Book 10 >> HYMN 148 - Indra

सुष्वाणास इन्द्र सतुमसि तवा ससवांसश्च तुविन्र्म्णवाजम |
आ नो भर सुवितं यस्य चाकन तमना तनासनुयाम तवोताः
English:- . WHEN we have pressed the juice we laud thee, Indra, and when, Most Valorous we have won the booty.
Bring us prosperity, as each desires it under thine own protection may we conquer.

रष्वस्त्वमिन्द्र शूर जातो दासीर्विशः सूर्येणसह्याः |
गुहा हितं गुह्यं गूळमप्सु बिभ्र्मसिप्रस्रवणे न सोमम
English:- Sublime from birth, mayst thou O Indra, Hero, with Sūrya overcome the Dāsa races.
As by a fountain's side, we bring the Soma that lay concealed, close-hidden in the waters.

अर्यो वा गिरो अभ्यर्च विद्वान रषीणां विप्रः सुमतिंचकानः |
ते सयाम ये रणयन्त सोमैरेनोत तुभ्यंरथोळ भक्षैः
English:- Answer the votary's hymns, for these thou knowest, craving the Ṛṣis' prayer, thyself a Singer
May we be they who take delight in Somas: these with sweet food for thee, O Chariot-rider.

इमा बरह्मेन्द्र तुभ्यं शंसि दा नर्भ्यो नर्णां शूरशवः |
तेभिर्भव सक्रतुर्येषु चाकन्नुत तरायस्वग्र्णत उत सतीन
English:- These holy prayers, O Indra, have I sung thee: grant to the men the strength of men, thou Hero.
Be of one mind with those in whom thou joyest: keep thou the singers safe and their companions.

शरुधी हवमिन्द्र शूर पर्थ्या उत सतवसे वेन्यस्यार्कैः |
आ यस्ते योनिं घर्तवन्तमस्वारूर्मिर्न निम्नैर्द्रवयन्त वक्वाः
English:- Listen to Pṛthi's call, heroic Indra, and be thou lauded by the hymns of Venya,
Him who hath sung thee to thine oil-rich dwelling, whose rolling songs have sped thee like a torrent.