Book 6 >> HYMN 55 - Pusan
एहि वां विमुचो नपादाघ्र्णे सं सचावहै |
रथीरतस्य नो भव
रथीरतस्य नो भव
English:- . SON of Deliverance, come, bright God!
Let us twain go together: be our charioteer of sacrifice.
Let us twain go together: be our charioteer of sacrifice.
रथीतमं कपर्दिनमीशानं राधसो महः |
रायः सखायमीमहे
English:- We pray for wealth to thee most skilled of charioteers, with braided hair,
Lord of great riches, and our Friend.
Lord of great riches, and our Friend.
रायो धारास्याघ्र्णे वसो राशिरजाश्व |
धीवतो-धीवतः सखा
English:- Bright God whose steeds are goats, thou art a stream of wealth, a treasure-heap,
The Friend of every pious man.
The Friend of every pious man.
पूषणं नवजाश्वमुप सतोषाम वाजिनम |
सवसुर्यो जार उच्यते
English:- Pūṣan, who driveth goats for steeds, the strong and Mighty, who is called
His Sister's lover, will we laud.
His Sister's lover, will we laud.
मातुर्दिधिषुमब्रवं सवसुर्जारः शर्णोतु नः |
भरातेन्द्रस्य सखा मम
English:- His Mother's suitor I address. May he who loves his Sister hear,
Brother of Indra, and my Friend.
Brother of Indra, and my Friend.
आजासः पूषणं रथे निश्र्म्भास्ते जनश्रियम |
देवं वहन्तु बिभ्रतः
English:- May the sure-footed goats come nigh, conveying Pūṣan on his car,
The God who visiteth mankind.
The God who visiteth mankind.