Book 1 >> HYMN 13 - Agni
सुसमिद्धो न आ वह देवानग्ने हविष्मते |
होतः पावक यक्षि च
होतः पावक यक्षि च
English:- AGNI, well-kindled, bring the Gods for him who offers holy gifts.
Worship them, Purifier, Priest.
Worship them, Purifier, Priest.
मधुमन्तं तनूनपाद यज्ञं देवेषु नः कवे |
अद्या कर्णुहि वीतये
English:- Son of Thyself, present, O Sage, our sacrifice to the Gods today.
Sweet to the taste, that they may feast.
Sweet to the taste, that they may feast.
नराशंसमिह परियमस्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये |
English:- Dear Narāśaṁsa, sweet of tongue, the giver of oblations, I
Invoke to this our sacrifice.
Invoke to this our sacrifice.
अग्ने सुखतमे रथे देवानीळित आ वह |
असि होता मनुर्हितः
English:- Agni, on thy most easy car, glorified, hither bring the Gods:
Manu appointed thee as Priest.
Manu appointed thee as Priest.
सत्र्णीत बर्हिरानुषग घर्तप्र्ष्ठं मनीषिणः |
यत्राम्र्तस्य चक्षणम
English:- Strew, O ye wise, the sacred grass that drips with oil, in order due,
Where the Immortal is beheld.
Where the Immortal is beheld.
वि शरयन्तां रताव्र्धो दवारो देवीरसश्चतः |
अद्या नूनं च यष्टवे
English:- Thrown open be the Doors Divine, unfailing, that assist the rite,
For sacrifice this day and now.
For sacrifice this day and now.
नक्तोषासा सुपेशसास्मिन यज्ञ उप हवये |
इदं नो बर्हिरासदे
English:- I call the lovely Night and Dawn to seat them on the holy grass
At this our solemn sacrifice.
At this our solemn sacrifice.
ता सुजिह्वा उप हवये होतारा दैव्या कवी |
यज्ञं नो यक्षतामिमम
English:- The two Invokers I invite, the wise, divine and sweet of tongue,
To celebrate this our sacrifice.
To celebrate this our sacrifice.
इळा सरस्वती मही तिस्रो देवीर्मयोभुवः |
बर्हिः सीदन्त्वस्रिधः
English:- Iḷā, Sarasvatī, Mahī, three Goddesses who bring delight,
Be seated, peaceful, on the grass.
Be seated, peaceful, on the grass.
इह तवष्टारमग्रियं विश्वरूपमुप हवये |
English:- Tvaṣṭar I call, the earliest born, the wearer of all forms at will:
May he be ours and ours alone.
May he be ours and ours alone.
अव सर्जा वनस्पते देव देवेभ्यो हविः |
पर दातुरस्तु चेतनम
English:- God, Sovran of the Wood, present this our oblation to the Gods,
And let the giver be renowned.
And let the giver be renowned.
सवाहा यज्ञं कर्णोतनेन्द्राय यज्वनो गर्हे |
तत्र देवानुप हवये
English:- With Svāhā pay the sacrifice to Indra in the offerer's house:
Thither I call the Deities.
Thither I call the Deities.