Book 9 >> HYMN 33 - Soma Pavamana

पर सोमासो विपश्चितो.अपां न यन्त्यूर्मयः |
वनानि महिषा इव
English:- . LIKE waves of waters, skilled in song the juices of the Soma speed
Onward, as buffaloes to woods.

अभि दरोणानि बभ्रवः शुक्रा रतस्य धारया |
वाजं गोमन्तमक्षरन
English:- With stream of sacrifice the brown bright drops have flowed with strength in store
Of kine into the wooden vats.

सुता इन्द्राय वायवे वरुणाय मरुद्भ्यः |
सोमा अर्षन्ति विष्णवे
English:- To Indra, Vāyu, Varuṇa, to Viṣṇu, and the Maruts, flow
The drops of Soma juice effused.

तिस्रो वाच उदीरते गावो मिमन्ति धेनवः |
हरिरेति कनिक्रदत
English:- Three several words are uttered: kine are ]owing, cows who give their milk:
The Tawny-hued goes bellowing on.

अभि बरह्मीरनूषत यह्वीरतस्य मातरः |
मर्म्र्ज्यन्ते दिवः शिशुम
English:- The young and sacred mothers of the holy rite have uttered praise:
They decorate the Child of Heaven.

रायः समुद्रांश्चतुरो.अस्मभ्यं सोम विश्वतः |
आ पवस्व सहस्रिणः
English:- From every side, O Soma, for our profit, pour thou forth four seas
Filled full of riches thousandfold.