युद्ध-काण्ड > लंकापुरी दहन, राक्षसों में व वानरों में घोर युद्ध

King Sugreeva asks Hanuma to arrange for setting ablaze the City of Lanka. With torches in their hands, some monkeys throw fire to all parts of Lanka. The City, burnt by the monkeys within a short time, assumed like the earth burning at the time of a terrific dissolution of the world. Getting healed of their wounds, Rama and Lakshmana take their bows to resume fighting. Gates and buildings in the city are tumbled down by Rama's arrows. Ravana gets enraged and sends Kumbha and Nikumbha the sons of Kumbhakarna along with other demons to the battle. A terrific fighting ensure between the monkeys and the demons. All the monkeys finally surround the army of demons in all sides.
ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजाः सुग्रीवो वानरेश्वरः |
अर्थ्यम् विज्ञापयंश्चापि हनूमन्तमिदं वचः || ६-७५-१
Then, Sugreeva of great majesty, the king of monkeys spoke (the following) meaningful words to Hanuma, in order to inform him what they should do next."
यतो हतः कुम्भकर्णः कुमाराश्च निषूदिताः |
नेदानीमुपनिर्हारम् रावनो दातुमर्हति || ६-७५-२
"Since Kumbhakarna and his four sons were killed, Ravana cannot give any defense now"."
ये ये महाबलाः सन्ति लघवश्च प्लवंगमाः |
लङ्कामभिपतन्त्वाशु गृह्योल्काः प्लवगर्षभाः || ६-७५-३
हरयो हरिसंकाशाः प्रदग्धुम् रावणालयम् |
"Let those dexterous monkeys, possessing the strength of lions, taking torches in their hands, rush towards Lanka quickly, in order to set ablaze the abode of Ravana."
ततोऽस्तं गत आदित्ये रौद्रे तस्मिन्निशामुखे || ६-७५-४
लङ्कामभिमुखाः सोल्का जग्मुस्ते प्लवगर्षभाः |
Then at the sunset of that awful evening, those foremost of the monkeys, went towards Lanka, with torches in their hands."
उल्काहस्तैर्हरिगणैः सर्वतः समभिद्रुताः || ६-७५-५
आरक्षस्था विरूपाक्षाः सहसा विप्रदुद्रुवुः |
When the troops of monkeys, with torches in their hands, attacked Lanka on all sides, the diversely eyed demons who were holding the position of guards, suddenly fled away."
गोपुराट्टप्रतोलीषु चर्यासु विविधासु च || ६-७५-६
प्रासादेषु च संहृष्टाः ससृजुस्ते हुताशनम् |
Those monkeys, feeling gladdened, threw fire to the towering gates, attics, streets, various byways and mansions."
तेषां गृहसहस्राणि ददाह हुतभुक्तदा || ६-७५-७
प्रासादाः पर्वताकाराः पतन्ति धरणीतले |
Then, the fire consumed thousands of houses of demons. Mansions of mountainous forms fell down on the ground."
अगुरुर्दह्यते तत्र परं चैव सुचन्दनम् || ६-७५-८
मौक्तिका मणयः स्निग्धा वज्रं चापि प्रवालकम् |
Aloe, excellent sandalwood of great value, pearls, glossy gems, diamonds and corals were burnt there."
क्षौमम् च दह्यते तत्र करुशेयं चापि शोभनम् || ६-७५-९
आविकं विविधं चौर्णं काञ्चनं भाण्डमायुधम् |
Linen, charming silk, blankets of sheep's wool, various kinds of ram's wool, gold ornaments and weapons were burnt there."
नानाविकृतसंस्थानम् वाजिभाण्डपरिच्छदम् || ६-७५-१०
गजग्रैवेयकक्ष्याश्च रथभाण्डाश्च संस्कृताः |
The ornaments, saddles etc. of diverse and peculiar designs of horses, the chains worn round the neck of the elephants as also their girths and polished ornaments meant for the chariots were also burnt."
तनुत्राणि च योधानां हस्त्यश्वानाम् च चर्म च || ६-७५-११
खड्गा धनूंषि ज्याबाणास्तोमराङ्कुशशक्तयः |
Coats of mail of the warriors, the armour of the elephants and horses, swords, bows, bow-strings, arrows, lances, goads and javelins were burnt there."
रोओमजं वालजं चर्म व्याघ्रजं चाण्डजं बहु || ६-७५-१२
मुक्तामणिविचित्रांश्च प्रासादांश्च समन्ततः |
विविधानस्त्रसंघातानग्निर्दहति तत्र वै || ६-७५-१३
The fire raging on all sides burnt blankets and rugs made of the hair of animals, whisks made of the hair of the tails, the skins of tigers, many birds, palaces inlaid with pearls and gems and various kinds of stores of arms."
नानाविधान् गृहांश्चित्रान् ददाह हुतभुक्तदा |
आवासान् राक्षसानां च सर्वेषां गृहगृद्नुनाम् || ६-७५-१४
हेमचित्रतनुत्राणाम् स्रग्भाण्डाम्बरधारिणाम् |
सीधुपानचलाक्षाणां मदविह्वलगामिनाम् || ६-७५-१५
कान्तालम्बितवस्त्राणाम् शत्रुसंजातमन्युनाम् |
गदाशूलासिहस्तानां खादतां पिबतामपि || ६-७५-१६
शयनेषु महार्हेषु प्रसुप्तानां प्रियैः सह |
त्रस्तानां गच्छतां तूर्णम् पुत्रानादाय सर्वतः || ६-७५-१७
तेषां शतसहस्राणि तदा लङ्कानिवासिनाम् |
अदहत्पावकस्तत्र जज्वाल च पुनः पुनः || ६-७५-१८
Then, the fire burnt away many kinds of bright coloured houses of all demons, who were greedily desirous of their homes. The fire there burnt away hundreds and thousands of inhabitants of Lanka, who were protected by gold coloured armoury and decked with garlands, ornaments and garments, with quivering eyes due to inebriation, moving with lustful walking, who were seized with fury against their enemy, who carried maces, pikes and swords in their hands, who were eating and drinking too or lay fast asleep on splendid beds with their loved ones and who were decamping quickly to all sides, taking their sons with them, frightened and fearing up again and again."
सारवन्ति महार्हाणि गम्भीरगुणवन्ति च |
हेमचन्द्रार्धचन्द्राणि चन्द्रशालोत्तमानि च || ६-७५-१९
तत्र चित्रगवाक्षाणि साधिष्टानानि सर्वशः |
मणिविद्रुमचित्रानि स्पृशन्तीव दिवाकरम् || ६-७५-२०
क्रौञ्चबर्हिणानां भूषणानां च निःस्वनैः |
नादितान्यचलाभानि वेश्मान्यग्निर्ददाह ह || ६-७५-२१
The fire there burnt away the houses, which were strong, very valuable, with profound qualities, decked in gold with moon shapes and crescent shapes, which rose high with their top rooms, provided all round with beautiful windows, furnished with seats coaches etc., decorated with gems and corals, as though touching the sky, rendered noisy with notes of herons, peacocks, veena the Indian lute and the jingling of ornaments as also appearing like mountains."
ज्वलनेन परीतानि तोरणानि चकाशिरे |
विद्युद्भिरिव नद्धानि मेघजालानि घर्मगे || ६-७५-२२
Surrounded by fire, the arch-ways shone like a collection of clouds bound by lightning, at the end of a summer season."
ज्वलनेन परीतानि गृहाणि प्रचकाशिरे |
दावाग्निदीप्तानि यथा शिखराणि महागिरेः || ६-७५-२३
The houses, surrounded by fire shone like the peaks of a large mountain, ignited by a forest-fire."
विमानेषु प्रसुप्ताश्च दह्यमाना वराङ्गनाः |
त्यक्ताभरणसर्वाङ्ग हा हेत्युच्चैर्विचुक्रुशुः || ६-७५-२४
Getting scorched in fire, beautiful women, while lying fast asleep in their seven-storeyed mansions, gave up all connection with their ornaments and screamed loudly, saying "ah! Alas!"
तत्र चाग्निपरीतानि निपेतुर्भवनान्यपि |
वज्रिवज्रहतानीव शिखराणि महागिरेः || ६-७५-२५
The houses too, surrounded by fire there, fell down like peaks of a great mountain, struck by the thunder-bolt of Indra."
तानि निर्दह्यमानानि दूरतः प्रचकाशिरे |
हिमवच्छिखराणीव दह्यमानानि सर्वशः || ६-७५-२६
Those houses, while being burnt, shone, from afar, like the peaks of Himalayas being consumed by fire on all sides."
हर्म्याग्रैर्दह्यमानैश्च ज्वालाप्रज्वलितैरपि |
रात्रौ सा दृश्यते लङ्का पुष्पितैरिव किंशुकैः || ६-७५-२७
That City of Lanka at night with its house-tops being burnt ablaze with flames, looked like Kimshuka trees in full bloom."
हस्त्यध्यक्षैर्गजैर्मुकैर्मुकैश्च तुरगैरपि |
बभूव लङ्का लोकान्ते भ्रान्तग्राह इवार्णवः || ६-७५-२८
With their elephants let loose by the superintendents of the elephants and horses too set free, Lanka was like an ocean, with roaming alligators in it at the end of a world-cycle."
अश्वं मुक्तं गजो दृष्ट्वा क्वचिद्भीतोऽपसर्पति |
भीतो भीतं गजं दृष्ट्वा क्वचिदश्वो निवर्तते || ६-७५-२९
Here, seeing a horse being let loose, an elephant went back frightened. There, seeing a frightened elephant, a horse turned back with an alarm."
लङ्कायाम् दह्यमानायाम् शुशुभे च महोदधिः |
चायासंसक्तसलिलो लोहितोद इवार्णवः || ६-७५-३०
While Lanka was being burnt, the great ocean, with its image reflected on its waters, assumed like a great sea with red waters."
सा बभूव मुहूर्तेन हरिभिर्दीपिता पुरी |
लोकस्यास्य क्षये घोरे प्रदीप्तेव वसुंधरा || ६-७५-३१
That City burnt by the monkeys, within a short time, became transformed like the earth burning at the time of terrific dissolution of this world."
नारीजनस्य धूमेन व्याप्तस्योच्चैर्विनेदुषः |
स्वनो ज्वलनतप्तस्य शुश्रुवे शतयोजनम् || ६-७५-३२
The noise of the women-folk, who were burnt by fire and covered with smoke, roaring loudly, was heard upto one hundred Yojanas (or eight hundred miles)."
प्रदग्धकायानपरान् राक्षसान्निर्गतान् बहिः |
सहसा ह्युत्पतन्ति स्म हरयोऽथ युयुत्सवः || ६-७५-३३
Then the monkeys, eager to fight, bounced suddenly upon the other demons, whose bodies had been severely burnt and who rushed out (to save their lives)."
उद्घुष्टं वानराणां च राक्षसानां च निःस्वनः |
दिशो दश समुद्रं च पृथिवीम् च व्यनादयत् || ६-७५-३४
The loud noise made by the monkeys and the cry of the demons caused resounding of all the ten quarters, the ocean and the earth."
विशल्यौ च महात्मानौ तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ |
असम्भ्रान्तौ जगृहतुस्ते उभे धनुषी वरे || ६-७५-३५
Healed of their wounds and unperplexed, both those great souled princes, Rama and Lakshmana seized hold of those two excellent bows."
ततो विस्फारयामास रामश्च धनुरुत्तमम् |
बभूव तुमुलः शब्दो राक्षसानाम् भयावहः || ६-७५-३६
Thereupon, Rama pulled his excellent bow, making a tumultuous twang, which struck terror in demons."
अशोभत तदा रामो धनुर्विस्फारयन् महत् |
भगवानिव सम्क्रुद्धो भवो वेदमयं धनुः || ६-७५-३७
Rama, drawing his great bow, was as shining at that time as Lord Shiva (the source of Universe), stretching his bow, consisting of the Vedas in a great wrath (as at the time of dissolution of the Universe)."
उद्गुष्टं वानराणां च राक्षसानां च निःस्वनम् |
ज्याशब्दस्तावुभौ शब्दावति रामस्य शुश्रुवे || ६-७५-३८
The twang of the bow-string of Rama could be heard above both of those sounds. The sound of the monkeys and the cry of the demons."
वानरोद्घुष्टशब्दश्च राक्षसानां च निःस्वनः |
ज्याशब्दश्चापि रामस्य त्रयं व्याप दिशो दसः || ६-७५-३९
The raised voice of the monkeys, the cry of the demons and even the twang of Rama's bow-string these three sounds pervaded all the ten quarters."
तस्य कार्मुकनिर्मुक्तैः शरैस्तत्पुरगोपुरम् |
कैलासशृङ्गप्रतिमं विशीर्णमपतद्भुवि || ६-७५-४०
By the arrows released from Rama's bow, the main gate of that City looking like a peak of Mount Kailasa, tumbled down, shattered, to the ground."
ततो रामशरान् दृष्ट्वा विमानेषु गृहेषु च |
संनाहो राक्षसेन्द्राणां तुमुलः समपद्यत || ६-७५-४१
Thereupon, seeing Rama's arrows descending on seven-storeyed mansions and other houses, the war-preparedness of the leaders of demons got disturbed."
तेषां सम्नह्यमानानाम् सिम्हनादं च कुर्वताम् |
शर्वरी राक्षसेन्द्राणाम् द्रौद्रीव समपद्यत || ६-७५-४२
To those demoniac leaders, who were preparing for the battle and emitting lion's roars, that night became a night of final dissolution (presided over by Rudra, the lord of destruction)."
आदिष्टा वानरेन्द्रास्ते सुग्रीवेण महात्मना |
असन्नम् द्वारमासाद्य युध्यध्वं च प्लवंगमाः || ६-७५-४३
यश्च वो वितथं कुर्यात्तत्र तत्राप्युपस्थितः |
स हन्तव्योऽभिसम्प्लुत्य राजशासनदूषकः || ६-७५-४४
The monkey-chiefs were commanded by Sugreeva as follows: "O monkeys! Approaching the nearest gate, begin to wage the war. Even though present at the scene of fighting, he among you who proves futile by an escape, should be overtaken and killed as he will be quality of disobeying the royal command."
तेषु वानरमुख्येषु दीप्तोल्कोज्ज्वलपाणिषु |
स्थितेषु द्वारमाश्रित्य रावणं क्रोध आविशत् || ६-७५-४५
Seeing those monkey-chiefs, standing at the gate, with flaming torches in their hands, Ravana was enraged with fury."
तस्य जृम्भितविक्षेपाद्व्यामिश्रा वै दिशो दश |
रूपवानिव रुद्रस्य मन्युर्गात्रेष्वदृश्यत || ६-७५-४६
All the ten directions were distracted because of Ravana's act of disorderly movement of his body due to yawning and he looked like the wrath manifest in the limbs of Rudra appearing with a form."
स कुम्भं च निकुम्भं च कुम्भकर्णात्मजावुभौ |
प्रेषयामास संक्रुद्धो राक्षसैर्बहुभिः सह || ६-७५-४७
The enraged Ravana sent both Kumbha and Nimkumbha, the sons of Kumbhakarna, along with a multitude of demons."
यूपाक्षः शोणिताक्षश्च प्रजङ्घः कम्पनस्तथा |
निर्ययुः कौम्भकर्णिभ्यां सह रावणशासनात् || ६-७५-४८
By the orders of Ravana, Yupaksha, Shonitaksha, Prajangha and Kampana along with the aforesaid sons of Kumbhakarna set out for the battle."
शशास चैव तान् सर्वान् राक्षसान् स महाबलान् |
राक्षसा गच्छताद्यैव सिम्हनादं च नादयन् || ६-७५-४९
Ravana instructed all those mighty demons thus, "O demons! Proceed now itself, bellowing a lion's roar."
ततस्तु चोदितास्तेन राक्षसा ज्वलितायुधाः |
लङ्काया निर्ययूर्वीराः प्रणदन्तः पुनः पुनः || ६-७५-५०
Incited by Ravana, the valiant demons then, wielding shining weapons and roaring repeatedly, sallied forth from Lanka."
रक्षसां भूषणस्थाभिर्भाभिः स्वाभिश्च सर्वशः |
चक्रुस्ते सप्रभं व्योम हरयश्चाग्निभिः सह || ६-७५-५१
By the gleams of ornaments worn by their own natural splendour, those demons and monkeys with their fires, made the sky fluorescent on all sides."
तत्र ताराधिपस्याभा ताराणाम् भा तथैव च |
तयोराभरणाभा च ज्वलिता द्यामभासयत् || ६-७५-५२
The effulgence of the moon there, the light of the stars and the splendour of the ornaments of both the armies, while blazing, made the sky brilliant."
चन्द्राभा भूषणाभा च ग्रहाणाम् ज्वलिता च भा |
हरिराक्षससैन्यानि भ्राजयामास सर्वतः || ६-७५-५३
The effulgence of the moon, the splendour of the ornaments and the fluorescence of the blazing planets made the armies of monkeys and demons glitter on all sides."
तत्र चार्धप्रदीप्तानां गृहाणाम् सागरः पुनः |
भाभिः संसक्तसलिलश्चलोर्मिः शुशुभेऽधिकम् || ६-७५-५४
With the flames of the half-scorched houses there, the ocean on its part with its agitated waves mingled with water, shone abundantly."
पताकाध्वजसम्युक्तमुत्तमासिपरश्वधम् |
भीमाश्वरथमातङ्गं नानापत्तिसमाकुलम् || ६-७५-५५
दीप्तशूलगदाखड्गप्रासतोमरकार्मुकम् |
तद्राक्षसं बलं भीमम् घोरविक्रमपौरुषम् || ६-७५-५६
ददृशे ज्वलितप्रसं किङ्किणीशतनादितम् |
हेमजालाचितभुजं व्यावेष्टितपरश्वधम् || ६-७५-५७
व्याघूर्णितमहाशस्त्रं बाणसंयुक्तकार्मुकम् |
गन्धमाल्यमधूत्सेकसंमोदितमहानिलम् || ६-७५-५८
That army of demons was looking awful with flags and banners, with excellent axes shaped like swords, consisting of terrific horses, chariots and elephants, crowded with foot-soldiers of every description, distinguished by shining pikes, maces, swords, spears, lances and bows, noted for its redoubtable valour and prowess, with shining lances and rendered noisy by hundreds of tiny bells (tied around chariots, elephants etc), the arms of its warriors adorned with sets of gold ornaments, their axes being brandished, mighty weapons being waved about, arrows fitted to the bows and the whole atmosphere rendered fragrant by the abundance of sandal paste, garlands and wine."
घोरं शूरजनाकीर्णम् महाम्बुधरनिःस्वनम् |
तद्दृष्ट्वा बलमायातं राक्षसानां दुरासदम् || ६-७५-५९
संचचाल प्लवंगानां बलमुच्चैर्ननाद च |
Seeing the army of demons, which came crowded with gallant warriors, thundered like a huge cloud which was difficult to assail, the army of monkeys marched forth and made a loud noise."
जवेनाप्लुत्य च पुनस्तद्बलं रक्षसां महत् || ६-७५-६०
अभ्ययात्प्रत्यरिबलं पतम्गा इव पावकम् |
That large army of demons on its part went springing forward with all speed, towards the hostile army, as moths towards a flame."
तेषां भुजपरामर्शव्यामृष्टपरिघाशनि || ६-७५-६१
राक्षसानां बलम् श्रेष्ठं भूयः परमशोभत |
The excellent army of those demons, in which iron clubs and the tips of missiles being brandished through the action of their arms, shone all the more brightly."
तत्रोन्मत्ता इवोत्पेतुर्हरयोऽथ युयुत्सवः || ६-७५-६२
तरुशैलैरभिघ्नन्तो मुष्टिभिश्च निशाचरान् |
Thereafter, the monkeys desirous to fight there, striking the demons with trees, rocks and fists, jumped up as though frenzied."
तथैवापततां तेषां हरीणाम् निशितैः शरैः || ६-७५-६३
शिरांसि सहसा जह्रू राक्षसा भीमविक्रमाः |
Likewise, the demons with their terrific prowess instantly tore off the heads of those monkeys bouncing upon them, with sharp arrows."
दशनैर्हतकर्णाश्च मुष्टिभिर्भिन्नमस्तकाः || ६-७५-६४
शिलाप्रहारभग्नाङ्ग विचेरुस्तत्र राक्षसाः |
The demons there strolled in the streets of Lanka, with their ears bitten off with teeth, their skulls smashed with fists and their limbs broken by crag blows."
तथैवाप्यपरे तेषां कपीनामसिभिः शितैः || ६-७५-६५
प्रवरानभितो जघ्नुर्घोररूपा निशाचराः |
Even so, some demons with terrific form struck those chiefs among the monkeys, with sharp swords, on all sides of the battle field."
घ्नन्तमन्यं जघानान्यः पातयन्तमपातयत् || ६-७५-६६
गर्हमाणम् जगर्हन्यो दशन्तमपरोऽदशत् |
One warrior killed the one who was killing another, a second one threw down the one throwing down another; a third one scolded another who was scolding the other one; while a fourth one chewed the one chewing another."
देहीत्यन्यो ददात्यन्यो ददामीत्यपरः पुनः || ६-७५-६७
किं क्लेशयसि तिष्ठेति तत्रान्योन्यम् बभाषिरे |
There, one said "Give me the blow. Another said, "He is giving". Yet another said, "I am giving" some talked with one another, saying "Wait. Why do you take pains?"
विप्रलम्भित शस्त्रं च विमुक्तकवचायुधम् || ६-७५-६८
समुद्यतमहाप्रासं यष्टिशूलासिंसम्कुलम् |
प्रावर्त महा रौद्रं युद्धम् वानररक्षसाम् || ६-७५-६९
In that very terrific war between monkeys and demons, some weapons were made futile. Some weapons were dug into armours. Long lances were lifted up. Fists, pikes, swords and spears were used as weapons of war."
वानरान् दश सप्तेति राक्षसा जघ्नराहवे |
राक्षसान् दश सप्तेति वानराश्चाभ्यपातयन् || ६-७५-७०
In the battle-front, the demons killed monkeys in tens and sevens. The monkeys too threw the demons down in tens and sevens."
विस्रस्तकेशवसनम् विमुक्तकवचध्वजम् |
बलम् राक्षसमालम्ब्य वानराः पर्यवारयन् || ६-७५-७१
Catching hold of the army of demons, whose hair and raiment's were kept in order with difficulty and whose armours and standards were thrown away, the monkeys surrounded them on all sides."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीये आदिकाव्ये युद्धकांडे पञ्चसप्ततितमः सर्गः