Book 6 >> HYMN 16 - Agni
तवमग्ने यज्ञानां होता विश्वेषां हितः |
देवेभिर्मानुषे जने
देवेभिर्मानुषे जने
English:- . PRIEST of all sacrifices hast thou been appointed by the Gods,
Agni, amid the race of man.
Agni, amid the race of man.
स नो मन्द्राभिरध्वरे जिह्वाभिर्यजा महः |
आ देवान वक्षि यक्षि च
English:- So with thy joyous tongues for us sacrifice nobly in this rite.
Bring thou the Gods and worship them.
Bring thou the Gods and worship them.
वेत्था हि वेधो अध्वनः पथश्च देवाञ्जसा |
अग्ने यज्ञेषु सुक्रतो
English:- For well, O God, Disposer, thou knowest, straight on, the paths and ways,
Agni, most wise in sacrifice.
Agni, most wise in sacrifice.
तवामीळे अध दविता भरतो वाजिभिः शुनम |
ईजे यज्ञेयत दिवि
English:- Thee, too, hath Bhārata of old, with mighty men, implored for bliss.
And worshipped thee the worshipful.
And worshipped thee the worshipful.
तवमिमा वार्या पुरु दिवोदासाय सुन्वते |
भरद्वाजाय दाशुषे
English:- Thou givest these abundant boons to Divodāsa pouring forth,
To Bharadvāja offering gifts.
To Bharadvāja offering gifts.
तवं दूतो अमर्त्य आ वहा दैव्यं जनम |
शर्ण्वन विप्रस्य सुष्टुतिम
English:- Do thou, Immortal Messenger, bring hither the Celestial Folk;
Hearing the singer's eulogy.
Hearing the singer's eulogy.
तवामग्ने सवाध्यो मर्तासो देव वीतये |
यज्ञेषु देवमीळते
English:- Mortals with pious thought implore thee, Agni, God, at holy rites,
To come unto the feast of Gods.
To come unto the feast of Gods.
तव पर यक्षि सन्द्र्शमुत करतुं सुदानवः |
विश्वे जुषन्त कामिनः
English:- I glorify thine aspect and the might of thee the Bountilul.
All those who love shall joy in thee,
All those who love shall joy in thee,
तवं होता मनुर्हितो वह्निरासा विदुष्टरः |
अग्ने यक्षिदिवो विशः
English:- Invoker placed by Manus, thou, Agni, art near, the wisest Priest:
Pay worship to the Tribes of Heaven.
Pay worship to the Tribes of Heaven.
अग्न आ याहि वीतये गर्णानो हव्यदातये |
नि होता सत्सि बर्हिषि
English:- Come, Agni, lauded, to the feast; come to the offering of the gifts.
As Priest be seated on the grass.
As Priest be seated on the grass.
तं तवा समिद्भिरङगिरो घर्तेन वर्धयामसि |
बर्हच्छोचा यविष्ठ्य
English:- So, Aṅgiras, we make thee strong with fuel and with holy oil.
Blaze high, thou youngest of the Gods.
Blaze high, thou youngest of the Gods.
स नः पर्थु शरवाय्यमछा देव विवाससि |
बर्हदग्ने सुवीर्यम
English:- For us thou winnest, Agni, God, heroic strength exceeding great,
Far-spreading and of high renown.
Far-spreading and of high renown.
तवामग्ने पुष्करादध्यथर्वा निरमन्थत |
मूर्ध्नो विश्वस्य वाघतः
English:- Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth, by rubbing, from the lotus-flower,
The head of Visva, of the Priest.
The head of Visva, of the Priest.
तमु तवा दध्यंं रषिः पुत्र ईधे अथर्वणः |
वर्त्रहणं पुरन्दरम
English:- Thee. Vṛtra's slayer, breaker down of castles, hath Atharvan's son,
Dadhyac the Ṛṣi, lighted up.
Dadhyac the Ṛṣi, lighted up.
तमु तवा पाथ्यो वर्षा समीधे दस्युहन्तमम |
धनंजयं रणे-रणे
English:- The hero Pathya kindled thee the Dasyus'. most destructive foe,
Winner of spoil in every fight.
Winner of spoil in every fight.
एह्यू षु बरवाणि ते.अग्न इत्थेतरा गिरः |
एभिर्वर्धास इन्दुभिः
English:- Come, here, O Agni, will I sing verily other songs to thee,
And with these drops shalt thou grow strong.
And with these drops shalt thou grow strong.
यत्र कव च ते मनो दक्षं दधस उत्तरम |
तत्रा सदः कर्णवसे
English:- Where'er thy mind applies itself, vigour preeminent hast thou:
There wilt thou gain a dwelling-place.
There wilt thou gain a dwelling-place.
नहि ते पूर्तमक्षिपद भुवन नेमानां वसो |
अथा दुवो वनवसे
English:- Not for a moment only lasts thy bounty, good to many a one!
Our service therefore shalt thou gain.
Our service therefore shalt thou gain.
आग्निरगामि भारतो वर्त्रहा पुरुचेतनः |
दिवोदासस्य सत्पतिः
English:- Agni, the Bhārata, hath been sought, the Vṛtra-slayer, marked of all,
Yea, Divodāsa's Hero Lord.
Yea, Divodāsa's Hero Lord.
स हि विश्वाति पार्थिवा रयिं दाशन महित्वना |
वन्वन्नवातो अस्त्र्तः
English:- For he gave riches that surpass in greatness all the things of earth,
Fighting untroubled, unsubdued.
Fighting untroubled, unsubdued.
स परत्नवन नवीयसाग्ने दयुम्नेन संयता |
बर्हत ततन्थभानुना
English:- Thou, Agni, as in days of old, with recent glory, gathered light,
Hast overspread the lofty heaven.
Hast overspread the lofty heaven.
पर वः सखायो अग्नये सतोमं यज्ञं च धर्ष्णुया |
अर्चगाय च वेधसे
English:- Bring to your Agni, O my friends, boldly your laud and sacrifice:
Give the Disposer praise and song.
Give the Disposer praise and song.
स हि यो मानुषा युगा सीदद धोता कविक्रतुः |
दूतश्च हव्यवाहनः
English:- For as sagacious Herald he hath sat through every age of man,
Oblation-bearing messenger.
Oblation-bearing messenger.
ता राजाना शुचिव्रतादित्यान मारुतं गणम |
वसो यक्षीह रोदसी
English:- Bring those Two Kings whose ways are pure, Ādityas, and the Marut host,
Excellent God! and Heaven and Earth.
Excellent God! and Heaven and Earth.
वस्वी ते अग्ने सन्द्र्ष्टिरिषयते मर्त्याय |
ऊर्जो नपादम्र्तस्य
English:- For strong and active mortal man, excellent, Agni, is the look Of thee Immortal, Son of Strength
करत्वा दा अस्तु शरेष्ठो.अद्य तवा वन्वन सुरेक्णाः |
मर्त आनाश सुव्र्क्तिम
English:- Rich through his wisdom, noblest be the giver serving thee to-day:
The man hath brought his hymn of praise.
The man hath brought his hymn of praise.
ते ते अग्ने तवोता इषयन्तो विश्वमायुः |
तरन्तो अर्यो अरातीर्वन्वन्तो अर्यो अरातीः
English:- These, Agni, these are helped by thee, who strong and active all their lives,
O'ercome the malice of the foe, fight down the malice ofthe foe.
O'ercome the malice of the foe, fight down the malice ofthe foe.
अग्निस्तिग्मेन शोचिषा यासद विश्वं नयत्रिणम |
अग्निर्नोवनते रयिम
English:- May Agni with his pointed blaze cast down each fierce devouring fiend
May Agni win us wealth by war.
May Agni win us wealth by war.
सुवीरं रयिमा भर जातवेदो विचर्षणे |
जहि रक्षांसि सुक्रतो
English:- O active Jātavedas, bring riches with store of hero sons:
Slay thou the demons, O Most Wise.
Slay thou the demons, O Most Wise.
तवं नः पाह्यंहसो जातवेदो अघायतः |
रक्षा णो बरह्मणस कवे
English:- Keep us, O Jātavedas, from the troubling of the man of sin:
Guard us thou Sage who knowest prayer.
Guard us thou Sage who knowest prayer.
यो नो अग्ने दुरेव आ मर्तो वधाय दाशति |
तस्मान नः पाह्यंहसः
English:- Whatever sinner, Agni, brings oblations to procure our death,
Save us from woe that he would work.
Save us from woe that he would work.
तवं तं देव जिह्वया परि बाधस्व दुष्क्र्तम |
मर्तो यो नोजिघांसति
English:- Drive from us with thy tongue, O God, the man who doeth evil deeds,
The mortal who would strike us dead.
The mortal who would strike us dead.
भरद्वाजाय सप्रथः शर्म यछ सहन्त्य |
अग्ने वरेण्यंवसु
English:- Give shelter reaching far and wide to Bharadvāja, conquering Lord!
Agni, send wealth most excellent.
Agni, send wealth most excellent.
अग्निर्व्र्त्राणि जङघनद दरविणस्युर्विपन्यया |
समिद्धः शुक्र आहुतः
English:- May Agni slay the Vṛtras,-fain for riches, through the lord of song,
Served with oblation, kindled, bright.
Served with oblation, kindled, bright.
गर्भे मातुः पितुष पिता विदिद्युतानो अक्षरे |
सीदन्न्र्तस्य योनिमा
English:- His Father's Father, shining in his Mother's everlasting side,
Set on the seat of holy Law.
Set on the seat of holy Law.
बरह्म परजावदा भर जातवेदो विचर्षणे |
अग्ने यद दीद अयद दिवि
English:- O active Jātavedas, bring devotion that wins progeny, Agni, that it may shine to heaven.
उप तवा रण्वसन्द्र्शं परयस्वन्तः सहस्क्र्त |
अग्ने सस्र्ज्महे गिरः
English:- O Child of Strength, to thee whose look is lovely we with dainty food,
O Agni, have poured forth our songs.
O Agni, have poured forth our songs.
उप छायामिव घर्णेरगन्म शर्म ते वयम |
अग्ने हिरण्यसन्द्र्शः
English:- To thee for shelter are we come, as to the shade from fervent heat
Agni, who glitterest like gold.
Agni, who glitterest like gold.
य उग्र इव शर्यहा तिग्मश्र्ङगो न वंसगः |
अग्ने पुरो रुरोजिथ
English:- Mighty as one who slays with shafts, or like a bull with sharpened horn,
Agni, thou breakest down the forts.
Agni, thou breakest down the forts.
आ यं हस्ते न खादिनं शिशुं जातं न बिभ्रति |
विशामग्निं सवध्वरम
English:- Whom, like an infant newly born, devourer, in their arms they bear,
Men's Agni, skilled in holy rites.
Men's Agni, skilled in holy rites.
पर देवं देववीतये भरता वसुवित्तमम |
आ सवे योनौ नि षीदतु
English:- Bear to the banquet of the Gods the God best finder-out of wealth,
Let him he seated in his place.
Let him he seated in his place.
आ जातं जातवेदसि परियं शिशीतातिथिम |
सयोन आ गर्हपतिम
English:- In Jātavedas kindle ye the dear guest who hath now appeared
In a soft place, the homestead's Lord.
In a soft place, the homestead's Lord.
अग्ने युक्ष्वा हि ये तवाश्वासो देव साधवः |
अरं वहन्ति मन्यवे
English:- Harness, O Agni, O thou God, thy steeds which are most excellent:
They bear thee as thy spirit wills.
They bear thee as thy spirit wills.
अछा नो याह्या वहाभि परयांसि वीतये |
आ देवान सोमपीतये
English:- Come hither, bring the Gods to us to taste the sacrificial feast,
To drink the draught of Soma juice.
To drink the draught of Soma juice.
उदग्ने भारत दयुमदजस्रेण दविद्युतत |
शोचा वि भाह्यजर
English:- O Agni of the Bharatas, blaze high with everlasting might,
Shine forth and gleam, Eternal One.
Shine forth and gleam, Eternal One.
वीती यो देवं मर्तो दुवस्येदग्निमीळीताध्वरे हविष्मान |
होतारं सत्ययजं रोदस्योरुत्तानहस्तो नमसा विवासेत
English:- The mortal man who serves the God with banquet, and, bringing gifts at sacrifice, lauds Agni,
May well attract, with prayer and hands uplifted, the Priest of Heaven and Earth, true Sacrificer.
May well attract, with prayer and hands uplifted, the Priest of Heaven and Earth, true Sacrificer.
आ ते अग्न रचा हविर्ह्र्दा तष्टं भरामसि |
ते ते भवन्तूक्षण रषभासो वशा उत
English:- Agni, we bring thee, with our hymn, oblation fashioned in the heart.
Let these be oxen unto thee, let these be bulls and kine to thee.
Let these be oxen unto thee, let these be bulls and kine to thee.
अग्निं देवासो अग्रियमिन्धते वर्त्रहन्तमम |
येना वसून्याभ्र्ता तर्ळ्हा रक्षांसि वाजिनाषु यज्ञियम
English:- The Gods enkindle Agni, best slayer of Vṛtra, first in rank,
The Mighty, One who brings us wealth and crushes down the Rākṣasas.
The Mighty, One who brings us wealth and crushes down the Rākṣasas.