युद्ध-काण्ड > राक्षसों का रावण और इन्द्रजीत के बल का वर्णन करके विजय राग गाना
The demons inspire Ravana with confidence and eulogise his army's strength. They suggest
that Indrajit alone is enough to kill the army of monkeys together with Rama.
इति उक्ता राक्षस इन्द्रेण राक्षसास्ते महाबलाः |
ऊचुः प्रान्जलयः सर्वे रावणम् राक्षस ईश्वरम् || ६-७-१
द्विष्त्पक्ष्ह्मविज्ञाय नीतिबाह्यास्त्वबुद्धयः |
ऊचुः प्रान्जलयः सर्वे रावणम् राक्षस ईश्वरम् || ६-७-१
द्विष्त्पक्ष्ह्मविज्ञाय नीतिबाह्यास्त्वबुद्धयः |
Hearing the words of Ravana, those demons who were strong, stupid and without moral conduct,
all raising up their joined palms and spoke to Ravana the king of demons, without knowing the strengths
of their enemy's side (as follows):
राजन् परिघ शक्ति ऋष्टि शूल पट्टस सम्कुलम् || ६-७-२
सुमहन् नो बलम् कस्माद् विषादम् भजते भवान् |
सुमहन् नो बलम् कस्माद् विषादम् भजते भवान् |
"Oh, king! Our army, equipped with iron bars, javelins, double-edged swords, darts and
sharp-edged spears, is very great. Why are you getting worried?"
त्वया भोगवतीम् गत्वा निर्जताः पन्नगा युधि || ६-७-३
कैलास शिखर आवासी यक्षैर् बहुभिर् आवृतः |
सुमहत् कदनम् कृत्वा वश्यस् ते धनदः कृतः || ६-७-४
कैलास शिखर आवासी यक्षैर् बहुभिर् आवृतः |
सुमहत् कदनम् कृत्वा वश्यस् ते धनदः कृतः || ६-७-४
"After proceeding to Bhogavati city (the abode of Nagas in Patala one of the seven regions
under the earth), the serpents there were defeated by you. Kubera (the bestower of riches) who resides
on the peak of Mount Kailasa, surrounded by many yakshas (a class of demi-gods) surrendered to you after
doing a great battle."
स महाईश्वर सख्येन श्लाघमानस् त्वया विभो |
निर्जितः समरे रोषाल् लोक पालो महाबलः || ६-७-५
निर्जितः समरे रोषाल् लोक पालो महाबलः || ६-७-५
"Oh, Lord! By your rage, Kubera who was boasting himself for his friendship with Lord
Shiva (the Supreme Lord) and said to be a guardian of the world possessing great strength, was defeated
by you in battle."
विनिहत्य च यक्षौघान् विक्षोभ्य च विगृह्य च |
त्वया कैलास शिखराद् विमानम् इदम् आहृतम् || ६-७-६
त्वया कैलास शिखराद् विमानम् इदम् आहृतम् || ६-७-६
"Throwing down a group of Yakshas, after causing a flutter among them and taking them
in prison, this aerial car (Pushpak) was procured by you from Mount Kailasa."
मयेन दानव इन्द्रेण त्वद् भयात् सख्यम् इच्चता |
दुहिता तव भार्या अर्थे दत्ता राक्षस पुम्गव || ६-७-७
दुहिता तव भार्या अर्थे दत्ता राक्षस पुम्गव || ६-७-७
"Oh, the best of ogres! By Maya, the lord of demons, Mandodari his daughter was given
to you in marriage, due to fear from you and duly desiring your friendship."
दानव इन्द्रो मधुर् नाम वीर्य उत्सिक्तो दुरासदः |
विगृह्य वशम् आनीतः कुम्भीनस्याः सुख आवहः || ६-७-८
विगृह्य वशम् आनीतः कुम्भीनस्याः सुख आवहः || ६-७-८
Oh, mighty armed! Madhu Kumbhinasa's (your sister's) husband, another ruler of demons,
who was proud of his valour and who was difficult to be defeated, was taken into your subjugation, your
having won a battle against him."
निर्जितास् ते महाबाहो नागा गत्वा रसा तलम् |
वासुकिस् तक्षकः शन्खो जटी च वशम् आहृताः || ६-७-९
वासुकिस् तक्षकः शन्खो जटी च वशम् आहृताः || ६-७-९
"Oh, mighty armed! After moving down to rasatala (the penultimate subterranean region),
the you conquered serpent-demons Vasukim Takshaka, Saukha and Jati were conquered by you and captivated
as your subjects."
अक्षया बलवन्तः च शूरा लब्ध वराः पुनः |
त्वया सम्वत्सरम् युद्ध्वा समरे दानवा विभो || ६-७-१०
स्व बलम् समुपाश्रित्य नीता वशम् अरिम् दम |
मायाः च अधिगतास् तत्र बहवो राक्षस अधिप || ६-७-११
त्वया सम्वत्सरम् युद्ध्वा समरे दानवा विभो || ६-७-१०
स्व बलम् समुपाश्रित्य नीता वशम् अरिम् दम |
मायाः च अधिगतास् तत्र बहवो राक्षस अधिप || ६-७-११
"Oh, annihilator of enemies, Commander of demons and the Lord! You after performing a
battle for a year by you mighty demons who were beyond destruction, who were valiant and who obtained
boons (for immortality) were defeated using your own strength in combat. Several fascinating tricks
also were learnt from them."
शूराः च बलवन्तः च वरुणस्य सुता रणे |
निर्जितास् ते महाबाग चतुर् विध बल अनुगाः || ६-७-१२
निर्जितास् ते महाबाग चतुर् विध बल अनुगाः || ६-७-१२
"Oh, illustrious king! Varuna's sons, valiant strong and who were followed by an army
having four limbs (viz. elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry) were defeated by you in a battle."
मृत्यु दण्ड महाग्राहम् शाल्मलि द्वीप मण्डितम् |
कालपाशमहाईचिम् यमकिम्करपन्नगम् || ६-७-१३
महाज्वरेण दुर्धर्षम् यमलोकमहार्णवम् |
अवगाह्य त्वया राजन् यमस्य बल सागरम् || ६-७-१४
जयः च विप्लुलः प्राप्तो मृत्युः च प्रतिषेधितः |
सुयुद्धेन च ते सर्वे लोकास् तत्र सुतोषिताः || ६-७-१५
कालपाशमहाईचिम् यमकिम्करपन्नगम् || ६-७-१३
महाज्वरेण दुर्धर्षम् यमलोकमहार्णवम् |
अवगाह्य त्वया राजन् यमस्य बल सागरम् || ६-७-१४
जयः च विप्लुलः प्राप्तो मृत्युः च प्रतिषेधितः |
सुयुद्धेन च ते सर्वे लोकास् तत्र सुतोषिताः || ६-७-१५
Oh, king! After entering a great ocean in the shape of Yama's realm, with a huge alligator
in the form of death's rod of punishment, adorned with silk-cotton trees (bristling with thorns to be
used a weapons), turbulent with a huge wave in the shape of noose of Kala (Time Spirit), with serpents
in the form of Yama's servants and difficult to be conquered on account of mighty Jvara (Spirit presiding
over fevers), and churning the sea in the form of Yama's forces, a great victory was obtained and death
warded off by you. All the people there were delighted to see your good battle."
क्षत्रियैर् बहुभिर् वीरैः शक्र तुल्य पराक्रमैः |
आसीद् वसुमती पूर्णा महद्भिर् इव पादपैः || ६-७-१६
आसीद् वसुमती पूर्णा महद्भिर् इव पादपैः || ६-७-१६
"The earth was filled, like with big trees, with many warriors who were strong with a
courage equal to that Devendra (Lord of celestials).
तेषाम् वीर्य गुण उत्साहैर् न समो राघवो रणे |
प्रसह्य ते त्वया राजन् हताः परम दुर्जयाः || ६-७-१७
प्रसह्य ते त्वया राजन् हताः परम दुर्जयाः || ६-७-१७
"Oh, King! Rama was not equal to them in combat, by their valour excellence and energy.
Those warriors, who were difficult to be overcome in battle, were overpowered and killed by you."
तिष्ठ वा किम् महाराज श्रमेण तव वानरान् |
अयमेको महारज इन्द्रजित् क्षपयिष्यति || ६-७-१८
अयमेको महारज इन्द्रजित् क्षपयिष्यति || ६-७-१८
Oh, emperor! Why exertion to you? You remain here. Oh, emperor! This Indrajit alone can
destroy the monkeys."
अनेन हि महाराज महेश्वरमनुत्तमम् |
इष्ट्वा यज्ञम् वरो लब्धो लोके परमदुर्लभः || ६-७-१९
इष्ट्वा यज्ञम् वरो लब्धो लोके परमदुर्लभः || ६-७-१९
"Oh, emperor! After performing an excellent sacrifice to propitiate Mahesvara (the great
lord shiva), a boon very rare to be obtained in the world, was acquired by him."
शक्तितोमरमीनम् च विनिकीर्णान्त्रशैवलम् |
गजकच्चपसम्बाधंश्वमण्डूकसम्कुलम् || ६-७-२०
रुद्रादित्यमहाग्राहम् मरुद्वसुमहोरगम् |
रथश्वगजतोयौघम् पदातिपुलिनम् महत् || ६-७-२१
अनेन हि समासाद्य देवानाम् बलसागम् |
गृहीतो दैवतपतिर्लङ्काम् चापि प्रवेशितः || ६-७-२२
गजकच्चपसम्बाधंश्वमण्डूकसम्कुलम् || ६-७-२०
रुद्रादित्यमहाग्राहम् मरुद्वसुमहोरगम् |
रथश्वगजतोयौघम् पदातिपुलिनम् महत् || ६-७-२१
अनेन हि समासाद्य देवानाम् बलसागम् |
गृहीतो दैवतपतिर्लङ्काम् चापि प्रवेशितः || ६-७-२२
"Approaching that huge ocean of army of celestials, whose fish are lanes and spheres,
whose guts thrown asunder as duck-weeds, whose turtles are the elephants, whose frogs are the teeming
horses, infested with alligators in the form of (eleven) Rudras (gods of destruction) and (twelve) Adityas
(sons of Aditi), with huge serpents in the form of (forty nine) Maruts (wind gods) and (eight) Vasus,
having chariots horses and elephants for its volume of waters and the sandy elephants for its volume
of waters and the sandy banks its infantry, Devendra (Lord of celestials) was captured by him and was
impelled to come to Lanka (as a detenu).
पीतामहनियोगाच्च मुक्तः शम्बरवृत्रहा |
गतस्त्रिविष्टपम् राजन् सर्वदेवनमस्कृतः || ६-७-२३
गतस्त्रिविष्टपम् राजन् सर्वदेवनमस्कृतः || ६-७-२३
"Oh, king! Having been released by the orders of your grand father Brahma, Devendra who
killed demons called Shambara and Vrita and who was adored by all celestials, went back to heaven."
तमेव त्वम् महाराज विसृजेन्द्रजितम् सुतम् |
यावद्वानरसेनाम् ताम् परामाम् नयति क्ष्हयम् || ६-७-२४
यावद्वानरसेनाम् ताम् परामाम् नयति क्ष्हयम् || ६-७-२४
"Oh, emperor! You send that Indrajit alone, so that the army of monkeys together with
Rama will be brought to an end."
राजन् न आपद् अयुक्ता इयम् आगता प्राकृताज् जनात् |
हृदि न एव त्वया कार्या त्वम् वधिष्यसि राघवम् || ६-७-२५
हृदि न एव त्वया कार्या त्वम् वधिष्यसि राघवम् || ६-७-२५
"Oh, king! This unbefitting danger has come froma a man who is ordinary. It is not to
be kept by you in mind, you will kill Rama."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये सप्तमः सर्गः