Quran Surah 93 - Ad-Duha (The Brightness of the Day)

Ayat 1 - I CALL TO witness the early hours of morning,
Ayat 2 - And the night when dark and still,
Ayat 3 - Your Lord has neither left you, nor despises you.
Ayat 4 - What is to come is better for you than what has gone before;
Ayat 5 - For your Lord will certainly give you, and you will be content.
Ayat 6 - Did He not find you an orphan and take care of you?
Ayat 7 - Did He not find you perplexed, and show you the way?
Ayat 8 - Did He not find you poor and enrich you?
Ayat 9 - So do not oppress the orphan,
Ayat 10 - And do not drive the beggar away,
Ayat 11 - And keep recounting the favours of your Lord.