
For Users: Notice to every visitor of this website. You can download anything from the website only to set as desktop and mobile wallpaper. You need to get permission to use any image commercially (in website backgrounds, wall backgrounds, printing for sale..like that). You must obtain the permission from the original copyright holder of that image for using them commercially.

For Copyright Holders: All the images in this site are collected from various resources available on internet and have been modified. We do maintain privacy of others and have taken most of the content from the freely available source only through search engines. Please consider the fact that we do not intentionally distributing any of your work. We always respect your work in creating those wonderful images. But due to the fact we are using a third party script which doesn't have feature to display credits & copyright information, we are unsure if the work available on our site is yours. Currently are working on it. We already requested our users to comply with our copyright policy.

If you are still not satisfied with our copyright policy. Please take time to inform us.

In case there is any ambiguity, please Contact Us