Book 3 >> HYMN 44 - Indra

अयं ते अस्तु हर्यतः सोम आ हरिभिः सुतः |
जुषाण इन्द्र हरिभिर्न आ गह्या तिष्ठ हरितं रथम
English:- . May this delightsome Soma be expressed for thee by tawny stones.
Joying thereat, O Indra, with thy Bay Steeds come:. ascend thy golden-coloured car.

हर्यन्नुषसमर्चयः सूर्यं हर्यन्नरोचयः |
विद्वांष्चिकित्वान हर्यश्व वर्धस इन्द्र विश्वा अभि शरियः
English:- In love thou madest Uṣas glow, in love thou madest Sūrya shine.
Thou, Indra, knowing, thinking, Lord of Tawny Steeds, above all glories waxest great.

दयामिन्द्रो हरिधायसं पर्थिवीं हरिवर्पसम |
अधारयद धरितोर्भूरि भोजनं ययोरन्तर्हरिश्चरत
English:- The heaven with streams of golden hue, earth with her tints of green and gold-
The golden Pair yield Indra plenteous nourishment: between them moves the golden One.

जज्ञानो हरितो वर्षा विश्वमा भाति रोचनम |
हर्यश्वो हरितं धत्त आयुधमा वज्रं बाह्वोर्हरिम
English:- When born to life the golden Bull illumines all the realm of light.
He takes his golden weapon, Lord of Tawny Steeds, the golden thunder in his arms.

इन्द्रो हर्यन्तमर्जुनं वज्रं शुक्रैरभीव्र्तम |
अपाव्र्णोद धरिभिरद्रिभिः सुतमुद गा हरिभिराजत
English:- The bright, the well-loved thunderbolt, girt with the bright, Indra disclosed,
Disclosed the Soma juice pressed out by tawny stones, with tawny steeds drave forth the kine.