अरण्य-काण्ड > कबंध कि आत्मकथा, सीता अन्वेषण में सहायता

Kabandha requests Rama to incinerate him, so that he would get his divine form and then would be able to give some clues in regaining Seetha. He admits that the present hideous state has chanced only because of his arrogant behaviour, thereby a sort of repentance has occurred in him. A course of conversations occurs among these two, as each is distrustful of the other.

पुरा राम महाबाहो महाबल पराक्रम |
रूपम् आसीत् मम अचिंत्यम् त्रिषु लोकेषु विश्रुतम् || ३-७१-१
यथा सूर्यस्य सोमस्य शक्रस्य च यथा वपुः |
"Oh, great dextrous Rama with great daring and dashing, as to how the physique of sun, moon, and even that of Indra is there now, my physique was also like that earlier, an unbelievable mien and renowned in all the three worlds... [3-71-1, 2a]
सो अहम् रूपम् इदम् कृत्वा लोक वित्रासनम् महत् || ३-७१-२
ऋषीन् वन गतान् राम त्रासयामि ततः ततः |
"Such as I was with an admirable body, disguising myself in this kind of horrendous form which is utterly dreadful to the world, I was scaring the forest living sages, there and there... [3-71-2]
ततः स्थूलशिरा नाम महर्षिः कोपितो मया || ३-७१-३
संचिन्वन् विविधम् वन्यम् रूपेण अनेन धर्षितः |
"On one day, when a great sage named Sthuulashira was collecting divers forest produce for his Vedic-ritual, I scared him with this ugly form and I even exasperated him... [3-71-3b, 4a]
तेन अहम् उक्तः प्रेक्ष्य एवम् घोर शाप अभिधायिना || ३-७१-४
एतत् एव नृशंसम् ते रूपम् अस्तु विगर्हितम् |
"On seeing me that sage who is an enforcer of deadly curse cursed me in this way, 'that which is presently diabolic and despicable form of yours, hereinafter you will abide in this form alone...' [3-71-4b, 5a]
स मया याचितः क्रुद्धः शापस्य अन्तो भवेत् इति || ३-७१-५
अभिशाप कृतस्य इति तेन इदम् भाषितम् वचः |
"When I begged that enraged sage as, 'even if I have committed this blasphemy owing to my blasphemous fate, will there be an end to this blasphemed form of mine, or not...' and then he spoke this word to me... [3-71-5b, 6a]
यदा छित्त्वा भुजौ रामः त्वाम् दहेत् विजने वने || ३-७१-६
तदा त्वम् प्राप्स्यसे रूपम् स्वम् एव विपुलम् शुभम् |
" 'When Rama incinerates you in an uninhibited forest on chopping off your shoulders, then you will regain your own grand and auspicious form...' So said the sage to me... [3-71-6b, 7a]
श्रिया विराजितम् पुत्रम् दनोः त्वम् विद्धि लक्ष्मण || ३-७१-७
इन्द्र कोपात् इदम् रूपम् प्राप्तम् एवम् रण आजिरे |
"Oh, Lakshmana, you may know as the most handsome son of Danu, and this misshapen form has chanced on me owing the ire of Indra in battlefield... [3-71-7b, 8a]
अहम् हि तपसा उग्रेण पितामहम् अतोषयम् || ३-७१-८
दीर्घम् आयुः स मे प्रादात् ततो माम् विभ्रमो अस्पृशत् |
"I have gladdened Grandparent Braham with severe ascesis and He granted longevity to me, and then a kind of recalcitrance touched off in my mind... [3-71-8b, 9a]
दीर्घम् आयुः मया प्राप्तम् किम् मे शक्रः करिष्यति || ३-७१-९
इति एवम् बुद्धिम् आस्थाय रणे शक्रम् अधर्षयम् |
" 'When longevity is acquired by me what Indra can do to me...' thus relying upon that kind of certitude, I jousted with Indra in a bout... [3-71-9b, 10a]
तस्य बाहु प्रमुक्तेन वज्रेण शत पर्वणा || ३-७१-१०
सक्थिनी च शिरः चैव शरीरे संप्रवेशितम् |
"But the Thunderbolt that has a hundred cutting edges and that which is launched from Indra's hand has rammed by head and thighs into my body... [3-71-10b, 11a]
स मया याच्यमानः सन् न आनयत् यम सादनम् || ३-७१-११
पितामह वचः सत्यम् तत् अस्ति इति मम अब्रवीत् |
"When I begged of him saying, 'lead me to the hell of Yama, rather than making me to live this hell of a body...' Then Indra said this to me, 'Let the Grandparent Brahma's word about your longevity come true...' Thus Indra spared me to me... [3-71-11b, 12a]
अनाहारः कथम् शक्तो भग्न सक्थि शिरो मुखः || ३-७१-१२
वज्रेण अभिहतः कालम् सु दीर्घम् अपि जीवितुम् |
" 'By the impaction of Thunderbolt disarranged are my thighs and head, thereby my mouth went into my stomach... and without thighs how can I prowl, without arms how can I scrabble, and without a mouth how can I guzzle... and how am I capable to live on, and even that living too, is destined for too long a time...' [3-71-12b, 13a]
स एवम् उक्तः मे शक्रो बाहू योजनम् आयतौ || ३-७१-१३
तदा च आस्यम् च मे कुक्षौ तीक्ष्ण दंष्ट्रम् अकल्पयत् |
"When I said to Indra this way, Indra devised for me yojana long arms, also that way a rapier-fanged mouth in my paunch... [3-71-13b, 14a]
सो अहम् भुजाभ्याम् दीर्घाभ्याम् संकृष्य अस्मिन् वने चरान् || ३-७१-१४
सिंह द्विपि मृग व्याघ्रान् भक्षयामि समंततः |
"Such as I am, I have been eating the lions, elephants, animals, and tigers that are on the move in this forest, hauling them in with both of my overlong arms... [3-71-14b, 15a]
स तु माम् अब्रवीत् इन्द्रो यदा रामः स लक्ष्मणः || ३-७१-१५
छेत्स्यते समरे बाहू तदा स्वर्गम् गमिष्यसि |
"Indra has also said to me, 'as and when Rama hacks off your arms along with Lakshmana in a conflict, then you can go to heaven...' Thus Indra said to me and vanished. [3-71-15b, 16a]
अनेन वपुषा तात वने अस्मिन् राजसत्तम || ३-७१-१६
यत् यत् पश्यामि सर्वस्य ग्रहणम् साधु रोचये |
"Oh, sire, I am grabbing whatever I see in this forest while living with this body... oh, powerful king, as I feel it meetly and a must for me... [3-71-16b, 17a]
अवश्यम् ग्रहणम् रामो मन्ये अहम् समुपैष्यति || ३-७१-१७
इमाम् बुद्धिम् पुरस्कृत्य देह न्यास कृत श्रमः |
"I believed that Rama will certainly come nigh of my captivity, and confiding myself in this kind of determination, presaged by sage Sthuulashira, as well... I have been toiling to dislodge this body... [3-71-17b, 18a]
स त्वम् रामो असि भद्रम् ते न अहम् अन्येन राघव || ३-७१-१८
शक्यो हन्तुम् यथा तत्त्वम् एवम् उक्तम् महर्षिणा |
"Oh, Raghava, as to how this has happened in this way according to the sum and substance told by the sage Sthulashira, you alone are that Rama, let safe betide you, and none other than you is capable to mangle me... [3-71-18b, 19a]
अहम् हि मति साचिव्यम् करिष्यामि नर ऋषभ || ३-७१-१९
मित्रम् चैव उपदेक्ष्यामि युवाभ्याम् संस्कृतो अग्निना |
"Oh, impetuous man Rama, if I were to be beatified by you two by incinerating me in Fire, I will advice you about the next course of your action... I will further advise you about your prospective friend..." So said Kabandha to Rama. [3-71-19b, 20a]
एवम् उक्तः तु धर्मात्मा दनुना तेन राघवः || ३-७१-२०
इदम् जगाद वचनम् लक्ष्मणस्य उपशृण्वतः |
When Raghava is said thus by that Kabandha, the heir of Danu, that duty-minded Rama said this word to Kabandha while Lakshmana is hearing. [3-71-20b, 21a]
रावणेन हृता सीता मम भार्या यशस्विनी || ३-७१-२१
निष्क्रांतस्य जनस्थानात् सह भ्रात्रा यथा सुखम् |
"Ravana conveniently stole my illustrious wife when myself and my brother exited from Janasthaana... [3-71-21b, 22a]
नाम मात्रम् तु जानामि न रूपम् तस्य रक्षसः || ३-७१-२२
निवासम् वा प्रभावम् वा वयम् तस्य न विद्महे |
"I only know his name but not the form of that demon... and we are unaware either of his stronghold or of his staying power... [3-71-22b, 23a]
शोक आर्तानाम् अनाथानाम् एवम् विपरिधावताम् || ३-७१-२३
कारुण्यम् सदृशम् कर्तुम् उपकारे च वर्तताम् |
"It will be apt of you to show befitting mercy on us who are anguished by agony, running all over helter-skelter like unsheltered ones, and we who will be compliant for your restitution... [3-71-23b, 24a]
काष्ठानि आनीय भग्नानि काले शुष्काणि कुंजरैः || ३-७१-२४
धक्ष्यामः त्वाम् वयम् वीर श्वभ्रे महति कल्पिते |
"Oh, brave Kabandha, on bringing dried up firewood that was rent at times by elephants, and on digging a large trench, we will incinerate you in it... [3-71-24b, 25a]
स त्वम् सीताम् समाचक्ष्व येन वा यत्र वा हृता || ३-७१-२५
कुरु कल्याणम् अत्यर्थम् यदि जानासि तत्त्वतः |
"Such as you are, if you actually know who stole Seetha, or whereto she is stolen, either... you clearly inform of her when incinerated, thus you will be rendering a most gracious deed to me, and to all concerned..." Thus Rama made clear of his case. [3-71-25b, 26a]
एवम् उक्तः तु रामेण वाक्यम् दनुः अनुत्तमम् || ३-७१-२६
प्रोवाच कुशलो वक्तुम् वक्तारम् अपि राघवम् |
When he is said thus that expert articulator Kabandha replied Rama, who is also an expert enunciator, with expedient words. [3-71-26b, 27a]
दिव्यम् अस्ति न मे ज्ञानम् न अभिजानामि मैथिलीम् || ३-७१-२७
यः ताम् ज्ञास्यति तम् वक्ष्ये दग्धः स्वम् रूपम् आस्थितः |
"There is no divine knowledge to me as of now... nor I can identify Maithili... but when I am burnt I assume my own original divine form, and then I will be able tell about him, who will find her out... [3-71-27b, 28a]
यो अभिजानाति तद् रक्षः तद् वक्ष्ये राम तत् परम् || ३-७१-२८
अदग्धस्य हि विज्ञातुम् शक्तिः अस्ति न मे प्रभो |
राक्षसम् तम् महावीर्यम् सीता येन हृता तव || ३-७१-२९
"With this unburnt body, oh, Rama, I indeed have no ability to discern anything, hence oh, lord, I will be able to speak about him who can familiarise you with that great mighty demon, by whom your Seetha is stolen, only after that incineration... [3-71-28b, 29]
विज्ञानम् हि महत् भ्रष्टम् शाप दोषेण राघव |
स्वकृतेन मया प्राप्तम् रूपम् लोक विगर्हितम् || ३-७१-३०
"Oh, Raghava, utterly distorted is my acumen, indeed, by the blemish of curse... and this form which is despicable to world has bechanced only because of my own antics... [3-71-30]
किम् तु यावत् न याति अस्तम् सविता श्रान्त वाहनः |
तावत् माम् अवटे क्षिप्त्वा दह राम यथा विधि || ३-७१-३१
"Oh, Rama, soon you have to toss me into trench to burn me customarily, sooner than the Sun's going to Mt. Dusk when his horses are fatigued... [3-71-31]
दग्धः त्वया अहम् अवटे न्यायेन रघुनंदन |
वक्ष्यामि तम् महावीर यः तम् वेत्स्यति राक्षसम् || ३-७१-३२
"Oh, Rama, the legatee of Raghu, when I am scripturally burnt by you in a trench, oh, great valiant Rama, for sure, I will tell of him, who can quiet fathom that demon... [3-71-32]
तेन सख्यम् च कर्तव्यम् न्याय्य वृत्तेन राघव |
कल्पयिष्यति ते प्रीतः साहाय्यम् लघु विक्रमः || ३-७१-३३
"Oh, Raghava, you have to befriend him with an amicable comportment... and that valiantly alacritous one will be gladdened by the sequel of your friendship, and he will evolve a succour to you... [3-71-33]
न हि तस्य अस्ति अविज्ञातम् त्रिषु लोकेषु राघव |
सर्वान् परिवृतो लोकान् पुरा वै कारण अन्तरे || ३-७१-३४
"Oh, Raghava, nothing is there in all the three worlds that is unfamiliar to him, for he circumnavigated all worlds once, in a different context... [3-71-34]
इति वाल्मीकि रामायणे आदि काव्ये अरण्य काण्डे एक सप्ततितमः सर्गः