Book 9 >> HYMN 2 - Soma Pavamana

पवस्व देववीरति पवित्रं सोम रंह्या |
इन्द्रमिन्दो वर्षा विश
English:- . Soma, flow on, inviting Gods, speed to the purifying cloth:
Pass into Indra, as a Bull.

आ वच्यस्व महि पसरो वर्षेन्दो दयुम्नवत्तमः |
आ योनिं धर्णसिः सदः
English:- As mighty food speed hitherward, Indu, as a most splendid Steer:
Sit in thy place as one with strength.

अधुक्षत परियं मधु धारा सुतस्य वेधसः |
अपो वसिष्ट सुक्रतुः
English:- The well-loved meath was made to flow, the stream of the creative juice
ne Sage drew waters to himself.

महान्तं तवा महीरन्वापो अर्षन्ति सिन्धवः |
यद गोभिर्वासयिष्यसे
English:- The mighty waters, yea, the floods accompany thee Mighty One,
When thou wilt clothe thee with the milk.

समुद्रो अप्सु माम्र्जे विष्टम्भो धरुणो दिवः |
सोमः पवित्रे अस्मयुः
English:- The lake is brightened in the floods. Soma, our Friend, heaven's prop and stay,
Falls on the purifying cloth.

अचिक्रदद वर्षा हरिर्महान मित्रो न दर्शतः |
सं सूर्येण रोचते
English:- The tawny Bull hath bellowed, fair as mighty Mitra to behold:
He shines together with the Sun.

गिरस्त इन्द ओजसा मर्म्र्ज्यन्ते अपस्युवः |
याभिर्मदाय शुम्भसे
English:- Songs, Indu, active in their might are beautified for thee, wherewith
Thou deckest thee for our delight.

तं तवा मदाय घर्ष्वय उ लोकक्र्त्नुमीमहे |
तव परशस्तयो महीः
English:- To thee who givest ample room we pray, to win the joyous draught:
Great are the praise& due to thee.

अस्मभ्यमिन्दविन्द्रयुर्मध्वः पवस्व धारया |
पर्जन्यो वर्ष्टिमानिव
English:- Indu as, Indra's Friend, on us pour with a stream of sweetness, like
Parjanya sender of the rain.

गोषा इन्दो नर्षा अस्यश्वसा वाजसा उत |
आत्मा यज्ञस्य पूर्व्यः
English:- Winner of kine, Indu, art thou, winner of heroes, steeds, and strength
Primeval Soul of sacrifice.