Book 6 >> HYMN 67 - Mitra-Varuna
विश्वेषां वः सतां जयेष्ठतमा गीर्भिर्मित्रावरुणावाव्र्धध्यै |
सं या रश्मेव यमतुर्यमिष्ठा दवा जनानसमा बाहुभिः सवैः
सं या रश्मेव यमतुर्यमिष्ठा दवा जनानसमा बाहुभिः सवैः
English:- . NOW Mitra-Varuṇa shall be exalted high by your songs, noblest of all existing;
They who, as 'twere with reins are best Controllers, unequalled with their arms to check the people.
They who, as 'twere with reins are best Controllers, unequalled with their arms to check the people.
इयं मद वां पर सत्र्णीते मनीषोप परिया नमसा बर्हिरछ |
यन्तं नो मित्रावरुणावध्र्ष्टं छर्दिर्यद वां वरूथ्यं सुदानू
English:- To you Two Gods is this my thought extended, turned to the sacred grass with loving homage.
Give us, O Mitra-Varuṇa, a dwelling safe from attack, which ye shall guard, Boon-Givers!
Give us, O Mitra-Varuṇa, a dwelling safe from attack, which ye shall guard, Boon-Givers!
आ यातं मित्रावरुणा सुशस्त्युप परिया नमसा हूयमाना |
सं यावप्नः सथो अपसेव जनाञ्छ्रुधीयतश्चिद यतथो महित्वा
English:- Come hither, Mitra-Varuṇa, invited with eulogies and loving adoration,
Ye who with your might, as Work-Controllers, urge even men who quickly hear to labour.
Ye who with your might, as Work-Controllers, urge even men who quickly hear to labour.
अश्वा न या वाजिना पूतबन्धू रता यद गर्भमदितिर्भरध्यै |
पर या महि महान्ता जायमाना घोरा मर्तायरिपवे नि दीधः
English:- Whom, of pure origin, like two strong horses, Aditi bore as babes in proper season,
Whom, Mighty at your birth, the Mighty Goddess brought forth as terrors to the mortal foeman.
Whom, Mighty at your birth, the Mighty Goddess brought forth as terrors to the mortal foeman.
विश्वे यद वां मंहना मन्दमानाः कषत्रं देवासो अदधुः सजोषाः |
परि यद भूथो रोदसी चिदुर्वी सन्ति सपशो अदब्धासो अमूराः
English:- As all the Gods in their great joy and gladness gave you with one accord your high dominion,
As ye surround both worlds, though wide and spacious your spies are ever true and never bewildered.
As ye surround both worlds, though wide and spacious your spies are ever true and never bewildered.
ता हि कषत्रं धारयेथे अनु दयून दरंहेथे सानुमुपमादिव दयोः |
दर्ळ्हो नक्षत्र उत विश्वदेवो भूमिमातान दयां धासिनायोः
English:- So, through the days maintaining princely power. ye prop the height as 'twere from loftiest heaven.
The Star of all the Gods, established, filleth the heaven and earth with food of man who liveth.
The Star of all the Gods, established, filleth the heaven and earth with food of man who liveth.
ता विग्रं धैथे जठरं पर्णध्या आ यत सद्म सभ्र्तयः पर्णन्ति |
न मर्ष्यन्ते युवतयो.अवाता वि यत पयो विश्वजिन्वा भरन्ते
English:- Take the strong drink, to quaff till ye are sated, when he and his attendants fill the chamber.
The young Maids brook not that none seeks to win them, when, Quickeners of all! they scatter moisture.
The young Maids brook not that none seeks to win them, when, Quickeners of all! they scatter moisture.
ता जिह्वया सदमेदं सुमेधा आ यद वां सत्यो अरतिरते भूत |
तद वां महित्वं घर्तान्नावस्तु युवं दाशुषेवि चयिष्टमंहः
English:- So with your tongue come ever, when your envoy, faithful and very wise, attends our worship.
Nourished by holy oil! he this yGur glory: annihilate the sacrificer's trouble.
Nourished by holy oil! he this yGur glory: annihilate the sacrificer's trouble.
पर यद वां मित्रावरुणा सपूर्धन परिया धाम युवधिता मिनन्ति |
न ये देवास ओहसा न मर्ता अयज्ञसाचो अप्यो नपुत्राः
English:- When, Mitra-Varuṇa, they strive against you and break tlie friendly laws ye have established,
They, neither Gods nor men in estimation, like Api's sons have godless sacrifices.
They, neither Gods nor men in estimation, like Api's sons have godless sacrifices.
वि यद वाचं कीस्तासो भरन्ते शंसन्ति के चिन निविदो मनानाः |
आद वां बरवाम सत्यान्युक्था नकिर्देवेभिर्यतथो महित्वा
English:- When singers in their song uplift their voices, some chant the Nivid texts with steady purpose.
Then may we sing you lauds that shall be fruitful: dp ye not rival all the Gods in greatness?
Then may we sing you lauds that shall be fruitful: dp ye not rival all the Gods in greatness?
अवोरित्था वां छर्दिषो अभिष्टौ युवोर्मित्रावरुणावस्क्र्धोयु |
अनु यद गाव सफुरान रजिप्यं धर्ष्णुं यद रणेव्र्षणं युनजन
English:- O Mitra-Varuṇa, may your large bounty come to us hither, near to this our dwelling,
When the kine haste to us, and when they harness the fleet-foot mettled stallion for the battle.
When the kine haste to us, and when they harness the fleet-foot mettled stallion for the battle.