Book 9 >> HYMN 47 - Soma Pavamana

अया सोमः सुक्र्त्यया महश्चिदभ्यवर्धत |
मन्दान उद्व्र्षायते
English:- . GREAT as he was, Soma hath gained strength by this high solemnity:
joyous he riseth like a bull.

कर्तानीदस्य कर्त्वा चेतन्ते दस्युतर्हणा |
रणा च धर्ष्णुश्चयते
English:- His task is done: his crushings of the Dasyus are made manifest:
He sternly reckoneth their debts.

आत सोम इन्द्रियो रसो वज्रः सहस्रसा भुवत |
उक्थं यदस्य जायते
English:- Soon as his song of praise is born, the Soma, Indra's juice, becomes
A thousand-winning thunderbolt.

सवयं कविर्विधर्तरि विप्राय रत्नमिछति |
यदी मर्म्र्ज्यते धियः
English:- Seer and Sustainer, he himself desireth riches for the sage
When he embellisheth his songs.

सिषासतू रयीणां वाजेष्वर्वतामिव |
भरेषु जिग्युषामसि
English:- Fain would they both win riches as in races of the steeds. In war
Thou art upon the conquerors' side.