युद्ध-काण्ड > श्री राम का लक्ष्मण को निकुम्भ मंदिर जाने की सलाह देना
Vibhishana suggests Rama to send Lakshmana to kill Indrajit, even before Indrajit
completes the sacrificial fire in the sanctuary of Nikumbhila. Rama then asks Lakshmana to proceed
with the battle along with armies of Sugreeva, Hanuma, Jambavan and Vibhishana. Lakshmana proceeds
to Nikumbhila along with Hanuma, Vibhishana and Jambavan to kill Indrajit. Lakshmana accompanied by
Vibhishana, Angada and Hanuma penetrates that heterogeneous army of the enemies at the sanctuary of
तत्तस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवः शोककश्मितः |
नोपधारयते व्यक्तं यदुक्तं तेन रक्षसा || ६-८५-१
नोपधारयते व्यक्तं यदुक्तं तेन रक्षसा || ६-८५-१
Hearing those words of Vibhishana, Rama, agonized as he was with grief, could not
understand clearly what was spoken by that demon."
ततो धैर्यमवष्टभ्य रामः परपुरंजयः |
विभीषणमुपासीनमुवाच कपिसंनिधौ || ६-८५-२
विभीषणमुपासीनमुवाच कपिसंनिधौ || ६-८५-२
Then, Rama the conqueror of the cities of enemies, leaning upon his courage, spoke
to Vibhishana who was sitting nearby and in front of the monkeys (as follows):
नैरृताधिपते वाक्यं यदुक्तं ते विभीषण |
भूयस्तच्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि ब्रूहि यत्ते विवक्षितम् || ६-८५-३
भूयस्तच्छ्रोतुमिच्छामि ब्रूहि यत्ते विवक्षितम् || ६-८५-३
"O lord of demons! I wish to hear again those of the words spoken by you. I desire
to hear again, whatever you intend to tell me."
राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा वाक्यं वाक्यविशारदः |
यत्तत्पुनरिदं वाक्यं बभाषेऽथ विभीषणः || ६-८५-४
यत्तत्पुनरिदं वाक्यं बभाषेऽथ विभीषणः || ६-८५-४
Hearing those words of Rama, spoken very sadly, that Vibhishana who was skilled in
expression, again spoke his words gently as follows:
यथाज्ञप्तं महाबाहो त्वया गुल्मनिवेशनम् |
तत्तथानुष्ठितं वीर त्वद्वाक्यसमनन्तरम् || ६-८५-५
तत्तथानुष्ठितं वीर त्वद्वाक्यसमनन्तरम् || ६-८५-५
"O the long armed hero! Immediately after your orders, the marshalling of the troops
was done by me in the manner as enjoined by you."
तान्यनीकानि सर्वाणि विभक्तानि समन्ततः |
विन्यस्ता यूथपाश्चैव यथाअन्यायं विभागशः || ६-८५-६
विन्यस्ता यूथपाश्चैव यथाअन्यायं विभागशः || ६-८५-६
"All those armies were divided and positioned at all places. Even the commanders of
those divisions were arrayed and distributed according to their ranks."
भूयस्तु मम विज्ञाप्यं तच्छृणुष्व महाप्रभो |
त्वय्यकारणसम्तप्ते सम्तप्तह्ऱिदया वयम् || ६-८५-७
त्वय्यकारणसम्तप्ते सम्तप्तह्ऱिदया वयम् || ६-८५-७
"O great lord! I have to report to you something further. Listen to it. While you
are lamenting without any cause, we feel painful at our hearts."
त्यज राजन्निमं शोकं मिथ्यासंतापमागतम् |
तदियं त्यज्यतां चिन्ता शत्रुहर्षविवर्धिनी || ६-८५-८
तदियं त्यज्यतां चिन्ता शत्रुहर्षविवर्धिनी || ६-८५-८
"O king! Abandon this lamentation and false grief which came to you. Let your worry,
which augments the pleasure of your adversaries be therefore abandoned."
उद्यमः क्रियतां वीर हर्षः समुपसेव्यताम् |
प्राप्तव्या यदि ते सीता हन्तव्याश्च निशाचराः || ६-८५-९
प्राप्तव्या यदि ते सीता हन्तव्याश्च निशाचराः || ६-८५-९
"O hero! If you want to get back Seetha and if the demons are to be destroyed, raise
up for the occasion. Keep yourself cheerful."
रघुनन्दन वक्ष्यामि श्रूयतां मे हितं वचः |
साध्वयं यातु सौमित्रिर्बलेन महता वृतः || ६-८५-१०
निकुम्भिलायां संप्राप्तं हन्तुं रावणिमाहवे |
धनुर्मण्डलनिर्मुक्तैराशीविषविषोपमैः || ६-८५-११
साध्वयं यातु सौमित्रिर्बलेन महता वृतः || ६-८५-१०
निकुम्भिलायां संप्राप्तं हन्तुं रावणिमाहवे |
धनुर्मण्डलनिर्मुक्तैराशीविषविषोपमैः || ६-८५-११
"O Rama! Listen to my benign words I tell you. This Lakshmana together with a large
army should go soon to kill Indrajit, who reached Nikumbhila, with arrows as deadly as the
serpentine poison released from his snake-like bow in battle."
तेन वीरेण तपसा वरदानात्स्वयंभुवः |
अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरः प्राप्तं कामगाश्च तुरंगमाः || ६-८५-१२
अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरः प्राप्तं कामगाश्च तुरंगमाः || ६-८५-१२
"By his penance, Indrajit obtained a weapon called Brahmashira, by way of a gift
from Brahma and also horses, which are coursing at his will."
स एष सह सैन्येन प्राप्तः किल निकुम्भिलाम् |
यद्युत्तिष्ठेत्कृतं कर्म हतान्सर्वांश्च विद्धि नः || ६-८५-१३
यद्युत्तिष्ठेत्कृतं कर्म हतान्सर्वांश्च विद्धि नः || ६-८५-१३
"That Indrajit, as such along with his army, is reported to have reached Nikumbhila.
If he comes forth after completing his sacrificial act, know that all of us as killed."
निकुम्भिलामसंप्राप्तमहुताग्निं च यो रिपुः |
त्वामातायिनं हन्यादिन्द्रशत्रो स ते वधः || ६-८५-१४
वरो दत्तो महाबाहो सर्वलोकेश्वरेण वै |
इत्येवं विहितो राजन्वधस्तस्यैष धीमतः || ६-८५-१५
त्वामातायिनं हन्यादिन्द्रशत्रो स ते वधः || ६-८५-१४
वरो दत्तो महाबाहो सर्वलोकेश्वरेण वै |
इत्येवं विहितो राजन्वधस्तस्यैष धीमतः || ६-८५-१५
"A boon was given by Brahma to that intelligent demon as follows: "O Indrajit! That
enemy of yours, who strikes while you are marching with your bow drawn, and while you have not
arrived at Nikumbhila, or even while you have not offered oblations to the sacred fire, will prove
to be the cause of your killing."
वधायेन्द्रजितो राम संदिशस्व महाबल |
हते तस्मिन् हतं विद्धि रावणम् ससुहृद्गणं || ६-८५-१६
हते तस्मिन् हतं विद्धि रावणम् ससुहृद्गणं || ६-८५-१६
"O mighty Rama! Give your command for killing of Indrajit. When he is killed, know
that Ravana along with his associate troops also as killed."
विभीषणवचः श्रुत्वा रामो वाक्यमथाब्रवीत् |
जानामि तस्य रौद्रस्य मायां सत्यपराक्रम || ६-८५-१७
जानामि तस्य रौद्रस्य मायां सत्यपराक्रम || ६-८५-१७
Hearing the words of Indrajit, Rama then spoke the following words:"O Vibhishana of
true prowess! I know the conjuring trick of that terrific demon."
स हि ब्रह्मस्त्रवित्प्राज्ञो महामायो महाबलः |
करोत्यसम्ज्ञान् संग्रामे देवान्सवरुणानपि || ६-८५-१८
करोत्यसम्ज्ञान् संग्रामे देवान्सवरुणानपि || ६-८५-१८
"That Indrajit is skilled in the use of the mystic missile presided over by Brahma.
He is intelligent. He is a master of several conjuring tricks. He is so mighty that he can render
unconscious in battle even the gods along with Varuna the king of gods."
तस्यान्तरिक्षे चरतः सरथस्य महायशः |
न गतिर्ज्ञायते वीर सूर्यस्येवाभ्रसंप्लवे || ६-८५-१९
न गतिर्ज्ञायते वीर सूर्यस्येवाभ्रसंप्लवे || ६-८५-१९
"O highly illustrious hero! While he drifts in the sky, ascending his chariot, his
movement is not known to others, as the sun is not seen beneath a dense mass of clouds."
राघवस्तु रिपोर्ज्ञत्वा मायावीर्यं दुरात्मनः |
लक्ष्मणं कीर्तिसंपन्नमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् || ६-८५-२०
लक्ष्मणं कीर्तिसंपन्नमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् || ६-८५-२०
Having known the toughness of the conjuring tricks of the evil-minded adversary,
Rama spoke to the illustrious Lakshmana as follows:
यद्वानरेन्द्रस्य बलं तेन सर्वेण संवृतः |
हनूमत्प्रमुखैश्चैव यूथपैः सह लक्ष्मण || ६-८५-२१
जाम्बवेनार्क्षपतिना सहसैन्येन संवृतः |
जहि तं राक्षससुतं मायाबलसमन्वितम् || ६-८५-२२
हनूमत्प्रमुखैश्चैव यूथपैः सह लक्ष्मण || ६-८५-२१
जाम्बवेनार्क्षपतिना सहसैन्येन संवृतः |
जहि तं राक्षससुतं मायाबलसमन्वितम् || ६-८५-२२
"O Lakshmana! You, accompanied by that entire army which stands at the disposal of
Sugreeva, along with troop-commanders with Hanuma as their head; and protected by Jambavan the lord
of bears, who will be accompanied by his army, kill that Indrajit the prince of demons, rich in the
power of conjuring tricks."
अयं त्वां सचिवैः सार्धं महात्मा रजनीचरः |
अभिज्ञस्तस्य मायानां पृष्ठतोऽनुगमिष्यति || ६-८५-२३
अभिज्ञस्तस्य मायानां पृष्ठतोऽनुगमिष्यति || ६-८५-२३
"The great souled Vibhishana, who knows all the conjuring tricks of Indrajit, along
with his counsellors, will follow behind you."
राघवस्य वचं श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणः सविभीषणः |
जग्राह कार्मुकश्रेष्ठमत्यद्भुतपराक्रमः || ६-८५-२४
जग्राह कार्मुकश्रेष्ठमत्यद्भुतपराक्रमः || ६-८५-२४
Hearing the words of Rama, Lakshmana of highly wonderful prowess, along with
Vibhishana, took hold of his excellent bow."
संनद्धः कवची खड्गी सशरो वामचापभृत् |
रामपादावुपस्पृश्य हृष्टः सौमित्रिरब्रवीत् || ६-८५-२५
रामपादावुपस्पृश्य हृष्टः सौमित्रिरब्रवीत् || ६-८५-२५
The rejoiced Lakshmana who was prepared for the combat, clad in an armour, wielding
a sword and arrows, wearing his bow in his left hand and having touched Rama's feet in salutation,
spoke as follows:
अद्य मत्कार्मुकोन्मुक्ताः शरा निर्भिद्य रावणिम् |
लङ्कामभिपतिष्यन्ति हंसाः पुष्करिणीमिव || ६-८५-२६
लङ्कामभिपतिष्यन्ति हंसाः पुष्करिणीमिव || ६-८५-२६
"Today, the arrows released from my bow, piercing Indrajit, will drop into the City
of Lanka, as swans descend into a louts-pond."
अद्येव तस्य रौद्रस्य शरीरं मामकाः शराः |
विधमिष्यन्ति भित्त्वा तं महाचापगुणच्युताः || ६-८५-२७
विधमिष्यन्ति भित्त्वा तं महाचापगुणच्युताः || ६-८५-२७
"Now itself, my arrows discharged from the bow-string of this great bow, duly
splitting his terrific body, will blow him away."
एवमुक्त्वा तु वचनम् द्युतिमान् भ्रातुरग्रतः |
स रावणिवधाकाङ्क्षी लक्ष्मणस्त्वरितं ययौ || ६-८५-२८
स रावणिवधाकाङ्क्षी लक्ष्मणस्त्वरितं ययौ || ६-८५-२८
Thus speaking in front of his brother, that resplendent Lakshmana, quickly marched
forward, with an intent to kill Indrajit."
सोऽभिवाद्य गुरोः पादौ कृत्वा चापि प्रदक्षिणं |
निकुम्भिलामभिययौ चैत्यं रावणिपालितम् || ६-८५-२९
निकुम्भिलामभिययौ चैत्यं रावणिपालितम् || ६-८५-२९
Offering salutation to the feet of his brother and doing circumambulation too, that
Lakshmana went to the sanctuary named Nikumbhila, which was protected by Indrajit."
विभीषणेन सहितो राजपुत्रः प्रतापवान् |
कृतस्वस्त्ययनो भ्रात्रा लक्ष्मणस्त्वरितो ययौ || ६-८५-३०
कृतस्वस्त्ययनो भ्रात्रा लक्ष्मणस्त्वरितो ययौ || ६-८५-३०
Having obtained the blessings from his brother, the glorious Lakshmana, the prince,
quickly sallied forth along with Vibhishana."
वानराणाम् सास्रैस्तु हनुमान् बहुभिर्वऋतः |
विभीषणश्च सामात्यो तदा लक्ष्मणमन्वगात् || ६-८५-३१
विभीषणश्च सामात्यो तदा लक्ष्मणमन्वगात् || ६-८५-३१
Then, Hanuma accompanied by many a thousand of monkeys and Vibhishana along with his
counsellors went behind Lakshmana."
महता हरिसैन्येन सवेगमभिसंवृतः |
ऋक्षराजबलं चैव ददर्श पथि विष्ठितम् || ६-८५-३२
ऋक्षराजबलं चैव ददर्श पथि विष्ठितम् || ६-८५-३२
That Lakshmana, quickly surrounded by a large army of monkeys, saw the army of
Jambavan also stationed in the way."
स गत्वा दूरमध्वानं सौमित्रिर्मित्रनन्दनः |
राक्षसेन्द्रबलं दूरादपश्यद्व्यूहमाश्रितम् || ६-८५-३३
राक्षसेन्द्रबलं दूरादपश्यद्व्यूहमाश्रितम् || ६-८५-३३
After covering a long distance, that Lakshmana, the delight to his friends, saw the
army of Ravana, ranged in battle-array, from a distance."
स तं प्राप्य धनुष्पाणिर्मायायोगमरिंदमः |
तस्थौ ब्रह्मविधानेन विजेतुं रघुनन्दनः || ६-८५-३४
तस्थौ ब्रह्मविधानेन विजेतुं रघुनन्दनः || ६-८५-३४
Duly arriving at Nikumbhila, that foe-conquering Lakshmana stood, bow in hand, to
conquer that Indrajit, the possessor of conjuring tricks, in conformity with Brahma's
विभीषणेन सहितो राजपुत्रः प्रतापवान् |
अङ्गदेन च वीरेण तथानिलसुतेन च || ६-८५-३५
अङ्गदेन च वीरेण तथानिलसुतेन च || ६-८५-३५
The valiant Lakshmana stood there along with Vibhishana, the heroic Angada and
Hanuma, the son of wind-god."
विविधममलशस्त्रभास्वरं त |
द्ध्वजगहनं गहनं महारथैश्च |
प्रतिभयतममम्प्रमेयवेगं |
तिमिरमिव द्विषतां बलं विवेश || ६-८५-३६
द्ध्वजगहनं गहनं महारथैश्च |
प्रतिभयतममम्प्रमेयवेगं |
तिमिरमिव द्विषतां बलं विवेश || ६-८५-३६
Lakshmana penetrated that heterogeneous army of enemies, resplendent with spotless
weapons, thick with ensigns and abounded with huge chariots, exceedingly impenetrable, very
terrific, with unimaginable swiftness, even as one would enter a thick veil of darkness."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे पञ्चाशीतितमः सर्गः