बाल-काण्ड > महर्षि वाल्मीकि का २४००० शोलोको से युक्ता रामायण का निर्माण, लव कुश को पढाना

Valmiki composed twenty four thousand verses and taught them to Lava and Kusha, the sons of Rama and Seetha. The two youngsters sing the ballad among the assemblages of sages and saints, and win laurels. Rama on seeing the boys singing on the streets and king's ways of Ayodhya, brings them to his palace, and summons all his brothers and ministers to listen to the ballad. Rama himself is put to the turmoil, for the ballad sung by these youngsters narrates the legend of Seetha. But he himself collecting his calm, Rama paid his attention to listen the 'Legend of Seetha' sithaayaH charitam mahaanas Valmiki calls Ramayana.

प्राप्त राज्यस्य रामस्य वाल्मीकिर् भगवान् ऋषिः |
चकार चरितम् कृत्स्नम् विचित्र पदम् अर्थवत् || १-४-१
The godly saint Valmiki composed Ramayana on Rama's retrieving kingdom, wording admirably and meaningfully. [1-4-1]
चतुर् विंशत् सहस्राणि श्लोकानाम् उक्तवान् ऋषिः |
तथा सर्ग शतान् पंच षट् काण्डानि तथा उत्तरम् ||१-४-२
Sage Valmiki said Ramayana in twenty four thousand verses, in six hundred chapters, in six books, likewise an end-piece too. [1-4-2]
कृत्वा तु तन् महाप्राज्ञः स भविष्यम् सह उत्तरम् |
चिन्तयामास कोन्वेतत् प्रयुंजीयाद् इति प्रभुः ||१-४-३
Though that great scholar composed thus with leading and sequel legends, that godly saint thought over thus 'really, who will render all this ballad...' [1-4-3]
तस्य चिन्तयामानस्य महर्षेर् भावितात्मनः |
अगृह्णीताम् ततः पादौ मुनि वेषौ कुशी लवौ || १-४-४
Then Lava and Kusha who are in the attire of hermits have touched the feet of that contemplative soul Valmiki, who is now thoughtful. [1-4-4]
कुशी लवौ तु धर्मज्ञौ राज पुत्रौ यशश्विनौ |
भ्रातरौ स्वर संपन्नौ ददर्श आश्रम वासिनौ || १-४-५
Glorious Kusha and Lava are the virtue knowing princes, and they are endowed with melodious voice, besides being the residents of the same hermitage, thus Valmiki saw them saluting at his feet. [1-4-5]
स तु मेधाविनौ दृष्ट्वा वेदेषु परिनिष्टितौ |
वेदोपबृंहणार्थाय तौ अग्राहयत प्रभुः || १-४-६
On seeing that pair intellectuals who are proficient in Veda-s that self-reliant sage Valmiki made those two to memorize the epic, as the epic Ramayana is composed only to reinforce the import of Veda-s, as an ancillary. [1-4-6]
काव्यम् रामायणम् कृत्स्नम् सीतायाः चरितम् महत् |
पौलस्त्य वधम् इति एवम् चकार चरित व्रतः || १-४-७
That sage with observed sacred vows has rendered the entire epic in the name of 'Ramayana', 'Sublime Legend of Seetha' and 'elimination of Ravana'. [1-4-7]
पाठ्ये गेये च मथुरम् प्रमाणैः त्रिभिर् अन्वितम् |
जातिभिः सप्तभिः युक्तम् तन्त्री लय समन्वितम् ||१-४-८
To read or to sing it is melodious, adaptable to music with three scales and sevenfold tune, and orchestral to the tunes of string-instrument and rhythm included... [1-4-8]
रसैः शृंगार करुण हास्य रौद्र भयानकैः |
विरादिभी रसैर् युक्तम् काव्यम् एतत् अगायताम् ||१-४-९
Aesthetics like romance, pathos, comic, fury, fright, valour etc., embodying the epic is sung [by Kusha, Lava.] [1-4-9]
तौ तु गान्धर्व तत्त्वज्ञौ स्थान मूर्च्छन कोविदौ |
भ्रातरौ स्वर संपन्नौ गन्धर्वाः इव रूपिणौ || १-४-१०
They are conversant with the art of music and proficient with the pitch and pausing their voices, and those two brothers have not only a wealthy voice, but they also look like celestial singers. [1-4-10]
रूप लक्षण संपन्नौ मधुर स्वर भाषिणौ |
बिंबात् इव उथीतौ बिंबौ राम देहात् तथा अपरौ || १-४-११
They have charm in their appearance and melodiousness in their voice, they are like the two reflections of one original object, and thus they came out from the body of Rama, separately. [1-4-11]
तौ राज पुत्रौ कार्त्स्न्येन धर्ंयम् आख्यानम् उत्तमम् |
वाचो विधेयम् तत् सर्वम् कृत्वा काव्यम् अनिन्दितौ || १-४-१२
They the princes have memorized that virtue-expounding epic, the best; in its entirety and in doing so, they rendered that epic faultlessly. [1-4-12]
ऋषीणाम् च द्विजातीनाम् साधूनाम् च समागमे |
यथा उपदेशम् तत्त्वज्ञौ जगतुः तौ समाहितौ || १-४-१३
They sung the epic as schooled, well aware of its content and intent, among the assemblages of sages, scholars and also of eminent persons, with their best concentration [1-4-13]
महात्मनौ महाभागौ सर्व लक्ष्ण लक्षितौ |
तौ कदाचित् समेतानाम् ऋषीणाम् भवित आत्मनाम् || १-४-१४
मध्ये सभम् समीपस्थौ इदम् काव्यम् अगायताम् |
Once those two great-souls who endowed with musical talent and with all remarkable features, sung this epic, standing nearby the midst of a gathering of sages and pious souls. [1-4-14-15a]
तत् श्रुत्वा मुनयः सर्वे बाष्प पर्याकुलेक्षणाः || १-४-१५
साधु साध्विति ता ऊचुः परम् विस्मयम् आगताः |
On hearing that, the eyes of all the sages were overspread with tears of happiness, and they appreciated saying, 'splendid, splendid is this...' [1-4-15b-16a]
ते प्रीत मनसः सर्वे मुनयो धर्म वत्सलाः || १-४-१६
प्रशशंसुः प्रशस्तव्यौ गायमानौ कुशी लवौ |
All those saints being the saint-patrons of virtue are pleased at heart, and praised the praiseworthy Kusha and Lava, while they are singing. [1-4-16b-17a]
अहो गीतस्य माधुर्यम् श्लोकानाम् च विशेषतः || १-४-१७
चिरनिर्वृत्तम् अपि एतत् प्रत्यक्षम् इव दर्शितम् |
"The melody of the ballad, especially the meaning of verses, aha! Superb... though this has happened long-ago it is shown like the one happening presently... [1-4-17b-18a]
प्रविश्य ता उभौ सुष्ठु तथा भावम् अगायताम् || १-४-१८
सहितौ मधुरम् रक्तम् संपन्नम् स्वर संपदा |
"On getting into the mood of the epic, those two sang its import in one tune, that too melodiously and rapturously, marinating the pitch and tune..." So said the saints. [1-4-18b-19a]
एवम् प्रशस्यमानौ तौ तपः श्लाघ्यैः महर्षिभिः || १-४-१९
संरक्ततरम् अत्यर्थम् मधुरम् तौ अगायताम् |
While the great saints of blessed ascesis are appreciating that way, those two melodiously sang very effectually and very meaningfully. [1-4-19b-20a]
प्रीतः कश्चिन् मुनिः ताभ्याम् संस्थितः कलशम् ददौ || १-४-२०
प्रसन्नो वल्कलम् कश्चिद् ददौ ताभ्याम् महायशाः |
And someone, a pleased saint, got up and bestowed a handy vessel to them... another reputed sage, lauding them contributed a jute robe. [1-4-20b-21a]
अन्यः कृष्णाजिनम् अदद् यज्ञ सूत्रम् तथा अपरः || १-४-२१
कश्चित् कमण्डलुम् प्रदान् मौञ्जीम् अन्यो महामुनिः |
ब्रुसीमन्यः तदा प्रादत् कौपीनम् अपरो मुनिः || १-४-२२
ताभ्याम् ददौ तदा हृष्टः कुठारम् अपरो मुनिः |
काषायम् अपरो वस्त्रम् चीरम् अन्यो ददौ मुनिः || १-४-२३
जटाबन्धनम् अन्यः तु काष्ठ रज्जुम् मुदान्वितः |
यज्ञ भाण्डम् ऋषिः कश्चित् काष्ठभारम् तथा परः || १-४-२४
औदुम्बरीम् ब्रुसीम् अन्यः स्वस्ति केचित् तदा अवदन् |
आयुष्यम् अपरे प्राहुर् मुदा तत्र महर्षयः || १-४-२५
ददुः च एवम् वरान् सर्वे मुनयः सत्यवादिनः |
And another sage bestowed a black-deerskin, and like that yet another a sacred thread... someone gave a water-pot and another great saint a girdle of maunja grass to singers, while that way another contributed an under cloth; another sage gladly contributed a hatchet to them, another a saffron clothe, and yet another saint bestowed a cloth-wrapper; another delivered tuft-headband also, and another enchanted for their singing ballad handed out a sacrificial vessel, and another a bundle of firewood sticks, and yet another gave a plank-seat of audambari wood, and other called forth blessings, and someone then happily chanted bless-hymns for longevity... there by all the truth-avowing saints, those that are great sages have thus bestowed boons. [1-4-21b-26a]
आश्चर्यम् इदम् आख्यानम् मुनिना संप्रकीर्तितम् || १-४-२६
परम् कवीनाम् आधारम् समाप्तम् च यथा क्रमम् |
"Surprising is this well-said rendering of Valmiki... it is the subsistence for tomorrow's poets... and this is completed sequentially, as well... [1-4-26b-27a]
अभिगीतम् इदम् गीतम् सर्व गीतेषु कोविदौ || १-४-२७
आयुष्यम् पुष्टि जननम् सर्व श्रुति मनोहरम् |
प्रशस्यमानौ सर्वत्र कदाचित् तत्र गायकौ || १-४-२८
रथ्यासु राज मार्गेषु ददर्श भरताग्रजः |
While this song that generates longevity and prosperity, and one that is melodious one to all ears is being sung everywhere in streets and king's ways and while those two singers who are experts in singing any kind of music are being appreciated everywhere, Rama has seen them. [1-4-27b-29a]
स्व वेश्म च आनीय ततो भ्रातरौ स कुशी लवौ || १-४-२९
पूजयामास पुज अर्हौ रामः शत्रुनिबर्हणः |
Then on seeing them Rama, the enemy-eliminator, fetched those honour-worthy bothers, Lava and Kusha, to his palace and honoured them. [1-4-29b-30a]
आसीनः कांचने दिव्ये स च सिंहासने प्रभुः || १-४-३०
उपोपविष्टैः सचिवैः भ्रातृभिः च समन्वित |
He that king Rama is then surrounded by his ministers and brothers that are sitting his nearby, he himself sat on a divine golden throne. [1-4-3b-31a]
दृष्ट्वा तु रूप संपन्नौ विनीतौ भ्रातरौ उभौ || १-४-३१
उवाच लक्ष्मणम् रामः शत्रुघ्नम् भरतम् तथा |
Having seen the mannerly brothers endowed with beautiful features, Rama spoke to Lakshmana, and Shatrughna, and Bharata likewise. [1-4-31b-32a]
श्रूयताम् एतद् आख्यानम् अनयोः देव वर्चसोः || १-४-३२
विचित्रार्थ पदम् संयक् गायकौ समचोदयत् |
Rama said to thus, "Let this ballad be keenly heard from these divinely resplendent brothers, for it contains versatile words and meanings...' and thus he motivated the singers. [1-4-32b-33a]
तौ च अपि मधुरम् रक्तम् स्वचित्तायत निःस्वनम् || १-४-३३
तन्त्री लयवत् अत्यर्थम् विश्रुतार्थम् अगायताम् |
Even those two singers have sung the ballad melodiously and effectually, with their clear and clarified voices, like the melody of string and rhythmic instruments, with very clear and meaningful intonation. [1-4-33b-c]
ह्लादयत् सर्व गात्राणि मनांसि हृदयानि च |
श्रोत्राश्रय सुखम् गेयम् तद् बभौ जनसंसदि || १-४-३४
Enthralling courtier's bodies, minds and hearts also, and thus that song sone forth as it is for all ears, bearing a comfort in its manifestation, among the gathering of the people. [1-4-34]
इमौ मुनी पार्थिव लक्षणान्वितौ
कुशी लवौ च एव महातपस्विनौ |
ममा अपि तद् भूति करम् प्रचक्षते
महानुभावम् चरितम् निबोधत || १-४-३५
"These two saint-like Kusha and Lava, who also possess kingly features, but they are great hermits... this narration is endowing good fortune to me also, listen to that great efficacious legend [of Seetha...]" [So said Rama to those courtiers.] [1-4-35]
ततः तु तौ राम वचः प्रचोदितौ
अगायताम् मार्ग विधान संपदा |
स च अपि रामः परिषद् गतः शनैर्
बुभूषय आसक्तमना बभूव || १-४-३६
Then those two singers, motivated by Rama's words, sang the ballad in maarga system, for they are well versed in it, then even Rama, who is also in the congregation, again to pacify his mind, [for the story of Seetha puts his mind to turmoil,] became interested at heart [to continue listening Seetha's story...] [1-4-36]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये बाल काण्डे चतुर्थः सर्गः