Book 5 >> HYMN 14 - Agni
अग्निं सतोमेन बोधय समिधानो अमर्त्यम |
हव्या देवेषु नो दधत
हव्या देवेषु नो दधत
English:- . ENKINDLING the Immortal, wake Agni with song of praise: may he bear our oblations to the Gods.
तम अध्वरेष्व ईळते देवम मर्ता अमर्त्यम |
यजिष्ठम मानुषे जने
English:- At high solemnities mortal men glorify him the Immortal, best
At sacrifice among mankind.
At sacrifice among mankind.
तं हि शश्वन्त ईळते सरुचा देवं घर्तश्चुता |
अग्निं हव्याय वोळ्हवे
English:- That he may bear their gifts to heaven, all glorify him Agni, God,
With ladle that distilleth oil.
With ladle that distilleth oil.
अग्निर जातो अरोचत घनन दस्यूञ जयोतिषा तमः |
अविन्दद गा अपः सवः
English:- Agni shone bright when born, with light killing the Dasyus and the dark:
He found the Kine, the Floods, the Sun.
He found the Kine, the Floods, the Sun.
अग्निम ईळेन्यं कविं घर्तप्र्ष्ठं सपर्यत |
वेतु मे शर्णवद धवम
English:- Serve Agni, God adorable, the Sage whose back is balmed with oil:
Let him approach, and hear my call.
Let him approach, and hear my call.
अग्निं घर्तेन वाव्र्धु सतोमेभिर विश्वचर्षणिम |
सवाधीभिर वचस्युभिः
English:- They have exalted Agni, God of all mankind, with oil and hymns
Of praise, devout and eloquent.
Of praise, devout and eloquent.