Book 2 >> HYMN 11 - Indra
शरुधी हवमिन्द्र मा रिशण्यः सयाम ते दावने वसूनाम |
इमा हि तवामूर्जो वर्धयन्ति वसूयवः सिन्धवो न कषरन्तः
इमा हि तवामूर्जो वर्धयन्ति वसूयवः सिन्धवो न कषरन्तः
English:- . HEAR thou my call, O Indra; be not heedless: thine may we be for thee to give us treasures;
For these presented viands, seeking riches, increase thy strength like streams of water flowing.
For these presented viands, seeking riches, increase thy strength like streams of water flowing.
सर्जो महीरिन्द्र या अपिन्वः परिष्ठिता अहिना शूर पूर्वीः |
अमर्त्यं चिद दासं मन्यमानमवाभिनदुक्थैर्वाव्र्धानः
English:- Floods great and many, compassed by the Dragon, thou badest swell and settest free, O Hero.
Strengthened by songs of praise thou rentest piecemeal the Dāsa, him who deemed himself immortal.
Strengthened by songs of praise thou rentest piecemeal the Dāsa, him who deemed himself immortal.
उक्थेष्विन नु शूर येषु चाकन सतोमेष्विन्द्र रुद्रियेषु च |
तुभ्येदेता यासु मन्दसानः पर वायवे सिस्रते न शुभ्राः
English:- For, Hero, in the lauds wherein thou joyedst, in hymns of praise, O Indra, songs of Rudras,
These streams in which is thy delight approach thee, even as the brilliant ones draw near to Vāyu.
These streams in which is thy delight approach thee, even as the brilliant ones draw near to Vāyu.
शुभ्रं नु ते शुष्मं वर्धयन्तः शुभ्रं वज्रं बाह्वोर्दधानाः |
शुभ्रस्त्वमिन्द्र वाव्र्धानो अस्मे दासीर्विशः सूर्येण सह्याः
English:- We who add strength to thine own splendid vigour, laying within thine arms the splendid thunder-
With us mayst thou, O Indra, waxen splendid, with Sūrya overcome the Dāsa races.
With us mayst thou, O Indra, waxen splendid, with Sūrya overcome the Dāsa races.
गुहा हितं गुह्यं गूळ्हमप्स्वपीव्र्तं मायिनं कषियन्तम |
उतो अपो दयां तस्तभ्वांसमहन्नहिं शूर वीर्येण
English:- Hero, thou slewest in thy valour Ahi concealed in depths, mysterious, great enchanter,
Dwelling enveloped deep within the waters, him who checked heaven and stayed the floods from flowing.
Dwelling enveloped deep within the waters, him who checked heaven and stayed the floods from flowing.
सतवा नु त इन्द्र पूर्व्या महान्युत सतवाम नूतना कर्तानि |
सतवा वज्रं बाह्वोरुशन्तं सतवा हरी सूर्यस्य केतू
English:- Indra, we laud thy great deeds wrought aforetime, we laud thine exploits later of achievement;
We laud the bolt that in thine arms lies eager; we laud thy two Bay Steeds, heralds of Sūrya.
We laud the bolt that in thine arms lies eager; we laud thy two Bay Steeds, heralds of Sūrya.
हरी नु त इन्द्र वाजयन्ता घर्तश्चुतं सवारमस्वार्ष्टाम |
वि समना भूमिरप्रथिष्टारंस्त पर्वतश्चित सरिष्यन
English:- Indra, thy Bay Steeds showing forth their vigour have sent a loud cry out that droppeth fatness.
The earth hath spread herself in all her fulness: the cloud that was about to move hath rested.
The earth hath spread herself in all her fulness: the cloud that was about to move hath rested.
नि पर्वतः साद्यप्रयुछन सं मात्र्भिर्वावशानो अक्रान |
दूरे पारे वाणीं वर्धयन्त इन्द्रेषितां धमनिं पप्रथन नि
English:- Down, never ceasing, hath the rain-cloud settled: bellowing, it hath wandered with the Mothers.
Swelling the roar in the far distant limits, they have spread wide the blast sent forth by Indra.
Swelling the roar in the far distant limits, they have spread wide the blast sent forth by Indra.
इन्द्रो महां सिन्धुमाशयानं मायाविनं वर्त्रमस्फुरन निः |
अरेजेतां रोदसी भियाने कनिक्रदतो वर्ष्णो अस्य वज्रात
English:- Indra hath hurled down the magician Vṛtra who lay beleaguering the mighty river.
Then both the heaven and earth trembled in terror at the strong Hero's thunder when he bellowed.
Then both the heaven and earth trembled in terror at the strong Hero's thunder when he bellowed.
अरोरवीद वर्ष्णो अस्य वज्रो.अमानुषं यन मानुषो निजूर्वात |
नि मायिनो दानवस्य माया अपादयत पपिवान सुतस्य
English:- Loud roared the mighty Hero's bolt of thunder, when he, the Friend of man, burnt up the monster,
And, having drunk his fill of flowing Soma, baffled the guileful Dānava's devices.
And, having drunk his fill of flowing Soma, baffled the guileful Dānava's devices.
पिबा-पिबेदिन्द्र शूर सोमं मन्दन्तु तवा मन्दिनः सुतासः |
पर्णन्तस्ते कुक्षी वर्धयन्त्वित्था सुतः पौर इन्द्रमाव
English:- Drink thou, O Hero Indra, drink the Soma; let the joy-giving juices make thee joyful.
They, filling both thy flanks, shall swell thy vigour. The juice that satisfies hath helped Indra.
They, filling both thy flanks, shall swell thy vigour. The juice that satisfies hath helped Indra.
तवे इन्द्राप्यभूम विप्रा धियं वनेम रतया सपन्तः |
अवस्यवो धीमहि परशस्तिं सद्यस्ते रायो दावने सयाम
English:- Singers have we become with thee, O Indra: may we serve duly and prepare devotion.
Seeking thy help we meditate thy praises: may we at once enjoy thy gift of riches.
Seeking thy help we meditate thy praises: may we at once enjoy thy gift of riches.
सयाम ते त इन्द्र ये त ऊती अवस्यव ऊर्जं वर्धयन्तः |
शुष्मिन्तमं यं चाकनाम देवास्मे रयिं रासि वीरवन्तम
English:- May we be thine, such by thy help, O Indra, as swell thy vigour while they seek thy favour.
Give us, thou God, the riches that we long for, most powerful, with stare of noble children.
Give us, thou God, the riches that we long for, most powerful, with stare of noble children.
रासि कषयं रासि मित्रमस्मे रासि शर्ध इन्द्र मारुतंनः |
सजोषसो ये च मन्दसानाः पर वायवः पान्त्यग्रणीतिम
English:- Give us a friend, give us an habitation; Indra, give us the company of Maruts,
And those whose minds accord with theirs, the Vāyus, who drink the first libation of the Soma.
And those whose minds accord with theirs, the Vāyus, who drink the first libation of the Soma.
वयन्त्विन नु येषु मन्दसानस्त्र्पत सोमं पाहि दरह्यदिन्द्र |
अस्मान सु पर्त्स्वा तरुत्रावर्धयो दयां बर्हद्भिरर्कैः
English:- Let those enjoy in whom thou art delighted. Indra, drink Soma for thy strength and gladness.
Thou hast exalted us to heaven, Preserver, in battles, through the lofty hymns that praise thee.
Thou hast exalted us to heaven, Preserver, in battles, through the lofty hymns that praise thee.
बर्हन्त इन नु ये ते तरुत्रोक्थेभिर्वा सुम्नमाविवासान |
सत्र्णानासो बर्हिः पस्त्यावत तवोता इदिन्द्र वाजमग्मन
English:- Great, verily, are they, O thou Protector, who by their songs of praise have won the blessing.
They who strew sacred grass to be thy dwelling, helped by thee have got them strength, O Indra.
They who strew sacred grass to be thy dwelling, helped by thee have got them strength, O Indra.
उग्रेष्विन नु शूर मन्दसानस्त्रिकद्रुकेषु पाहि सोममिन्द्र |
परदोधुवच्छ्मश्रुषु परीणानो याहि हरिभ्यां सुतस्यपीतिम
English:- Upon the great Trikadruka days, Hero, rejoicing thee, O Indra, drink the Soma.
Come with Bay Steeds to drink of libation, shaking the drops from out thy beard, contented.
Come with Bay Steeds to drink of libation, shaking the drops from out thy beard, contented.
धिष्वा शवः शूर येन वर्त्रमवाभिनद दानुमौर्णवाभम |
अपाव्र्णोर्ज्योतिरार्याय नि सव्यतः सादि दस्युरिन्द्र
English:- Hero, assume the might wherewith thou clavest Vṛtra piecemeal, the Dānava Aurṇavābha.
Thou hast disclosed the light to light the Ārya: on thy left hand, O Indra, sank the Dasyu.
Thou hast disclosed the light to light the Ārya: on thy left hand, O Indra, sank the Dasyu.
सनेम ये त ऊतिभिस्तरन्तो विश्वा सप्र्ध आर्येण दस्यून |
अस्मभ्यं तत तवाष्ट्रं विश्वरूपमरन्धयः साख्यस्य तरिताय
English:- May we gain wealth, subduing with thy succour and with the Ārya, all our foes, the Dasyus.
Our gain was that to Tṛta of our party thou gavest up Tvaṣṭar's son Viśvarūpa.
Our gain was that to Tṛta of our party thou gavest up Tvaṣṭar's son Viśvarūpa.
अस्य सुवानस्य मन्दिनस्त्रितस्य नयर्बुदं वाव्र्धानो अस्तः |
अवर्तयत सूर्यो न चक्रं भिनद वलमिन्द्रो अङगिरस्वान
English:- He cast down Arbuda what time his vigour was strengthened by libations poured by Tṛta.
Indra sent forth his whirling wheel like Sūrya, and aided by the Aṅgirases rent Vala.
Indra sent forth his whirling wheel like Sūrya, and aided by the Aṅgirases rent Vala.
नूनं सा ते परति वरं जरित्रे दुहीयदिन्द्र दक्षिणा मघोनी |
शिक्षा सतोत्र्भ्यो माति धग भगो नो बर्हद वदेम व. स.
English:- Now let that wealthy Cow of thine, O Indra, yield in return a boon to him who lauds thee.
Give to thy praisers: let not fortune fail us. Loud may we speak, with brave men, in the assembly.
Give to thy praisers: let not fortune fail us. Loud may we speak, with brave men, in the assembly.