Book 10 >> HYMN 19 - Waters or Cows
नि वर्तध्वं मानु गातास्मान सिषक्त रेवतीः |
अग्नीषोमापुनर्वसू अस्मे धारयतं रयिम
अग्नीषोमापुनर्वसू अस्मे धारयतं रयिम
English:- . TURN, go not farther on your way: visit us, O ye Wealthy Ones.
Agni and Soma, ye who bring riches again, secure us wealth.
Agni and Soma, ye who bring riches again, secure us wealth.
पुनरेना नि वर्तय पुनरेना नया कुरु |
इन्द्र एणा नियछत्वग्निरेना उपाजतु
English:- Make these return to us again, bring them beside us once again.
May. Indra give them back to us, and Agni drive them hither-ward.
May. Indra give them back to us, and Agni drive them hither-ward.
पुनरेता नि वर्तन्तामस्मिन पुष्यन्तु गोपतौ |
इहैवाग्नेनि धारयेह तिष्ठतु या रयिः
English:- Let them return to us again: under this herdsman let them feed.
Do thou, O Agni, keep them here, and let the wealth we have remain.
Do thou, O Agni, keep them here, and let the wealth we have remain.
यन नियानं नययनं संज्ञानं यत परायणम |
आवर्तनं निवर्तनं यो गोपा अपि तं हुवे
English:- 1 call upon their herdsman, him who knoweth well their coming nigh,
Their parting and their home-return, and watcheth their approach and rest.
Their parting and their home-return, and watcheth their approach and rest.
य उदानड वययनं य उदानट परायणम |
आवर्तनंनिवर्तनमपि गोपा नि वर्तताम
English:- Yea, let the herdsman, too, return, who marketh well their driving-forth;
Marketh their wandering away, their turning back and coming home.
Marketh their wandering away, their turning back and coming home.
आ निवर्त नि वर्तय पुनर्न इन्द्र गा देहि |
English:- Home-leader, lead them home to us; Indra, restore to us our kine:
We will rejoice in them alive.
We will rejoice in them alive.
परि वो विश्वतो दध ऊर्जा घर्तेन पयसा |
ये देवाः केच यज्ञियास्ते रय्या सं सर्जन्तु नः
English:- 1 offer you on every side butter and milk and strengthening food.
May all the Holy Deities pour down on us a flood of wealth.
May all the Holy Deities pour down on us a flood of wealth.
आ निवर्तन वर्तय नि निवर्तन वर्तय |
भूम्याश्चतस्रःप्रदिशस्ताभ्य एना नि वर्तय
English:- O thou Home-leader, lead them home, restore them thou who bringest home.
Four are the quarters of the earth; from these bring back to us our kine,
Four are the quarters of the earth; from these bring back to us our kine,