Ram lala

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Ayodhya is the name to the site that Hindus believe to be the birthplace of Sri Ram, the 7th avatar of the Hindu deity Vishnu. Hindus also call it as Ram Janmabhoomi (Sri Ram's place of birth). As per the Hindu Epic Sri Ramayan, the location of Sri Ram's birthplace is on the banks of the Sarayu river in the city of Ayodhya. Hindus also claim that the exact site of Sri Ram's birthplace is where the Babri Masjid once stood in the present day Ayodhya (District Faizabad), Uttar Pradesh. The story behind this claim is that, the Mughal emperor Babar demolished a Hindu shrine that marked the Ram Avatar spot, and constructed a mosque in its place which after the name of Babar is known as Babri Masjid. Muslims in general opposed to this theory state that such claims arose only in the 18th century, and that there is no evidence for the spot being the birthplace of Sri Ram.

The political, historical and socio-religious debate over the history and location of the Babri Mosque, and whether a previous temple was demolished or modified to create it, is known as the Ayodhya dispute or Ram Janmbhoomi Vivad.

In 1992, the feelings and emotions of Hindus outraged and they gatheres in a huge humber to demolish teh Babri Masjid and to place the Ram Lala (idol of Sri Ram) to worship. The demolition of Babri Masjid by Hindu nationalists triggered widespread Hindu Muslim violence, it was the worst hit violence happened in India. Since then, the archaeological excavations have indicated the presence of a temple beneath the mosque rubble, but whether the structure was a Sri Ram shrine (or a temple at all) remains still disputed and is a now a subject of Supreme Court of India.

Many doesn't know but there are several other sites, including places in other parts of India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal, have been proposed as birthplaces of Sri Ram.

The great Hindu Epic Sri Ramayan, whose earliest portions date back to around 1000 BCE, states that the capital of Sri Ram's Empire was Ayodhya. A section of Hindus claim that the site of the now-demolished Babri Mosque in Ayodhya is the exact birthplace of Sri Ram which was intentionally captured due to the cruel ambition of destroying the Hindu Culture and to estabilish the Islam all over. The mosque was constructed during 1528-29 by Mir Baqi, a commander of the Mughal emperor Babur.

The earliest knowledge of the mosque's connection to the birthplace of Sri Ram comes from the European Jesuit missionary Joseph Tiefenthaler, who visited the site during 1766-1771. Johann Bernoulli translated his account from French, and included it in his 1788 work. According to this account, either Aurangazeb or Babur had demolished the Ramkot fortress, including the house that was considered as the birthplace of Sri Ram by Hindus. He further states that a mosque was constructed in its place, but the Hindus continued to offer prayers at a mud platform that marked the birthplace of Sri Ram. In 1810, Francis Buchanan visited the site, and stated that the structure destroyed was a temple dedicated to Sri Ram, not a house. Many subsequent sources state that the mosque was constructed after demolishing a temple.

Before the 1940s, the Babri Masjid was called Masjid-i-Janmasthan ("mosque of the birthplace"), including in the official documents such as revenue records. Shykh Muhammad Azamat Ali Kakorawi Nami (1811-1893) wrote: "the Babari mosque was built up in 923 A.H. under the patronage of Sayyid Musa Ashiqan in the Janmasthan temple in Faizabad-Avadh, which was a great place of (worship) and capital of Sri Ram's father"

H.R. Neville wrote that the Janmasthan temple was destroyed by Babur and replaced by a mosque. He also wrote "The Janmasthan was in Ramkot and marked the birthplace of Sri Ram. In 1528 A.D. Babur came to Ayodhya and halted here for a week. He destroyed the ancient temple and on its site built a mosque, still known as Babur's mosque. The materials of the old structure [i.e., the temple] were largely employed, and many of the columns were in good preservation.