Book 10 >> HYMN 187 - Agni
पराग्नये वाचमीरय वर्षभाय कषितीनाम |
स नःपर्षदति दविषः
स नःपर्षदति दविषः
English:- . To Agni send I forth my song, to him the Bull of all the folk:
So may he bear us past our foes.
So may he bear us past our foes.
यः परस्याः परावतस्तिरो धन्वातिरोचते |
स नःपर्षदति दविषः
English:- Who from the distance far away shines brilliantly across the wastes:
So may he bear us past our foes.
So may he bear us past our foes.
यो रक्षांसि निजूर्वति वर्षा शुक्रेण शोचिषा |
स नःपर्षदति दविषः
English:- The Bull with brightly-gleaming flame who utterly consumes the fiends
So may he bear us past our foes.
So may he bear us past our foes.
यो विश्वाभि विपश्यति भुवना सं च पश्यति |
स नःपर्षदति दविषः
English:- Who looks on all existing things and comprehends them with his view:
So may he bear us past our foes.
So may he bear us past our foes.
यो अस्य पारे रजसः शुक्रो अग्निरजायत |
स नः पर्षदति दविषः
English:- Resplendent Agni, who was born in farthest region of the air:
So may he bear us past our foes.
So may he bear us past our foes.