सुन्दर-काण्ड > सीताजी की दुरवस्था बताके आक्रमण करने को प्रेरित करना

Describing the plight of Seetha to his fellow monkeys, Hanuma expresses his feeling that it behoved them all to see Rama only after restoring Seetha from Lanka. Hanuma says that even single-handed, he is capable of destroying that City of Lanka with its troops of demons, and killing Ravana, much more so when accompanied by heroic, mighty and powerful monkeys. Then, he recounts the past heroic exploits of Jambavan, Angada, Neela, Panasa, Mainda and Dvivida. Hanuma thus incites them all to decide consciously of a war against Lanka.

एतत् आख्यानम् तत् सर्वम् हनूमान् मारुत आत्मजः |
भूयः समुपचक्राम वचनम् वक्तुम् उत्तरम् || ५-५९-१
After informing all this, Hanuma the son of wind-god started telling more of the following words.
सफलो राघव उद्योगः सुग्रीवस्य च सम्भ्रमः |
शीलम् आसाद्य सीताया मम च प्रवणम् मनः || ५-५९-२
"By the power of virtuousness of Seetha, Rama's effort and Sugreeva's zeal are getting fulfilled. My mind too is devoted to her."
तपसा निर्दहेल्लोकान् स्रुद्धो वा निर्दहेदपि |
सर्वधातिप्रवृद्धोऽसौ रावणो राक्षसाधिपः || ५-५९-३
"Ravana, the king of demons, who is strong in all ways, can burn away the three worlds by the power of his penance. Even if he is enraged, he can scorch away his adversaries."
तस्य ताम् स्पृशतो गात्रम् तपसा न विनाशितम् |
न तदग्निशिखा कुर्यात्संस्पृष्टा पाणिना सती || ५-५९-४
जनकस्य सुता कुर्याद्यत्क्रोधकलुषीकृता |
"His body, which touched Seetha the daughter of Janaka, was not destroyed because of his askesis. Even a flame, when fully touched with one's hand, cannot do that which Seetha would, if stirred by anger."
जाम्बवत्प्रमुखान् सर्वाननुज्ञाप्य महाहरीन् || ५-५९-५
अस्मिन्नेवम् गते कार्ये भवताम् च निवेदिते |
न्याय्यम् स्म सह वैदेह्या द्रष्टुम् तौ पार्थिवात्मजौ || ५-५९-६
"This work (of mine in the form of Seetha's discovery) has been informed to you in this way. It is indeed proper to see those two princes (Rama and Lakshmana) along with Seetha, after taking permission from all the great monkeys headed by Jambavan.
अहमेकोऽपि पर्याप्तः सराक्षसगणाम् पुरीम् |
ताम् लङ्काम् तरसा हन्तुम् रावणम् च महाबलम् || ५-५९-७
"I am sufficient, even alone; to destroy rapidly that City of Lanka together with those troops of demons as also the mighty Ravana."
किम् पुनः सहितो वीरैर्बलवद्भिः कृतात्मभिः |
कृतास्त्रैः प्लवगैः शूरैर्भवद्भिर्विजयैषिभिः || ५-५९-८
"When accompanied by you, who are strong, whose spirit is disciplined, who are proficient in the use of arms, valiant, longing for victory and moving by jumps, how much more is required?"
अहम् तु रावणम् युद्धे ससैन्यम् सपुरःसरम् |
सहपुत्रम् वधिष्यामि सहोदरयुतम् युधि || ५-५९-९
"In the battle, I on my part will kill Ravana along with his army, his forerunners, his sons and his brothers."
ब्रह्ममैन्द्रम् च रौद्रम् च वायव्यम् वारुणम् तथा |
यदि शक्रजोतोऽ स्त्रणि दुर्निरीक्षाणि सम्युगे || ५-५९-१०
तान्यहम् विधष्यामि हनिष्यामि च रावणम् |
"In the battle, I can blow out the missiles presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, Brahma the creator, Rudra the god of destruction, Vayu the wind-god, Varuna the god of water and even those missiles even if they are difficult to be looked at, employed by Indrajit (Ravana's eldest son).
भवतामभ्यनुज्ञातो विक्रमो मे रुणद्धि तम् || ५-५९-११
मयातुला विसृष्टा हि शैलवृष्टिर्निरन्तरा |
देवानपि रणे हन्यात्किम् पुनस्तान्निशाचरान् || ५-५९-१२
"My prowess, when permitted by you, will frustrate that Ravana. The shower of rocks, which will be unequalled and incessant, discharged by me, can kill even celestials. How much more those demons?"
सागरोऽप्यतियाद्वेलाम् मन्दरः प्रचलेदपि |
न जाम्बवन्तम् समरे कम्पयेदरिवाहिनी || ५-५९-१३
"The ocean may overflow its shore. Mount Mandara may move from its position. But, in battle, no army of adversaries can stagger Jambavan."
सर्वराक्षससम्घानाम् राक्षसा ये च महात्मनः |
अलमेको विनाशाय वीरो वालिसुतः कपिः || ५-५९-१४
"The heroic Angada, the son of Vali alone, is sufficient to destroy all the troops of demons and even the demons who were their progenitors."
पनसस्योरुवेगेन नीलस्य च महात्मनः |
मन्दरोऽप्यवशीर्येत किम्पुनर्युधि राक्षसाः || ५-५९-१५
"By the rapid movement of the thighs of the high-souled Neela and of Panasa, even Mount Mandara can be shattered. How much more, the demons in battle?"
सदेवासुरयक्षेषु गन्धर्वोरगपक्षिषु |
मैन्दस्य प्रतियोद्धारम् शंसत द्विविदस्य वा || ५-५९-१६
"Tell me any one who can fight against Mainda or Dvivida, among Gandharvas the celestial singers or Uragas the serpents or Pakshis the birds or the celestials or the demons or Yakshas the semi-divine beings."
अश्विपुत्रौ महाभागावेतौ प्लवगसत्तमौ |
एतयोः प्रतियोद्धारम् न पश्यामि रणाजिरे || ५-५९-१७
"These two illustrious sons of Ashvini Kumaras, Mainda and Dvivida are the foremost among the monkeys. In the battle-field, I do not find anyone who can fight against these two monkeys."
पितामहवरोत्सेकात्परमम् दर्पमास्थितौ |
अमृतप्राशनावेतौ सर्ववानरसत्तमौ || ५-५९-१८
"Proud of having received boons from Brahma the creator and their grandfather and abiding in a supreme haughtiness, these two foremost among all the monkeys live on Amrita the nectar."
अश्विनोर्माननार्थम् हि सर्वलोकपितामहः |
सर्वावध्यत्वमतुलमनयोर्दत्तवान् पुरा || ५-५९-१९
"Long ago, Brahma the grandfather of all the worlds gave an unequal boon to them in honour of Ashvini Kumaras regarding their inviolability."
वरोत्सेकेन मत्तौ च प्रमथ्य महतीम् चमूम् |
सुराणाममृतम् वीरौ पीतवन्तौ प्लवम्गमौ || ५-५९-२०
"By the pride of those boons, those two heroic monkeys harassed a great army of celestials and thereupon drank up nectar, excited as they were with joy."
एतावेन हि सम्क्रुद्धौ सवाजिरथकुम्जराम् |
लङ्काम् नाशयितुम् शक्तौ सर्वे तिष्ठन्तु वानराः || ५-५९-२१
"Let all the other monkeys stand aside. Even these Mainda and Dvivida on their part are capable of destroying the entire city of Lanka together with its horses, chariots and elephants."
मयैव निहता लङ्का दग्धा भस्मीकृता पुनः |
राजमार्गेषु सर्वत्र नाम विश्रावित मया || ५-५९-२२
"I alone burnt and destroyed the City of Lanka. In all its royal high-ways, the name (of Rama and others) was proclaimed by me as follows:
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः |
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः || ५-५९-२३
अहम् कोसलराजस्य दासः पवनसम्भवः |
हनुमानिति सर्वत्र नाम विश्रावितम् मया || ५-५९-२४
"'Victorious is Rama, the exceedingly strong and the mighty Lakshmana too! Victorious is King Sugreeva, protected by Rama. I am Hanuma, a servant of Rama and the son of wind-god'. In this way, the name (of Rama and others) was heralded by me everywhere."
अशोक वनिका मध्ये रावणस्य दुरात्मनः |
अधस्तात् शिंशपा वृक्षे साध्वी करुणम् आस्थिता || ५-५९-२५
राक्षसीभिः परिवृता शोक सम्ताप कर्शिता |
मेघ लेखा परिवृता चन्द्र लेखा इव निष्प्रभा || ५-५९-२६
अचिन्तयन्ती वैदेही रावणम् बल दर्पितम् |
"In the midst of Ashoka garden of the evil-minded Ravana and underneath a Shimshupa tree, the virtuous Seetha was seen staying dejected, encircled as she was with female-demons, agonized with grief and anguish, lusterless like a digit of the moon encircled by a line of clouds and disregarding that Ravana who is arrogant of his strength."
पति व्रता च सुश्रोणी अवष्टब्धा च जानकी || ५-५९-२७
अनुरक्ता हि वैदेही रामम् सर्व आत्मना शुभा |
अनन्य चित्ता रामे च पौलोमी इव पुरम् दरे || ५-५९-२८
"Seetha, a devoted and virtuous wife, having charming hips, has been placed under restraint. The auspicious Seetha is devoted to Rama in all ways, giving her undivided thought to Rama like Shachi the goddess, giving her concern to Indra the destroyer of strong holds."
तत् एक वासः सम्वीता रजो ध्वस्ता तथैव च |
शोक सम्ताप दीन अन्गी सीता भर्तृ हिते रता || ५-५९-२९
"Weaving that single piece of cloth, which she had on her person even while being borne away by Ravana, and likewise covered with dust, she was seen by me in a miserable condition with her grief and anguish, devoted as she was to the welfare of her husband."
सा मया राक्षसी मध्ये तर्ज्यमाना मुहुः मुहुः |
राक्षसीभिः विरूपाभिः दृष्टा हि प्रमदा वने || ५-५९-३०
एक वेणी धरा दीना भर्तृ चिन्ता परायणा |
अधः शय्या विवर्ण अन्गी पद्मिनी इव हिम आगमे |
रावणात् विनिवृत्त अर्था मर्तव्य कृत निश्चया || ५-५९-३१
"I saw Seetha in a royal pleasure garden, amidst some female-demons. Seetha was being frightened time and again by those ugly female-demons. That Seetha, wearing a single braid of hair and looking depressed, was fully engaged in thinking about her lord. Looking like a lotus with a discoloured figure in winter, she had determined to die, utterly averting to do anything with Ravana."
कथंचिन् मृग शाव अक्षी विश्वासम् उपपादिता || ५-५९-३२
ततः सम्भाषिता चैव सर्वम् अर्थम् च दर्शिता |
राम सुग्रीव सख्यम् च श्रुत्वा प्रीतिम् उपागता || ५-५९-३३
"With great difficulty, I created confidence in that fawn-eyed Seetha. Thereafter, I talked to her and explained everything to her. She was delighted to hear the companionship cropped up between Rama and Sugreeva."
नियतः समुदाचारो भक्तिः भर्तरि च उत्तमा |
यन् न हन्ति दशग्रीवम् स महात्मा कृतागसम् || ५-५९-३४
"That high-souled Seetha does not kill Ravana who has committed an offence because she conducts herself well with restraint and since supreme is her devotion to her lord."
निमित्त मात्रम् रामः तु वधे तस्य भविष्यति |
सा प्रकृत्यैव तन्वङ्गी तद्वियोगाच्छ कर्शिता || ५-५९-३५
प्रतिपत्पाअठशीलस्य विद्येव तनुताम् गता |
"Rama, on his part, will become mere instrument in killing that Ravana. That Seetha, who is by her own nature, on delicate-limbed woman, was emaciated because of separation from her lord. She had grown thin like the learning of a scholar continuing his studies even on the first day of lunar fortnight (which must be observed as a complete holiday by students."
एवम् आस्ते महाभागा सीता शोक परायणा || ५-५९-३६
यत् अत्र प्रतिकर्तव्यम् तत् सर्वम् उपपाद्यताम् |
"Thus, the illustrious Seetha remains immersed in grief. Let all that be done, which requires to be counteracted by way of a relief in this matter."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे एकोनषष्टितमः सर्गः