Book 2 >> HYMN 32 - Various Deities
अस्य मे दयावाप्र्थिवी रतायतो भूतमवित्री वचसः सिषासतः |
ययोरायः परतरं ते इदं पुर उपस्तुते वसूयुर्वां महो दधे
ययोरायः परतरं ते इदं पुर उपस्तुते वसूयुर्वां महो दधे
English:- . GRACIOUSLY further, O ye Heaven and Earth, this speech striving to win reward, of me your worshipper.
First rank I give to you, Immortal, high extolled! I, fain to win me wealth, to you the mighty Pair.
First rank I give to you, Immortal, high extolled! I, fain to win me wealth, to you the mighty Pair.
मा नो गुह्या रिप आयोरहन दभन मा न आभ्यो रीरधो दुछुनाभ्यः |
मा नो वि यौः सख्या विद्धि तस्य नः सुम्नायता मनसा तत तवेमहे
English:- Let not man's guile annoy us, secret or by day: give not us up a prey to these calamities.
Sever not thou our friendship: think thereon for us. This, with a heart that longs for bliss, we seek from thee.
Sever not thou our friendship: think thereon for us. This, with a heart that longs for bliss, we seek from thee.
अहेळता मनसा शरुष्टिमा वह दुहानां धेनुं पिप्युषीमसश्चतम |
पद्याभिराशुं वचसा च वाजिनं तवां हिनोमि पुरुहूत विश्वहा
English:- Bring hither with benignant mind the willing Cow teeming with plenteous milk, full, inexhaustible.
O thou invoked by many, day by day I urge thee with my word, a charger rapid in his tread.
O thou invoked by many, day by day I urge thee with my word, a charger rapid in his tread.
राकामहं सुहवां सुष्टुती हुवे शर्णोतु नः सुभगा बोधतु तमना |
सीव्यत्वपः सूच्याछिद्यमानया ददातु वीरं सतदायमुक्थ्यम
English:- With eulogy I call on Rākā swift to hear may she, auspicious, hear us, and herself observe.
With never-breaking needle may she sew her work, and give a hero son most wealthy, meet for praise.
With never-breaking needle may she sew her work, and give a hero son most wealthy, meet for praise.
यास्ते राके सुमतयः सुपेशसो याभिर्ददासि दाशुषे वसूनि |
ताभिर्नो अद्य सुमना उपागहि सहस्रपोषं सुभगे रराणा
English:- All thy kind thoughts, O Rākā, lovely in their form, wherewith thou grantest wealth to him who offers gifts-
With these come thou to us this day benevolent, O Blessed One, bestowing food of thousand sorts.
With these come thou to us this day benevolent, O Blessed One, bestowing food of thousand sorts.
सिनीवालि पर्थुष्टुके या देवानामसि सवसा |
जुषस्व हव्यमाहुतं परजां देवि दिदिड्ढि नः
English:- O broad-tressed Sinīvālī, thou who art the Sister of the Gods,
Accept the offered sacrifice, and, Goddess, grant us progeny.
Accept the offered sacrifice, and, Goddess, grant us progeny.
या सुबाहुः सवङगुरिः सुषूमा बहुसूवरी |
तस्यै विश्पत्न्यै हविः सिनीवाल्यै जुहोतन
English:- With lovely fingers, lovely arms, prolific Mother of many sons-
Present the sacred gifts to her, to Sinīvālī Queen of men.
Present the sacred gifts to her, to Sinīvālī Queen of men.
या गुङगूर्या सिनीवाली या राका या सरस्वती |
इन्द्राणीमह्व ऊतये वरुणानीं सवस्तये
English:- Her, Sinīvālī, her, Gungū, her, Rākā, her, Sarasvatī, Indrāṇī to mine aid I call, and Varuṇānī for my weal.