनम् |
इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले वंशं स्थापयित्वा महाबल || ६-११९-५
इष्ट्वा तुरगमेधेन प्राप्य चानुत्तमं यशः |
ब्राह्मणेभ्यो धनं दत्त्वा त्रिदिवं गन्तुमर्हसि || ६-११९-६
कैकेयीं च सुमित्रां च दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणमातरम् || ६-११९-४
प्राप्य राज्यमयोध्यायां नन्दयित्वा सुहृज्जनम् |
इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले वंशं स्थापयित्वा महाबल || ६-११९-५
इष्ट्वा तुरगमेधेन प्राप्य चानुत्तमं यशः |
ब्राह्मणेभ्यो धनं दत्त्वा त्रिदिवं गन्तुमर्हसि || ६-११९-६
"You are fit to go to the heaven, by comforting the depressed Bharata and the
illustrious Kausalya as well as seeing Kaikeyi and Sumitra, the mother of Lakshmana having got the
sovereignty of Ayodhya, bringing delight to your friends, stabilizing the back-bone in the race of
Ikshvaku, getting excellent glory by performing a horse-sacrifice and by granting riches to
एष राजा विमानस्थः पिता दशरथस्तव |
काकुत्स्थ मानुषे लोके गुरुस्तव महायशाः || ६-११९-७
काकुत्स्थ मानुषे लोके गुरुस्तव महायशाः || ६-११९-७
"This king Dasaratha, your father in this mortal world and the highly glorious as
well as the venerable person, is seated in an aerial car, O Rama!"
इन्द्रलोकं गतः श्रीमांस्त्वया पुत्रेण तारितः |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा त्वमेनमभिवादय || ६-११९-८
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा त्वमेनमभिवादय || ६-११९-८
"Having been delivered by you, his (godly) son, the glorious king obtained the abode
of Indra the lord of celestials. you offer your respectful salutation to him, along with Lakshmana,
your brother."
महादेववचः श्रुत्वा काकुत्स्थः सहलक्ष्मणः |
विमानशिखरस्थस्य प्रणाममकरोत्पितुः || ६-११९-९
विमानशिखरस्थस्य प्रणाममकरोत्पितुः || ६-११९-९
Hearing the words of Shiva, Rama along with Lakshmana his brother, offered their
salutation to their father, seated on the topmost part of an aerial car."
दीप्यमानं स्वयां लक्ष्म्या विरजोअम्बरधारिणम् |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा ददर्श पितरं प्रभुः || ६-११९-१०
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा ददर्श पितरं प्रभुः || ६-११९-१०
The lord Rama along with Lakshmana his brother saw their father, who was blazing
with his own splendour and clad in brilliant garments."
हर्षेण महताविष्टो विमानस्थो महीपतिः |
प्राणैः प्रियतरं दृष्ट्वा पुत्रं दशरथस्तदा || ६-११९-११
आरोप्याङ्कं महाबाहुर्वरासनगतः प्रभुः |
बाहुभ्यां सम्परिष्वज्य ततो वाक्यं समाददे || ६-११९-१२
प्राणैः प्रियतरं दृष्ट्वा पुत्रं दशरथस्तदा || ६-११९-११
आरोप्याङ्कं महाबाहुर्वरासनगतः प्रभुः |
बाहुभ्यां सम्परिष्वज्य ततो वाक्यं समाददे || ६-११९-१२
Then the king Dasaratha the lord who was sitting in the aerial car, in an excellent
seat, was filled with excessive delight to see his son (Rama), who was dearer to him than life.
Placing him in his lap and embracing him in his arms, he thereupon commenced his speech as
न मे स्वर्गो बहुमतः संमानश्च सुरर्षिभिः |
त्वया राम विहीनस्य सत्यं प्रतिशृणोमि ते || ६-११९-१३
त्वया राम विहीनस्य सत्यं प्रतिशृणोमि ते || ६-११९-१३
"O Rama! Separated from you, the heaven is not a liking to me, nor the respect given
to me by the foremost of celestials. I am telling you the truth."
अद्य त्वां निहतामित्रं दृष्ट्वा संपूर्णमानसम् |
निस्तीर्णवनवासं च प्रीतिरासीत्परा मम| ६-११९-१४
निस्तीर्णवनवासं च प्रीतिरासीत्परा मम| ६-११९-१४
"Today, there is a great joy for me, for having seen you, fully satisfied in your
mind, now that your enemies have been destroyed and you have fully gone through the period of
कैकेय्या यानि चोक्तानि वाक्यानि वदतां वर |
तव प्रव्राजनार्थानि स्थितानि हृदये मम || ६-११९-१५
तव प्रव्राजनार्थानि स्थितानि हृदये मम || ६-११९-१५
"O excellent among the eloquent! The words, which were uttered by Kaikeyi, with an
aim to send you into exile, are still imprinted in my heart."
त्वां तु दृष्ट्वा कुशलिनं परिष्वज्य सलक्ष्मणम् |
अद्य दुःखाद्विमुक्तोअस्मि नीहारादिव भास्करः || ६-११९-१६
अद्य दुःखाद्विमुक्तोअस्मि नीहारादिव भास्करः || ६-११९-१६
"Seeing you in a fine fettle with Lakshmana and hugging you today, I stand
completely rid of sorrow - even as the sun is freed from mist."
तारितोअहं त्वया पुत्र सुपुत्रेण महात्मना |
अष्टावक्रेण धर्मात्मा तारितो ब्राह्मणो यथा || ६-११९-१७
अष्टावक्रेण धर्मात्मा तारितो ब्राह्मणो यथा || ६-११९-१७
"O great-souled son! I have been redeemed by you, my worthy son, even as Kahola a
brahmana was redeemed by Ashtavakra."
इदानीं च विजानामि यथा सौम्य सुरेश्वरैः |
वधार्थं रावणस्येह विहितं पुरुषोत्तमम् || ६-११९-१८
वधार्थं रावणस्येह विहितं पुरुषोत्तमम् || ६-११९-१८
"O gently one! I recognize you now to be the Supreme person, duly enjoined here by
the rulers of gods, for the destruction of Ravana."
सिद्धार्था खलु कौसल्या या त्वां राम गृहं गतम् |
वनान्निवृत्तं संहृष्टा द्रक्ष्यते शत्रुसूदन || ६-११९-१९
वनान्निवृत्तं संहृष्टा द्रक्ष्यते शत्रुसूदन || ६-११९-१९
"Blessed indeed is Kausalya, who will see you, the destroyer of your enemies,
returned home from the forest."
सिद्धार्थाः खलु ते राम नरा ये त्वां पुरीं गतम् |
राज्ये चैवाभिषिक्तं च द्रक्ष्यन्ति वसुधाधिपम् || ६-११९-२०
राज्ये चैवाभिषिक्तं च द्रक्ष्यन्ति वसुधाधिपम् || ६-११९-२०
"Blessed indeed are those men, who will see you returned to the City of Ayodhya and
consecrated on the throne as a lord of the earth."
अनुरक्तेन बलिना शुचिना धर्मचारिणा |
इच्छेयं त्वामहं द्रष्टुं भरतेन समागतम् || ६-११९-२१
इच्छेयं त्वामहं द्रष्टुं भरतेन समागतम् || ६-११९-२१
"I desire to see you, re-united with the mighty Bharata, who is affectionate towards
you, honest and virtuous."
चतुर्दशसमाः सौम्य वने निर्यापितास्त्वया |
वसता सीतया सार्धं लक्ष्मणेन च धीमता || ६-११९-२२
वसता सीतया सार्धं लक्ष्मणेन च धीमता || ६-११९-२२
"O gentle one! You spent fourteen years, residing in the forest with Lakshmana and
निवृत्तवनवासोअसि प्रतिज्ञा सफला कृता |
रावणं च रणे हत्वा देवास्ते परितोषिताः || ६-११९-२३
रावणं च रणे हत्वा देवास्ते परितोषिताः || ६-११९-२३
"You completed the term of your exile. My pledge was implemented by you. The
celestials too have been fully gratified, by your killing of Ravana in battle."
कृतं कर्म यशः श्लाघ्यं प्राप्तं ते शत्रुसूदन |
भ्रातृभिः सह राज्यस्थो दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुहि || ६-११९-२४
भ्रातृभिः सह राज्यस्थो दीर्घमायुरवाप्नुहि || ६-११९-२४
"O the destroyer of enemies! A laudable act has been done and glory has been earned
by you. Getting consecrated on the throne, may you attain a long life, along with your
इति ब्रुवाणं राजानं रामः प्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत् |
कुरु प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कैकेय्या भरतस्य च || ६-११९-२५
कुरु प्रसादं धर्मज्ञ कैकेय्या भरतस्य च || ६-११९-२५
To Dasaratha, who was thus speaking, Rama with joined palms in salutation, submitted
(as follows): "Be gracious to Kaikeyi and Bharata, O the knower of virtues!"
सपुत्रां त्वां त्यजामीति यदुक्ता कैकयी त्वया |
स शापः कैकयीं घोरः सपुत्रां न स्पृशेत्प्रभो || ६-११९-२६
स शापः कैकयीं घोरः सपुत्रां न स्पृशेत्प्रभो || ६-११९-२६
You will remember those words spoken by you saying, I disown you, with your son
(Bharata)'. May that terrific curse not touch Kaikeyi and her son, O Lord!"
तथेति महाराजो राममुक्त्वा कृताञ्जलिम् |
लक्ष्मणं च परिष्वज्य पुनर्वाक्यमुवाच ह || ६-११९-२७
लक्ष्मणं च परिष्वज्य पुनर्वाक्यमुवाच ह || ६-११९-२७
Saying 'May it be" to Rama who stood with joined palms embraced Lakshmana. Dasaratha
again uttered the following words to Lakshmana:
रामं शुश्रूषता भक्त्या वैदेह्या सह सीतया |
कृता मम महाप्रीतिः प्राप्तं धर्मफलं च ते || ६-११९-२८
कृता मम महाप्रीतिः प्राप्तं धर्मफलं च ते || ६-११९-२८
"A great gratification has been rendered to me and reward in the form of religious
merit earned by you in that you served Rama and Seetha, the princess of Videha kingdom, with
धर्मं प्राप्स्यसि धर्मज्ञ यशश्च विपुलं भुवि |
रामे प्रसन्ने स्वर्गं च महिमानं तथैव च || ६-११९-२९
रामे प्रसन्ने स्वर्गं च महिमानं तथैव च || ६-११९-२९
"Rama, being pleased with you, you will attain religious merit and extensive glory
on earth, as also heaven and excellent power O knower of righteousness!"
रामं शुश्रूष भद्रं ते सुमित्रानन्दवर्धन |
रामः सर्वस्य लोकस्य शुभेष्वभिरतः सदा || ६-११९-३०
रामः सर्वस्य लोकस्य शुभेष्वभिरतः सदा || ६-११९-३०
"Happiness to you, O the augmentor of the joy of Sumitra, your mother! Serve Rama
well. Rama forever is intent on advancing the interests of the entire world."
एते सेन्द्रास्त्रयो लोकाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः |
अभिगम्य महात्मानमर्चन्ति पुरुषोत्तमम् || ६-११९-३१
अभिगम्य महात्मानमर्चन्ति पुरुषोत्तमम् || ६-११९-३१
"These three worlds, including Indra Siddhas (a class of demi-gods) and great sages
pay homage to the great-souled Rama as a Supreme person, on approaching him."
एतत्तदुक्तमव्यक्तमक्षरं ब्रह्मनिर्मितम् |
देवानां हृदयं सौम्य गुह्यं रामः परन्तपः || ६-११९-३२
देवानां हृदयं सौम्य गुह्यं रामः परन्तपः || ६-११९-३२
"O great one! O the destroyer of adversaries! Rama has been spoken of as the
unmanifest and the imperishable Brahama (the absolute), established by the Vedas, the heart of gods
and the secret of all gods."
अवाप्तं धर्मचरणं यशश्च विपुलं त्वया |
एनं शुश्रूषता भक्त्या वैदेह्या सह सीतया || ६-११९-३३
एनं शुश्रूषता भक्त्या वैदेह्या सह सीतया || ६-११९-३३
"Having served him, along with Seetha with devotion, you obtained the reward of the
practice of all virtues as also celebrity, abundantly."
इत्युक्त्वा लक्ष्मणं राजा स्नुषां बद्धाञ्जलिं स्थिताम् |
पुत्रीत्याभाष्य मधुरं शनैरेनामुवाच ह || ६-११९-३४
पुत्रीत्याभाष्य मधुरं शनैरेनामुवाच ह || ६-११९-३४
Thus speaking to Lakshmana, the (former) king, addressing his daughter-in-law
standing before him with joined palms as "My daughter", slowly and affectionately advised her as
कर्तव्यो न तु वैदेहि मन्युस्त्यागमिमं प्रति |
रामेण त्वद्विशुद्ध्यर्थं कृतमेतद्धितैषिणा || ६-११९-३५
रामेण त्वद्विशुद्ध्यर्थं कृतमेतद्धितैषिणा || ६-११९-३५
"No wrath indeed should be rendered by you towards Rama, for having repudiated you.
This has been done by him, wishing for your welfare and in order to demostrate your purity."
सुदुष्करमिदं पुत्रि तव चारित्रलक्षणम् |
कृतं यत्तेऽन्यनारीणां यशो ह्यभिभविष्यति| ६-११९-३६
कृतं यत्तेऽन्यनारीणां यशो ह्यभिभविष्यति| ६-११९-३६
"This act (of entering into fire) which has been done by you and which reveals your
true character, my daughter, is the most difficult task to perform for other ladies and will
overshadow their illustriousness."
न त्वं सुभ्रु समाधेया पतिशुश्रूवणं प्रति |
अवश्यं तु मया वाच्यमेष ते दैवतं परम् || ६-११९-३७
अवश्यं तु मया वाच्यमेष ते दैवतं परम् || ६-११९-३७
"You need not be instructed about the matter of rendering service to your husband.
But, it is to be told certainly by me. He is your supreme deity."
इति प्रतिसमादिश्य पुत्रौ सीतां तथा स्नुषाम् |
इन्द्रलोकं विमानेन ययौ दशरथो ज्वलन् || ६-११९-३८
इन्द्रलोकं विमानेन ययौ दशरथो ज्वलन् || ६-११९-३८
Having instructed thus to his sons and Seetha, the King Dasaratha who was born in
Raghu dynasty went to the abode of Indra, the lord of celestials, by an aerial car."
विमानमास्थाय महानुभावः |
श्रिया च संहृष्टतनुर्नृपोत्तमः |
आमन्त्य्र पुत्रौ सह सीतया च |
जगाम देवप्रवरस्य लोकम्| ६-११९-३९
श्रिया च संहृष्टतनुर्नृपोत्तमः |
आमन्त्य्र पुत्रौ सह सीतया च |
जगाम देवप्रवरस्य लोकम्| ६-११९-३९
With a satisfied self, Dasaratha the excellent king of noble-mindedness endowed with
splendour, taking leave of his sons and Seetha and mounting the aerial car, went to the abode of
Indra, the chief of gods."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे एकोनविंशत्यधिकशततमः सर्गः