Book 8 >> HYMN 12 - Indra
य इन्द्र सोमपातमो मदः शविष्ठ चेतति |
येना हंसि नयत्रिणं तमीमहे
येना हंसि नयत्रिणं तमीमहे
English:- . JOY, Mightiest Indra, known and marked, sprung most from Soma-draughts, wherewith
Thou smitest down the greedy fiend, for that we long.
Thou smitest down the greedy fiend, for that we long.
येना दशग्वमध्रिगुं वेपयन्तं सवर्णरम |
येना समुद्रमाविथा तमीमहे
English:- Wherewith thou bolpest Adhrigu, the great Daśagva, and the God
Who stirs the sunlight, and the sea, for that we long.
Who stirs the sunlight, and the sea, for that we long.
येन सिन्धुं महीरपो रथानिव परचोदयः |
पन्थां रतस्य यातवे तमीमहे
English:- Wherewith thou dravest forth like cars Sindhu and all the mighty floods
To go the way ordained by Law, for that we long.
To go the way ordained by Law, for that we long.
इमं सतोममभिष्टये घर्तं न पूतमद्रिवः |
येना नुसद्य ओजसा ववक्षिथ
English:- Accept this laud for aid, made pure like oil, thou Caster of the Stone,
Whereby even in a moment thou hast waxen great.
Whereby even in a moment thou hast waxen great.
इमं जुषस्व गिर्वणः समुद्र इव पिन्वते |
इन्द्र विश्वाभिरूतिभिर्ववक्षिथ
English:- Be pleased, Song-lover, with this song it flows abundant like the sea.
Indra, with all thy succours thou hast waxen great.
Indra, with all thy succours thou hast waxen great.
यो नो देवः परावतः सखित्वनाय मामहे |
दिवो न वर्ष्टिं परथयन ववक्षिथ
English:- The God who from afar hath sent gifts to maintain our friendship's bond,
Thou. spreading them like rain from heaven, hast waxen great.
Thou. spreading them like rain from heaven, hast waxen great.
ववक्षुरस्य केतवो उत वज्रो गभस्त्योः |
यत सूर्यो न रोदसी अवर्धयत
English:- The beams that mark him have grown strong, the thunder rests between his arms,
When, like the Sun, he hath increased both Heaven and Earth.
When, like the Sun, he hath increased both Heaven and Earth.
यदि परव्र्द्ध सत्पते सहस्रं महिषानघः |
आदित त इन्द्रियं महि पर वाव्र्धे
English:- When, Mighty Lord of Heroes, thou didst cat a thousand buffaloes,
Then grew and waxed exceeding great thine Indra-power.
Then grew and waxed exceeding great thine Indra-power.
इन्द्रः सूर्यस्य रश्मिभिर्न्यर्शसानमोषति |
अग्निर्वनेव सासहिः पर वाव्र्धे
English:- Indra consumeth with the rays of Sūrya the malicious man:
Like Agni conquering the woods, he hath grown strong.
Like Agni conquering the woods, he hath grown strong.
इयं त रत्वियावती धीतिरेति नवीयसी |
सपर्यन्ती पुरुप्रिया मिमीत इत
English:- This newest thought of ours that suits the time approaches unto thee:
Serving, beloved in many a place it metes and marks.
Serving, beloved in many a place it metes and marks.
गर्भो यज्ञस्य देवयुः करतुं पुनीत आनुषक |
सतोमैरिन्द्रस्य वाव्र्धे मिमीत इत
English:- The pious germ of sacrifice directly purifies the soul.
By Indra's lauds it waxes great, it metes and marks.
By Indra's lauds it waxes great, it metes and marks.
सनिर्मित्रस्य पप्रथ इन्द्रः सोमस्य पीतये |
पराची वाशीव सुन्वते मिमीत इत
English:- Indra who wins the friend hath spread himself to drink the Soma-draught:
Like worshipper's dilating praise; it metes and marks.
Like worshipper's dilating praise; it metes and marks.
यं विप्रा उक्थवाहसो.अभिप्रमन्दुरायवः |
घर्तं न पिप्य आसन्य रतस्य यत
English:- He whom the sages, living men, have gladdened, offering up their hymns,
Hath swelled like oil of sacrifice in Agni's mouth.
Hath swelled like oil of sacrifice in Agni's mouth.
उत सवराजे अदिति सतोममिन्द्राय जीजनत |
पुरुप्रशस्तमूतय रतस्य यत
English:- Aditi also hath brought forth a hymn for Indra, Sovran Lord:
The work of sacrifice for help is glorified.
The work of sacrifice for help is glorified.
अभि वह्नय ऊतये.अनूषत परशस्तये |
न देव विव्रता हरी रतस्य यत
English:- The ministering priests have sung their songs for aid and eulogy:
God, thy Bays turn not from the rite which Law ordains.
God, thy Bays turn not from the rite which Law ordains.
यत सोममिन्द्र विष्णवि यद वा घ तरित आप्त्ये |
यद वा मरुत्सु मन्दसे समिन्दुभिः
English:- If, Indra, thou drink Soma by Viṣṇu's or Tṛta Āptya's side,
Or with the Maruts take delight in flowing drops;
Or with the Maruts take delight in flowing drops;
यद वा शक्र परावति समुद्रे अधि मन्दसे |
अस्माकमित सुते रणा समिन्दुभिः
English:- Or, Śakra, if thou gladden thee afar or in the sea of air,
Rejoice thee in this juice of ours, in flowing drops.
Rejoice thee in this juice of ours, in flowing drops.
यद वासि सुन्वतो वर्धो यजमानस्य सत्पते |
उक्थे वा यस्यरण्यसि समिन्दुभिः
English:- Or, Lord of Heroes if thou aid the worshipper who shed; the, juice,
Or him whose laud delights thee, and his flowing drops.
Or him whose laud delights thee, and his flowing drops.
देवं-देवं वो.अवस इन्द्रम-इन्द्रं गर्णीषणि |
अधा यज्ञाय तुर्वणे वयानशुः
English:- To magnify the God, the God, Indra, yea, Indra for your help,
And promptly end the sacrifice-this have they gained.
And promptly end the sacrifice-this have they gained.
यज्ञेभिर्यज्ञवाहसं सोमेभिः सोमपातमम |
होत्राभिरिन्द्रं वाव्र्धुर्व्यानशुः
English:- With worship, him whom men adore, with Soma, him who drinks it most,
Indra with lauds have they increasedthis have they gained.
Indra with lauds have they increasedthis have they gained.
महीरस्य परणीतयः पूर्वीरुत परशस्तयः |
विश्वा वसूनि दाशुषे वयानशुः
English:- His leadings are with power and might and his instructions manifold:
He gives the worshipper all wealth: this have they gained.
He gives the worshipper all wealth: this have they gained.
इन्द्रं वर्त्राय हन्तवे देवासो दधिरे पुरः |
इन्द्रं वाणीरनूषता समोजसे
English:- For slaying Vṛtra have the Gods set Indra in the foremost place.
Indra the choral bands have sung, for vigorous strength.
Indra the choral bands have sung, for vigorous strength.
महान्तं महिना वयं सतोमेभिर्हवनश्रुतम |
अर्कैरभिप्र णोनुमः समोजसे
English:- We to the Mighty with our might, with lauds to him who hears our call,
With holy hymns have sung aloud, for vigorous strength.
With holy hymns have sung aloud, for vigorous strength.
न यं विविक्तो रोदसी नान्तरिक्षाणि वज्रिणम |
अमादिदस्य तित्विषे समोजसः
English:- Not earth, nor heaven, nor firmaments contain the Thunder-wielding God:
They shake before his violent rush and vigorous strength.
They shake before his violent rush and vigorous strength.
यदिन्द्र पर्तनाज्ये देवास्त्वा दधिरे पुरः |
आदित ते हर्यता हरी ववक्षतुः
English:- What time the Gods, O Indra, get thee foremost in the furious fight,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.
यदा वर्त्रं नदीव्र्तं शवसा वज्रिन्नवधीः |
आदित ते ...
English:- When Vṛtra, stayer of the floods, thou si"est, Thundeicr with might,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.
यदा ते विष्णुरोजसा तरीणि पदा विचक्रमे |
आदित ते . ..
English:- When Viṣṇu, through thine energy, strode wide those three great steps of his,
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.
Then thy two beautiful Bay Steeds carried thee on.
यदा ते हर्यता हरी वाव्र्धाते दिवे-दिवे |
आदित ते विश्वा भुवनानि येमिरे
English:- When thy two beautiful Bay Steeds grew great and greater day by day,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.
यदा ते मारुतीर्विशस्तुभ्यमिन्द्र नियेमिरे |
आ इत ते व. ...
English:- When, Indra, all the Marut folk humbly submitted them to thee,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.
यदा सूर्यममुं दिवि शुक्रं जयोतिरधारयः |
आदित्ते व. ...
English:- When yonder Sun, that brilliant light, thou settest in the heaven above,
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.
Even then all creatures that had life bowed down to thee.
इमां त इन्द्र सुष्टुतिं विप्र इयर्ति धीतिभिः |
जामिं पदेव पिप्रतीं पराध्वरे
English:- To thee, O Indra, with this thought the sage lifts up this eulogy,
Akin and leading as on foot to sacrifice.
Akin and leading as on foot to sacrifice.
यदस्य धामनि परिये समीचीनासो अस्वरन |
नाभा यज्ञस्य दोहना पराध्वरे
English:- When in thine own dear dwelling all gathered have lifted up the voice
Milk-streams at worship's central spot, for sacrifice,
Milk-streams at worship's central spot, for sacrifice,
सुवीर्यं सवश्व्यं सुगव्यं इन्द्र दद्धि नः |
होतेव पूर्वचित्तये पराध्वरे
English:- As Priest, O Indra, give us wealth in brave men and good steeds ana kine
That we may first remember thee for sacrifice.
That we may first remember thee for sacrifice.