Book 7 >> HYMN 68 - Asvins

आ शुभ्रा यातमश्विना सवश्वा गिरो दस्रा जुजुषाणा युवाकोः |
हव्यानि च परतिभ्र्ता वीतं नः
English:- . COME, radiant Aśvins, with your noble horses: accept your servant's hymns, ye Wonder-Workers:
Enjoy oblations which we bring to greet you.

पर वामन्धांसि मद्यान्यस्थुररं गन्तं हविषो वीतये मे |
तिरो अर्यो हवनानि शरुतं नः
English:- The gladdening juices stand prepared before you: come quickly and partake of mine oblation.
Pass by the calling of our foe and bear us.

पर वां रथो मनोजवा इयर्ति तिरो रजांस्यश्विना शतोतिः |
अस्मभ्यं सूर्यावसू इयानः
English:- Your chariot with a hundred aids, O Aśvins, beareth you swift as thought across the regions,
Speeding to us, O ye whose wealth is Sūrya.

अयं ह यद वां देवया उ अद्रिरूर्ध्वो विवक्ति सोमसुद युवभ्याम |
आ वल्गू विप्रो वव्र्तीत हव्यैः
English:- What time this stone of yours, the Gods' adorer, upraised, sounds forth for you as Soma-presser,
Let the priest bring you, Fair Ones, through oblations.

चित्रं ह यद वां भोजनं नवस्ति नयत्रये महिष्वन्तं युयोतम |
यो वामोमानं दधते परियः सन
English:- The nourishment ye have is, truly, wondrous: ye gave thereof a quickening store to Atri,
Who being dear to you, receives your favour.

उत तयद वां जुरते अश्विना भूच्च्यवानाय परतीत्यं हविर्दे |
अधि यद वर्प इतूति धत्थः
English:- That gift, which all may gain, ye gave Cyavāna, when he grew old, who offered you oblations,
When ye bestowed on him enduring beauty.

उत तयं भुज्युमश्विना सखायो मध्ये जहुर्दुरेवासः समुद्रे |
निरीं पर्षदरावा यो युवाकुः
English:- What time his wicked friends abandoned Bhujyu, O Aśvins, in the middle of the ocean,
Your horse delivered him, your faithful servant.

वर्काय चिज्जसमानाय शक्तमुत शरुतं शयवे हूयमाना |
यावघ्न्यामपिन्वतमपो न सतर्यं चिच्छक्त्यश्विनाशचीभिः
English:- Ye lent your aid to Vrka when exhausted, and listened when invoked to Śayu's calling.
Ye made the cow pour forth her milk like water, and, Aśvins, strengthened with your strength the barren.

एष सय कारुर्जरते सूक्तैरग्रे बुधान उषसां सुमन्मा |
इषा तं वर्धदघ्न्या पयोभिर्यूयं पात ...
English:- With his fair hymns this singer, too, extols you, waking with glad thoughts at the break of morning.
May the cow nourish him with milk to feed llim. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.