युद्ध-काण्ड > सुग्रीव द्वारा विरूपाक्ष का वध

Having destroyed some monkeys in the battle-field, Ravana tries to approach Rama to continue his fight. Meanwhile, Sugreeva along with some monkeys attack some chiefs of demons and destroy them. Then, Virupaksha a demon comes and attacks Sugreeva. Sugreeva brings down a violent slap on the temple-bone of Virupaksha and kills him.

तथा तैः कृत्तगात्रैस्तु दशग्रीवेण मार्गणैः |
बभूव वसुधा तत्र प्रकीर्णा हरिभिर्वृता || ६-९६-१
The battle-field there, on its part, was strewn on that occasion with those monkeys whose bodies had thus been torn asunder by Ravana with his arrows."
रावणस्याप्रसह्यन् तन् शरसम्पातमेकतः |
न शेकुः सहितुन् दीप्तं पतङ्गा इव पावकम् || ६-९६-२
Those monkeys could not bear that irresistible descent of arrows loosed by Ravana, any more than moths would bear a blazing fire."
तेअर्दिता निशितैर्बाणैः क्रोशन्तो विप्रदुद्रुवुः |
पावकार्चिःसमाविष्टा दह्यमाना यथा गजाः || ६-९६-३
Those monkeys tormented by sharp arrows, fled away roaring, as elephants run away, when enveloped in flames of fire and getting scorched by them."
प्लवङ्गानामनीकानि महाभ्राणीव मारुतः |
स ययौ समरे तस्मिन्विधमन्रावणः शरैः || ६-९६-४
Ravana was marching forward swiftly in that battle-field, blowing away the army of monkeys, like the wind blows away large clouds."
कदनन् तरसा कृत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रो वनौकसाम् |
आससाद ततो युद्धे राघवन् त्वरितस्तदा || ६-९६-५
Having brought about with his might the destruction of those monkeys in battle, Ravana quickly approached Rama on the battle-field."
सुग्रीवस्तान्कपीन्दृष्ट्वा भग्नान्विद्रवतो रणे |
गुल्मे सुषेणं निक्षिप्य चक्रे युद्धे द्रुतं मनः || ६-९६-६
Seeing those monkeys running away in defeat in that battle, Sugreeva kept Sushena in charge of his army and quickly threw his mind into the fight."
आत्मनः सदृशन् वीरं स तं निक्षिप्य वानरम् |
सुग्रीवोअभिमुखः शत्रुं प्रतस्थे पादपायुधः || ६-९६-७
Keeping that Sushena who was equal to himself, his substitute, that Sugreeva, armed with the tree as a weapon, marched forward towards the enemy."
पार्श्वतः पृष्ठतश्चास्य सर्वे यूथाधिपाः स्वयम् |
अनुजह्रुर्महाशैलान्विविधांश्च महाद्रुमान् || ६-९६-८
Taking huge rocks and various kinds of trees, all the monkey-warriors followed Sugreeva at his side and behind."
स नदन्युधि सुग्रीवः स्वरेण महता महान् |
पातयन्विविधांश्चान्याञ्जघानोत्तमराक्षसान् || ६-९६-९
The gigantic Sugreeva roared at a high pitch in the battle-field. Striking with his blows, he crushed various other chiefs of demons."
ममर्द च महाकायो राक्षसान्वानरेश्वरः |
युगान्तसमये वायुः प्रवृद्धानगमानिव || ६-९६-१०
The colossal bodied Sugreeva smashed the demons, as the grown-up trees are smashed by the wind at the time of dissolution of the world."
राक्षसानामनीकेषु शैलवर्षन् ववर्ष ह |
अश्ववर्षन् यथा मेघः पक्षिसङ्घेषु कानने || ६-९६-११
Sugreeva rained a hail of rocks on the army of demons, as a cloud rains a shower of hail-stones on a host of birds in a forest."
कपिराजविमुक्तैस्तैः शैलवर्षैस्तु राक्षसाः |
विकीर्णशिरसः पेतुर्निकृत्ता इव पर्वताः || ६-९६-१२
अथ सङ्क्षीयमाणेषु राक्षसेषु समन्ततः |
सुग्रीवेण प्रभग्नेषु पतत्सु विनदत्सु च || ६-९६-१३
विरूपाक्षः स्वकं नाम धन्वी विश्राव्य राक्षसः |
रथादाप्लुत्य दुर्धर्षो गजस्कन्धमुपारुहत् || ६-९६-१४
While those demons, thus defeated by Sugreeva, falling on the floor and then roaring, get diminished in number from all sides, the indomitable Virupaksha the demon, holding a bow, pronouncing his name by himself, descended from his chariot and mounted the back of an elephant."
स तन् द्विरदमारुह्य विरूपाक्षो महारथः |
विनदन्भीमनिर्ह्रालन् वानरानभ्यधावत || ६-९६-१५
That mighty Virupaksha, mounting that elephant, then roared a terrific noise and rushed towards the monkeys."
सुग्रीवे स शरान्घोरान्विससर्ज चमूमुखे |
स्थापयामासा चोद्विग्नान्राक्षसान्सम्प्रहर्षयन् || ६-९६-१६
Virupaksha released dreadful arrows on Sugreeva who was at the front-rank of the army. He strengthened his support to the worried demons, by cheering them up."
सोअतिविद्धः शितैर्बाणैः कपीन्द्रस्तेन रक्षसा |
चुक्रोध च महाक्रोधो वधे चास्य मनो दधे || ६-९६-१७
Sugreeva, the king of monkeys, when he was struck severely with sharp arrows by that demon, shouted loudly. With profuse anger, he set his mind on killing him."
ततः पादपमुद्धृत्य शूरः सम्प्रधने हरिः |
अभिपत्य जघानास्य प्रमुखे तं महागजम् || ६-९६-१८
Uplifting a tree and coming near that huge elephant, the valiant Sugreeva, a thorough fighter, struck it on its face."
स तु प्रहाराभिहतः सुग्रीवेण महागजः |
अपासर्पद्धनुर्मात्रं निषसाद ननाद च || ६-९६-१९
That huge elephant, struck with the blow of Sugreeva, receded to a distance of four yards, sank down and roared too."
गजात्तु मथितात्तूर्णमपक्रम्य स वीर्यवान् |
राक्षसोअभिमुखः शत्रुं प्रत्युद्गम्य ततः कपिम् || ६-९६-२०
आर्षभन् चर्मखड्गं च प्रगृह्य लघुविक्रमः |
भर्त्सयन्निव सुग्रीवमाससाद व्यवस्थितम् || ६-९६-२१
Descending quickly from his wounded elephant, that valiant demon then seizing hold of his sword from a shield made of a bull's hide and advancing in rapid paces, facing towards Sugreeva his enemy, approached him, who stood firm, threatening him as it were."
स हि तस्याभिसङ्क्रुद्धः प्रगृह्य महतीन् शिलाम् |
विरूपाक्षाय चिक्षेप सुग्रीवो जलदोपमाम् || ६-९६-२२
Taking a huge rock, which looked like a cloud, that Sugreeva, who felt enraged, threw it on Virupaksha."
स तान् शिलामापतन्तीन् दृष्ट्वा राक्षसपुङ्गवः |
अपक्रम्य सुविक्रान्तः खड्गेन प्राहरत्तदा || ६-९६-२३
Seeing that rock falling, that highly valiant and excellent of demons then receding away, struck him with a sword."
तेन खड्गेन सङ्क्रुद्धः सुग्रीवस्य चमूमुखे |
कवचं पातयामास स खड्गाभिहतोअपतत् || ६-९६-२४
Wounded by the blow of the sword of that strong demon, Sugreeva became as though unconscious on the ground, for a moment."
सहसा स तदोत्पत्य राक्षसस्य महाहवे |
मुष्टिं संवर्त्य वेगेन पातयामास वक्षसि || ६-९६-२५
Then, bouncing up suddenly in that great battle, Sugreeva, tightening his fist, brought it down on the demon's chest violently."
मुष्टिप्रहाराभिहतो विरूपाक्षो निशाचरः |
तेन खड्गेन संक्रुद्धः सुग्रीवस्य चमूमुखे || ६-९६-२६
कवचम् पातयामास पद्भ्यामभिहतोऽपतत् |
Feeling enraged, when struck by the blow of that fist, Virupaksha the demon brought down the armour of Sugreeva by his sword at the battle-front. Thus struck by him, Sugreeva fell down from his feet."
स समुत्थाय पतितः कपिस्तस्य व्यसर्जयत् || ६-९६-२७
तलप्रहारमशनेः समानं भीमनिस्वनम् |
Getting up when fallen, Sugreeva gave him a slap, which produced a terrific sound similar to a thunder."
तलप्रहारन् तद्रक्षः सुग्रीवेण समुद्यतम् || ६-९६-२८
नैपुण्यान्मोचयित्वैनं मुष्टिनोरस्यताडयत् |
Setting himself free from that slap, which was about to be raised by Sugreeva skillfully, Virupaksha the demon struck Sugreeva on the chest with his fist."
ततस्तु सङ्क्रुद्धतरः सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः || ६-९६-२९
मोक्षितन् चात्मनो दृष्ट्वा प्रहारं तेन रक्षसा |
Then, seeing that demon escaping his blow, Sugreeva the monkey-king for his part, very much enraged."
स ददर्शान्तरन् तस्य विरूपाक्षस्य वानरः || ६-९६-३०
ततो न्यपातयत्क्रोधाच्छङ्खदेशे महातलम् |
That monkey saw an opportunity to strike that Virupaksha. Then, with anger, Sugreeva brought down another violent slap on his temple-bone."
महेन्द्राशनिकल्पेन तलेनाभिहतः क्षितौ || ६-९६-३१
पपात रुधिरक्लिन्नः शोणितन् स समुद्वमन् |
स्रोतोभ्यस्तु विरूपाक्षो जलं रस्रवणादिव || ६-९६-३२
Virupaksha, struck by the blow of that palm, which was like the thunderbolt to the ground, oozing blood profusely from the (nine) apertures* of his body, as water flows from the spring.
विवृत्तनयनन् क्रोधात्सफेन रुधिराप्लुतम् |
ददृशुस्ते विरूपाक्षन् विरूपाक्षतरन् कृतम् || ६-९६-३३
The monkeys saw Virupaksha, bathed in foaming blood, with his eyes rolling through anger and as such rendered all the more deformed.*
स्फुरन्तं परिवर्जन्तं पार्श्वेन रुधिरोक्षितम् |
करुणन् च विनर्दान्तं ददृशुः कपयो रिपुम् || ६-९६-३४
The monkeys saw their enemy, bathed in blood, turning to and from as also throbbing on his sides and roaring piteously."
तथा तु तौ सन्यति सम्प्रयुक्तौ |
तरस्विनौ वानरराक्षसानाम् |
बलार्णवौ सस्वनतुः सभीमं |
महार्णवौ द्वाविव भिन्नवेलौ || ६-९६-३५
Confronting together in the battle-field in that way, those two violent and terrific armies which were extensive as oceans, of monkeys and demons, roared like two large oceans which had burst their bounds."
विनाशितं प्रेक्ष्य विरूपनेत्रं |
महाबलन् तन् हरिपार्थिवेन |
बलन् समस्तन् कपिराक्षसानाम् |
उन्मत्तगङ्गाप्रतिमं बभूव || ६-९६-३६
Beholding that mighty Virupaksha killed by Sugreeva, the army of monkeys and demons together looked like the agitated river of Ganga."
इत्यार्षे स्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे षण्णवतितमः सर्गः