Book 1 >> HYMN 117 - Asvins
मध्वः सोमस्याश्विना मदाय परत्नो होता विवासते वाम |
बर्हिष्मती रातिर्विश्रिता गीरिषा यातं नासत्योप वाजैः
बर्हिष्मती रातिर्विश्रिता गीरिषा यातं नासत्योप वाजैः
English:- . AŚVINS, your ancient priest invites you hither to gladden you with draughts of meath of Soma.
Our gift is on the grass, our song apportioned: with food and strength come hither, O Nāsatyas.
Our gift is on the grass, our song apportioned: with food and strength come hither, O Nāsatyas.
यो वामश्विना मनसो जवीयान रथः सवश्वो विश आजिगाति |
येन गछथः सुक्र्तो दुरोणं तेन नरा वर्तिरस्मभ्यं यातम
English:- That car of yours, swifter than thought, O Aśvins, which drawn by brave steeds cometh to the people,
Whereon ye seek the dwelling of the pious,-come ye thereon to our abode, O Heroes.
Whereon ye seek the dwelling of the pious,-come ye thereon to our abode, O Heroes.
रषिं नरावंहसः पाञ्चजन्यं रबीसादत्रिं मुञ्चथो गणेन |
मिनन्ता दस्योरशिवस्य माया अनुपूर्वं वर्षणा चोदयन्ता
English:- Ye freed sage Atri, whom the Five Tribes honoured, from the strait pit, ye Heroes with his people,
Baffling the guiles of the malignant Dasyu, repelling them, ye Mighty in succession.
Baffling the guiles of the malignant Dasyu, repelling them, ye Mighty in succession.
अश्वं न गूळ्हमश्विना दुरेवैर्र्षिं नरा वर्षणा रेभमप्सु |
सं तं रिणीथो विप्रुतं दंसोभिर्न वां जूर्यन्ति पूर्व्या कर्तानि
English:- Rebha the sage, ye mighty Heroes, Aśvins! whom, like a horse, vile men had sunk in water,-
Him, wounded, with your wondrous power ye rescued: your exploits of old time endure for ever.
Him, wounded, with your wondrous power ye rescued: your exploits of old time endure for ever.
सुषुप्वांसं न निर्र्तेरुपस्थे सूर्यं न दस्रा तमसि कषियन्तम |
शुभे रुक्मं न दर्शतं निखातमुदूपथुरश्विना वन्दनाय
English:- Ye brought forth Vandana, ye Wonder-Workers, for triumph, like fair gold that hath been buried,
Like one who slumbered in destruction's bosom, or like the Sun when dwelling in the darkness.
Like one who slumbered in destruction's bosom, or like the Sun when dwelling in the darkness.
तद वां नरा शंस्यं पज्रियेण कक्षीवता नासत्या परिज्मन |
शफादश्वस्य वाजिनो जनाय शतं कुम्भानसिञ्चतं मधूनाम
English:- Kakṣīvān, Pajra's son, must laud that exploit of yours, Nāsatyas, Heroes, ye who wander!
When from the hoof of your strong horse ye showered a hundred jars of honey for the people.
When from the hoof of your strong horse ye showered a hundred jars of honey for the people.
युवं नरा सतुवते कर्ष्णियाय विष्णाप्वं ददथुर्विश्वकाय |
घोषायै चित पित्र्षदे दुरोने पतिं जूर्यन्त्या अश्विनावदत्तम
English:- To Kṛṣṇa's son, to Viśvaka who praised you, O Heroes, ye restored his son Viṣṇāpū.
To Ghoṣā, living in her father's dwelling, stricken in years, ye gave a husband, Aśvins.
To Ghoṣā, living in her father's dwelling, stricken in years, ye gave a husband, Aśvins.
युवं शयावाय रुशतीमदत्तं महः कषोणस्याश्विना कण्वाय |
परवाच्यं तद वर्षणा कर्तं वां यन नार्षदायश्रवो अध्यधत्तम
English:- Ruṣatī, of the mighty people, Aśvins, ye gave to Śyāva of the line of Kaṇva.
This deed of yours, ye Strong Ones should be published, that ye gave glory to the son of Nṛṣad.
This deed of yours, ye Strong Ones should be published, that ye gave glory to the son of Nṛṣad.
पुरू वर्पांस्यश्विना दधाना नि पेदव ऊहथुराशुमश्वम |
सहस्रसां वाजिनमप्रतीतमहिहनं शरवस्यं तरुत्रम
English:- O Aśvins, wearing many forms at pleasure, on Pedu ye bestowed a fleet-foot courser,
Strong, winner of a thousand spoils, resistless the serpent slayer, glorious, triumphant.
Strong, winner of a thousand spoils, resistless the serpent slayer, glorious, triumphant.
एतानि वां शरवस्या सुदानू बरह्माङगूषं सदनं रोदस्योः |
यद वां पज्रासो अश्विना हवन्ते यातमिषा च विदुषे च वाजम
English:- These glorious things are yours, ye Bounteous Givers; prayer, praise in both worlds are your habitation.
O Aśvins, when the sons of Pajra call you, send strength with nourishment to him who knoweth.
O Aśvins, when the sons of Pajra call you, send strength with nourishment to him who knoweth.
सूनोर्मानेनाश्विना गर्णाना वाजं विप्राय भुरणा रदन्ता |
अगस्त्ये बरह्मणा वाव्र्धाना सं विश्पलां नासत्यारिणीतम
English:- Hymned with the reverence of a son, O Aśvins ye Swift Ones giving booty to the singer,
Glorified by Agastya with devotion, established Viśpalā again, Nāsatyas.
Glorified by Agastya with devotion, established Viśpalā again, Nāsatyas.
कुह यान्ता सुष्टुतिं काव्यस्य दिवो नपाता वर्षणा शयुत्रा |
हिरण्यस्येव कलशं निखातमुदूपथुर्दशमे अश्विनाहन
English:- Ye Sons of Heaven, ye Mighty, whither went ye, sought ye, for his fair praise the home of Kāvya.
When, like a pitcher full of gold, O Aśvins, on the tenth day ye lifted up the buried?
When, like a pitcher full of gold, O Aśvins, on the tenth day ye lifted up the buried?
युवं चयवानमश्विना जरन्तं पुनर्युवानं चक्रथुः शचीभिः |
युवो रथं दुहिता सूर्यस्य सह शरिया नासत्याव्र्णीत
English:- Ye with the aid of your great powers, O Aśvins, restored to youth the ancient man Cyavāna.
The Daughter of the Sun with all her glory, O ye Nāsatyas, chose your car to bear her.
The Daughter of the Sun with all her glory, O ye Nāsatyas, chose your car to bear her.
युवं तुग्राय पूर्व्येभिरेवैः पुनर्मन्यावभवतं युवाना |
युवं भुज्युमर्णसो निः समुद्राद विभिरूहथुर्र्ज्रेभिरश्वैः
English:- Ye, ever-youthful Ones, again remembered Tugra, according to your ancient manner:
With horses brown of hue that flew with swift wings ye brought back Bhujyu from the sea of billows.
With horses brown of hue that flew with swift wings ye brought back Bhujyu from the sea of billows.
अजोहवीदश्विना तौग्र्यो वां परोळ्हः समुद्रमव्यथिर्जगन्वान |
निष टमूहथुः सुयुजा रथेन मनोजवसा वर्षणास्वस्ति
English:- The son of Tugra had invoked you, Aśvins; borne on he went uninjured through the ocean.
Ye with your chariot swift as thought, well-harnessed, carried him off, O Mighty Ones, to safety.
Ye with your chariot swift as thought, well-harnessed, carried him off, O Mighty Ones, to safety.
अजोहवीदश्विना वर्तिका वामास्नो यत सीममुञ्चतं वर्कस्य |
वि जयुषा ययथुः सान्वद्रेर्जातं विष्वाचो अहतं विषेण
English:- The quail had invocated you, O Aśvins, when from the wolf's devouring jaws ye freed her.
With conquering car ye cleft the mountain's ridges: the offspring of Viśvāc ye killed with poison.
With conquering car ye cleft the mountain's ridges: the offspring of Viśvāc ye killed with poison.
शतं मेषान वर्क्ये मामहानं तमः परणीतमशिवेन पित्रा |
आक्षी रज्राश्वे अश्विनावधत्तं जयोतिरन्धाय चक्रथुर्विचक्षे
English:- He whom for furnishing a hundred wethers to the she-wolf, his wicked father blinded,-
To him, Ṛjrāśva, gave ye eyes, O Aśvins; light to the blind ye sent for perfect vision.
To him, Ṛjrāśva, gave ye eyes, O Aśvins; light to the blind ye sent for perfect vision.
शुनमन्धाय भरमह्वयत सा वर्कीरश्विना वर्षणा नरेति |
जारः कनीन इव चक्षदान रज्राश्वः शतमेकंच मेषान
English:- To bring the blind man joy thus cried the she-wolf: O Aśvins, O ye Mighty Ones, O Heroes,
For me Ṛjrāśva, like a youthful lover, hath. cut piecemeal one and a hundred wethers.
For me Ṛjrāśva, like a youthful lover, hath. cut piecemeal one and a hundred wethers.
मही वामूतिरश्विना मयोभूरुत सरामं धिष्ण्या संरिणीथः |
अथा युवामिदह्वयत पुरन्धिरागछतं सीं वर्षणाववोभिः
English:- Great and weal-giving is your aid, O Aśvins, ye, objects of all thought, made whole the cripple.
Purandhi also for this cause invoked you, and ye, O mighty, came to her with succours.
Purandhi also for this cause invoked you, and ye, O mighty, came to her with succours.
अधेनुं दस्रा सतर्यं विषक्टामपिन्वतं शयवे अश्विनागाम |
युवं शचीभिर्विमदाय जायां नयूहथुः पुरुमित्रस्य योषाम
English:- Ye, Wonder-Workers, filled with milk for Śayu the milkless cow, emaciated, barren;
And by your powers the child of Purumitra ye brought to Vimada to be his consort.
And by your powers the child of Purumitra ye brought to Vimada to be his consort.
यवं वर्केणाश्विना वपन्तेषं दुहन्ता मनुषाय दस्रा |
अभि दस्युं बकुरेणा धमन्तोरु जयोतिश्चक्रथुरार्याय
English:- Ploughing and sowing barley, O ye Aśvins, milking out food for men, ye Wonder-Workers,
Blasting away the Dasyu with your trumpet, ye gave far-spreading light unto the Ārya.
Blasting away the Dasyu with your trumpet, ye gave far-spreading light unto the Ārya.
आथर्वणायाश्विना दधीचे.अश्व्यं शिरः परत्यैरयतम |
स वां मधु पर वोचद रतायन तवाष्ट्रं यद दस्रावपिकक्ष्यं वाम
English:- Ye brought the horse's head, Aśvins, and gave it unto Dadhyac the offspring of Atharvan.
True, he revealed to you, O Wonder-Workers, sweet Soma, Tvaṣṭar's secret, as your girdle.
True, he revealed to you, O Wonder-Workers, sweet Soma, Tvaṣṭar's secret, as your girdle.
सदा कवी सुमतिमा चके वां विश्वा धियो अश्विना परावतं मे |
अस्मे रयिं नासत्या बर्हन्तमपत्यसाचं शरुत्यं रराथाम
English:- O Sages, evermore I crave your favour: be gracious unto all my prayers, O Aśvins.
Grant me, Nāsatyas, riches in abundance, wealth famous and accompanied with children.
Grant me, Nāsatyas, riches in abundance, wealth famous and accompanied with children.
हिरण्यहस्तमश्विना रराणा पुत्रं नरा वध्रिमत्या अदत्तम |
तरिधा ह शयावमश्विना विकस्तमुज्जीवस ऐरयतंसुदानू
English:- With liberal bounty to the weakling's consorts ye, Heroes, gave a son Hiraṇyahasta;
And Śyāva, cut into three several pieces, ye brought to life again, O bounteous Aśvins.
And Śyāva, cut into three several pieces, ye brought to life again, O bounteous Aśvins.
एतानि वामश्विना वीर्याणि पर पूर्व्याण्यायवो.अवोचन |
बरह्मक्र्ण्वन्तो वर्षणा युवभ्यां सुवीरासो विदथमा वदेम
English:- These your heroic exploits, O ye Aśvins, done in the days. of old, have men related.
May we, addressing prayer to you, ye Mighty, speak with brave sons about us to the synod.
May we, addressing prayer to you, ye Mighty, speak with brave sons about us to the synod.