बाल-काण्ड > रामायण काव्य का उपक्रम

Sage Valmiki goes to River Tamasa for a bath and sees a couple of birds, of which a hunter kills one. Valmiki unintentionally utters a poem, which is rich in grammar and new in metre, of which he is very much confused as to why such a poem has come from his tongue. Brahma, the presiding deity of letters appears and ordains Valmiki to author Ramayana, excellent epic of Rama, for which purpose alone he gave such divine meter and grammar to him.
नारदस्य तु तद्वाक्यम् श्रुत्वा वाक्य विशारदः |
पूजयामास धर्मात्मा सह शिष्यो महामुनिः || १-२-१
On hearing that sentence of that eminent sentence-maker Sage Narada, [that contains , or Ramayana in a nutshell, narrated in the previous chapter,] that great sage of virtuous mind, namely Valmiki, revered the Divine Sage Narada, along with his disciples. [1-2-1]
यथावत् पूजितः तेन देवर्षिः नारदः तथा |
आपृच्छैव अभ्यनुज्ञातः स जगाम विहायसम् || १-२-२
That divine sage Narada is worshipped that way by Valmiki in a befitting way, and on seeking permission of Valmiki to leave, and having been permitted by Valmiki went away heavenward. [1-2-2]
स मुहूर्तं गते तस्मिन् देवलोकम् मुनिः तदा |
जगाम तमसा तीरम् जाह्नव्यात् अविदूरतः || १-२-३
A while after the departure of Narada to heavens, Valmiki proceed to the riverbanks of Tamasa, which are not far-off form River Jahnavai [i.e., River Ganga.] [1-2-3]
स तु तीरम् समासाद्य तमसाया मुनिः तदा |
शिष्यम् आह स्थितम् पार्श्वे दृष्ट्वा तीर्थम् अकर्दमम् || १-२-४
Then Valmiki drew nigh of River Tamasa's riverbanks, and on beholding an un-filthy strand of that river, he spoke to his disciple available at his side. [1-2-5]
अकर्दमम् इदम् तीर्थम् भरद्वाज निशामय |
रमणीयम् प्रसन्न अम्बु सन् मनुष्य मनो यथा || १-२-५
"Oh! Bharadwaja, un-filthy is this watery foreshore, and with pleasant waters it is heart pleasing... like a noble man's heart... behold it... [1-2-5]
न्यस्यताम् कलशः तात दीयताम् वल्कलम् मम |
इदम् एव अवगाहिष्ये तमसा तीर्थम् उत्तमम् || १-२-६
"Keep that handy-vessel there, and give me my loincloth... I will enter only this best ford of Tamasa River... [1-2-6]
एवम् उक्तो भरद्वाजो वाल्मीकेन महात्मना |
प्रयच्छत मुनेः तस्य वल्कलम् नियतः गुरोः || १-२-७
When Bharadwaaja is said that way by great-souled Valmiki, himself being a humble one before his mentor gave that jute-cloth to that saint, that humbly. [1-2-7]
स शिष्य हस्तात् आदाय वल्कलम् नियतेन्द्रियः |
विचचार ह पश्यन् तत् सर्वतो विपुलम् वनम् || १-२-८
That self-controlled Sage Valmiki on taking loincloth from his disciple's hands, indeed ambled towards the river, looking everywhere at the wide of forest. [1-2-8]
तस्य अभ्याशे तु मिथुनम् चरन्तम् अनपायिनम् |
ददर्श भगवान् तत्र क्रौङ्चयोः चारु निस्वनम् || १-२-९
There godly sage Valmiki saw a couple of lovely krouncha birds, in the vicinity of that river's foreshore, flying there about in togetherness, [and of course, fearless of any calamity,] and calling charmingly [1-2-9]
तस्मात् तु मिथुनात् एकम् पुमांसम् पाप निश्चयः |
जघान वैरनिलयो निषादः तस्य पश्यतः || १-२-१०
A tribal hunter with all his evil intent, as he is an enemy of foresters, killed the male one of them the couple of birds, while Valmiki is looking on. [1-2-10]
तम् शोणित परीताङ्गम् चेष्टमानम् महीतले |
भार्या तु निहतम् दृष्ट्वा रुराव करुणाम् गिरम् || १-२-११
वियुक्ता पतिना तेन द्विजेन सहचारिणा |
ताम्र शीर्षेण मत्तेन पत्रिणा सहितेन वै | १-२-१२
She who is ever together with her husband, a lusty male bird with flighty wings and with a prideful red crest, and one who always had a heart for her, but she is now separated from him, and gone is that togetherness; and she, on seeing her slain husband whose body is blood-soaked, and who is reeling on the ground in the anguish of pain, bewailed with piteous utterances. [1-2-11, 12]
तथा विधिम् द्विजम् दृष्ट्वा निषादेन निपातितम् |
ऋशेः धर्मात्मानः तस्य कारुण्यम् समपद्यत || १-२-१३
On seeing at that bird felled that way by the tribal hunter, compassion is aroused in that kind-hearted sage Valmiki. [1-2-13]
ततः करुण वेदित्वात् अधर्मो अयम् इति द्विजः |
निशांय रुदतीम् क्रौन्चीम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रैइत् || १-२-१४
Then on seeing the wailing female krounchi bird, compassion haunting him and apperceiving the killing of male bird as unjust, the sage uttered this sentence... [1-2-14]
मा निषाद प्रतिष्ठाम्त्व | मगमः शाश्वतीः समाः |
यत् क्रौङ्च मिथुनात् एक | मवधीः काम मोहितम् || १-२-१५
"Oh! Ill-fated Hunter, by which reason you have killed one male bird of the couple, when it is in its lustful passion, thereby you will get an ever-lasting reputation for ages to come..." [1-2-15]
तस्य एवम् ब्रुवतः चिन्ता बभूव हृदि वीक्षतः |
शोकार्तेन अस्य शकुनेः किम् इदम् व्याहृतम् मया || १-२-१६
On saying thus, and pondering for a while in his heart, 'annoyed by the anguish for that bird, what is it uttered by me...' thus he became cogitative of those lines uttered. [1-2-16]
चिन्तयन् स महाप्राज्ञः चकार मतिमान् मतिम् |
शिश्यम् च एव अब्रवीत् वाक्यम् इदम् स मुनिपुङ्गवः || १-२-१७
On thinking, he that eminently astute and intellectual sage made up his mind, and he that erudite scholar also spoke this sentence to his disciples, thus as... [1-2-17]
पाद बद्धः अक्षर समः तन्त्री लय समन्वितः |
शोकार्तस्य प्रवृत्तो मे श्लोको भवतु न अन्यथा || १-२-१८
"This utterance of mine has emerged out of anguished annoyance, and it is well- arranged with letters metrically posited, tuneful and rhythmical to be sung with string instrument, and hence, this shall be a verse, not otherwise..." [1-2-18]
शिष्यः तु तस्य ब्रुवतो मुनेर् वाक्यम् अनुत्तमम् |
प्रति जग्राह संतुष्टः तस्य तुष्टोअः अभवत् मुनिः || १-२-१९
Even the disciple happily received what that is articulated by the saint, a unique articulation, by which the saint too, became happy. [1-2-19]
सोऽभिषेकम् ततः कृत्वा तीर्थे तस्मिन् यथाविधि |
तम् एव चिन्तयन् अर्थम् उपावर्तत वै मुनिः || १-२-२०
Then that saint on performing his bathing in that ford according to custom, and still thinking on the purport of his utterance, he returned towards his hermitage. [1-2-20]
भरद्वाजः ततः शिष्यो विनीतः श्रुतवान् गुरोः |
कलशम् पूर्णमादाय पृष्ठतः अनुजगाम ह || १-२-२१
Then Bharadwaja, the obedient disciple and an erudite scholar, for he heard and learnt many scriptures by listening, on taking handy-vessel full with water followed at the behind of his mentor. [1-2-21]
स प्रविश्य आश्रम पदम् शिष्येण सह धर्मवित् |
उपविष्टः कथाः च अन्याः चकार ध्यानमास्थितः || १-२-२२
He that knower of dharma, Valmiki, having entered the threshold of hermitage along with disciples, and having seated spoke about the day-to-day teachings and also other things, but he himself is preoccupied in cogitation on the verse. [1-2-22]
आजगाम ततः ब्रह्मो लोककर्ता स्वयम् प्रभुः |
चतुर् मुखो महातेजा द्रष्टुम् तम् मुनिपुङ्गवम् || १-२-२३
Then, the great resplendent Four-faced creator of fourteen worlds, almighty Brahma, arrived there on his own, to see that eminent saint Valmiki. [1-2-23]
वाल्मीकिः अथ तम् दृष्ट्वा सहसा उत्थाय वाग्यतः |
प्रान्जलिः प्रयतो भूत्वा तस्थौ परम विस्मितः || १-२-२४
Then that pious saint Valmiki is highly surprised on seeing Brahma, and on quickly getting up from his seat with his palms adjoined humbly, he stood aside, as he is spellbind. [1-2-24]
पूजयामास तम् देवम् पाद्य अर्घ्य आसन वन्दनैः |
प्रणंय विधिवत् च एनम् पृष्ट्वा च एव निरामयम् || १-२-२५
Valmiki venerated Brahma, on inquiring into his well-being, washed his feet, drenched his thirst, seated him to rest, and adored at best with customarily obeisance. [1-2-25]
अथ उपविश्य भगवान् आसने परम अर्चिते |
वाल्मीकये च ऋषये सन्दिदेश आसनम् ततः || १-२-२६
Then god Brahma, who is seated on a high seat, very highly worshipped by Valmiki, also beckoned at Valmiki to take a seat. [1-2-26]
ब्रह्मणा समनुज्ञातः सोऽपि उपाविशत् आसने |
उपविष्टे तदा तस्मिन् साक्षात् लोक पितामहे | १-२-२७
तत् गतेन एव मनसा वाल्मीकिः ध्यानम् आस्थितः ||
Even though Valmiki sat on his seat when duly permitted by Brahma, and though the Grandparent of the worlds is manifestly sitting before him, but the same broodings on those happenings occurred on that day have recurred on his mind. [1-2-27-28a]
पापात्मना कृतम् कष्टम् वैर ग्रहण बुद्धिना | १-२-२८
यत् तादृशम् चारुरवम् क्रौन्चम् हन्यात् अकारणात् ||
"He that tribal hunter, who killed a cutely calling krounch bird for no good reason than intending to capture the kill, is an evil souled one that caused hardship..." [1-2-28b-29a]
शोचन् एव पुनः क्रौन्चीम् उप श्लोकम् इमम् जगौ | १-२-२९
पुनर् अन्तर्गत मना भूत्वा शोक परायणः ||
Remaining in melancholic mood Valmiki turned his mind to the depth of thinking, and again thinking only on the krouncha bird he sung the same verse, involuntarily. [1-2-29b-30a]
तम् उवाच ततो ब्रह्मा प्रहसन् मुनिपुंगवम् | १-२-३०
श्लोक एवास्त्वयाम् बद्धो न अत्र कार्या विचारणा ||
Then, Brahma smilingly spoke to that eminent saint Valmiki, "But, what that is composed is a verse only... and there is no need to think through... [1-2-30b-31a]
मत् च्छन्दात् एव ते ब्रह्मन् प्रवृत्ते अयम् सरस्वती | १-२-३१
रामस्य चरितम् कृत्स्नम् कुरु त्वम् ऋषिसत्तम |
"Oh, Brahman, that speech of yours sprang forth at my wish alone, hence oh, eminent sage, you shall render the legend of Rama, in its entirety... [1-2-31b-32a]
धर्मात्मनो भगवतो लोके रामस्य धीमतः || १-२-३२
वृत्तम् कथय धीरस्य यथा ते नारदात् श्रुतम् |
"You shall narrate the legend of Rama, the virtuous, intellectual and an intrepid one, and a godlike person in this world as well, as you have heard it from sage Narada. [1-2-32b-33a]
रहस्यम् च प्रकाशम् च यद् वृत्तम् तस्य धीमतः || १-२-३३
रामस्य सह सौमित्रे राक्षसानाम् च सर्वशः |
वैदेह्याः च एव यद् वृत्तम् प्रकाशम् यदि वा रहः || १-२-३४
तत् च अपि अविदितम् सर्वम् विदितम् ते भविष्यति |
"The adventures of valorous Rama along with Lakshmana, and the misadventures of demons, known or unknown in every detail, and even the plight of Vaidehi which is either revealed or un-revealed so far, and whatever legend that has happened, all that will also be known to you, even if it were to be unknown, as yet... [1-2-33b-35a]
न ते वाक् अनृता काव्ये काचित् अत्र भविष्यति || १-२-३५
कुरु राम कथाम् पुण्याम् श्लोक बद्धाम् मनोरमाम् |
"You shall versify the heart pleasing and merit-yielding legend of Rama, and not a single word of yours will be unfounded in this epic... [1-2-35b-36a]
यावत् स्थास्यन्ति गिरयः सरितः च महीतले || १-२-३६
तावत् रामायण कथा लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति |
"As long as the mountains and even rivers flourish on the surface of the earth, so long the legend of Ramayana will flourish in this world... [1-2-36b-37a]
यावत् रामस्य च कथा त्वत् कृता प्रचरिष्यति | १-२-३७
तावत् ऊर्ध्वम् अधः च त्वम् मत् लोकेषु निवत्स्यसि |
"And as long as Rama's legend authored by you flourishes...till then you will flourish in heavenly, in netherworlds, and even in my abode, namely Abode of Brahma... [1-2-37]
इति उक्त्वा भगवान् ब्रह्मा तत्र एव अन्तरधीयत |
ततः स शिष्यो भगवान् मुनिः विस्मयम् आययौ || १-२-३८
On saying thus that Divinity Brahma vanished then and there only, and then that godly sage Valmiki came by astonishment, along with his disciples. [1-2-38b-c]
तस्य शिष्याः ततः सर्वे जगुः श्लोकम् इमम् पुनः |
मुहुर् मुहुः प्रीयमाणाः प्राहुः च भृश विस्मिताः || १-२-३९
Then all of the disciples of Valmiki sang this verse time and again very delightedly, and muchstonished they also recited this verse, reciprocally. [1-2-39]
समाक्षरैः चतुर्भिः यः पादैः गीतो महर्षिणा |
सः अनुव्याहरणात् भूयः शोकः श्लोकत्वम् आगतः || १-२-४०
Equally lettered, four-footed is that verse when great Sage Valmiki articulated it, and when repetitively recited by one and all, it attained prominence as verse proper. [1-2-40]
तस्य बुद्धिः इयम् जाता महर्षेः भावितात्मनः |
कृत्स्नम् रामायणम् काव्यम् ईदृशैः करवाण्यहम् || १-२-४१
Born is an intuition in that great sage and contemplated soul asserting that "I will compose entire Ramayana, the epic, in suchlike verses...' [1-2-41]
उदार वृत्त अर्थ पदैः मनोरमैः
तदा अस्य रामस्य चकार कीर्तिमान् |
सम अक्षरैः श्लोक शतैः यशस्विनो
यशस्करम् काव्यम् उदार दर्शनः || १-२-४२
That celebrated sage and magnanimous seer Valmiki then authored the highly renowned Rama's legend extolling Rama's renown, with symmetrically worded verses, and words versified to yield meanings semantically, prosody free-flowing, and with hundreds of such verses. [1-2-42]
तद् उपगत समास सन्धि योगम्
सम मधुरोपनत अर्थ वाक्य बद्धम् |
रघुवर चरितम् मुनिप्रणीतम्
दश शिरसः च वधम् निशामय अध्वम् || १-२-४३
That epic contains uncomplicated compounds, conjunctions and conjugations, and has expressive sentences that are well knit and led evenly and sweetly, and that legend pertains to the best one from Raghu's dynasty, namely Rama, which also includes the extermination of the Ten headed evil named Ravana, and further, it is said by the sage, hence this may now be listened…  [1-2-43]
इति वाल्मिकि रामायणे आदिकाव्ये बाल काण्डे द्वितीयः सर्गः