Book 9 >> HYMN 84 - Soma Pavamana
पवस्व देवमादनो विचर्षणिरप्सा इन्द्राय वरुणाय वायवे |
कर्धी नो अद्य वरिवः सवस्तिमदुरुक्षितौ गर्णीहि दैव्यं जनम
कर्धी नो अद्य वरिवः सवस्तिमदुरुक्षितौ गर्णीहि दैव्यं जनम
English:- . FLOW, cheering Gods, most active, winner of the flood, for Indra, and for Vāyu, and for Varuṇa.
Bestow on us to-day wide room with happiness, and in tbine ample dwelling laud the Host of Heaven.
Bestow on us to-day wide room with happiness, and in tbine ample dwelling laud the Host of Heaven.
आ यस्तस्थौ भुवनान्यमर्त्यो विश्वानि सोमः परि तान्यर्षति |
कर्ण्वन संच्र्तं विच्र्तमभिष्टय इन्दुः सिषक्त्युषसं न सूर्यः
English:- He who hath come anear to creatures that have life, Immortal Soma flows onward to all of them.
Effecting, for our aid, both union and release, Indu, like Sūrya, follows closely after Dawn.
Effecting, for our aid, both union and release, Indu, like Sūrya, follows closely after Dawn.
आ यो गोभिः सर्ज्यत ओषधीष्वा देवानां सुम्न इषयन्नुपावसुः |
आ विद्युता पवते धारया सुत इन्द्रं सोमो मादयन दैव्यं जनम
English:- He who is poured with milk, he who within the plants hastes bringing treasure for the happiness of Gods,
He, poured forth in a stream flows with the lightning's flash, Soma who gladdens Indra and the Host of Heaven.
He, poured forth in a stream flows with the lightning's flash, Soma who gladdens Indra and the Host of Heaven.
एष सय सोमः पवते सहस्रजिद धिन्वानो वाचमिषिरामुषर्बुधम |
इन्दुः समुद्रमुदियर्ति वायुभिरेन्द्रस्य हार्दिकलशेषु सीदति
English:- Winner of thousands, he, this Soma, flows along, raising a vigorous voice that wakens with the dawn.
Indu with winds drives on the ocean of the air, he sinks within the jars, he rests in Indra's heart.
Indu with winds drives on the ocean of the air, he sinks within the jars, he rests in Indra's heart.
अभि तयं गावः पयसा पयोव्र्धं सोमं शरीणन्ति मतिभिः सवर्विदम |
धनंजयः पवते कर्त्व्यो रसो विप्रः कविःकाव्येना सवर्चनाः
English:- The kine with milk dress him who makes the milk increase, Soma, amid the songs, who finds the light of heaven.
Winner of wealth, the effectual juice is flowing on, Singer and Sage by wisdom, dear as heaven itself.
Winner of wealth, the effectual juice is flowing on, Singer and Sage by wisdom, dear as heaven itself.