युद्ध-काण्ड > श्री राम का रावण को फटकारना व घायल रावण को सारथि द्वारा रणभूमि से बहार ले जाना

A ferocious battle ensues between Rama and Ravana, hurling thousands of arrows on each other. Each one intercepts the other's arrows. Rama speaks harsh words to Ravana for having carried away Seetha from Janasthana-forest to Lanka and vows that he will soon dispatch him surely to the world of Death. Rama then pours down streams of arrows on Ravana. Rama more vehemently torments Ravana with his sharp arrows and mystic missiles, till Ravana becomes helplessly weak and confused. Ravana's charioteer carries away Ravana in the chariot, camly and slowly away from the battle-front.
स तु तेन तदा क्रोधात्काकुत्स्थेनार्दितो रणे |
रावणः समरश्लाघी महाक्रोधमुपागमत् || ६-१०३-१
Tormented by Rama in fury, that Ravana then for his part, who was boasting of his fight, flew into a great rage."
स दीप्तनयनो रोषाच्चापमायम्य वीर्यवान् |
अभ्यर्दयत्सुसङ्क्रुद्धो राघवं परमाहवे || ६-१०३-२
बाणधारा सहस्रैस्तु स तोयद इवाम्बरात् |
राघवन् रावणो बाणैस्तटाकमिव पूरयत् || ६-१०३-३
Raising his bow, his eyes blazing with anger, extremely enraged as he was with Rama in that great battle, the valiant Ravana of prowess continued to oppress, by covering Rama with thousands of streams of arrows, as a rainy cloud would fill a pond with thousands of arrow-like torrents from the sky."
पूरितः शरजालेन धनुर्मुक्तेन सन्युगे |
महागिरिरिवाकम्प्यः काकुस्थो न प्रकम्पते || ६-१०३-४
Covered by a multitude of arrows discharged from Ravana's bow in battle, Rama did not wince, like a large mountain which was unshakable."
स शरैः शरजालानि वारयन्समरे स्थितः |
गभस्तीनिव सूर्यस्य प्रतिजग्राह वीर्यवान् || ६-१०३-५
The valiant Rama stood interrupting the torrents of arrows with his own arrows in the battle-field and endured them as rays of the sun."
ततः शरसहस्राणि क्षिप्रहस्तो निशाचरः |
निजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो राघवस्य महात्मनः || ६-१०३-६
Then, the enraged Ravana of brisk hand, struck thousands of arrows into the breast of the great-souled Rama."
स शोणित समादिग्धः समरे लक्ष्मणाग्रजः |
दृष्टः फुल्ल इवारण्ये सुमहान्किंशुकद्रुमः || ६-१०३-७
Rama, bathed in blood in the battle-field, appeared like a very big Kimshuka tree with bloom in a forest."
शराभिघातसन्रब्धः सोअपि जग्राह सायकान् |
काकुत्स्थः सुमहातेजा युगान्तादित्यवर्चसः || ६-१०३-८
Enraged at the impact of the arrows, that Rama of very great splendour , took hold of arrows which shone like the sun at the time of dissolution of the world."
ततोअन्योन्यन् सुसन्रब्धावुभौ तौ रामरावणौ |
शरान्धकारे समरे नोपालक्षयतान् तदा || ६-१०३-९
Both Rama and Ravana who were see each other at that time in the battle-field, which was shrouded in darkness by the arrows."
ततः क्रोधसमाविष्टो रामो दशरथात्मजः |
उवाच रावणन् वीरः प्रहस्य परुषं वचः || ६-१०३-१०
Bursting into laughter, though filled with anger, the valiant Rama, the son of Dasaratha spoke the following harsh words to Ravana."
मम भार्या जनस्थानादज्ञानाद्राक्षसाधम |
हृता ते विवशा यस्मात्तस्मात्त्वं नासि वीर्यवान् || ६-१०३-११
"O the worst of demons! Since you took away my helpless wife without my notice from Janasthana, hence you are not a person of prowess."
मया विरहितान् दीनान् वर्तमानां महावने |
वैदेहीं प्रसभन् हृत्वा शूरोअहमिति मन्यसे || ६-१०३-१२
"Having taken away by force the miserable Seetha while she was staying in the forest away from me, you think: �I am a champion'."
स्त्रीषु शूर विनाथासु परदाराभिमर्शके |
कृत्वा कापुरुषन् कर्म शूरोअहमिति मन्यसे || ६-१०३-१३
"Having done an act of cowardly persons of laying your hands on another's wife, posing as a hero in relation to women without a protector, you think: "I am a champion'."
भिन्नमर्याद निर्लज्ज चारित्रेष्वनवस्थित |
दर्पान्मृत्युमुपादाय शूरोअहमिति मन्यसे || ६-१०३-१४
"O shameless person, who have broken the bounds of morality and are unstable of customs, having laid hold through vanity of death (in the form of Seetha) you think �I am a champion'."
शूरेण धनदभ्रात्रा बलैः समुदितेन च |
श्लाघनीयन् यशस्यन् च कृतं कर्म महत्त्वया || ६-१०३-१५
"Indeed a praiseworthy, great and glorious act has been performed by you, a valiant brother of Kubera, the god of wealth, rich in strength!"
उत्सेकेनाभिपन्नस्य गर्हितस्याहितस्य च |
कर्मणः प्राप्नुहीदानीन् तस्याद्य सुमहत्फलम् || ६-१०३-१६
"Reap now and today the stupendous fruit of that noxious and contemptible act, perpetrated through sheer vanity."
शूरोऽहमिति चात्मानमवगच्छसि दुर्मते |
नैव लज्जास्ति ते सीतान् चोरवद्व्यपकर्षतः || ६-१०३-१७
"O evil-minded one! You think: �I am a champion' yourself! Shame did not stand in your way at all, for having taken away Seetha like a thief."
यदि मत्संनिधौ सीता धर्षिता स्यात्त्वया बलात् |
भ्रातरन् तु खरं पश्येस्तदा मत्सायकैर्हतः || ६-१०३-१८
"If Seetha were laid hands upon by you in my presence, you would have surely seen your brother Khara at that very moment when killed with my arrows."
दिष्ट्यासि मम दुष्टात्मंश्चक्षुर्विषयमागतः |
अद्य त्वान् सायकैस्तीक्ष्णैर्नयामि यमसादनम् || ६-१०३-१९
"Thank heaven, O stupid fellow, you have come within the range of my sight. I will dispatch you to the world of Death, by my sharp arrows, today."
अद्य ते मच्छरैश्छिन्नन् शिरो ज्वलितकुण्डलम् |
क्रव्यादा व्यपकर्षन्तु विकीर्णन् रणपान्सुषु || ६-१०३-२०
"Let your head, having blazing ear-rings lying on the dust-laden battle-field, be carried away by beasts of prey, after being chopped off by my arrows today."
निपत्योरसि गृध्रास्ते क्षितौ क्षिप्तस्य रावण |
पिबन्तु रुधिरन् तर्षाद्बाणशल्यान्तरोथितम् || ६-१०३-२१
"O Ravana! Let vultures fly down on your wounded breast when you have been thrown down on the ground and oozing out from the orifices caused by the impact of my pointed arrow-tips."
अद्य मद्बाणाभिन्नस्य गतासोः पतितस्य ते |
कर्षन्त्वन्त्राणि पतगा गरुत्मन्त इवोरगान् || ६-१०३-२२
"Let birds (such as crows and vultures) tear out your bowels, as eagles would drag serpents when you fall down dead when pierced by my arrows today."
इत्येवन् स वदन्वीरो रामः शत्रुनिबर्हणः |
राक्षसेन्द्रन् समीपस्थं शरवर्षैरवाकिरत् || ६-१०३-२३
Thus speaking, the valiant Rama, the annihilator of enemies, poured out streams of arrows on Ravana, who was in the vicinity."
बभूव द्विगुणन् वीर्यं बलं हर्षश्च सन्युगे |
रामस्यास्त्रबलन् चैव शत्रोर्निधनकाङ्क्षिणः || ६-१०३-२४
The prowess, the strength, the enthusiasm and the stamina of arms of Rama became two-fold, when he longed for the death of his enemy in battle."
प्रादुर्बभूवुरस्त्राणि सर्वाणि विदितात्मनः |
प्रहर्षाच्च महातेजाः शीघ्रहस्ततरोअभवत् || ६-१०३-२५
All kinds of mystic missiles came to light in the mind of Rama the learned self and in his excessive enthusiasm, Rama of extra-ordinary energy became all the more swift-handed."
शुभान्येतानि चिह्नानि विज्ञायात्मगतानि सः |
भूय एवार्दयद्रामो रावणन् राक्षसान्तकृत् || ६-१०३-२६
Recognizing those good omens, Rama, the destroyer of demons, tormented Ravana even more vehemently."
हरीणान् चाश्मनिकरैः शरवर्षैश्च राघवात् |
हन्यमानो दशग्रीवो विघूर्णहृदयोअभवत् || ६-१०३-२७
While being struck by volleys of stones hurled by the monkeys and the showers of arrows coming from Rama, Ravana felt bewildered at heart."
यदा च शस्त्रं नारेभे न व्यकर्षच्छरासनम् |
नास्य प्रत्यकरोद्वीर्यन् विक्लवेनान्तरात्मना || ६-१०३-२८
Ravana could no longer take up weapons, nor stretch his bow, nor reacted to Rama's prowess - on account of his mind being confused."
क्षिप्ताश्चापि शरास्तेन शस्त्राणि विविधानि च |
न रणार्थाय वर्तन्ते मृत्युकालेअभिवर्ततः || ६-१०३-२९
As the time of his death approached, the arrows swiftly hurled and the various kinds of missiles employed by Ravana did not turn to be of any use in battle."
सूतस्तु रथनेतास्य तदवस्थं निरीक्ष्य तम् |
शनैर्युद्धादसम्भान्तो रथन् तस्यापवाहयत् || ६-१०३-३०
Seeing Ravana reduced to such a plight, the charioteer driving the chariot, for his part, without getting excited, calmly and slowly carried off his chariot away from the battle-front."
रथं च तस्याथ जवेन सारथि |
र्निवार्य भीमं जलदस्वनं तदा |
जगाम भीत्या समरान्महीपतिं |
निरस्तवीर्यं पतितं समीख्य || ६-१०३-३१
On seeing Ravana, the king sunk down; hopelessly bereft of energy, the charioteer diverting in haste the chariot of Ravana, which was rumbling like a cloud, thereupon sneaked away from the battle-field in dismay."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे त्र्यधिकशततमः सर्गः