Book 9 >> HYMN 14 - Soma Pavamana

परि परासिष्यदत कविः सिन्धोरूर्मावधि शरितः |
कारं बिभ्रत पुरुस्प्र्हम
English:- . REPOSING on the river's wave the Sage hath widely flowed around,
Bearing the hymn which many love.

गिरा यदी सबन्धवः पञ्च वराता अपस्यवः |
परिष्क्र्ण्वन्ति धर्णसिम
English:- When the Five kindred Companies, active in duty, with the song
Establish him, the Powerful,

आदस्य शुष्मिणो रसे विश्वे देवा अमत्सत |
यदी गोभिर्वसायते
English:- Then in his juice whose strength is great, have all the Gods rejoiced themselves,
When he hath clothed him in the milk.

निरिणानो वि धावति जहच्छर्याणि तान्वा |
अत्रा सं जिघ्नते युजा
English:- Freeing himself he flows away, leaving his body's severed limbs,
And meets his own Companion here.

नप्तीभिर्यो विवस्वतः शुभ्रो न माम्र्जे युवा |
गाः कर्ण्वानो न निर्णिजम
English:- He by the daughters of the priest, like a fair youth, hath been adorned,
Making the milk, as 'twere, his robe.

अति शरिती तिरश्चता गव्या जिगात्यण्व्या |
वग्नुमियर्ति यं विदे
English:- O'er the fine fingers, through desire of milk, in winding course he goes,
And utters voice which he hath found.

अभि कषिपः समग्मत मर्जयन्तीरिषस पतिम |
पर्ष्ठा गर्भ्णत वाजिनः
English:- The nimble fingers have approached, adorning him the Lord of Strength:
They grasp the vigorous Courser's back.

परि दिव्यानि मर्म्र्शद विश्वानि सोम पार्थिवा |
वसूनि याह्यस्मयुः
English:- Comprising all the treasures that are in the heavens and on the earth,
Come, Soma, as our faithful Friend.