Quran Surah 77 - Al-Mursalat (Those Sent Forth)

Ayat 1 - I CALL TO WITNESS those who are sent consecutively,
Ayat 2 - And those that strike violently,
Ayat 3 - And those that revive by quickening,
Ayat 4 - And those that distinguish distinctly,
Ayat 5 - And those that bring down the Reminder
Ayat 6 - To end all argument or to warn.
Ayat 7 - What is promised will surely come to pass.
Ayat 8 - When the stars are obliterated,
Ayat 9 - The heavens split asunder,
Ayat 10 - The mountains reduced to dust and blown away,
Ayat 11 - And when the time comes for raising the little girls (buried alive) --
Ayat 12 - For what day is that time fixed?
Ayat 13 - The Day of Judgement.
Ayat 14 - How will you comprehend what the Day of Judgement is?
Ayat 15 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 16 - Have We not destroyed the earlier generations?
Ayat 17 - So shall We make the later ones to follow them.
Ayat 18 - That is what We shall do to those who are guilty of crime.
Ayat 19 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 20 - Did We not create you from contemptible water?
Ayat 21 - Then We lodged you in a secure place (the womb)
Ayat 22 - For a certain appointed time,
Ayat 23 - Then We facilitated (your birth). How well do We calculate!
Ayat 24 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 25 - Have We not made the earth a repository
Ayat 26 - For the living and the dead,
Ayat 27 - And placed in it lofty and broad stablisers, and gave you sweet water to drink?
Ayat 28 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 29 - "Go to what you used to deny;
Ayat 30 - Go to the shadow with three ramifications,
Ayat 31 - Neither shady nor protecting against the blazing Fire.
Ayat 32 - It will throw out sparks as logs of wood
Ayat 33 - So like golden camels."
Ayat 34 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 35 - They will not be able to speak that day,
Ayat 36 - Nor given leave to make excuses.
Ayat 37 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 38 - That will be the Day of Reckoning. Gathered will be (you) and the earlier (generations).
Ayat 39 - So if you have any plot to devise against Me, then devise it.
Ayat 40 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 41 - Those who take heed for themselves and fear God, will be amidst shade and springs of water,
Ayat 42 - And such fruits as they desire.
Ayat 43 - "Eat and drink with relish as reward for what you had done."
Ayat 44 - That is how We reward the good.
Ayat 45 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 46 - Eat and enjoy for a while: You are certainly sinners.
Ayat 47 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 48 - When it is said to them: "Bow in homage," they do not bow.
Ayat 49 - Alas the woe that day for those who deny!
Ayat 50 - In what other lore after this will they then believe?