Book 5 >> HYMN 13 - Agni

अर्चन्तस तवा हवामहे ऽरचन्तः सम इधीमहि |
अग्ने अर्चन्त ऊतये
English:- . WITH songs of praise we call on thee, we kindle thee with songs of praise,
Agni, with songs of praise, for help.

अग्ने सतोमम मनामहे सिध्रम अद्य दिविस्प्र्शः |
देवस्य दरविणस्यवः
English:- Eager for wealth, we meditate Agni's effectual praise to-day,
Praise of the God who touches heaven.

अग्निर जुषत नो गिरो होता यो मानुषेष्व आ |
स यक्षद दैव्यं जनम
English:- May Agni, Priest among mankind, take pleasure in our songs of praise,
And worship the Celestial Folk.

तवम अग्ने सप्रथा असि जुष्टो होता वरेण्यः |
तवया यज्ञं वि तन्वते
English:- Thou, Agni, art spread widely forth, Priest dear and excellent; through thee
Men make the sacrifice complete.

तवाम अग्ने वाजसातमं विप्रा वर्धन्ति सुष्टुतम |
स नो रास्व सुवीर्यम
English:- Singers exalt thee, Agni, well lauded, best giver of our strength:
So grant thou us heroic might.

अग्ने नेमिर अरां इव देवांस तवम परिभूर असि |
आ राधश चित्रम रञ्जसे
English:- Thou Agni, as the felly rings the spokes, encompassest the Gods.
I yearn for bounty manifold.