Book 1 >> HYMN 98 - Agni
वैश्वानरस्य सुमतौ सयाम राजा हि कं भुवनानामभिश्रीः |
इतो जातो विश्वमिदं वि चष्टे वैश्वानरो यतते सूर्येण
इतो जातो विश्वमिदं वि चष्टे वैश्वानरो यतते सूर्येण
English:- . STILL in Vaiśvānara's grace may we continue: yea, he is King supreme o'er all things living.
Sprung hence to life upon this All he looketh. Vaiśvānara hath rivalry with Sūrya.
Sprung hence to life upon this All he looketh. Vaiśvānara hath rivalry with Sūrya.
पर्ष्टो दिवि पर्ष्टो अग्निः पर्थिव्यां पर्ष्टो विश्वा ओषधीरा विवेश |
वैश्वानरः सहसा पर्ष्टो अग्निः स नो दिवा स रिषः पातु नक्तम
English:- Present in heaven, in earth, all-present Agni,-all plants that grow on ground hath he pervaded.
May Agni, may Vaiśvānara with vigour, present, preserve us day and night from foemen.
May Agni, may Vaiśvānara with vigour, present, preserve us day and night from foemen.
वैश्वानर तव तत सत्यमस्त्वस्मान रायो मघवानः सचन्ताम |
तन नो ...
English:- Be this thy truth, Vaiśvānara, to us-ward: let wealth in rich abundance gather round us.
This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
This prayer of ours may Varuṇa grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.