युद्ध-काण्ड > लक्ष्मण द्वारा इन्द्रजीत के सारथि का वध

Vibhishana enters the battle-field and destroys many demons. He speaks encouraging words to the chiefs of monkeys urging them to carry on the combat. The monkeys start a furious attack on the demons. Even Hanuma begins to destroy thousands of demons. Indrajit rushes towards Lakshmana and starts fighting with him. Lakshmana kills Indrajit's charioteer. Four excellent monkey-chiefs kill Indrajit's horses and destroys his chariot.
युध्यमानौ ततो दृष्ट्वा प्रसक्तौ नरराक्षसौ |
प्रभिन्नाविव मातङ्गौ परस्परजयैषिणौ || ८९-६-१
तयोर्युद्धं द्रुष्टौकामो वरचापधरो बली |
शूरः स रावणभ्राता तस्थौ संग्राममूर्धनि || ८९-६-२
Seeing Lakshmana and Indrajit, fighting with commitment to gain victory one over the other, like elephants in rut, that strong and valiant Vibhishana, wielding his excellent bow, stood there at the battle-front, with an intent to behold their combat."
ततो विस्फारयामास महद्धनुरवस्थितः |
उत्ससर्ज च तीक्षणाग्रान् राक्षसेषु महाशरान् || ८९-६-३
Standing there thus, Vibhishana stretched his great bow and released excellent sharp pointed arrow son those demons."
ते शराः शिखिसंस्पर्शा निपतन्तस्समाहिताः |
राक्षसान् दारयामासुर्वज्रा इव महागिरीन् || ८९-६-४
Falling in exact spot, those arrows, hitting like fire, tore the demons into peices, as thunderbolts would cleave large mountains."
विभीषणस्यानुचरास्तेपि शूलासिपट्टिशैः |
चिछिदुः समरे वीरान् राक्षसान् राक्षसोत्तमाः || ८९-६-५
Even the foremost of demons, the attendants of Vibhishana too, rent asunder those valiant demns in battle, with pikes, sowrds and sharp-edged spears."
राक्षसैस्त्रैः परिवृतः स तदा तु विभीषणः |
बभौ मध्य प्रधृष्टानाम् कलभानामिव द्विपः || ८९-६-६
Surrounded by those demons, Vibhishana shone like an elephant in the midst of proud young tuskers."
ततप्सं चोदमानो वै हरीन् रक्षोवधप्रियान् |
उवाच वचनं काले कालज्ञो रक्षसां वरः || ८९-६-७
Vibhishana, who knew the timing, spoke to the monkeys, who cherished to destroy the demons, the following opportune words duly inspiring them."
एकोऽयं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य परायणमवस्थितः |
एतच्छेषं बलं तस्य किं तिष्ठित हरीश्वराः || ८९-६-८
"O cheifs of monkeys! Here stands before you, one who is the last support of Ravana. He is all that is left in his force. Why do you stand idle?"
अस्मिंश्च निहते पापे राक्षसे रणमूर्धनि |
रावणम् वर्जयित्वा तु शेषमस्य बलं हतम् || ८९-६-९
"At the end of this war, if this sinful demon is killed, the remaining army is as good as killed, except Ravana."
प्रहस्तो निहतो वीरो निकुम्भश्च महाबलः |
कुम्भकर्णश्च कुम्भश्च धूम्राक्षश्च निशाचरः || ८९-६-१०
जम्बुमाली महामाली तीक्षणवेगोऽशनिप्रभः |
सुप्तग्नो यज्ञकोपश्च वज्रदंष्ट्रस्च राक्षसः || ८९-६-११
सिम्ह्रादी विकटोऽरिघ्नस्तपनो मंद एव च |
प्रघासः प्रघसश्चैव प्रजङ्घो जङ्घ एव च || ८९-६-१२
अग्निकेतुश्च दुर्धर्षो रश्मिकेतुश्च वीर्यवान् |
विद्युज्जिह्वो द्विजिह्वश्च सूर्यशत्रुश्च राक्षसः || ८९-६-१३
अकम्पनः सुपार्श्वश्च चक्रमाली च राक्षसः |
कम्पनः सत्त्ववनौ तौ देवान्तकनरान्तकौ || ८९-६-१४
Prahasta was killed. The valiant Nikumbha, the mighty Kumbhakarna, Kumbha, the demon called Dhumraksha, Jambumali, Mahamali, the highly swift Ashaniprabha, Suptaghna, Yajnakopa, a demon named Vajradamshtra, Samhadri, Vikata the destroyer of enemies, Tapana, Manda, Praghaasa, Praghasa, PrajaN^gha, JaN^ga, Agniketu who was difficult to be conquered, Agniketu, the valiant Rashmiketu, vidyujjihva, Dvijihva, Suryashatru, Akampana, Suparshva, Chakramali, Kampana and the mighty Devantaka were also killed."
एतान्निहत्यातिबलान् बहून् राक्षससत्तमान् |
बाहुभ्यां सागरं तीर्त्वा लङ्घ्यतां गोष्पदं लघु || ८९-६-१५
Having killed these many mighty and foremost of demons and having swun the ocen, let the tiny puddle be crossed."
एतावदिह शेषं वो जेतव्यमिह वानराः |
हताः सर्वे समागम्य राक्षसा बलदर्पिताः || ८९-६-१६
"O monkeys! Only this much of army remains yet to be conquered here. All the demons, who were proud of their strength, having come to the battle-field here, were killed by you."
अयुक्तं निधनं कर्तुं पुत्रस्य जनितुर्मम |
घृणामपास्य रामार्थे निहन्यां भ्रातुरात्मजम् || ८९-६-१७
"Driving away tenderness, for the sake of Rama, I will kill my own brother's son though being his uncle (who is as good as a father), it is not appropriate for me to compose his death."
हन्तुकामस्य मे बाष्पं चक्षुश् चैव निरुध्यते |
तदेवैष महाबाहुर्लक्ष्मणः शमयिष्यति || ८९-६-१८
वानरा घ्नन्तुं सम्भूय भृत्यानस्य समीपगान् |
"My eyes are getting cluded with tear, even when I think of killing him. This long-armed Lakshmana alone will finish him. O Monkeys! All of you, together, kill his servents standing beside him."
इति तेनातियशसा राक्षसेनाभिचोदिताः || ८९-६-१९
वानरेन्द्रा जहृषिरे लाङ्गलानि च विव्यधुः |
Thus impelled by that illustrious Vibhishana, those monkey-chiefs were rejoiced and lashed their tails (in a happy mood)."
ततस्ते कपिशार्दूलाः क्ष्वेडन्तश्च मुहुर्मुहुः || ८९-६-२०
मुमुचुर्विविधान्नादान्मेघान्दृष्ट्वेव बर्हिणः |
Then, those monkeys-cheifs, roaring time and again, emitted various kinds of sounds resembling the sounds of peacocks at the time of seeing the clouds."
जाम्बवानपि तैः सर्वैः स्वयूथैरभिसंवृतः || ८९-६-२१
अश्मभिस्ताडयामास नखैर्दन्तैश्च राक्षसान् |
Even Jambavan and those monkeys, accompanied by all those, who belong to their identical troops, began to strike the demons with stones, nails and teeth."
निघ्नन्तमृक्षाधिपतिं राक्षसास्ते महाबलाः || ८९-६-२२
परिवव्रुर्भयं त्यक्त्वा तमनेकविधायुधाः |
Those mighty demons, having various kinds of weapons, abandoning their fear, surrounded that Jambavan, who was playing havoc on them."
शरैः परशुभिस्तीक्ष्णैः पट्टसैर्यष्टितोमरैः || ८९-६-२३
जाम्बवन्तं मृधे जघ्नुर्निघ्नन्तं राक्षसीं चमूम् |
They struck Jambavan, who was killing the army of demons in battle, with sharp axes, spears with sharp edges, sticks and javelins."
स सम्प्रहारस्तुमुलः सञ्जज्ञे कपिराक्षसाम् || ८९-६-२४
देवासुराणां क्रुद्धानां यथा भीमो महास्वनः |
That tumultuous and terrific battle accompanied by a great noise, occured between the monkeys and the demons as between enraged celestials and demons."
हनूमानपि सङ्क्रुद्धः सालमुत्पाट्य पर्वतात् || ८९-६-२५
स लक्ष्मणं स्वयं पृष्ठादवरोप्य महामनाः |
रक्षसां कदनं चक्रे समासाद्य सहस्रशः || ८९-६-२६
That haughty Hanuma too who felt enraged, causing Lakshmana to descend from his back, and tearing up Sala tree from a mountain, approached the demons and himself began to destroy those demons in their thousands."
स दत्त्वा तुमुलं युद्धं पितृव्यस्येन्द्रजिद्युधि || ८९-६-२७
लक्ष्मणं परवीरघ्नं पुनरेवाभ्यधावत |
That mighty Indrajit, the destroyer valiant enemies, after giving a tumultuous fight to his uncle, yet again rushed towards Lakshmana."
तौ प्रयुद्धौ तदा वीरौ मृधे लक्ष्मणराक्षसौ |
शरौघानभिवर्षन्तौ जघ्नतुस्तौ परस्परम् || ८९-६-२८
The two valiant celebreties, Lakshmana and Indrajit, the two intense fighters in battle, then began to strike each other, showering a multitude of arrows on their enemies."
अभीक्ष्णमन्तर्दधतुः शरजालैर्महाबलौ |
चन्द्रादित्याविवोष्णान्ते यथा मेघैस्तरस्विनौ || ८९-६-२९
The mighty and energetic Lakshmana and Indrajit covered each other off exceedingly by a network of arrows, in the same way as the sun and the moon are veiled by clouds at the end of summer."
न ह्यादानं न सन्धानं धनुषो वा परिग्रहः |
न विप्रमोक्षो बाणानां न विकर्षो न विग्रहः || ८९-६-३०
न मुष्टिप्रतिसन्धानं न लक्ष्यप्रतिपादनम् |
अदृश्यत तयोस्तत्र युध्यतोः पाणिलाघवात् || ८९-६-३१
Due to lightness of their hands, even as they fight there, neither the holding of the bow, nor the taking off the arrows, nor fitting them on their bow-string, nor adjusting their fists, nor drawing the bow-string nor attaining the target was visible."
चापवेगप्रमुक्तैश्च बाणजालैः समन्ततः |
अन्तरिक्षेऽभिसञ्चन्ने न रूपाणि चकाशिरे || ८९-६-३२
The sky, having been covered by a multitude of arrows, on all sides, discharged with force by them both, was shrouded in darkness."
लक्ष्मणो रावणिं प्राप्य रावणिश्चापि लक्ष्मणम् |
अव्यवस्था भवत्युग्रा ताभ्यामन्योन्यविग्रहे || ८९-६-३३
Meeting Indrajit, Lakshmana fought with him. Meeting Lakshmana, Indrajit too took the offensive. As they clashed with each other, there was terrible confusion (as to who would win ultimately)."
ताभ्यामुभाभ्यां तरसा प्रसृष्टैर्विशिखैः शितैः |
निरन्तरमिवाकाशं बभूव तमसा वृतम् || ८९-६-३४
By the sharp arrows released almost continuously with the sky was covered with darkness."
तैः परद्भिश्च बहुभिस्तयोः शरशतैः शितैः |
दिशश्च प्रदिशश्चैव बभूवुः शरसंकुलाः || ८९-६-३५
By the fall of a multitude of their sharp arrows in hundreds, the quarters and sub-quarters were filled with arrows."
तमसा पिहितं सर्वमासीद्भीमतरं महत् |
न तदानीइ|म् ववौ वायुर्न जज्वाल च पावकः || ८९-६-३६
रुधिरौघ महानद्यः प्रावर्तन्त सहस्रशः |
All the space was covered with darkness, showing up great fear. While the sun was setting down, encircling darkness all over, large streams of blood in plenty poured out."
क्रव्यादा दारुणा वाग्भिश्चिक्षिपुर्भीमनिःस्वनान् || ८९-६-३७
न तदानीम् ववौ वायुर्न च जज्वाल पावकः |
Cruel and carnivorous animals diffused awful sounds with their roaring noise. Wind did not blow at that time nor the wind blazed up."
स्वस्त्यस्तु लोकेभ्य इति जजल्पश्च महर्षयः || ८९-६-३८
सम्पेतुश्चात्र सम्प्राप्ता गन्धर्वाः सह चारणैः |
Those great sages proclaimed, "May it be well for the (three) worlds!" The frightened Gandharvas the celestial musicians along with Charanas, the wandering singers arrived there to see tha battle-field."
अथ राक्षससिंहस्य कृष्णान्कनकभूषणान् || ८९-६-३९
शरैश्चतुर्भिः सौमित्रिर्विव्याध चतुरो हयान् |
By discharging four arrows, Lakshmana then struck four black gold-adorned horses of Indrajit."
ततोऽपरेण भल्लेन सूतस्य विचरिष्यतः || ८९-६-४०
संपूर्णायतमुक्तेन सुपत्रेण सुवर्चसा |
महेन्द्राशनिकल्पेन सूतस्य विचरिष्यतः || ८९-६-४१
स तेन बाणाशनिना तलशब्दानुनादिना |
लाघवाद्राघवः श्रीमाञ्शिरः कायादपाहरत् || ८९-६-४२
Thereupon, with alacrity of his hand, that illustrious Lakshmana, fully stretching and releasing another sharp thunderbolt-like arrow, named Bhalla, which was yellowish in colour, with charming plumes, having a good splendour similar to Indra's thunderbolt and echoing a clapping sound, severed the head of Indrajit's charioteer from his trunk, even as he was circling around."
स यन्तरि महातेजा हते मन्दोदरीसुतः |
स्वयं सारथ्यमकरोत्पुनश्च धनुर्स्पृशत् || ८९-६-४३
When the charioteer was killed, the greatly splendoured Indrajit did the charioteering by himself and also took hold of his bow."
तदद्भुतमभूत्तत्र सामर्थ्यं पश्यतां युधि |
हयेषु व्यग्रहस्तं तं विव्याध निशितैः शरैः || ८९-६-४४
धनुष्यथ पुनर्व्यग्रे हयेषु मुमुचे शरान् |
For them, who saw his capability in that battle, it looked wonderful. When he was driving his horses, Lakshmana struck him with sharp arrows. When he was attending to his bow, he released arrows on horses."
चिद्रेषु तेषु बाणौघैर्विचरन्तमभीतवत् || ८९-६-४५
अर्दयामास समरे सौमित्रिः शीग्रकृत्तमः |
Lakshmana, who was swift in his acts, tormented Indrajit who was ranging the battle-field fearlessly, with a multitude of arrows on such opportune occasions."
निहतं सारथिं दृष्ट्वा समरे रावणात्मजः || ८९-६-४६
प्रजहौ समरोद्धर्षं विषण्णः स बभूव ह |
Seeing his charioteer killed in battle, Indrajit became dejected and los this entusiasm in undertaking the combat."
विषण्णवदनं दृष्ट्वा राक्षसं हरियूथपाः || ८९-६-४७
ततः परमसंहृष्टो लक्ष्मणं चाभ्यपूजयन् |
Seeing Indrajit with a despondent face, the monkey-chiefs were very much dejected and then acclaimed Lakshmana."
ततः प्रमाथी शरभो रभसो गन्धमादनः || ८९-६-४८
अमृष्यमाणाश्चात्वारश्चक्रुर्वेगं हरीश्वराः |
Then, four monkey-leaders named Pramathi, Rabhasa, Sharabha and Gandhamadana, getting impatient, acted hastily."
ते चास्य हयमुख्येषु तूर्णमुत्पत्य वानराः || ८९-६-४९
चतुर्षु सुमहावीर्या निपेतुर्भीमविक्रमाः |
Those four mokeys, having a great might and terrible prowess, quickly bounced and descended on his ecellent horses."
तेषामधिष्ठितानां तैर्वानरैः पर्वतोपमैः || ८९-६-५०
मुखेभ्यो रुधिरं व्यक्तं हयानां समवर्तत |
Blood started flowing from the mouths of those horses pressed under the weight of those monkeys, as huge as mountains."
ते निहत्य हयांस्तस्य प्रमथ्य च महारथम् || ८९-६-५१
पुनरुत्पत्य वेगेन तस्थुर्लक्ष्मणपार्श्वतः |
स हताश्वादवप्लुत्य रथान्मथितसारथेः || ८९-६-५२
Those crushed orses, with their limbs broken as also moving to and fro, fell down dead on the ground. After killing his hrses, those monkeys also crushed that great chariot and jumping up again with speed, they stood by the side of Lakshmana."
स हताश्वादवप्लुत्य रथान्मथितसारथिः |
शरवर्षेण सौमित्रिमभ्यधावत रावणि || ८९-६-५३
That Indrajit; hatasaarathiH= whose charioteer was killed hataashvaat= and whose horses were destroyed; avaplutya= leaped down; rathaat= from his chariot; abhyadhaavata= and attacked; saumitrim= Lakshmana; sharavarSheNa= with streams of arrows."
ततो महेन्द्रप्रतिमंह्स लक्ष्मणः |
पदातिनं तं निशितैः शरोत्तमैः |
सृजन्तमादौ निशिताञ्शरोत्तमान्
भृशं तदा बाणगणैर्न्यवारयत् || ८९-६-५४
Then, that Lakshmana like Indra the lord of celestials, restrained those arrows with many a number of his arrows. That Indrajit was coming on foot, as his excellent ohrses had been killed and began to release exquisite sharp arrows in battle."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे एकोननवतितमः सर्गः