युद्ध-काण्ड > इन्द्रजीत से राम लक्ष्मण का ढोर युद्ध

Ravana instructs Indrajit to proceed to the battle field. Before proceeding t the battle, Indrajit performs ceremorial oblations into a sacred fire and obtains a capacity of going out of sight while fighting. He proceeds to the battle-field and releases a flood of arrows towards Rama and Lakshmana, while himself remaining invisible in the sky. With a network of arrows, Indrajit creates a darkness in the sky and showers a multitude of steel arrows towards Rama and Lakshmana. Sharp golden shafts arrows are then released by Rama and Lakshmana. Struck by the arrows discharged by Indrajit, monkeys in hundreds fall down dead. Then, Rama and Lakshmana reflect on the various ways and means to destroy Indrajit.
मकराक्षंहतं श्रुत्वा रावणः समितिंजयः |
रोषेण महताविष्टो दन्तान् कटकटाय्य च || ६-८०-१
कोपितश्च तदा तत्र किं कार्यमिति चिन्तयन् |
आदिदेशाथ सम्क्रुद्धो रणायेन्द्रजितं सुतम् || ६-८०-२
On hearing Makaraksha having been killed, Ravana who had been ever victorious in battle, grinding his teeth in rage, reflected on what to do then and there, and as greatly furious as he was, instructed Indrajit, his son to proceed to the battle-field."
जहि वीर महावीर्यौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ |
अदृश्यो दृश्यमानो वा सर्वथा त्वं बलाधिकः || ६-८०-३
"O hero! Either remaining yourself invisible or visible, kill Rama and Lakshmana, the brothers of great prowess. You are superior in strength by all means."
त्वमप्रतिमकर्माणमिन्द्रं जयसि संयुगे |
किं पुनर्मानुषौ दृष्ट्वा न वधिष्यसि संयुगे || ६-८०-४
"You have conquered Indra, of incomparable deeds, in battle. Can you not kill those two men, on seeing them in the battle-field?"
तथोक्तो राक्षसेन्द्रेण प्रतिगृह्य पितुर्वचः |
यज्ञभूमौ स विधिवत् पावकं जुहवेन्द्रजित् || ६-८०-५
Hearing the words of Ravana, that Indrajit, bowing to the command of his father, poured oblations into the sacred fire, with due ceremony, on the sacrificial ground."
जुह्वतश्चापि तत्राग्निं रक्तोष्णीषधराः स्त्रियः |
आजग्मुस्तत्र सम्भ्रान्ता राक्षस्यो यत्र रावणिः || ६-८०-६
Even as he was pouring oblations into the sacred fire there, the female-demons carrying red turbans (for the use of priests) hastily arrived at the spot where Indrajit was there."
शस्त्राणि शरपत्राणि समिधो|अ अथ विभीतकाः |
लोहितानि च वासांसि स्रुवं कार्ष्णायसं तथा || ६-८०-७
Weapons (such as a lance) served as blades of Shara grass (for being spread around the sacrificial fire). Chips of wood of Vibhitaka tree served as wooden sticks to feed the sacrificial fire as also red robes and iron ladles were used for cleaning and pouring clarified melted butter into the sacrificial fire."
सर्वतो|अग्निं समास्तीर्य शरपत्रैः सतोमरैः |
चागस्य सर्वकृष्णस्य गलं जग्राह जीवतः || ६-८०-८
Having spread on the ground around all the sides of the sacrificial fire with other weapons along with lances, the demon seized hold of the neck of a live goat, entirely black and consigned it to the fire."
सकृद्धोमसमिद्धस्य विधूमस्य महार्चिषः |
बभूवुस्तानि लिङ्गानि विजयं दर्शयन्ति च || ६-८०-९
Such omens as betokened victory appeared in the smokeless fire which burst into mighty flames, when it was fully aroused by that single offering."
प्रदक्षिणावर्तशिखस्तप्तहाटकसन्निभः |
हविस्तत्प्रतिजग्राह पावकः स्वयमुत्थितः || ६-८०-१०
Becoming visible in person, the god of fire, who was shooting out flames towards the right and who shone brightly like refined gold, received that offering."
हुत्वाग्निम् तर्पयित्वाथ देवदानवराक्षसान् |
आरुरोह रथश्रेष्ठमन्तर्धानगरं शुभम् || ६-८०-११
Offering oblations in fire and gratifying the gods, the devils and demons, Indrajit ascended an excellent and splendid chariot, capable of disappearing from sight."
स वाजिभिश्चतुर्भिस्तु बाणैस्तु निशितैर्युतः |
आरोपितमहाचापः शुशुभे स्यन्दनोत्तमः || ६-८०-१२
Drawn by four horses, provided with sharp arrows and a mighty bow placed on it, that excellent chariot looked beautiful."
जाज्वल्यमानो वपुषा तपनीयपरिच्छदः |
मृगैश्चन्द्रार्धचन्द्रैश्च स रथः समलंकृतः || ६-८०-१३
Adorned with gold, that chariot glittered on account of its body and was decorated with carved images of antelopes, full moons and crescents."
जाम्बूनदमहाकम्बुर्दीप्तपावकसन्निभः |
बभूवेन्द्रजितः केतुर्वैदूर्यसमलंकृतः || ६-८०-१४
The flag-post of Indrajit shone like a flaming fire, provided, as it was, with large rings of gold and decorated with cat's eye gems."
तेन चादित्यकल्पेन ब्रह्मस्त्रेण च पालितः |
स बभूव दुराधर्षो रावणिः सुमहाबलः || ६-८०-१५
Protected by the missile presided over by Brahma, which was as efflugent as the sun, that Indrajit endowed with exceptional strength, became difficult to be attacked."
सो|अभिनिर्याय नगरादिन्द्रजित्समितिञ्जयः |
हुत्वाग्निं राक्षसैर्मन्रैरन्तर्धानगतो|अब्रवीत् || ६-८०-१६
Coming forth from the city and having acquired the capacity of vanishing from the sight, by offering oblations into the sacred fire, with the uttereance of spells sacred to demons, that indrajit, who was ever victorious in war, spoke as follows:
अद्य हत्वा रणे यौ तौ मिथ्याप्रव्रजितौ वने |
जयं पित्रे प्रदास्यामि रावणाय रणार्जितम् || ६-८०-१७
"By killing both the princes who left home to become religious mendicants in the forest in vain, I will present a gift of victory secured in the battle, to my father, Ravana today."
अद्य निर्वानरामुर्वीम् हत्वा रामं च लक्ष्मणम् |
करिष्ये परमां प्रीतिमित्युक्त्वान्तरधीयत || ६-८०-१८
"By making the earth bereft of monkeys today and by killing Rama and Lakshmana, I will create a great spleasure". Thus speaking, Indrajit vanished from thes sight."
आपपाताथ सम्क्रुद्धो दशग्रीवेण चोदितः |
तीक्षणकार्मुकनाराचैस्तीक्षणस्त्विन्द्ररिपू रणे || ६-८०-१९
Impelled, as he was, by Ravana, the fiery Indrajit, with his barbarons bow and steel arrows, swiftly came to the battle-field enraged."
स ददर्श महावीर्यौ नागौ त्रिशिरसाविव |
सृजन्ताविषुजालानि वीरौ वानरमध्यगौ || ६-८०-२०
That Indrajit saw the two heroes, showering a multitude of arrows. Both the princes, having mighty prowess, looked like three- hooded serpents in the middle of the monkeys."
इमौ ताविति संचिन्त्य सज्यं कृत्वा च कार्मुकम् |
सन्ततानेषुधाराभिः पर्जन्य इव वृष्टिमान् || ६-८०-२१
Concluding that both of them were the two princes, Rama and Lakshmana and stringing his bow, he covered them with a flood of arrows, as the rainy clouds do."
स तु वैहायसं प्राप्य सरथो रामलक्ष्मणौ |
अचक्षुर्विषये तिष्ठन्विव्याध निशितैः शरैः || ६-८०-२२
That Indrajit with his chariot, reaching the sky and remaining invisible, struck Rama and Lakshmana with his sharp arrows."
तौ तस्य शरवेगेन परीतौ रामलक्ष्मणौ |
धनुषी सशरे कृत्वा दिव्यमस्त्रं प्रचक्रतुः || ६-८०-२३
When enveloped by a stream of arrows Rama and Lakshamana, fitted arrows to their bows and revealed divine missiles."
प्रच्छादयन्तौ गगनम् शरजालैर्महाबलौ |
तमस्त्रैः सुरसङ्काशौ नैव पस्पर्शतुः शरैः || ६-८०-२४
Though covering the sky with a net-work of arrows, the two mighty princes could not touch Indrajit with their arrows charged with mystic missiles and which were efflugent like the sun."
स हि धूमान्धकारं च चक्रे प्रच्छादयन्नभः |
दिशश्चान्तर्दधे श्रीमान्नीहारतमसावृतः || ६-८०-२५
Covering the sky, the illustrious Indrajit created a dark-like smoke. He made the quarters also invisible, by enclosing them with mist-liek darkness."
नैव ज्यातलनिर्घोषो न च नेमिखुरस्वनः |
शुश्रुवे चरतस्तस्य न च रूपं प्रकाशते || ६-८०-२६
While Indrajit was moving about, neither the sound produced by the impact of his palm on the bow string was heard, nor the sound of his wheels or the clattering of hoofs of his horses could be heard, nor did his form come tot he view."
घनान्धकारे तिमिरे शरवर्षमिवाद्भुतम् |
स ववर्ष महाबाहुर्नाराचशरवृष्टिभिः || ६-८०-२७
In that thick darkness, that long-armed Indrajit showered hails of his steel arrows, like wonderful shower of rocks."
स रामं सूर्यसङ्काशैः शरैर्दत्तवरो भृशम् |
विव्याध समरे क्रुद्धः सर्वगात्रेषु रावणिः || ६-८०-२८
That enraged Indrajit in battle, abundantly pierced Rama in all his limbs with his arrows, which were earlier granted as boons to him and which were effluent like the sun."
तौ हन्यमानौ नाराचैर्धाराभिरिव पर्वतौ |
हेमपुङ्खान्नरव्याघ्रौ तिग्मान्मुमुचतुः शरान् || ६-८०-२९
Both Rama and Lakshmana, the foremost of men, who were being struck with steel arrows, like two mountains being hit by torrents, released sharp golden-shafted arrows."
अन्तरिक्षं समासाद्य रावणिं कङ्कपत्रिणः |
निकृत्य पतगा भूमौ पेतुस्ते शोणितोक्षिताः || ६-८०-३०
Those arrows, adorned with plumes of heron, reaching Indrajit in the sky and piercing him, fell to the ground, soaked in blood."
अतिमात्रं शरौघेण पीड्यमानौ नरोत्तमौ |
तानिषून्पततो भल्लैरनेकैर्निचकर्ततुः || ६-८०-३१
Shining beyond measure with a flood of arrows, the two excellent men began to chop off those arrows which were falling on them with many arrows called by the name of Bhallas."
यतो हि ददृशाते तौ शरान्निपतिताञ्शितान् |
ततस्ततो दाशरथी ससृजातेऽस्त्रमुत्तमम् || ६-८०-३२
Both Rama and Lakshmana for their part directed their excellent missiles in the direction from which they saw the aforesaid sharp arrows, fallen."
रावणिस्तु दिशः सर्वा रथेनातिरथः पतन् |
विव्याध तौ दाशरथी लघ्वस्त्रो निशितैः शरैः || ६-८०-३३
Indrajit for his part, who was a superior chariot-warrior and who was swift in discharging missiles, rushed on towards all sides and pierced Rama and Lakshmana with his sharp arrows."
तेनातिविद्धौ तौ वीरौ रुक्मपुङ्खैः सुसंहतैः |
बभूवतुर्दाशरथी पुष्पिताविव किंशुकौ || ६-८०-३४
Those valiant princes, Rama and Lakshmana pierced deeply with well-made goldne shafted arrows, appeared like two Kamshuka trees in flowering."
नास्य वेद गतिं कश्चिन्न च रूपं धनुः शरान् |
न चान्यद्विदितं किं चित्सूर्यस्येवाभ्रसम्प्लवे || ६-८०-३५
No one could perceive his rapid movement, like the position of the sun when the sky is thickly overcast with clouds, nor his form nor his bows and arrows, nor any other thing about him whatsoever could be known."
तेन विद्धाश्च हरयो निहताश्च गतासवः |
बभूवुः शतशस्तत्र पतिता धरणीतले || ६-८०-३६
Struck down by him, the monkeys were killed. The monkeys dropped dead in hundreds on the earth's surface there."
लक्ष्मणस्तु सुसङ्क्रुद्धो भ्रातरं वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
ब्राह्ममस्त्रं प्रयोक्ष्यामि वधार्थं सर्वरक्षसाम् || ६-८०-३७
Then, Lakshmana for his part was enraged and told his brother that he would employ the missile presided over by Brahma for the purpose of killing all the demons."
तमुवाच ततो रामो लक्ष्मणं शुभलक्षणम् |
नैकस्य हेतो रक्षांसि पृथिव्यां हन्तुमर्हसि || ६-८०-३८
Then, Rama spoke to that Lakshmana, who was endowed with auspicious bodily marks as follows: "You ought not to kill all the demons on earth, merely for the sake of a single demon."
अयुध्यमानं प्रच्छन्नं प्राञ्जलिं शरणागतम् |
पलायन्तं प्रमत्तं वा न त्वं हन्तुमिहार्हसि || ६-८०-३९
"You ought not to kill on this earth one who is not fighting or one who is hiding or one who seeks refuge with joined palms or is fleeing or is intoxicated."
अस्यैव तु वधे यत्नं करिष्यावो महाबल |
आदेक्ष्यावो महावेगानस्त्रानाशीविषोपमान् || ६-८०-४०
"O long-armed Lakshmana! We shall try to kill Indrajit alone. We will employ mystic mssiles with great impetuosity and which are equal to venomous serpents."
तमेनं मायिनं क्षुद्रमन्तर्हितरथं बलात् |
राक्षसं निहनिष्यन्ति दृष्ट्वा वानरयूथपाः || ६-८०-४१
"On seeing this demons, the leaders of mokey-troops will forcibly kill this petty demon, who is skilled in conjuring tricks and whose chariot remains invisible."
यद्येष भूमिं विशते दिवं वा |
रसातलं वापि नभस्तलं वा |
एवं निगूढोऽपि ममास्त्रदग्धः |
पतिष्यते भूमितले गतासुः || ६-८०-४२
"Scorched by my mystic missiles, he will fall dead on the ground, even if he enters the earth or into heaven or into the subterrranean world or penetrates the vault of heaven and remains completely hidden in this manner."
इत्येवमुक्त्वा वचनं महात्मा |
रघुप्रवीरः प्लवगर्षभैर्वृतः |
वधाय रौद्रस्य नृशंसकर्मणस् |
तदा महात्मा त्वरितं निरीक्षते || ६-८०-४३
Speaking highly meaningful words in the aforesaid manner, the great-souled Rama, surrounded by the foremost of monkeys, started to reflect on the speedy means of killing the furious Indrajit, the demons of cruel deeds."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे अशीतितमः सर्गः