युद्ध-काण्ड > कम्पन, प्रजंघ, शोणिताक्ष व कुम्भ का वध
Angada kills Kampana and severely injures Shonitaksha, the demons in battle. Angada,
along with Mainda and Dvivida the monkey-warriors encounter Shonitaksha, Yupaksha and Prajangha.
Angada kills Prajangha. Shonitaksha dies in the hands of Dvivida and Youpaksha at the hands of
Mainda. When Kumbha throws down Angada in the battle-field, Rama sends some more monkey-chiefs
headed by Jambavan. Sugreeva, with his thunderbolt-like fist, strikes Kumbha with a heavy blow and
kills him.
प्रवृत्ते सङ्कुले तस्मिन्घोरे वीरजनक्षये |
अङ्गदः कम्पनं वीरमाससाद रणोत्सुकः || ६-७६-१
अङ्गदः कम्पनं वीरमाससाद रणोत्सुकः || ६-७६-१
While that terrific battle, which destroyed many eminent heroes, was in progress,
Angada, who was eager to fight, attacked the valiant Kampana."
आहूय सोऽङ्गदं कोपात्ताडयामास वेगितः |
गदया कम्पनः पूर्वं स चचाल भृशाहतः || ६-७६-२
गदया कम्पनः पूर्वं स चचाल भृशाहतः || ६-७६-२
Calling Angada to fight, Kampana with fury, rapidly struck him with a mace in
anticipation. Violently hit by him, Angada was reeled."
स संज्ञां प्राप्य तेजस्वी चिक्षेप शिखरं गिरेः |
अर्दितश्च प्रहारेण कम्पनः पतितो भुवि || ६-७६-३
अर्दितश्च प्रहारेण कम्पनः पतितो भुवि || ६-७६-३
Restoring consciousness, the energetic Angada hurled a mountain peak. Tormented by
that stroke, Kampana fell down on the ground."
ततस्तु कम्पनं दृष्ट्वा शोणिताक्षो हतं रणे |
रथेनाभ्यपतत् क्षिप्रं तत्राङ्गदमभीतवत् || ६-७६-४
रथेनाभ्यपतत् क्षिप्रं तत्राङ्गदमभीतवत् || ६-७६-४
Then, seeing Kampana killed in battle, Shonitaksha fearlessly rushed there towards
Angada quickly in a chariot."
सोऽङ्गदं निशितैर्बाणैस्तदा विव्याध वेगितः |
शरीरदारणैस्तीक्षणैः कालाग्निसमविग्रहैः || ६-७६-५
क्षुरक्षुरप्रनाराचैर्वत्सदनैः शिलीमुखैः |
कर्णिशल्यविपाठैश्च बहुभिर्निशितैः शरैः || ६-७६-६
शरीरदारणैस्तीक्षणैः कालाग्निसमविग्रहैः || ६-७६-५
क्षुरक्षुरप्रनाराचैर्वत्सदनैः शिलीमुखैः |
कर्णिशल्यविपाठैश्च बहुभिर्निशितैः शरैः || ६-७६-६
He then swiftly struck Angada with sharp pointed arrows which can tear up the limbs
and with fire-like forms which can destroy the world. He struck with many sharp arrows by the names
of Kshura, Kshurapra, Naaraacha, Vatsatanta, Shilimukha, Karni, Shalya and Vipatha."
अङ्गदः प्रतिविद्धाङ्गो वालिपुत्रः प्रतापवान् |
धनुरुग्रं रथं बाणान् ममर्द तरसा बली || ६-७६-७
धनुरुग्रं रथं बाणान् ममर्द तरसा बली || ६-७६-७
The strong and powerful Angada, the son of Vali, with his wounded limbs, crushed his
terrific bow, chariot and darts with his might."
शोणिताक्षस्ततः क्षिप्रमसिचर्म समाददे |
उत्पपात तदा क्रुद्धो वेगवानविचारयन् || ६-७६-८
उत्पपात तदा क्रुद्धो वेगवानविचारयन् || ६-७६-८
Then, Shonitaksha quickly took a sword and a shield. Enraged as he was, he swiftly
jumped down (from his chariot) unhesitatingly."
तं क्षिप्रतरमाप्लुत्य परामृश्याङ्गदो बली |
करेण तस्य तं खड्गं समाच्चिद्य ननाद च || ६-७६-९
करेण तस्य तं खड्गं समाच्चिद्य ननाद च || ६-७६-९
Springing forward more swiftly, seizing hold of him with his hand and snatching away
the sword, the strong Angada made a lion's roar."
तस्यांसफलके खड्गं निचखान ततोऽङ्गदः |
यज्ञोपवीतवच्चैनं चिच्चेद कपिकुञ्जरः || ६-७६-१०
यज्ञोपवीतवच्चैनं चिच्चेद कपिकुञ्जरः || ६-७६-१०
Angada the foremost of monkeys the sword into the flat surface of his shoulder and
cut him from left to right diagonally."
तं प्रगृह्य महाखड्गं विनद्य च पुनः पुनः |
वालिपुत्रोऽभिदुद्राव रणशीर्षं परानरीन् || ६-७६-११
वालिपुत्रोऽभिदुद्राव रणशीर्षं परानरीन् || ६-७६-११
Taking hold of that large sword and repeatedly roaring, Angada rushed towards the
other surviving enemies in the battle-front."
प्रजङ्घसहितो वीरो यूपाक्षस्तु ततो बली |
रथेनाभिययौ क्रुद्धो वालिपुत्रं महाबलम् || ६-७६-१२
रथेनाभिययौ क्रुद्धो वालिपुत्रं महाबलम् || ६-७६-१२
Taking hold of that large sword and repeatedly roaring, Angada rushed towards the
other surviving enemies in the battle-front."
आयसीम् तु गदाम् गृह्य स वीरः कनकाङ्गदः |
शोणिताक्षः समाश्वस्य तमेवानुपपात ह || ६-७६-१३
शोणिताक्षः समाश्वस्य तमेवानुपपात ह || ६-७६-१३
That valiant Shonitaksha, wearing golden armlets, restoring his consciousness, took
an iron mace and rushed quickly towards the same Angada."
प्रजङ्घस्तु महावीरो यूपाक्षसहितो बली |
गदयाभिययौ क्रुद्धो वालिपुत्रं महाबलम् || ६-७६-१४
गदयाभिययौ क्रुद्धो वालिपुत्रं महाबलम् || ६-७६-१४
The strong and the great warrior, Prajangha on his part, along with Yupaksha, was
enraged and rushed towards the mighty Angada with his mace."
तयोर्मध्ये कपिश्रेष्ठः शोणिताक्षप्रजङ्घयोः |
विशाखयोर्मध्यगतः पूर्णचन्द्र इवाबभौ || ६-७६-१५
विशाखयोर्मध्यगतः पूर्णचन्द्र इवाबभौ || ६-७६-१५
Angada, the chief of monkeys, between the two warriors, Shonitaksha and Prajangha,
shone like a full moon between the two asterisms known as Vishakhas."
अङ्गदं परिरक्षनौ मैन्दो द्विविद एव च |
तस्य तस्थतुरभ्याशे परस्परदिदृक्षया || ६-७६-१६
तस्य तस्थतुरभ्याशे परस्परदिदृक्षया || ६-७६-१६
Protecting Angada, Mainda and Dvivida took their position near Angada, with an
intent to exhibit each of their own martial skill."
अभिपेतुर्महाकायाः प्रतियत्ता महाबलाः |
राक्षसा वानरान् रोषादसिबाणगदाधराः || ६-७६-१७
राक्षसा वानरान् रोषादसिबाणगदाधराः || ६-७६-१७
The mighty demons with their colossal bodies retaliated and rushed in anger,
wielding swords, arrows and maces, towards the monkeys."
त्रयाणां वानरेन्द्राणाम् त्रिभिराक्षसपुम्गवैः |
संसक्तानाम् महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम् || ६-७६-१८
संसक्तानाम् महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम् || ६-७६-१८
A great battle, causing hair to stand on end, was waged by the three monkey-chiefs
who encountered the three excellent demons."
ते तु वृक्षान् समादाय सम्प्रचिक्षिपुराहवे |
खड्गेन प्रतिचिक्षेप तान् प्रजङ्ग महाबलः || ६-७६-१९
खड्गेन प्रतिचिक्षेप तान् प्रजङ्ग महाबलः || ६-७६-१९
In the battle-field, the monkeys, seizing hold of trees, hurled them against the
demon-chiefs. The mighty Prajangha, however, cut them down with his sword."
रथानश्वान् द्रुमान् शैलान् प्रतिचिक्षिपुराहवे |
शरौघैः प्रतिचिच्छेद तान्यूपाक्षो महाबलः || ६-७६-२०
शरौघैः प्रतिचिच्छेद तान्यूपाक्षो महाबलः || ६-७६-२०
The monkeys in the battle-field hurled trees and rocks towards chariots and horses.
The mighty Yupaksha chopped them off with a flood of arrows."
सृष्टान् द्विवदमैन्दाभ्यां द्रुमानुत्पाट्य वीर्य्वान् |
बभञ्ज गदया मद्य शोणिताक्षः प्रतापवान् || ६-७६-२१
बभञ्ज गदया मद्य शोणिताक्षः प्रतापवान् || ६-७६-२१
Shonitaksha, the valiant and the powerful demon, chopped off the trees uplifted and
hurled by Dvivida and Mainda with his mace in the midway itself."
उद्यम्य विपुलं खड्गं परमर्मविदारणम् |
प्रजङ्घो वालिपुत्राय अभिदुद्राव वेगितः || ६-७६-२२
प्रजङ्घो वालिपुत्राय अभिदुद्राव वेगितः || ६-७६-२२
Prajangha, lifting a large sword, which can chop off vital parts of the enemies,
rushed swiftly towards Angada."
तमभ्याशगतं दृष्ट्वा वानरेन्द्रो महाबलः |
आजघानाश्वकर्णेन द्रुमेणातिबलस्तदा || ६-७६-२३
आजघानाश्वकर्णेन द्रुमेणातिबलस्तदा || ६-७६-२३
Then the mighty Angada, who was exceedingly strong, seeing him coming nearer, struck
him with an Ashvakarna tree."
बाहुं चास्य सनिस्त्रिंशमाजघान स मुष्टिना |
वालिपुत्रस्य घातेन स पपात क्षितावसिः || ६-७६-२४
वालिपुत्रस्य घातेन स पपात क्षितावसिः || ६-७६-२४
Angada struck, with his fist, the arm of Prajangha, holding the sword. By that blow,
the sword fell on the ground."
तं दृष्ट्वा पतितं भूमौ खड्गम् मुसलसंनिभम् |
मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास वज्रकल्पं महाबलः || ६-७६-२५
मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास वज्रकल्पं महाबलः || ६-७६-२५
Seeing that sword looking like a pebble (in shape), which fell on the ground, the
mighty Prajangha tightened his thunderbolt like fist."
स ललाटे महावीर्यमङ्गदं वानरर्षभम् |
आजघान महातेजाः स मुहूर्तं च्चाल ह || ६-७६-२६
आजघान महातेजाः स मुहूर्तं च्चाल ह || ६-७६-२६
When that Prajangha of great splendour struck Angaa, the excellent monkey with a
great strength on his forehead, Angada shuddered for a moment."
स संज्ञाम् प्राप्य तेजस्वी वालिपुत्रः प्रतापवान् |
प्रजङ्घस्य शिरः कायात्पातयामास मुष्टिना || ६-७६-२७
प्रजङ्घस्य शिरः कायात्पातयामास मुष्टिना || ६-७६-२७
That Angada of splendour and prowess, restoring his consciousness, struck with his
fist and shattered Prajangha's head off his trunk."
स यूपाक्षोऽश्रुपूर्णाक्षः पितृव्ये निहते रणे |
अवरुह्य रथान् क्षिप्रं क्षीणेषुः खड्गमाददे || ६-७६-२८
अवरुह्य रथान् क्षिप्रं क्षीणेषुः खड्गमाददे || ६-७६-२८
That Yupaksha, with tears filled in his eyes because of the death of his paternal
uncle in battle, quickly took a sword as his arrows were exhausted and descended from his
तमापतन्तं संप्रेक्ष्य यूपाक्षं द्विविदस्त्वरन् |
आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो जग्राह च बलाद्बली || ६-७६-२९
आजघानोरसि क्रुद्धो जग्राह च बलाद्बली || ६-७६-२९
Seeing that Yupaksha rushing on him, Dvivida hurriedly struck Yupaksha on his chest
and with a rage, forcibly caught hold of him."
गृहीतं भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा शोणिताक्षो महाबलम् |
आजघान महातेजा वक्षसि द्विविदं ततः || ६-७६-३०
आजघान महातेजा वक्षसि द्विविदं ततः || ६-७६-३०
Seeing his mighty brother being seized, Shonitaksha, of great splendour, then struck
Dvivida on his chest."
स ततोऽभिहतस्तेन चचाल च महाबलः |
उद्यतां च पुनस्तस्य जहार द्विविदो गदाम् || ६-७६-३१
उद्यतां च पुनस्तस्य जहार द्विविदो गदाम् || ६-७६-३१
That mighty Dvivida, struck by Shonitaksha was tottered; but pulled off the
platter's mace when lifted again on him."
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे मैन्दो द्विविदाभ्याशमागमत् |
यूपाक्षं ताडमामास तलेनोरसि वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-३२
यूपाक्षं ताडमामास तलेनोरसि वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-३२
Meanwhile, Mainda came nearer to Dvivida and banged Yupaksha on his chest with his
तौ शोणिताक्षयूपाक्षौ प्लवम्गाभ्यां तरस्विनौ |
चक्रतुः समरे तीव्रमाकर्षोत्पाटनं भृशम् || ६-७६-३३
चक्रतुः समरे तीव्रमाकर्षोत्पाटनं भृशम् || ६-७६-३३
Those two demons, Shonitaksha and Yupaksha, who were full of violence, carried on a
keen contest with the two monkeys in the battle field, by pulling and overthrowing them vehemently
and severely."
द्विविदः शोणिताक्षं तु विददार नखैर्मुखे |
निष्पिपेष च वीर्येण क्षितावाविध्य वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-३४
निष्पिपेष च वीर्येण क्षितावाविध्य वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-३४
The valiant Dvivida, after splitting open shonitaksha's face with his claws, threw
him down on the floor by his strength and crushed him down."
यूपाक्षमभिसंक्रुद्धो मैन्दो वानरपुंगवः |
पीडयामास बाहुभ्यां पपात स हतः क्षितौ || ६-७६-३५
पीडयामास बाहुभ्यां पपात स हतः क्षितौ || ६-७६-३५
Mainda, the foremost of monkeys, was enraged and pressed Yupaksha with his arms.
Yupaksha fell down dead on the ground."
हतप्रप्रवीरा व्यथिता राक्षसेन्द्रचमूस्तदा |
जगामाभिमुखी सा तु कुम्भकर्णात्मजो यतः || ६-७६-३६
जगामाभिमुखी सा तु कुम्भकर्णात्मजो यतः || ६-७६-३६
That army of demons, which was perturbed with their great warriors killed, then
moved with its face turned towards the place where Kumbha (the son of Kumbhakarna) was carrying on
आपतन्तीम् च वेगेन कुम्भस्तां सान्त्वयच्चमूम् |
अथोत्कृष्टं महावीर्यैर्लब्धलक्षैः प्लवम्गमैः || ६-७६-३७
निपातितमहावीरां दृष्ट्वा रक्षश्चमूं तदा |
कुम्भः प्रचक्रे तेजस्वी रणे कर्म सुदुष्करम् || ६-७६-३८
अथोत्कृष्टं महावीर्यैर्लब्धलक्षैः प्लवम्गमैः || ६-७६-३७
निपातितमहावीरां दृष्ट्वा रक्षश्चमूं तदा |
कुम्भः प्रचक्रे तेजस्वी रणे कर्म सुदुष्करम् || ६-७६-३८
Kumbha, restored to confidence, that army which was coming towards him with speed.
Then, seeing the army of demons whose chief-warriors were thrown down by the most powerful monkeys
who could fulfill their aim, the powerful Kumbha then performed a great feat which was very
difficult to do in a battle."
स धनुर्धन्विनां श्रेष्ठः प्रगृह्य सुसमाहितः |
मुमोचाशीविषप्रख्याञ्शरान्देहविदारणान् || ६-७६-३९
मुमोचाशीविषप्रख्याञ्शरान्देहविदारणान् || ६-७६-३९
That Kumbha, the foremost among the wielders of bow, taking his bow and fully
composed, released serpentine arrows which can split open the bodies."
तस्य तच्छुशुभे भूयः सशरं धनुरुत्तमम् |
विद्युदैरावतार्चिष्मद्द्वितीयेन्द्रधनुर्यथा || ६-७६-४०
विद्युदैरावतार्चिष्मद्द्वितीयेन्द्रधनुर्यथा || ६-७६-४०
That excellent bow of his, fitted with an arrow, shone like a second bow of Indra
(the rain-god), illumined by flashes of lightning and the splendour of Airavata (the elephant
carrying Indra on its back)."
आकर्णकृष्टमुक्तेन जघान द्विविदं तदा |
तेन हाटकपुङ्खेन पत्रिणा पत्रवाससा || ६-७६-४१
तेन हाटकपुङ्खेन पत्रिणा पत्रवाससा || ६-७६-४१
By that arrow with a golden shaft and fastened with feathers, drawn upto his ear and
discharged, he then struck Dvivida."
सहसाभिहतस्तेन विप्रमुक्तपदः स्फुरन् |
निपपाताद्रिकूटाभो विह्वलः प्लवगोत्तमः || ६-७६-४२
निपपाताद्रिकूटाभो विह्वलः प्लवगोत्तमः || ६-७६-४२
Suddenly struck by that arrow, that excellent monkey possessing a splendour of Mount
Trikuta, was perturbed, with his feet swaying to and fro and fell down throbbing."
मैन्दस्तु भ्रातरं दृष्ट्वा भग्नं तत्र महाहवे |
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन प्रगृह्य महतीं शिलाम् || ६-७६-४३
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन प्रगृह्य महतीं शिलाम् || ६-७६-४३
Beholding his brother defeated in that great battle, Mainda there on his part,
taking a large rock, rushed with speed to attack the demon."
तां शिलां तु प्रचिक्षेप राक्षसाय महाबलः |
बिभेद तां शिलां कुम्भः प्रसन्नैः पञ्चभिः शरैः || ६-७६-४४
बिभेद तां शिलां कुम्भः प्रसन्नैः पञ्चभिः शरैः || ६-७६-४४
While that mighty Mainda hurled that rock towards the demon, Kumbha broke that rock
into pieces with his five shining arrows."
सन्धाय चान्यं सुमुखं शरमाशीविषोपमम् |
आजघान महातेजा वक्षसि द्विविदाग्रजम् || ६-७६-४५
आजघान महातेजा वक्षसि द्विविदाग्रजम् || ६-७६-४५
Stretching another arrow resembling a serpent and with a good pointed tip, Kumbha of
a great splendour, struck it on the chest of Mainda the brother of Dvivida."
स तु तेन प्रहारेण मैन्दो वानरयूथपः |
मर्मण्यभिहतस्तेन पपात भुवि मूर्छितः || ६-७६-४६
मर्मण्यभिहतस्तेन पपात भुवि मूर्छितः || ६-७६-४६
As that blow of Kumbha's arrow struck that Mainda, the monkey-chief, on his vital
parts, he fell unconscious on the ground."
अङ्गदो मातुलौ दृष्ट्वा पतितौ तौ महाबलौ |
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन कुम्भमुद्यतकार्मुकम् || ६-७६-४७
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन कुम्भमुद्यतकार्मुकम् || ६-७६-४७
Seeing both his mighty maternal uncles wounded, Angada rushed speedily towards
Kumbha, who was standing with his bow uplifted."
तमापतन्तं विव्याध कुम्भः पञ्चभिरायसैः |
त्रिभिश्चान्यैः शितैर्बाणैर्मातङ्गमिव तोमरैः || ६-७६-४८
त्रिभिश्चान्यैः शितैर्बाणैर्मातङ्गमिव तोमरैः || ६-७६-४८
With five steel arrows and with three other sharp-edged arrows, Kumbha pierced that
Angada advancing towards him, as on would pierce an elephant with goads."
सोऽङ्गदं विविधैर्बाणैः कुम्भो विव्याध वीर्यवान् |
अकुण्ठधारैर्निशितैस्तीक्ष्णैः कनकभूषणैः || ६-७६-४९
अकुण्ठधारैर्निशितैस्तीक्ष्णैः कनकभूषणैः || ६-७६-४९
That valiant Kumbha pierced Angada with a multiple of sharp arrows, decked in gold,
with edges which were harsh and sharp."
अङ्गदः प्रतिविद्धाङ्गो वालिपुत्रो न कम्पते |
शिलापादपवर्षाणि तस्य मूर्ध्नि ववर्ष ह || ६-७६-५०
शिलापादपवर्षाणि तस्य मूर्ध्नि ववर्ष ह || ६-७६-५०
Angada, the son of wind-god, though pierced all over the body with sharp arrows, was
however not shaken. He showered a rain of rocks and trees on Kumbha's head."
स प्रचिच्छेद तान्सर्वान्बिभेद च पुनः शिलाः |
कुम्भकर्णात्मजः श्रीमान्वालिपुत्रसमीरितान् || ६-७६-५१
कुम्भकर्णात्मजः श्रीमान्वालिपुत्रसमीरितान् || ६-७६-५१
The glorious Kumbha the son of Kumbhakarna chopped off all those trees hurled by
Angada and burst off the rocks further."
आपतन्तं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य कुम्भो वानरयूथपम् |
भ्रुवोर्विव्याध बाणाभ्यामुल्काभ्यामिव कुञ्जरम् || ६-७६-५२
भ्रुवोर्विव्याध बाणाभ्यामुल्काभ्यामिव कुञ्जरम् || ६-७६-५२
Seeing Angada the monkey-chief rushing upon him, Kumbha pierced his brows with his
brows with his arrows, as an elephant would be struck with flaming torches."
तस्य सुस्राव रुधिरं पिहिते चास्य लोचने |
अङ्गदः पाणिना नेत्रे पिधाय रुधिरोक्षिते || ६-७६-५३
सालमासन्नमेकेन परिजग्राह पाणिना |
अङ्गदः पाणिना नेत्रे पिधाय रुधिरोक्षिते || ६-७६-५३
सालमासन्नमेकेन परिजग्राह पाणिना |
Since Angada's blood was oozing out, his eyes were covered with blood; Covering his
eyes, dampened with blood, with one hand, he caught hold of a Sala tree nearby with another
सम्पीड्योरसि सस्कन्धम् करेणाभिनिवेश्य च || ६-७६-५४
किञ्चिदभ्यवनम्यैनमुन्ममाथ महारणे |
किञ्चिदभ्यवनम्यैनमुन्ममाथ महारणे |
In the battle-field, propping that tree with branches and all, on his chest, holding
it with his hand and bending a little, Angada uprooted it from the ground."
तमिन्द्रकेतुप्रतिमं वृक्षं मन्दरसंनिभम् || ६-७६-५५
समुत्सृजन्तं वेगेन पश्यतां सर्वरक्षसाम् |
समुत्सृजन्तं वेगेन पश्यतां सर्वरक्षसाम् |
While all the demons were looking on, Angada hurled that tree-which was tall like
Indra's banner and resembled Mount Mandara in size."
स चिच्छेद शितैर्बाणैः सप्तभिः कायभेदनैः || ६-७६-५६
अङ्गदो विव्यथेऽभीक्ष्णं ससाद च मुमोह च |
अङ्गदो विव्यथेऽभीक्ष्णं ससाद च मुमोह च |
That Kumbha chopped off that tree with seven sharp arrows which were capable of
splitting asunder the body. That Angada was very much perturbed and fell down, swooning."
अङ्गदं व्यथितं दृष्ट्वा सीदन्तमिव सागरे || ६-७६-५७
दुरासदं हरिश्रेष्ठा राघवाय न्यवेदयन् |
दुरासदं हरिश्रेष्ठा राघवाय न्यवेदयन् |
Seeing the unconquerable Angada fallen down and sinking into depression as though in
an ocean, the monkey-chiefs informed the matter to Rama."
रामस्तु व्यथितं श्रुत्वा वालिपुत्रं महाहवे || ६-७६-५८
व्यादिदेश हरिश्रेष्ठाञ्जाम्बवत्प्रमुखांस्ततः |
व्यादिदेश हरिश्रेष्ठाञ्जाम्बवत्प्रमुखांस्ततः |
Hearing of Angada being seized with anguish in that great combat, Rama sent out for
help, leaders of monkeys, headed by Jambavan."
ते तु वानरशार्दूलाः श्रुत्वा रामस्य शासनम् || ६-७६-५९
अभिपेतुः सुसङ्क्रुद्धाः कुम्भमुद्यतकार्मुकम् |
अभिपेतुः सुसङ्क्रुद्धाः कुम्भमुद्यतकार्मुकम् |
Hearing Rama's message, those excellent monkeys were very much enraged and quickly
rushed towards Kumbha who was wielding a bow in his hand."
ततो द्रुमशिलाहस्ताः कोपसंरक्तलोचनाः || ६-७६-६०
रिरक्षिषन्तोऽभ्यपतन्नङ्गदं वानरर्षभाः |
रिरक्षिषन्तोऽभ्यपतन्नङ्गदं वानरर्षभाः |
With an intent to defend Angada, the monkey-chiefs then holding trees and rocks in
their hands and with their furious blood-red eyes, rushed on."
जाम्बवांश्च सुषेणश्च वेगदर्शी च वानरः || ६-७६-६१
कुम्भकर्णात्मजं वीरं क्रुद्धाः समभिदुद्रुवुः |
कुम्भकर्णात्मजं वीरं क्रुद्धाः समभिदुद्रुवुः |
The enraged Jambavan, Sushena and Vegadarshi, the monkey ran up towards Kumbha the
son of Kumbhakarna to attack him."
समीक्ष्यातततस्तांस्तु वानरेन्द्रान्महाबलान् || ६-७६-६२
आववार शरौघेण नगेनेव जलाशयम् |
आववार शरौघेण नगेनेव जलाशयम् |
Seeing those mighty monkey-chiefs coming nearer to him, Kumbha covered them with a
flood of arrows, as one would obstruct the course of a stream by means of a rock."
तस्य बाणचयं प्राप्य न शोकेरतिवर्तितुम् || ६-७६-६३
वानरेन्द्रा महात्मानो वेलामिव महोदधिः |
वानरेन्द्रा महात्मानो वेलामिव महोदधिः |
Reaching the range of his arrows, the great souled monkey-chiefs were unable even to
look at him, much less advance towards him, any more than a great ocean would overstep its
तांस्तु दृष्ट्वा हरिगणाञ्शरवृष्टिभिरर्दितान् || ६-७६-६४
अङ्गदं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा भ्रातृजं प्लवगेश्वरः |
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन सुग्रीवः कुम्भमाहवे || ६-७६-६५
शैलसानु चरं नागं वेगवानिव केसरी |
अङ्गदं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा भ्रातृजं प्लवगेश्वरः |
अभिदुद्राव वेगेन सुग्रीवः कुम्भमाहवे || ६-७६-६५
शैलसानु चरं नागं वेगवानिव केसरी |
Seeing those troops of monkeys being tormented by a flood of arrows, Sugreeva the
king of monkeys, keeping Angada his brother's son in the rear, rushed headlong towards Kumbha in
the battle, as a swift lion would bounce upon an elephant walking along the slopes of a
उत्पाट्य च महाशैलानश्वकर्णान्धवान्बहून् || ६-७६-६६
अन्यांश्च विविधान्वृक्षांश्चिक्षेप च महाकपिः |
अन्यांश्च विविधान्वृक्षांश्चिक्षेप च महाकपिः |
Uprooting many large trees beginning with Ashvakarna and many kinds of trees,
Sugreeva the king of monkeys hurled them on Kumbha."
तां छादयन्तीमाकाशं वृक्षवृष्टिं दुरासदाम् || ६-७६-६७
कुम्भकर्णात्मजः श्रीमांश्चिच्छेद निशितैः शरैः |
कुम्भकर्णात्मजः श्रीमांश्चिच्छेद निशितैः शरैः |
The illustrious Kumbha, the son of Kumbhakarna, with his sharp arrows, chopped off
that down pour of trees, which was obscuring the sky and which was difficult to be assailed."
अभिलक्ष्येण तीव्रेण कुम्भेन निशितैः शरैः || ६-७६-६८
निर्भिद्यमानास्ते रेजुर्यथा घोरशतघ्नयः |
निर्भिद्यमानास्ते रेजुर्यथा घोरशतघ्नयः |
The trees, chopped off with his sharp arrows by the brutal Kumbha, skilled in
hitting his target, shone like terrific Shataghnis (stones or cylindrical pieces of wood studded
with iron spikes)."
द्रुमवर्षं तु तच्छिन्नं दृष्ट्वा कुम्भेन वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-६९
वानराधिपतिः श्रीमान्महासत्त्वो न विव्यथे |
वानराधिपतिः श्रीमान्महासत्त्वो न विव्यथे |
Seeing that shower of trees chopped off by Kumbha, the mighty and illustrious
Sugreeva of valour was not disturbed."
स विध्यमानः सहसा सहमानश्च ताञ्शरान् || ६-७६-७०
कुम्भस्य धनुराक्षिप्य बभञ्जेन्द्रधनुःप्रभम् |
कुम्भस्य धनुराक्षिप्य बभञ्जेन्द्रधनुःप्रभम् |
Enduring those arrows being hit, Sugreeva snatched away Kumbha's bow, possessing the
splendour of a rain-bow and broke it all at once."
अवप्लुत्य ततः शीघ्रं कृत्वा कर्म सुदुष्करम् || ६-७६-७१
अब्रवीत्कुपितः कुम्भं भग्नशृङ्गमिव द्विपम् |
अब्रवीत्कुपितः कुम्भं भग्नशृङ्गमिव द्विपम् |
Thus bouncing swiftly and doing that most difficult task, the enraged Sugreeva spoke
(as follows) to Kumbha, who was looking like an elephant with a broken tusk."
निकुम्भाग्रज वीर्यं ते बाणवेगं तदद्भुतम् || ६-७६-७२
संनतिश्च प्रभावश्च तव वा रावणस्य वा |
संनतिश्च प्रभावश्च तव वा रावणस्य वा |
"O Kumbha, the elder brother of Nikumbha! Both your prowess and the swiftness of
your arrow are wonderful. Both Ravana and you are equal in complaisance towards demons and the
majesty too exists."
प्रह्रादबलिवृत्रघ्नकुबेरवरुणोपम || ६-७६-७३
एकस्त्वमनुजातोऽसि पितरं बलवत्तरः |
एकस्त्वमनुजातोऽसि पितरं बलवत्तरः |
"O Kumbha, the compeer of Prahlada, Bali, Indra (the destroyer of the demon Vritra),
Kubera (the god of riches) and Varuna (the god of water)! You alone are born with a likeness of
your father (Kumbhakarna) who was exceedingly strong."
त्वामेवैकं महाबाहुं शूलहस्तमरिन्दमम् || ६-७६-७४
त्रिदशा नातिवर्तन्ते जितेन्द्रियमिवाधयः |
विक्रमस्व महाबुद्धे कर्माणि मम पश्य च || ६-७६-७५
त्रिदशा नातिवर्तन्ते जितेन्द्रियमिवाधयः |
विक्रमस्व महाबुद्धे कर्माणि मम पश्य च || ६-७६-७५
"The celestials cannot surpass even you alone, with a spike in hand, who can destroy
the enemy with your large arms, as mental agonies cannot overwhelm the one who subdued his senses.
Hence, exhibit your prowess, O demon of great intellect and see my exploits."
वरदानात्पितृव्यस्ते सहते देवदानवान् |
कुम्भकर्णस्तु वीर्येण सहते च सुरासुरान् || ६-७६-७६
कुम्भकर्णस्तु वीर्येण सहते च सुरासुरान् || ६-७६-७६
"Because of the boon received by him, Ravana your uncle is able to attack the
celestials and demons. But Kumbhakarna (your father) on his part is tolerating the celestials and
धनुषीन्द्रजितस्तुल्यः प्रतापे रावणस्य च |
त्वमद्य रक्षसां लोके श्रेष्ठोऽसि बलवीर्यतः || ६-७६-७७
त्वमद्य रक्षसां लोके श्रेष्ठोऽसि बलवीर्यतः || ६-७६-७७
"You are equal in archery to Indrajit and in prowess to Ravana. Hence, you are now
the foremost in strength and heroism among the demon-folk."
महाविमर्दं समरे मया सह तवाद्भुतम् |
अद्य भूतानि पश्यन्तु शक्रशम्बरयोरिव || ६-७६-७८
अद्य भूतानि पश्यन्तु शक्रशम्बरयोरिव || ६-७६-७८
"Let the created beings see your great wonderful fight with me in the battle field
today, as they saw that fight between Indra and Shambara, the demon."
कृतमप्रतिमं कर्म दर्शितं चास्त्रकौशलम् |
पातिता हरिवीराश्च त्वयैते भीमविक्रमाः || ६-७६-७९
पातिता हरिवीराश्च त्वयैते भीमविक्रमाः || ६-७६-७९
"You have performed an incomparable task. You have also shown your skill in missile
weaponry. You have struck down these monkey-heroes possessing a terrific prowess."
उपालम्भभयाच्चापि नासि वीर मया हतः |
कृतकर्मा परिश्रान्तो विश्रान्तः पश्य मे बलम् || ६-७६-८०
कृतकर्मा परिश्रान्तो विश्रान्तः पश्य मे बलम् || ६-७६-८०
"O valiant demon! Since you look tired after performing your martial duty, I did not
kill you, with a fear of public censure. Identify my strength, after taking some rest."
तेन सुग्रीववाक्येन सावमानेन मानितः |
अग्नेराज्यहुतस्येव तेजस्तस्याभ्यवर्धत || ६-७६-८१
अग्नेराज्यहुतस्येव तेजस्तस्याभ्यवर्धत || ६-७६-८१
Kumbha was thus honoured with those insulting words of Sugreeva. Kumbha's splendour
then enhanced, like the splendour of the sacrificial fire, when a melted butter is offered to it as
an oblation."
ततः कुम्भस्तु सुग्रीवं बाहुभ्यां जगृहे तदा |
गजाविवातमदौ निःश्वसन्तौ मुहुर्मुहुः || ६-७६-८२
अन्योन्यगात्रग्रथितौ घर्षन्तावितरेतरम् |
सधूमां मुखतो ज्वालां विसृजन्तौ परिश्रमात् || ६-७६-८३
गजाविवातमदौ निःश्वसन्तौ मुहुर्मुहुः || ६-७६-८२
अन्योन्यगात्रग्रथितौ घर्षन्तावितरेतरम् |
सधूमां मुखतो ज्वालां विसृजन्तौ परिश्रमात् || ६-७६-८३
The reopen, Kumbha pressingly clasped Sugreeva in his arms. Then, they stood
breathing heavily again and again as elephants in rut, having their bodies fastened against each
other, rubbing one another and emitting a flame to blaze with smoke from their faces because of
their fatigue."
तयोः पादाभिघाताच्च निमग्ना चाभवन्मही |
व्याघूर्णिततरङ्गश्च चुक्षुभे वरुणालयः || ६-७६-८४
व्याघूर्णिततरङ्गश्च चुक्षुभे वरुणालयः || ६-७६-८४
The battle-ground sank under the trampling of their feet. With their waves whirled
about, the ocean became turbulent."
ततः कुम्भं समुत्क्षिप्य सुग्रीवो लवणाम्ब्भसि |
पातयामास वेगेन दर्शयन्नुदधेस्तलम् || ६-७६-८५
पातयामास वेगेन दर्शयन्नुदधेस्तलम् || ६-७६-८५
Then tossing up Kumbha, Sugreeva threw him down speedily into the ocean, showing him
the bottom of the sea."
ततः कुम्भनिपातेन जलराशिः समुत्थितः |
विन्ध्यमन्दरसंकाशो विससर्प समन्ततः|| ६-७६-८६
विन्ध्यमन्दरसंकाशो विससर्प समन्ततः|| ६-७६-८६
Due to the hurling down of Kumbha, the fully risen sea, reaching a height of as to
that of Mount Vindhya, diffused on all sides."
तस्य चर्म च पुस्फोट सञ्जज्ञे चास्य शोणितम् |
स च मुष्टिर्महावेगः प्रतिजघ्नेऽस्थिमण्डले || ६-७६-८७
स च मुष्टिर्महावेगः प्रतिजघ्नेऽस्थिमण्डले || ६-७६-८७
The enraged Kumbha, then jumping up and throwing down Sugreeva, struck him on his
chest with his thunderbolt-like fist."
तदा वेगेन तत्रासीत्तेजः प्रज्वालितं मुहुः |
वज्रनिष्पेषसञ्जातज्वाला मेरौ यथा गिरौ || ६-७६-८८
वज्रनिष्पेषसञ्जातज्वाला मेरौ यथा गिरौ || ६-७६-८८
Sugreeva's armour was burst asunder. Even blood appeared oozing out of his chest.
His cage of bones gave a counter-strike to that awfully forceful fist."
स तत्राभिहतस्तेन सुग्रीवो वानरर्षभः |
मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास वज्रकल्पं महाबलः || ६-७६-८९
मुष्टिं संवर्तयामास वज्रकल्पं महाबलः || ६-७६-८९
Then, by the force of that fist shot forth there, a mighty flame resembling the fire
that bursts up on Mount Meru, was born out of a stroke of lightning."
अर्चिःसहस्रविकचं रविमण्डलसप्रभम् |
स मुष्टिं पातयामास कुम्भस्योरसि वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-९०
स मुष्टिं पातयामास कुम्भस्योरसि वीर्यवान् || ६-७६-९०
Thus struck by Kumbha there, that mighty Sugreeva, the chief of monkeys, tightened
his fist which appeared like a thunderbolt."
स तु तेन प्रहरेण विह्वलो भृशपीडितः |
निपपात तदा कुम्भो गतार्चिरिव पावकः || ६-७६-९१
निपपात तदा कुम्भो गतार्चिरिव पावकः || ६-७६-९१
The valiant Sugreeva forcefully descended his fist, which shone like the solar disc
encircled by a thousand rays, on the breast of Kumbha."
मुष्टिनाभिहतस्तेन निपपाताशु राक्षसः |
लोहिताङ्ग इवाकाशाद्दीप्तरश्मिर्यदृच्छया || ६-७६-९२
लोहिताङ्ग इवाकाशाद्दीप्तरश्मिर्यदृच्छया || ६-७६-९२
That Kumbha, very much hurt by that blow, was exhausted and then fell down, like
fire whose flame has extinguished."
कुम्भस्य पततो रूपं भग्नस्योरसि मुष्टिना |
बभौ रुद्राभिपन्नस्य यथारूपं गवां पतेः || ६-७६-९३
बभौ रुद्राभिपन्नस्य यथारूपं गवां पतेः || ६-७६-९३
Thus struck with Sugreeva's fist, that demon fell down suddenly, as the planet Mars,
of splendid rays, would drop down from the sky accidentally."
तस्मिन्हते भीमपराक्रमेण |
प्लवङ्गमानामृषभेण युद्धे |
मही सशैला सवना चचाल |
भयं च रक्षांस्यधिकं विवेश || ६-७६-९४
प्लवङ्गमानामृषभेण युद्धे |
मही सशैला सवना चचाल |
भयं च रक्षांस्यधिकं विवेश || ६-७६-९४
When Kumbha was killed in battle by Sugreeva the chief of monkeys, possessing a
terrific prowess, the earth with its mountains and forests trembled. Too much fear seized the
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये युद्धकांडे षट्सप्ततितमः सर्गः