Book 8 >> HYMN 56 - Adityas

परति ते दस्यवे वर्क राधो अदर्श्यह्रयम |
दयौर्न परथिना शवः
English:- . Now pray we to these Ksatriyas, to the Ādityas for their aid,
These who are gracious to assist.

दश मह्यं पौतक्रतः सहस्रा दस्यवे वर्कः |
नित्याद रायो अमंहत
English:- May Mitra bear us o'er distress, and Varuṇa and Aryaman,
Yea, the Ādityas, as they know.

शतं मे गर्दभानां शतमूर्णावतीनाम |
शतं दासानति सरजः
English:- For wonderful and meet for praise is these Ādityas' saving help
To him who offers and prepares.

तत्रो अपि पराणीयत पूतक्रतायै वयक्ता |
अश्वानामिन न यूथ्याम
English:- The mighty aid of you, the Great, Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman,
We claim to be our sure defence.

अचेत्यग्निश्चिकितुर्हव्यवाट स सुमद्रथः |
अग्निः शुक्रेण शोचिषा बर्हत सूरो अरोचत दिवि सूर्यो अरोचत
English:- Guard us, Ādityas, still alive, before the deadly weapon strike:
Are yc not they who hear our call?