Book 10 >> HYMN 107 - Daksina

आविरभून महि माघोनमेषां विश्वं जीवं तमसो निरमोचि |
महि जयोतिः पित्र्भिर्दत्तमागादुरुः पन्थादक्षिणाया अदर्शि
English:- . THESE men's great bounty hath been manifested, and the whole world of life set free from darkness.
Great light hath come, vouchsafed us by the Fathers: apparent is the spacious path of Guerdon.

उच्चा दिवि दक्षिणावन्तो अस्थुर्ये अश्वदाः सह तेसूर्येण |
हिरण्यदा अम्र्तत्वं भजन्ते वासोदाः सोम परतिरन्त आयुः
English:- High up in heaven abide the Guerdon-givers: they who give steeds dwell with the Sun for ever.
They who give gold are blest with life eternal. they who give robes prolong their lives, O Soma.

दैवी पूर्तिर्दक्षिणा देवयज्या न कवारिभ्यो नहि तेप्र्णन्ति |
अथा नरः परयतदक्षिणासो.अवद्यभियाबहवः पर्णन्ति
English:- Not from the niggards-for they give not fireely-comes Meed at sacrifice, Gods' satisfaction:
Yea, many men with hands stretched out with Guerdon present their gifts because they dread dishonour.

शतधारं वायुमर्कं सवर्विदं नर्चक्षसस्ते अभिचक्षते हविः |
ये पर्णन्ति पर च यछन्ति संगमे तेदक्षिणां दुहते सप्तमातरम
English:- These who observe mankind regard oblation as streamy Vāyu and light-finding Arka.
They satisfy and give their gifts in synod, and pour in streams the seven-mothered Guerdon.

दक्षिणावान परथमो हूत एति दक्षिणावान गरामणीरग्रमेति |
तमेव मन्ये नर्पतिं जनानां यः परथमोदक्षिणामाविवाय
English:- He who brings Guerdon comes as first invited: chief of the hamlet comes the Guerdon-bearer.
Him I account the ruler of the people who was the first to introduce the Guerdon.

तमेव रषिं तमु बरह्माणमाहुर्यज्ञन्यं सामगामुक्थशासम |
स शुक्रस्य तन्वो वेद तिस्रो यः परथमोदक्षिणया रराध
English:- They call him Ṛṣi, Brahman, Sāma-chanter, reciter of the laud, leader of worship.
The brightly-shining God's three forms he knoweth who first bestowed the sacrificial Guerdon.

दक्षिणाश्वं दक्षिणा गां ददाति दक्षिणा चन्द्रमुत यद धिरण्यम |
दक्षिणान्नं वनुते यो न आत्मादक्षिणां वर्म कर्णुते विजानन
English:- Guerdon bestows the horse, bestows the bullock, Guerdon bestows, moreover, gold that Rsisters.
Guerdon gives food which is our life and spirit. He who is wise takes Guerdon for his armour.

न भोजा मम्रुर्न नयर्थमीयुर्न रिष्यन्ति न वयथन्ते हभोजाः |
इदं यद विश्वं भुवनं सवश्चैतत सर्वन्दक्षिणैभ्यो ददाति
English:- The liberal die not, never are they ruined: the liberal suffer neither harm nor trouble.
The light of heaven, the universe about us,-all this doth sacrificial Guerdon give them.

भोजा जिग्युः सुरभिं योनिमग्रे भोजा जिग्युर्वध्वं यासुवासाः |
भोजा जिग्युरन्तःपेयं सुराया भोजा जिग्युर्ये अहूताः परयन्ति
English:- First have the liberal gained a fragrant dwelling, and got themselves a bride in fair apparel.
The liberal have obtained their draught of liquor, and conquered those who, unprovoked, assailed them.

भोजायाश्वं सं मर्जन्त्याशुं भोजायास्ते कन्याशुम्भमाना |
भोजस्येदं पुष्करिणीव वेश्म परिष्क्र्तन्देवमानेव चित्रम
English:- They deck the fleet steed for the bounteous giver: the maid adorns herself and waits to meet him.
His home is like a lake with lotus blossoms, like the Gods' palaces adorned and splendid.

भोजमश्वाः सुष्ठुवाहो वहन्ति सुव्र्द रथो वर्ततेदक्षिणायाः |
भोजं देवासो.अवता भरेषु भोजःशत्रून समनीकेषु जेता
English:- Steeds good at draught convey the liberal giver, and lightly rolling moves the car of Guerdon.
Assist, ye Gods, the liberal man in battles: the liberal giver conquers foes in combat.