युद्ध-काण्ड > सुग्रीव और रावण का मल्लयुद्ध
Rama together with Sugreeva and others mount to the top of Suvela mountain and see
the city of Lanka. There, above a gate-way of the City, stands Ravana. Seeing Ravana, Sugreeva
springs to the top of the gate where Ravana is bounces on him, pulls his thrown and throws it away
on the ground. thereafter, Ravana and Sugreeva carry on duel for a long time without any fatigue.
They wrestle endlessly in different postures. Finally, after reducing Ravana to exhaustion,
Sugreeva comes back and rejoins his monkey-troops.
ततो रामः सुवेलाग्रं योजनद्वयमण्डलम् |
उपारोहत्ससुग्रीवो हरियूथैः समन्वितः || ६-४०-१
उपारोहत्ससुग्रीवो हरियूथैः समन्वितः || ६-४०-१
Then, Rama along with Sugreeva, together with the troop leaders of monkeys, ascended
the top of Suvela mountain which was having a circumference of sixteen miles."
स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं तत्रैव दिशो दश विलोकयन् |
त्रिख़ूटशिखरे रम्ये निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा || ६-४०-२
ददर्श लङ्कां सुन्यस्तां रम्यकाननशोभिताम् |
त्रिख़ूटशिखरे रम्ये निर्मितां विश्वकर्मणा || ६-४०-२
ददर्श लङ्कां सुन्यस्तां रम्यकाननशोभिताम् |
Halting there just for a while and surveying the ten cardinal points, Rama saw the
city of Lanka, which was beautifully constructed by Visvakarma, the divine architect on the top of
Trikuta Mountain with nice arrangements and ravishing with enchanting groves."
तस्यां गोपुरशृङ्गस्थं राक्षसेन्द्रं दुरासदम् || ६-४०-३
श्वेतचामरपर्यन्तं विजयच्चत्रशोभितम् |
रक्तचन्दनसंलिप्तं रक्ताभरणभूषितम् || ६-४०-४
वीलजीमूतसंकाशं हेमसंचादिताम्बरम् |
ऐरावतविषाणाग्रैरुत्कृष्टकिणवक्षसम् || ६-४०-५
शशलोहितरागेण सम्वीतं रक्तवाससा |
संध्यातपेन संचन्नं मेघराशिमिवाम्बरे || ६-४०-६
श्वेतचामरपर्यन्तं विजयच्चत्रशोभितम् |
रक्तचन्दनसंलिप्तं रक्ताभरणभूषितम् || ६-४०-४
वीलजीमूतसंकाशं हेमसंचादिताम्बरम् |
ऐरावतविषाणाग्रैरुत्कृष्टकिणवक्षसम् || ६-४०-५
शशलोहितरागेण सम्वीतं रक्तवाससा |
संध्यातपेन संचन्नं मेघराशिमिवाम्बरे || ६-४०-६
There above a gateway, stood the invincible Ravana the lord of demons, who was being
fanned with white whisks on both sides, was graced with a triumphal parasol, was smeared with red
sandal paste, adorned with scarlet ornaments, attired in raiment embroidered in gold, resembling a
dark cloud, who bore on his breast scars of wounds inflicted on him by Airavata (the elephant who
carries Indra the Lord of celestials, on his back) with his tusks, wrapped in a cloak of red colour
resembling the colour of hare's blood and looked like a mass of clouds in the sky enveloped with
sunshine at sunset."
पश्यतां वानरेन्द्राणाम् राघवस्यापि पश्यतः |
दर्शनाद्राक्षसेन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवः सहसोत्थितः || ६-४०-७
दर्शनाद्राक्षसेन्द्रस्य सुग्रीवः सहसोत्थितः || ६-४०-७
On seeing Ravana, Sugreeva got up all at once, while Rama and the chiefs of the army
of monkeys were looking on."
क्रोधवेगेन सं युक्तः सत्त्वेन च बलेन च |
अचलाग्रादथोत्थाय पुप्लुवे गोपुरस्थले || ६-४०-८
अचलाग्रादथोत्थाय पुप्लुवे गोपुरस्थले || ६-४०-८
Gathering up his strength and courage, Sugreeva, in an impulse of fury, bounded from
the summit of the mountain and then sprang to the top of the gate (where Ravana was)."
स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं सम्प्रेक्ष्य निर्भयेनान्तरात्मना |
तृणीकृत्य च तद्रक्षः सोऽब्रवीत्परुषं वचः || ६-४०-९
तृणीकृत्य च तद्रक्षः सोऽब्रवीत्परुषं वचः || ६-४०-९
For a moment, he paused and then with a fearless soul, he saw that demon, whom he
regarded as a mere straw and thereafter spoke the following words harshly:
लोकनाथस्य रामस्य सखा दासोऽस्मि राक्षस |
न मया मोक्यसे.द्य त्वं पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तेजसा || ६-४०-१०
न मया मोक्यसे.द्य त्वं पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तेजसा || ६-४०-१०
"O, demon! I am a friend and a servant of Rama, the Lord of the world. You will not
be spared by me today, by the inspiring grace of Rama."
इत्युक्त्वा सहसोत्पत्य प्लुप्लुवे तस्य चोपरि |
आकृष्य मुकुटं चित्रं पातयामास तद्भुवि || ६-४०-११
आकृष्य मुकुटं चित्रं पातयामास तद्भुवि || ६-४०-११
Thus speaking, Sugreeva jumped up all at once, bounced over on ravana, pulled his
brightly coloured crown from his head and threw it away on the ground."
समीक्स्य तूर्णमायान्तं बभाषे तं निशाचरः |
सुग्रीवस्त्वं परोक्षे मे हीनग्रीवो भविष्यसि || ६-४०-१२
सुग्रीवस्त्वं परोक्षे मे हीनग्रीवो भविष्यसि || ६-४०-१२
Seeing Sugreeva about to rush upon him again, Ravana spoke as follows: "You were
Sugreeva (one who has a handsome neck), when your were not present before my eyes. But now, you
will now become Hinagriva bereft of your neck."
इत्युक्त्वोत्थाय तं क्षिप्रं बाहुभ्यामाक्षिपत्तले |
कन्दुवत्स समुत्थाय बाहुभ्यामाक्षिपद्धरिः || ६-४०-१३
कन्दुवत्स समुत्थाय बाहुभ्यामाक्षिपद्धरिः || ६-४०-१३
Speaking thus, Ravana raised up and quickly flung Sugreeva to the ground with both
his arms. Bouncing like a ball, Sugreeva flung back his adversary with his arms."
परस्परं स्वेदविदिग्धगात्रौ |
परस्परम् शोणितरक्तदेहौ |
परस्परं श्लिष्टनिरुद्धचेष्टौ |
परस्परं शाल्मलिकिंशुकाविव || ६-४०-१४
मुष्टिप्रहारैश्च तलप्रहारै |
ररत्निघातैश्च कराग्रघातैः |
तौ चक्रतुर्युद्धमसह्यरूपं |
महाबलौ राक्षसवानरेन्द्रौ || ६-४०-१५
परस्परम् शोणितरक्तदेहौ |
परस्परं श्लिष्टनिरुद्धचेष्टौ |
परस्परं शाल्मलिकिंशुकाविव || ६-४०-१४
मुष्टिप्रहारैश्च तलप्रहारै |
ररत्निघातैश्च कराग्रघातैः |
तौ चक्रतुर्युद्धमसह्यरूपं |
महाबलौ राक्षसवानरेन्द्रौ || ६-४०-१५
Ravana and Sugreeva of great strength carried on a duel which was unbearable, with
perspiration broke out on their limbs, with their bodies red with blood, each clung to other other
paralyzing his opponent's movements resembling silk-cotton and Kimshuka trees, followed by blows of
fists, slaps of hands blows of elbows and blows of fingers on each other."
कृत्वा नियुद्धं भृशमुग्रवेगौ |
कालं चिरं गोपुरवेदिमध्ये |
उत्क्षिप्य चोत्क्षिप्य विनम्य देहौ |
पादक्रमाद्गोपुरवेदिलग्नौ || ६-४०-१६
कालं चिरं गोपुरवेदिमध्ये |
उत्क्षिप्य चोत्क्षिप्य विनम्य देहौ |
पादक्रमाद्गोपुरवेदिलग्नौ || ६-४०-१६
Having wrestled for a long time in the center of the flat floor of the gate way,
each in turn repeatedly lifting their bodies and bending their feet in a particular way, the two
highly swift combatants remained in that flat roof of the gate way."
अन्योन्यमापीड्य विलग्नदेहौ |
तौ पेतुतुः पालनिखातमध्ये |
उत्पेततुर्भूमितलम् स्पृशन्तौ |
स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं त्वभिनिःश्वसन्तौ || ६-४०-१७
तौ पेतुतुः पालनिखातमध्ये |
उत्पेततुर्भूमितलम् स्पृशन्तौ |
स्थित्वा मुहूर्तं त्वभिनिःश्वसन्तौ || ६-४०-१७
Crushing one another and their bodies clung together, they both dropped down between
the defensive walls and the moat. They would leap up again, seizing each other from the ground,
after pausing an instant to regain their breath."
आलिङ्ग्य चालिङ्ग़्य च बाहुयोक्त्रैः |
संयोजयामासतुराहवे तौ |
सम्रम्भशिक्षाबलसम्प्रयुक्तौ |
सुचेरतुः सम्प्रति युद्धमार्गे || ६-४०-१८
संयोजयामासतुराहवे तौ |
सम्रम्भशिक्षाबलसम्प्रयुक्तौ |
सुचेरतुः सम्प्रति युद्धमार्गे || ६-४०-१८
With arms interlaced like with ropes joined together, they remained locked together
in the struggle. Both of them, who had received training in wrestling and fully endowed with night,
were now moving to and fro in the arena."
शार्दूलसिंहविव जातदंष्ट्रौ |
गजेन्द्रपोताविव संप्रयुक्तौ |
संहत्य संवेद्य च तौ कराभ्यां |
तऊ पेतुतुर्वै युगपद्धरायाम् || ६-४०-१९
गजेन्द्रपोताविव संप्रयुक्तौ |
संहत्य संवेद्य च तौ कराभ्यां |
तऊ पेतुतुर्वै युगपद्धरायाम् || ६-४०-१९
The two heroes, who resembled a tiger and a a lion having their tusks growing or two
young lordly elephants encountening in a hostile manner, with arms interlaced and having duly tried
their strength, fell on the ground together."
उद्यम्य चान्योन्यमधिक्षिपन्तौ |
संचक्रमाते बहु युद्धमार्गे |
व्यायामशिक्षाबलसंप्रयुक्तौ |
क्लमं न तौ जग्मतुराशु वीरौ || ६-४०-२०
संचक्रमाते बहु युद्धमार्गे |
व्यायामशिक्षाबलसंप्रयुक्तौ |
क्लमं न तौ जग्मतुराशु वीरौ || ६-४०-२०
Thereafter rising, those two heroes hurled themselves on each other, circling around
the arena again and again, like skilled and mighty wrestlers, nor were they easily fatigued."
बाहुत्तमैर्वारणवारणाभै |
र्निवारयन्तौ परवारणाभौ|
चिरेण कालेन भृशं प्रयुद्धौ |
संचेरतुर्मण्डलमार्गमाशु || ६-४०-२१
र्निवारयन्तौ परवारणाभौ|
चिरेण कालेन भृशं प्रयुद्धौ |
संचेरतुर्मण्डलमार्गमाशु || ६-४०-२१
Like unto great tuskers with their enormous arms resembling the trunks, those two
warriors were keeping back each other, fought vehemently for a long time and moved speedily in a
circular arena."
तौ परस्पर मासाद्य यत्तावन्योन्यसूदने |
मार्जाराविव भक्षार्थेऽवतस्थाते मुहुर्मुहुः || ६-४०-२२
मार्जाराविव भक्षार्थेऽवतस्थाते मुहुर्मुहुः || ६-४०-२२
Approaching each other like tow wild cats fighting over a piece of meat trying to
kill each other, they stood growling again and again."
मण्डलानि विचित्राणि स्थानानि विविधानि च |
गोमूत्रकाणि चित्राणि गतप्रत्यागतानि च || ६-४०-२३
तीर्शीनगतान्येव तथा वक्रगतानि च |
परिमोक्षं प्रहाराणां वर्जनं परिधावनम् || ६-४०-२४
अभिद्रवणमाप्लावमवस्थानं सविग्रहम् |
परावृत्तमपावृत्तमपद्रुतमवप्लुतम् || ६-४०-२५
उपन्यस्तमपन्यस्तं युद्धमार्गविशारदौ |
तौ विचेरतुर्न्योन्यं वानरेन्द्रश्च रावणः || ६-४०-२६
गोमूत्रकाणि चित्राणि गतप्रत्यागतानि च || ६-४०-२३
तीर्शीनगतान्येव तथा वक्रगतानि च |
परिमोक्षं प्रहाराणां वर्जनं परिधावनम् || ६-४०-२४
अभिद्रवणमाप्लावमवस्थानं सविग्रहम् |
परावृत्तमपावृत्तमपद्रुतमवप्लुतम् || ६-४०-२५
उपन्यस्तमपन्यस्तं युद्धमार्गविशारदौ |
तौ विचेरतुर्न्योन्यं वानरेन्द्रश्च रावणः || ६-४०-२६
The two warriors, Sugreeva and Ravana, who were skilled in wrestling, excuted
innumerable and myraid evolutions, taking up diverse postures, moving in a curved line like an ox's
urine, coming and going, stepping side ways, having a retrograde motion to avoid blows, turning
about abandoning the attack, dashing towards each other, leaping, standing firm and erect,
retreated, turned sideways, rushed in a bent posture, ran lifting their foot to kick the opponent
and by letting go or stealing away."
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे रक्षो मायाबलमथात्मनः |
आरब्दुमुपसम् पेदे ज्ञात्वा तम् वानराधिपः || ६-४०-२७
उत्पपात तदाकाशं जितकाशी जितक्लमः |
रावणः स्थित एवात्र हरिराजेन वञ्चितः || ६-४०-२८
आरब्दुमुपसम् पेदे ज्ञात्वा तम् वानराधिपः || ६-४०-२७
उत्पपात तदाकाशं जितकाशी जितक्लमः |
रावणः स्थित एवात्र हरिराजेन वञ्चितः || ६-४०-२८
Meanwhile, Ravana decided to common using his magic power. Knowing it, Sugreeva flew
into the sky triumphantly shaking off all fatigue, while Ravana, baffled by Sugreeva stood
confounded there alone."
अथ हरिवरनाथः प्राप्तसंग्रामकीर्ति |
र्निशिचरपतिमाजौ योजयित्वा श्रमेण |
गगनमतिविशालं लङ्घयित्वार्कसूम |
र्हरिगणबलमध्ये रामपार्श्वं जगाम् || ६-४०-२९
र्निशिचरपतिमाजौ योजयित्वा श्रमेण |
गगनमतिविशालं लङ्घयित्वार्कसूम |
र्हरिगणबलमध्ये रामपार्श्वं जगाम् || ६-४०-२९
Thus, the Lord of the monkeys, acquiring fame as a warrior, reducing Ravana to
exhaustion, ascended into the infinite sky and the offspring of the Sun then went to the side of
Rama, who as in the middle of the mokye-troops."
स इति सवितृसूनुस्तत्र तत्कर्म कृत्वा |
पवनगतिरनीकं प्राविशत्संप्रहृष्टः |
रघुवरनृपसूनोद्वर्धयन् युद्धहर्षं |
तरुमृगगणमुख्यैः पूज्यमानो हरीन्द्रः || ६-४०-३०
पवनगतिरनीकं प्राविशत्संप्रहृष्टः |
रघुवरनृपसूनोद्वर्धयन् युद्धहर्षं |
तरुमृगगणमुख्यैः पूज्यमानो हरीन्द्रः || ६-४०-३०
That Sugreeva, the offspring of the Sun, who was endowed with a speed of the wind,
having accomplished that feat there, increasing the military zeal of the foremost of Raghu dynasty,
honoured by the monkey leaders and delighted, rejoined the army."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे चत्वारिंशः सर्गः